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Blackpill Women are attracted to status, not looks.



Dec 9, 2017
I've stumbled upon a few articles about Vanessa Trump being attracted to a degenerate drug dealer in High School, and it got me thinking.


NOTE: Looks only apply if you are horribly deformed, if you're just naturally ugly but do not have any severe deformity, it's your status, not looks.

Women, are and will always be attracted to Criminals, rapists and other degenerates, because they have status in their social sphere.
Highschool/college gangsters are usually extremely popular and thus can get laid regardless of looks (look at the guy in the article, he is a legit 4/10 and you can bet your money on him fucking dozens if not hundreds of women before turning 21) they have a lot of status within their social circle which women are attracted to.
It is reflective of human behaviour in hunter-gatherer tribes, where the average tribe/group would be around 50-150 people, where the leaders of the group also known as the strongest, most extroverted males hogged most of the women, which links to "only 1 in 17 men got to reproduce 8,000 years ago" (https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success). The only time women would leave an extremely popular male is when an even more popular male comes along, with much more status. (Before cucktears attacks this, remember that humans have existed for 200,000 years and civilisation only existed for 6,000 years, which accounts for only around 3% of our history, which obviously isn't enough to permanently alter human behaviour unless we did so artificially)

Think of status as not just being "popular" but your ability to influence people due to them looking up to you. The more people you can influence, the more power you have, and we're not talking about meme "money" power. Money is just a way to FAKE status, and women know this. Just look at Elon Musk, the guy is a literal billionaire and stuggles with women, it's because all women know that deep down he has no status, he was bullied and cannot influence people in any way except artificially, by paying them (https://www.independent.co.uk/life-...fe-marriage-happy-talulah-riley-a8058611.html). Women perceive him as weak, he tries to cope by attempting to achieve great things for the benefit of humanity, but women do not care, they just subconsciously see it as a poor attempt to win status.

The real end game is status, not looks (unless you look like onecooldude). It also explains why there are so many conventionally attractive men here that struggle with inceldom such as @whogivesafucc, if women only cared about looks they would've been chad-lites/normies right now, but unfortunately they don't, they care about status, which explains all these numerous outliers to the "women only care about looks theory"

TL;DR: Women care about status, not looks (unless you are awfully ugly)

Of course, but you will still get cucked behind your back.
Of course, but you will still get cucked behind your back.
Only if you're faking status.
True status will make you more attractive than any top tier Chad (Just look at Ryan Gosling, he is a Chad-lite without status and has more women attracted to him than any male model out there)
Only if you're faking status.
True status will make you more attractive than any top tier Chad (Just look at Ryan Gosling, he is a Chad-lite without status and has more women attracted to him than any male model out there)
Okay, and how many incels are or can get to high status? Probably <1%, so what's the point? We all already know status can get you anything. Many here make fun of Zucc, but he can literally do anything he wants in this world.
Status can be duplicate, looks can't. So keep coping as much as you can OP
yep probably explains why more poor guys are incel.
Status can do more than looks. I don't think JB could slay if he wasn't famous.
Status can be duplicate, looks can't. So keep coping as much as you can OP
Status is mainly predetermined by your upbringing.
If you were ever the "shy" kid or had need bullied you will never be a high status male.

You can make yourself look better through surgery, but it isn't a surefire way to increase your status.
yeah I am sure females got attracted to Jeremy Meek's bad ass prisoner with no job status
Women are naturally attracted to degenerates as they want to be abused, but that's another story.

Also, with extremely good looking men you can immediately assume they're high status as looks can give you a shortcut to high status if utilised properly.
From a lot of other posters here on this forum, apparently not.
From a lot of other posters here on this forum, apparently not.
We are all low status males, it is the only thing that is constant throughout the incel community.

How else would you explain good looking incels that fail to get laid?
We are all low status males, it is the only thing that is constant throughout the incel community.

How else would you explain good looking incels that fail to get laid?

Extreme mental instability.

Otherwise, status will not beat looks.
Status is very important. If you are in a group, say a class, the woman will make herself available for the guy that appears to be the most competent and interesting, rather than for the one who approaches her.
How do chads show their status on tinder, and at bars and clubs when they are drunk?
Horseshit. You've obviously been here long enough to see the tinder experiment with a Chad pic pretending to be a low status virgin. So idk why you'd even consider that.
A tinder experiment*. They all show the same thing: Status doesn't matter if you're Chad.
yeah but being good looking automatically makes you look higher status havent you seen any faceandlms videos talking about that
Only attractiveness generates attraction. Money, status, etc, generate prostitution.
Bullshit. Women are attracted to height face frame and big cocks.
if status=jawline then yes i agree
I have ZERO status so I think that is the main reason for me
I honestly have no clue what they are attracted to, but I think it's exclusively looks... although I have seen an insane number of outliers to this fact, so I'm not sure.
Looks give you status for free
they care about both. I don't get why people act like it's mutually exclusive.
It's not just status.

It's looks, money AND status (in that order).
Believing that status doesn't matter or only leads to betabuxing and betrayal has always been the biggest cope on incel boards
Literal kings have gotten cucked. Status isn't enough.
Status is being known as a "retarded who doesn't talk to anyone"?
Okay, and how many incels are or can get to high status? Probably <1%, so what's the point? We all already know status can get you anything. Many here make fun of Zucc, but he can literally do anything he wants in this world.

This is the main problem with trying to win through status. You need to either be willing to commit crimes (ie. go to jail), you need a lot of luck. There are no easy shortcuts to status.

To be in the top 20% of looks, you only need 1/5 luck. To be minor level "celebrity tier" status, you need to be 1/1000 lucky at a minimum.

It's the same with money. For money to really matter you need to be into the millionaire and billionaire rankings. ie. Top 0.5%. Top 1% even won't do it.

So in terms of probabilities, you have a much better chance of getting laid because you are sufficiently physically attractive (1/5) than you do of getting laid because you have money (1/200) or status (1/1000 if no crimes committed).
Its easier to have status/money if youre gl. It requires way more work for ugly guys
So in terms of probabilities, you have a much better chance of getting laid because you are sufficiently physically attractive (1/5) than you do of getting laid because you have money (1/200) or status (1/1000 if no crimes committed).
You're right but I don't get OPs thread, what goal does he have in mind? Just blackpill us even worse?

I see the blackpill as a positive in my life so all blackpills are good for me, but most incels take it negatively. Despite all the shit I want to move forward, if I'm not trying I might as well kill myself which I will do in a year from now if I don't make it.
You're right but I don't get OPs thread, what goal does he have in mind? Just blackpill us even worse?

I see the blackpill as a positive in my life so all blackpills are good for me, but most incels take it negatively. Despite all the shit I want to move forward, if I'm not trying I might as well kill myself which I will do in a year from now if I don't make it.

I would see this thread first:


I think it's legit.
yeah I am sure females got attracted to Jeremy Meek's bad ass prisoner with no job status

...they were + he had looks.

There is no denying that.
I would see this thread first:


I think it's legit.
It's legit. I agree that copes are 100% the only way to keep living but for me I can't go on another year with autism/inceldom. The copes like food, anime, videogames, consumerism, and other copes don't even make me happy anymore. So I'm killing myself or copemaxxing by going homeless and getting into drugs, alcohol, and smoking and I'll fuck around until I drop dead from hunger, exposure, assault, accident, suicide, or whatever.

The homeless life can't be SO bad, especially around large cities like New York where I could just hang all day in Manhattan where it's safe and just find an open network, then retreat into a secluded spot at night.

It's almost likely you'll get cucked if you don't have face. Status is a temporary thing, as I was very popular in elementary school and now I only have a couple of friends.

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