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Blackpill Women ADORE the white Man.



M̶e̶n̶t̶a̶l̶c̶e̶l̶ Mentally ill Truecel
Nov 8, 2017

They've purposefully put male female male female to obscure the results.

Here's the same graph with just the foids.


Women from every single race prefer the white man over their own men, the only exception is black women and even there its marginal.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/2010011...online-dating-even-the-politically-i/19261774
this is the truth and faggots will deny it.
Also, when they mean white man, they mean chad.
None of these women would ever want anything to do with us
Women are the biggest white supremacists there are. If only Hitler knew that he just needed to lay back and watch women act out his idea of eugenics.
The orange bar for middle eastern foids is huge, the racepill is brutal.
I wish I was white :cryfeels:
Only good looking white men.
Also, when they mean white man, they mean chad.
None of these women would ever want anything to do with us

In an ethnic foid's eyes any white guy who isn't disfigured is automatically a Chad.
i've had ethnic females treat me like shit for no reason, while they treated these white guys like kings

the racepill is brutal, every ethnic whore wants white cock
whats up with all the anti white hate today

They've purposefully put male female male female to obscure the results.

Here's the same graph with just the foids.


Women from every single race prefer the white man over their own men, the only exception is black women and even there its marginal.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/2010011...online-dating-even-the-politically-i/19261774

Yeah fuck the idiots who say "BBC"
Blacks are literally asian/indian tier, even behind hispanics (who can ALSO be white/white passing)
:feelshmm:, but do they have graphs/data for the least attractive.
Lmaoo of course noodlewhores again worshipping whites
I'm white, where's my happiness? Well? I've been the whitest person alive for 36 years now and I'm still waiting...
Yeah fuck the idiots who say "BBC"
Blacks are literally asian/indian tier, even behind hispanics (who can ALSO be white/white passing)

Foids might not want to get into a relationship with them but they sure love riding dat BBC.

And look at the Indian cucks - Indian men have the highest in-group preference for ethnics even though their own women would rather be with a 2/10 white guy.
I’m white, where’s my harem?
this is the truth and faggots will deny it.
JBW only works in asian countries tbhtbh
every other place you will be treated like you don't even exist
JFL white incel larpers they deny the white worshipping because they expect women to come into their neet caves

In an ethnic foid's eyes any white guy who isn't disfigured is automatically a Chad.
You have zero evidence for this, meanwhile ethnics have all the evidence in the world that foids overwhelmingly prefer whites whether it being casual sex or dating.
You've never been to Central or Northern Europe. Ethnics are preferred here by a lot of white women.
foids overwhelmingly prefer whites whether it being casual sex or dating.
That's what I said... where did I disagree on that?
You've never been to Central or Northern Europe. Ethnics are preferred here by a lot of white women.
Only high-T robust Arab light-skinned Chadfugees. A currycel will still be an incel there.
JFL white incel larpers they deny the white worshipping because they expect women to come into their neet caves
Cope. I gymcel, not overweight in any way and I'm soon to have my 5th plastic surgery. Every time I go out in public people look at me like I'm subhuman, even though I'm of scandinavian phenotype.
Also, when they mean white man, they mean chad.
None of these women would ever want anything to do with us
I'm white ... hand me the pussy I deserve currycels.
Where is my fucking pussy currycels????
Whites = the modern gods.

What a gift it would be.

I still don't understand how pharmaceutical companies haven't solved this problem yet.
You're Jewish, not white.
Not Jewish, Slavic. That's arguably not so white either but I'm pale. I look pale even in a white shirt.

Across the board it’s a fact that whites have the advantage in this regard, but it’s stupid to interpret this as “white can’t be incel”. No race is safe from ugly
Whites have an advantage in countries with significant nonwhite populations and only if they want nonwhite foids (volcel if they wouldn't).
But it's not that much of an advantage anyway. A pretty face trumps everything
220px Jeremy Meeks Mug Shot
across the board it’s a fact that whites have the advantage in this regard, but it’s stupid to interpret it as “white can’t be incel”. no race is safe from ugly
Jfl white halo is too strong. Every race of foid on this planet wants a white man first before any other race. There is no denying the inherit advantage whites possess, its like denying gravity exists.
The racepill is fucking brutal man...

I don't follow.
As in skin lightening or?

Yes. All we need is a tablet to block the enzyme which makes melanin and we can all be white. It won't make us taller or fix our features but skin color is a huge part of what makes whites gods and we could have that at least too. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
Yes. All we need is a tablet to block the enzyme which makes melanin and we can all be white. It won't make us taller or fix our features but skin color is a huge part of what makes whites gods and we could have that at least too. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
Eh. I suppose it wouldn't be approved by the FDA, and if you've ever seen black albinos or ethnics photoshops with white skin, it looks unnatural.
Also it may be difficult to judge how much melanin Inhibitors or whatever is to be given.
Eh. I suppose it wouldn't be approved by the FDA, and if you've ever seen black albinos or ethnics photoshops with white skin, it looks unnatural.
Also it may be difficult to judge how much melanin Inhibitors or whatever is to be given.

Yeah that's it. It would be as simple as adjusting the dose to effect. Zero melanin looks unnatural especially on blacks due to their black features but albino curries look like mildly goofy Nordics. A 70-90% reduction in melanin would make many curries look white.

Eg. Albino curry who looks like Svend:

You speak nothing but truth.
who gives a shit what some gay fake studies say
how come i see so many ethniq and bbc males with white females then
The top gigachads of the whites will be the top. But JBW only works in ethnic countries.

That's why there's so many white incels here. The foids goes for white chads, not white incels
You're Jewish, not white.
Wait, he's Jewish? That explains so much of his posts. Typical subversive kike trying to claim that "hating Jews for _________ is cope11!!!1

JFL what a joke.
especially in asian countries
They adore it to the point where they almost worship them
its like being white is an instant respect
"The bolded parts are absolute truth bombs.

I recommend any minority (Indians especially) with an inferiority complex towards white people to actually spend significant time around them. Hear about how the 2008 recession absolutely gutted working class white people and left many of them penniless. One of the first friends I made in college was a white kid from Colorado who narrowly escaped his home getting foreclosed and his family going absolutely bankrupt. One of my best buddies is a white dude from rural Oregon who graduated with an unemployable degree -- he was made further unemployable when the agricultural base of his hometown got flooded with illegal immigrants, meaning that he couldn't even get a job picking grass seed.

These are by and large problems that Indians and Asians don't deal with. We similarly don't have to deal with a media that is dedicated to screaming about how racist we are, or constantly bombarding us with passive aggressive messages. I can't even imagine how annoying that shit must be for the average white dude, I think this more than anything must have clinched Trump's victory.

We also have these things called strong families and an actual culture, both of which are sorely lacking in white suburbia. White families have a vastly higher divorce rate than Asians/Indians, guess how that goes for the kids. White dudes compose 35% of the population, but 75% of all suicides. I've had a number of close friends who were both white and Indian. I think I knew one Indian guy who was abused by his parents, while literally every single close white friend that I've had -- perhaps ten across my short lifetime -- had severely fucked up family situations, ranging from abuse to divorce to sexual assault to a history of mental illness.

Almost every single Indian American family that I've met has treated their kids like gold, at the very least done their best to ensure their success. I absolutely cannot say the same thing for the white families I've known.

Not to knock the parents of some of my white brothers who did a fantastic job, but it is impossible to deny that there is a strong culture malaise affecting white people right now.

You see it in the blatant self hate from white liberals, the preponderance of school shootings at the hands of alienated/crazy whites, and the demographic decline of White Americans in favor of abortions and feminist-fueled casual sex.

Moreover, there really is no cohesive white culture, no homeland for them to go to. When I listen to classical Carnatic music or the Qawwali singing of North India, I feel a connection with my ancestral homeland and culture. I can go back to India and find a five thousand year old culture that inherently belongs to me. As a Brahmin I can participate in ancient rituals and enter temples that would be closed to outsiders.

When I ask white kids how they feel going to Europe, they could give less of a fuck, outside of getting plastered they feel no connection with their ancestral heritage. Up to four hundred years separates white Americans from their ancestral homeland, but for us as Indian guys, we still maintain a strong link to our motherland. This is worth a lot. I recommend that any Indian guys with self esteem issues actually read more about the history of India. Do your Rajput, Sikh, Nair and Maratha ancestors proud, these guys were among the greatest warriors of their time, repeatedly defeating both the Muslims and the British. If they could do that, you can go bang some white girls."

02-08-2017 03:24 AM

Final nail in the coffin for JBW
"The bolded parts are absolute truth bombs.

I recommend any minority (Indians especially) with an inferiority complex towards white people to actually spend significant time around them. Hear about how the 2008 recession absolutely gutted working class white people and left many of them penniless. One of the first friends I made in college was a white kid from Colorado who narrowly escaped his home getting foreclosed and his family going absolutely bankrupt. One of my best buddies is a white dude from rural Oregon who graduated with an unemployable degree -- he was made further unemployable when the agricultural base of his hometown got flooded with illegal immigrants, meaning that he couldn't even get a job picking grass seed.

These are by and large problems that Indians and Asians don't deal with. We similarly don't have to deal with a media that is dedicated to screaming about how racist we are, or constantly bombarding us with passive aggressive messages. I can't even imagine how annoying that shit must be for the average white dude, I think this more than anything must have clinched Trump's victory.

We also have these things called strong families and an actual culture, both of which are sorely lacking in white suburbia. White families have a vastly higher divorce rate than Asians/Indians, guess how that goes for the kids. White dudes compose 35% of the population, but 75% of all suicides. I've had a number of close friends who were both white and Indian. I think I knew one Indian guy who was abused by his parents, while literally every single close white friend that I've had -- perhaps ten across my short lifetime -- had severely fucked up family situations, ranging from abuse to divorce to sexual assault to a history of mental illness.

Almost every single Indian American family that I've met has treated their kids like gold, at the very least done their best to ensure their success. I absolutely cannot say the same thing for the white families I've known.

Not to knock the parents of some of my white brothers who did a fantastic job, but it is impossible to deny that there is a strong culture malaise affecting white people right now.

You see it in the blatant self hate from white liberals, the preponderance of school shootings at the hands of alienated/crazy whites, and the demographic decline of White Americans in favor of abortions and feminist-fueled casual sex.

Moreover, there really is no cohesive white culture, no homeland for them to go to. When I listen to classical Carnatic music or the Qawwali singing of North India, I feel a connection with my ancestral homeland and culture. I can go back to India and find a five thousand year old culture that inherently belongs to me. As a Brahmin I can participate in ancient rituals and enter temples that would be closed to outsiders.

When I ask white kids how they feel going to Europe, they could give less of a fuck, outside of getting plastered they feel no connection with their ancestral heritage. Up to four hundred years separates white Americans from their ancestral homeland, but for us as Indian guys, we still maintain a strong link to our motherland. This is worth a lot. I recommend that any Indian guys with self esteem issues actually read more about the history of India. Do your Rajput, Sikh, Nair and Maratha ancestors proud, these guys were among the greatest warriors of their time, repeatedly defeating both the Muslims and the British. If they could do that, you can go bang some white girls."

02-08-2017 03:24 AM

Final nail in the coffin for JBW

That basically summarizes how whites are fucking retarded because they are the ones who "progressed" society and feminism to the point where women can divorce any man at any time, thus leading to broken homes, plus created SJWs and feminists who are predominantly white and fucking white men, yet simultaneously attacking white men 24/7.

You guys created this mess for yourselves. I mean really - what the fuck have white people been doing the past 50 years except ensuring their own destruction? White people don't even reproduce anymore.

Doesn't change the fact that being white means being taller and better looking with a bigger dick and better muscles than an equal percentile curry/rice man.
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That basically summarizes how whites are fucking retarded because they are the ones who "progressed" society and feminism to the point where women can divorce any man at any time, thus leading to broken homes, plus have SJWs and feminists who are predominantly white and fucking white men, yet simultaneously attacking white men 24/7.

You guys created this mess for yourselves. I mean really - what the fuck have white people been doing the past 50 years except ensuring their own destruction? White people don't even reproduce anymore.

Doesn't change the fact that being white means being taller and better looking with a bigger dick and better muscles than an equal percentile curry/rice man.
Asians and Indians make more on average, they have more privilege and opportunity in society yet get to play the oppressed minority card.

Who gives a shit about being tall or good looking or having muscles? That will only get you so far. It won't pay your rent or put food on your table unless you're Sean O'pry. You're a million times more likely to become a rapper or pro athlete as a black man than to become a male model as a white man.

White SJWs and feminists fucking white Chads doesn't help me at all and it doesn't make their rhetoric any less harmful.
Asians and Indians make more on average, they have more privilege and opportunity in society yet get to play the oppressed minority card.

Who gives a shit about being tall or good looking or having muscles? That will only get you so far. It won't pay your rent or put food on your table unless you're Sean O'pry. You're a million times more likely to become a rapper or pro athlete as a black man than to become a male model as a white man.

White SJWs and feminists fucking white Chads doesn't help me at all and it doesn't make their rhetoric any less harmful.

I agree. In America Indian and Chinese men are the most educated and highest paid of all races. That's due to selective immigration policies that only allow very successful curries/rice men into the country.

But the celibacy rate of ethnics also looks like this:


So curries/rice men make more money but have to use it to buy sex if they want it.

I agree the attacks on white men constantly are insane and bullshit. I wish people would stand up and fight it more. White men are attacked because you are the only threat women perceive to total societal domination. Women don't fear curry or rice men because we are irrelevant to them. They fear white men because white men are the ones they want to fuck. That's why you get these asinine feminists talking shit about white men while still going home to fuck them.

You white guys need to not take these attacks personally. You need to understand what they are. In reality, you should take them as a compliment. You are the last power structure that resists total SJW and feminist dominion. So sure as fuck they're going to attack you. They've subverted half the legal system through this strategy and they won't stop ever.

Personally though I would kill to be a tall white guy, and I don't give a fuck how many feminists would attack me for it. Better to be attacked for being on top than invisible for being at the bottom.
Can we finally ban all whites including the admin?

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