I was thinking... There are plenty of cases where it's the woman who actually thirsts and goes mad with desire over the man.
Even though most people acknowledge this, I can't but realise how incredibly alien and mythical that kind of experience is to me. Never in my wild fantasy scenarios I can picture a woman actually thirsting over me. Maximum i can picture is a woman "accepting" and being "content" with me... she likes me but she would never love me.
Don't torture yourself. Yes, it's something alien to us, something we crave but will never have. That's not ok, and will never be ok, but you either have options to accept it for what it is, torture yourself for infinite time, or an hero.
To make it a little bit easier for you ponder this -> is woman really capable of love? Sure, you maybe think she loves Chad. But does she? Will she stay with him, if he get his face burned, get parazyled because of accident etc? In 9/10 cases the answer is:no, she will leave him very fast. Woman will lust over Chad, will love what he can do for her, but almost no women can trully LOVE man like a man loves woman. Even this fake "love" of woman for Chad will fade after kids. Will woman leave her kids after they get parazyled, go to jail etc? In 9/10 the answer is: no. She will stay with them. This is one thing MGTOW have right: you shouldn't think woman can be your whole world, because you will never be her whole world.
So don't confuse desire and love. Yes, we will never be desired nor loved. Will it would be better to be at least desired? Of course. Just like it would be better to win lottery or be born to wealthy family, or have talent. But it's something out of our control.
And if you are young, and you will somehow find woman that will only "accept" you, and be "content" with you... then man, you win the lottery. Maybe not the big prize, but some small win. Why? Because most woman after a short while despise their partner, they actively hate him, and stay only because of status, money, kids etc. Content is okay. It's like school. If you get C-, you should be happy, and not think about Chad who got A+