Holy shit that is next level cuckoldry. Get divorced raped, your wife immediately remarries with a tatted up thug, and you still decide to go over and cook for her and her husband while your wife posts it online for the whole world to see and her Chad husband sits around on his lazy ass. (She even specifically mentions that the ex-husband hasn't found a woman yet lmaoooooooooo)
The fact that this happened isn't want disgusts me though, if this just happened in a vacuum I could just dismiss it y'know? But it's the fact that the wife took a pic of this, posted it on Cuckkit, and it goes literally 15 thousands upvotes and hundreds on top of hundreds of people congratulating her for being a strong independent woman who can make her ex-husband slave away for her and her new man.
At least there's some sanity in the comments "I get the feeling the first husband got kicked to the curb, she got the house and a new man, and he fakes being okay with it because he doesn’t know what to do." it's just buried below all the self-congratulations.