I'm surprised she didn't immediately do mental gymnastics upon learning about hypergamy to convince herself she's morally virtuous.. props to her for this.. but why does every girl think their degrees or careers have ANY impact on their SMV? it has NO effect at all whatsoever. do they want to feel like they have some control over their SMV? like if they work hard enough they can get a 6'4" guy?
bitch just get some surgeries, some lip fillers, put on some contour makeup, do some squats, and do anal and your SMV will be low earth orbit tier.
The only effect that a foid's degree/career have is that low SMV men can no longer use money as leverage to purchase her womb. A career woman is liberated in that she's now free to take only the tallest and best looking dick up her holes and doesnt have to tolerate manlet norwoodcel dick for resources. That's the core reason why any foid goes to college/gets a job.. wether they're aware of it or not. they don't want to have to rely on a man for resources, because men of all heights and looks can have money.. there's no guarantee she will end up with a guy she actually likes. and more often than not, its low SMV men that make the most money since they have to work to purchase womb's or risk dying alone.