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LifeFuel woman acknowledges hypergamy has no place in 2018 and how it's unfair and destroying men



Socially constructed loser
May 2, 2018
...and yet she continues being hypergamous, thinking she is of high value even though she is close to hitting the wall. i think more woman need to realise this though, and something needs to be done about it.
Guaranteed a bunch of cucks on this site will say "well at least she admits it : )"

Also, just lol at her thinking that she is top tier. I'd just like to point out that females have an inflated ego AND ARE ALSO HYPERGAMOUS.
What this means is that they don't just want someone better than themselves, they want someone better than their inflated ego tells them that they are (which is unrealistic).
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...and yet she continues being hypergamous, thinking she is of high value even though she is close to hitting the wall. i think more woman need to realise this though, and something needs to be done about it.

Horseface subhuman
I would cumm in her eye.
So many subhuman features that would be a death sentance for incels. Skull shape, whole eye area, hairline and density. She also has a inch of makeup on. I saw her and my instant reaction was thinking she was ok looking. This indoctrination has to be wiped out if men are to ever get their looksmatch.

She is objectively fucking ugly and men need to realise this.
"As a self proclaimed woman of high value."

"I'm what you incels call a Chad."

Why do normies always make up such laughable statements ? :lul:
Guaranteed a bunch of cucks on this site will say "well at least she admits it : )"

Also, just lol at her thinking that she is top tier. I'd just like to point out that females have an inflated ego AND ARE ALSO HYPERGAMOUS.
What this means is that they don't just want someone better than themselves, they want someone better than their inflated ego tells them that they are (which is unrealistic).
can you remind me what women have to go through to gain such high SMV? apart from being born a woman ofcourse. i'm sure they must have worked very hard to earn it, and bring a lot to the table in return for a man's hard work.
Status > looks theory confirmed
can you remind me what women have to go through to gain such high SMV? apart from being born a woman ofcourse. i'm sure they must have worked very hard to earn it, and bring a lot to the table in return for a man's hard work.
I don't know why you're asking me.
Not watching that shit, but this bitch is essentially the incel equivalent of tradthots. She would never settle for anyone close to her league yet will tell other women to do so. She is at least 28 yet considers herself "high value" jfl white women age like garbage.
They give the reason to femcels calling them stacychasers
Let me guess.. she has a Patreon?

Edit: she doesn't but she has an Instagram. Instant trash tbh.

Fuck me she has a massive Potato head.

430 followers on her Instagram for her doing next to fuck all.. no wonder her ego is through the roof.
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Worst suicidefuel today :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Ugly? OK, pickycels.me
"that's just my normal dating mindset" "I've been Hypergamous since 6 years old"

Oh god. :feelsbadman:
Ugly? OK, pickycels.me
Her looksmatch is hanging from a rope or here.
In the first minute she makes me want to die... fuck society and its many lies.
Just be Born into royalty bro
>4/10 fakeup maxxed talking like she's a 8/10
Let me guess.. she has a Patreon?

Edit: she doesn't but she has an Instagram. Instant trash tbh.

Fuck me she has a massive Potato head.

430 followers on her Instagram for her doing next to fuck all.. no wonder her ego is through the roof.

"High value woman"
"High value woman"
In the Sexual Marketplace Chads slop obviously brings a high price. No doubt the feminine Beta White Knight Cuckolds love that shit. Someone gas the world please, it's obvious humans don't deserve to live and this proves it.
It doesn't matter even if she genuinely believes it (probably not).
All women are NPCs, and those who aren't are so rare they might aswel not exist.
She is disgusting.
And yet, she has more SMV than all of us combined. What kind of trickery is this?
Tutorial island for her and hardcore mode to all of us, O.K. boyos?
I don't want to listen to this bleach b**ch btw, unless someone can make a resume.
Why do we give a shit what she has to say AT ALL?

You can tell she's brain dead and repeating nonsense that she's found online for cuck's attention.

stop giving it to her.

She would be so proud we're all talking about her even though she's a waste of space.

AND If you keep posting their shit, they're going to think we care what they have to say. and I at least am repulsed by her attempt to be anything besides -17 IQ.
>4/10 fakeup maxxed talking like she's a 8/10

I seriously thought she was being tongue-in-cheek sarcastic when she said she was attractive. I was waiting for the punchline. So many facial problems don't know where to begin.

Well, I guess she is white so that automatically makes her desirable to tons of men.
I seriously thought she was being tongue-in-cheek sarcastic when she said she was attractive. I was waiting for the punchline. So many facial problems don't know where to begin.

Well, I guess she is white so that automatically makes her desirable to tons of men.
Whiteness adds +2 points, being woman +3 points. Thus She's a literal 9/10 goddess
Just fuck my shit up, fam
I'm surprised she didn't immediately do mental gymnastics upon learning about hypergamy to convince herself she's morally virtuous.. props to her for this.. but why does every girl think their degrees or careers have ANY impact on their SMV? it has NO effect at all whatsoever. do they want to feel like they have some control over their SMV? like if they work hard enough they can get a 6'4" guy?

bitch just get some surgeries, some lip fillers, put on some contour makeup, do some squats, and do anal and your SMV will be low earth orbit tier.

The only effect that a foid's degree/career have is that low SMV men can no longer use money as leverage to purchase her womb. A career woman is liberated in that she's now free to take only the tallest and best looking dick up her holes and doesnt have to tolerate manlet norwoodcel dick for resources. That's the core reason why any foid goes to college/gets a job.. wether they're aware of it or not. they don't want to have to rely on a man for resources, because men of all heights and looks can have money.. there's no guarantee she will end up with a guy she actually likes. and more often than not, its low SMV men that make the most money since they have to work to purchase womb's or risk dying alone.
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Actual Checklist:

Dumpster Cunt
Looks like botched plastic surgery and gaunt/aged pitbull face
Born an oppressor, manipulates the system with no merit or talent to speak of
Negative IQ/mumble rapper
Tense body, rage filled, looks ready to snap and start hitting her at any moment.
JFL @ faggots watching those clickbait femoid youtube clips. Cuckold orbiting behaviour.
I can't listen to more than a few seconds of this attention whoring. She probably found 'the manosphere' online, she thought that maybe that is where all the manly and good men are at (she is wrong, because no alpha would spend time complaining about how hard it is to get a woman) and now she is playing the 'oh I'm so smart and innocent' game in order to attract them. Plus her expression signals that she thinks she looks good, which is a laughable delusion.
Her face is starting to sag, you can tell she only thinks hypergamy is bad and unfair all of a sudden because she can't use it to fuck Chad anymore
4/10 gamer girls have like 20 guys orbiting her

this girl is a 6/10 or 7/10 and with social media probably 100 orbiters who inflate her ego and make her believe she's high value. She chooses the best orbiter

I no longer listen to what foids have to say, they almost always have an ulterior motive
Guaranteed a bunch of cucks on this site will say "well at least she admits it : )"

Also, just lol at her thinking that she is top tier. I'd just like to point out that females have an inflated ego AND ARE ALSO HYPERGAMOUS.
What this means is that they don't just want someone better than themselves, they want someone better than their inflated ego tells them that they are (which is unrealistic).

That's the point of "seduction". Male seduction basically, is lying about your sexual market value so you can cheat your target's hypergamy radar.
This kind of post gives credibility zero to Incels.

A so picky guy is surely in the wrong place.
well it's more humiliating to be rejected by ugly trash. plus most of the mocking is prob done by ugly. at least it was in my case
and what "immense facial problems" does she have? she's quite pretty and has nice tits
She would be incel if she was a guy, the makeup can't fool me anymore.
When will people understand that none of it matters. There are billions of people, billions of votes, billions of ideas, and billions of dumb opinions. Fuck this bitch and fuck you.

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