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Wizard Tales: Ugly Foid and Old Filipino Manlet at a Dunkin Donuts



Jun 2, 2023
40 year old mayocel here from Burgerland. Wanted to share another story from my past, see if anyone relate.

I was at a Dunkin Dounts about 10 years ago. It was summer time, and they were selling large iced teas for a dollar, limit two (good deal). So, I went to buy a couple.

When I got in line, there was this foid in front of me. I didn't know her, never seen her before. She was younger than I was, but not dramatically. If I was 30, she was like 24/25. She was a mayofoid, not super fat, but rather plump, and she was nothing special to look at. Low-tier chubby Becky at best, I didn't even care about her. She was just a body in front of me. Now, the cashier was this little Filipino man. He must have been over 50 years old, and he was damn-near midget tier. I'm 5'9, the foid was probably 5'4, this dude was lucky if he was at 5'0 flat. In fact, I think he was standing on a stepping stool to reach the cash register.

Anyway, the foid ordered a drink and some sort of sandwich. She paid the Filipino manlet, he gave her the drink, but she had to wait a moment for her sandwich to be cooked and she sort of moved over to the side of the counter. In the meantime, he turned to me to take my order. I stepped up to the counter, giving the foid a wide berth. Although I wasn't close to her or her drink, she quickly, frantically, wildly grabbed her cup and took several steps further away from me. As if I was about to rape her. As if I'd made some hostile move or threat toward her, even though I was simply standing there - a good distance from her - minding my own business, not even looking at the bitch.

Now, shit like this has happened to me all my life. It's frustrating, but I just wanted to get my iced tea and leave. But what made this situation interesting is that there was a third-party observer this time. And the observer wasn't another foid, or a Chad, or even a normie, it was a >5'0, old, balding Filipino. (And, honestly, as a 5'9 mayo who was 30 at the time, full head of hair, I mogged this 50+ Filipino manlet.) Yet, here I was being treated like a rapist or a leper by some ugly, pudgy mayofoid. (Remember, I'm mayo too, can't play the ethnic card here.)

The Filipino man was in TOTAL SHOCK at what he had just observed. He stared the foid down. I don't think it was even conscious on his part, he went into this holy shit zone and couldn't stop himself from looking at her in disbelief. He didn't look at her in an overtly hostile way, but more of a shock/disgust/what-the-hell? stare, with his mouth slightly ajar. As if to communicate, "What the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch? What did this man do to you that you'd act that way when he stepped up to the counter??" And she herself looked back at him with guilt, like a child being caught red-handed stealing from the cookie jar. There was a noticeable awaked silence and stair for a prolonged few seconds between the two of them.

I'm guessing this dude saw me as some average white normie. Since the chick obviously wasn't Stacy-tier, he couldn't believe his eyes when she treated me like total scum. I think it blew his mind. I think it sort of wrecked his world. He could truly empathize with me, he himself probably felt what I was feeling in that moment as he'd probably experienced it himself numerous times. And he saw what she did to me with his own eyes in real-time. And he probably thought, "Shit, even this young, tallish white dude is getting this sort of treatment, what the fuck is wrong with this ugly bitch?" I think he assumed I couldn't possibly experience something like that. After all, I was young and tall compared to him, and I'm not ethnic like him, and the mayofoid wasn't anything special. But she treated me like shit right before his eyes, and he was mesmorized and struggling to process it.

Now, I'm not particularly proud of what happened next, but I didn't want to make a scene. The Filipino manlet took my order. The girl suddenly got all awkwardly fake nicey-nice with me, probably because a third party had condemned her terrible behavior, and that third party was still right in front of us at the register. She asked me to pass her a straw, even though she already had one and there was another straw container bin next to her. I obliged to keep the peace and try to diffuse the awkwardness. She then said to me, in an uncomfortable, fake friendly tone, "Wow...um...I see you really like iced tea." I smiled like a moron and nodded my head and said something like, "Oh, yeah. It's limit two, but I'd buy more if I could, dur-dur-dur."

And I ask myself now, what would I do if this happened today?: It's unrealistic to say stupid shit like "strangle the bitch (in Minecraft)" or whatever. Reality is, I'd still try to keep the peace, but wouldn't be as fake-friendly back. I'd probably ignore her, or step back and let her get her own straw. Because it's not just me vs. the nasty foid. It's a business, a proprietorship. If I escalate things, it would only work to MY disadvantage.

But what do you think? (This simple memory turned into an essay, oh well.)
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40 year old mayocel here from Burgerland. Wanted to share another story from my past, see if anyone relate.

I was at a Dunkin Dounts about 10 years ago. It was summer time, and they were selling large iced teas for a dollar, limit two (good deal). So, I went to buy a couple.

When I got in line, there was this foid in front of me. I didn't know her, never seen her before. She was younger than I was, but not dramatically. If I was 30, she was like 24/25. She was a mayofoid, not super fat, but rather plump, and she was nothing special to look at. Low-tier chubby Becky at best, I didn't even care about her. She was just a body in front of me. Now, the cashier was this little Filipino man. He must have been over 50 years old, and he was damn-near midget tier. I'm 5'9, the foid was probably 5'4, this dude was lucky if he was at 5'0 flat. In fact, I think he was standing on a stepping stool to reach the cash register.

Anyway, the foid ordered a drink and some sort of sandwich. She paid the Filipino manlet, he gave her the drink, but she had to wait a moment for her sandwich to be cooked and she sort of moved over to the side of the counter. In the meantime, he turned to me to take my order. I stepped up to the counter, giving the foid a wide berth. Although I wasn't close to her or her drink, she quickly, frantically, wildly grabbed her cup and took several steps further away from me. As if I was about to rape her. As if I'd made some hostile move or threat toward her, even though I was simply standing there - a good distance from her - minding my own business, not even looking at the bitch.

Now, shit like this has happened to me all my life. It's frustrating, but I just wanted to get my iced tea and leave. But what made this situation interesting is that there was a third-party observer this time. And the observer wasn't another foid, or a Chad, or even a normie, it was a >5'0, old, balding Filipino. (And, honestly, as a 5'9 mayo who was 30 at the time, full head of hair, I mogged this 50+ Filipino manlet.) Yet, here I was being treated like a rapist or a leper by some ugly, pudgy mayofoid. (Remember, I'm mayo too, can't play the ethnic card here.)

The Filipino man was in TOTAL SHOCK at what he had just observed. He stared the foid down. I don't think it was even conscious on his part, he went into this holy shit zone and couldn't stop himself from looking at her in disbelief. He didn't look at her in an overtly hostile way, but more of a shock/disgust/what-the-hell? stare, with his mouth slightly ajar. As if to communicate, "What the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch? What did this man do to you that you'd act that way when he stepped up to the counter??" And she herself looked back at him with guilt, like a child being caught red-handed stealing from the cookie jar. There was a noticeable awaked silence and stair for a prolonged few seconds between the two of them.

I'm guessing this dude saw me as some average white normie. Since the chick obviously wasn't Stacy-tier, he couldn't believe his eyes when she treated me like total scum. I think it blew his mind. I think it sort of wrecked his world. He could truly empathize with me, he himself probably felt what I was feeling in that moment as he'd probably experienced it himself numerous times. And he saw what she did to me with his own eyes in real-time. And he probably thought, "Shit, even this young, tallish white dude is getting this sort of treatment, what the fuck is wrong with this ugly bitch?" I think he assumed I couldn't possibly experience something like that. After all, I was young and tall compared to him, and I'm not ethnic like him, and the mayofoid wasn't anything special. But she treated me like shit right before his eyes, and he was mesmorized and struggling to process it.

Now, I'm not particularly proud of what happened next, but I didn't want to make a scene. The Filipino manlet took my order. The girl suddenly got all awkwardly fake nicey-nice with me, probably because a third party had condemned her terrible behavior, and that third party was still right in front of us at the register. She asked me to pass her a straw, even though she already had one and there was another straw container bin next to her. I obliged to keep the peace and try to diffuse the awkwardness. She then said to me, in an uncomfortable, fake friendly tone, "Wow...um...I see you really like iced tea." I smiled like a moron and nodded my head and said something like, "Oh, yeah. It's limit two, but I'd buy more if I could, dur-dur-dur."

And I ask myself now, what would I do if this happened today?: It's unrealistic to say stupid shit like "strangle the bitch (in Minecraft)" or whatever. Reality is, I'd still try to keep the peace, but wouldn't be as fake-friendly back. I'd probably ignore her, or step back and let her get her own straw. Because it's not just me vs. the nasty foid. It's a business, a proprietorship. If I escalate things, it would only work to MY disadvantage.

But what do you think? (This simple memory turned into an essay, oh well.)
Brutal threadpill.
someone give me a tldr, too much effort reading GrAY essays
Maybe she was actually scared at the Filipino man, you both were close to each other and perhaps you mistakenly thought she was being hostile towards you and then you mistakenly thought that he was doing the stare back at her in avenge for you when in reality it was because she was hostile to him not you.

And if what I'm saying to you is true, then it would make sense why she was friendly to you towards the end meaning you aren't as bad looking or had the potential to ascend at some point during that time in life. Fakecel?

No, before I stepped up, she had no problem with the Filipino manlet. She was interacting with him just fine. Probably saw him as harmless. Her whole countenance changed when I stepped up to the register and she began acting frantically towards me. The Filipino man was extra shocked, because just prior to that, this foid hadn't been bitchy or anything. It's not like she was a diva type who was deliberately nasty with everyone. She calmly placed her order and paid the old Filipino, then suddenly got scared and frantic when I stepped up beside her.

I know, your ethnic mind is as blown as his was and you're trying to cope by saying she had a problem with him. She didn't. And her awkward, forced nicey-nice behavior with me only happened after he stared her down in disbelief.

As someone "coping for brutality," you're coping a little too hard here.
Super annoying when ugly ass foids act like that. Even though it's abundantly clear you're not going to do anything to them.

I remember some Becky kept looking back at me while on my way to my car at some shopping center. Our cars were both in the same row, which I assumed since we were both walking in the same direction. But the stupid beast thought I was following her and kept freaking out. I wasn't even directly behind her or near her, I was sort of off to the side but still behind her since she had left the store a few seconds before I did.
40 year old mayocel here from Burgerland. Wanted to share another story from my past, see if anyone relate.

I was at a Dunkin Dounts about 10 years ago. It was summer time, and they were selling large iced teas for a dollar, limit two (good deal). So, I went to buy a couple.

When I got in line, there was this foid in front of me. I didn't know her, never seen her before. She was younger than I was, but not dramatically. If I was 30, she was like 24/25. She was a mayofoid, not super fat, but rather plump, and she was nothing special to look at. Low-tier chubby Becky at best, I didn't even care about her. She was just a body in front of me. Now, the cashier was this little Filipino man. He must have been over 50 years old, and he was damn-near midget tier. I'm 5'9, the foid was probably 5'4, this dude was lucky if he was at 5'0 flat. In fact, I think he was standing on a stepping stool to reach the cash register.

Anyway, the foid ordered a drink and some sort of sandwich. She paid the Filipino manlet, he gave her the drink, but she had to wait a moment for her sandwich to be cooked and she sort of moved over to the side of the counter. In the meantime, he turned to me to take my order. I stepped up to the counter, giving the foid a wide berth. Although I wasn't close to her or her drink, she quickly, frantically, wildly grabbed her cup and took several steps further away from me. As if I was about to rape her. As if I'd made some hostile move or threat toward her, even though I was simply standing there - a good distance from her - minding my own business, not even looking at the bitch.

Now, shit like this has happened to me all my life. It's frustrating, but I just wanted to get my iced tea and leave. But what made this situation interesting is that there was a third-party observer this time. And the observer wasn't another foid, or a Chad, or even a normie, it was a >5'0, old, balding Filipino. (And, honestly, as a 5'9 mayo who was 30 at the time, full head of hair, I mogged this 50+ Filipino manlet.) Yet, here I was being treated like a rapist or a leper by some ugly, pudgy mayofoid. (Remember, I'm mayo too, can't play the ethnic card here.)

The Filipino man was in TOTAL SHOCK at what he had just observed. He stared the foid down. I don't think it was even conscious on his part, he went into this holy shit zone and couldn't stop himself from looking at her in disbelief. He didn't look at her in an overtly hostile way, but more of a shock/disgust/what-the-hell? stare, with his mouth slightly ajar. As if to communicate, "What the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch? What did this man do to you that you'd act that way when he stepped up to the counter??" And she herself looked back at him with guilt, like a child being caught red-handed stealing from the cookie jar. There was a noticeable awaked silence and stair for a prolonged few seconds between the two of them.

I'm guessing this dude saw me as some average white normie. Since the chick obviously wasn't Stacy-tier, he couldn't believe his eyes when she treated me like total scum. I think it blew his mind. I think it sort of wrecked his world. He could truly empathize with me, he himself probably felt what I was feeling in that moment as he'd probably experienced it himself numerous times. And he saw what she did to me with his own eyes in real-time. And he probably thought, "Shit, even this young, tallish white dude is getting this sort of treatment, what the fuck is wrong with this ugly bitch?" I think he assumed I couldn't possibly experience something like that. After all, I was young and tall compared to him, and I'm not ethnic like him, and the mayofoid wasn't anything special. But she treated me like shit right before his eyes, and he was mesmorized and struggling to process it.

Now, I'm not particularly proud of what happened next, but I didn't want to make a scene. The Filipino manlet took my order. The girl suddenly got all awkwardly fake nicey-nice with me, probably because a third party had condemned her terrible behavior, and that third party was still right in front of us at the register. She asked me to pass her a straw, even though she already had one and there was another straw container bin next to her. I obliged to keep the peace and try to diffuse the awkwardness. She then said to me, in an uncomfortable, fake friendly tone, "Wow...um...I see you really like iced tea." I smiled like a moron and nodded my head and said something like, "Oh, yeah. It's limit two, but I'd buy more if I could, dur-dur-dur."

And I ask myself now, what would I do if this happened today?: It's unrealistic to say stupid shit like "strangle the bitch (in Minecraft)" or whatever. Reality is, I'd still try to keep the peace, but wouldn't be as fake-friendly back. I'd probably ignore her, or step back and let her get her own straw. Because it's not just me vs. the nasty foid. It's a business, a proprietorship. If I escalate things, it would only work to MY disadvantage.

But what do you think? (This simple memory turned into an essay, oh well.)
What I would have done in your shoes is tell the cashier “this is normal here, feminists think we are all rapists and evil”
Going back to your original post, if you were 'decent looking' back then how did you not ascend?
When did I say I was "decent looking" ? Yes, the ethnic old Filipino may have thought I was "decent looking," but the foid clearly didn't. Doesn't matter if I mogged him, I was UGLY to this bitch, and she acted accordingly.

Don't you get it? Doesn't matter if you, as a man, think I was "decent looking." I was UGLY in the eyes of this foid cunt.
@Copexodius Maximus: Good call, clever. But I could never think that quickly. Not then anyway. Not being so high-inhib. And I was trying to do whatever I could to just "make it all go away" and get away from there without making it awkward for him.

@Mango: I can relate. I have many stories. Yours reminds me of this one time I was in a parking lot and I passed between two parked cars to get over to mine. Unbeknownst to me, there was some foid in one of the parked cars. She immediately, frantically began pressing the door lock multiple times. Like OVERKILL, as if I was coming for her. I didn't even know she was there until I heard the persistent LOCK-LOCK-LOCK sound.

And it's funny. If I actually was a low-inhib rapist, then that behavior on her part would have tipped me off to the fact that she was there. She would have been better off doing nothing if she was so SCARED.
Very frustrating when these stuff happen. They want to make it known that they hate you smh
I fucking HATE it when ugly whores passively bully us!

For me the most memorable case of this was in middle school,8th grade. There was this Brazilian (?) foid who looked like a 5 year old in terms of height. Basically a 4'0 goblina with a 5/10 face and a heavy spanish/portuguese accent. We had to sit together for an assignment. She asked if she could do one half and I do the other. Being an asocial,bullied kid I didn't mind this,but I suggested we go over it together to check each other's work. She refused. Whatever,no biggie. So while I was doing my part I couldn't help but notice she was going over it a little too quickly. She was done with it by the time I was done with about half of it. She told me to hurry up. Being a retard,I did. I wish I took my sweet time just to annoy her. Anyway,when I was done with it I handed the paper to her but she took it reluctantly and she held it touching it as little as possible. WTF? As far as I remember I wasn't stinky or particularly dirty that day. She literally rushed the papers to the teacher so she would be free to go sit where she wants,away from me.

Oh,and the best part? I failed that assignment because she had most of her work wrong.
even asians are disgusted by privileged white cunts now
It felt like I was there but I don’t buy fast food that much

good thread
Read every word
Very interesting story. I would have snapped back with a sarcastic comment calling her out if I wasn't high inhib. Now I want a Filipino manlet to follow me around and do the same thing to foids.
I read every word. Ugly bitches are the worst. They feel the need to distance themselves further from us than the average whore.
foids gonna foid .

Her Ego is so Imploded that she views 5 / 6 Man as 3 and 4 s .

I can do Better , Im Better , I get Worshiped like a Goddess " Style .

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