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Blackpill Without Europeans, world will be fall with chaos

While there are some pros to colonialism the world was pretty good for centuries. I mean ancient empires like the Persian, Egyptian, Chinese dinistry etc.

Came before Europing colonialism.

Also, The NAZIS where European and started a world war. Is in Europe Germany BTW
Modern day world civilization is based on the technological advancement done by the European
Hitler said the world would die if the J won
That's what's happening
Modern day world civilization is based on the technological advancement done by the European
Not saying it's not buy you are aware thousands of years before we were born it took Europe a while to complete with other countries. Europe borrowed things from other places. Without those first steps we would not be here today.
Not saying it's not buy you are aware thousands of years before we were born it took Europe a while to complete with other countries. Europe borrowed things from other places. Without those first steps we would not be here today.
Nah Europe has already has the scientific innovation from the beginning, first scientific/mathematical innovation, research are done by the Greeks
Nah Europe has already has the scientific innovation from the beginning, first scientific/mathematical innovation, research are done by the Greeks
Yeh, the Greeks were impressive for there time but even some of the things they learnt was from Egyptian and Mesopotamian society. I mean Pythagoras learnt geometry from the Egyptians. Granted this could just be because ancient Egyptian civilization is older than ancient Greek civilization.
Whites comes first and then second goes to East Asians, but East Asian are developed due to the technological foundation created by whites
And your race is?
Muh race muh ideologies no one cares bro u post on here with shitskins other Caucasians don't care about u join the dark side
hes a pajeet. pajeets never fail to be cucked and humble to their white massas
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White people destroyed the world with their liberalism and progressivism.
Thats why i am a great replacement enjoyer
Thanks to Europeans, foids have rights and more privileges than men.
Entire world knows the savageness of the latino cartels, latino gangs and you are not acknowledgeding it. You are coping
I would rather die dismembered by a cartel, reincarnate in 100 other lives where I am also dismembered by a cartel than born indian
Hitler said the world would die if the J won
That's what's happening

Basically this.

Every Jew will have 2800 shit skin slaves while the world population is like 500 million by 2030.

It's all Talmudic prophecy and with the amount of normies, groids, and general non white Fuckery I'm okay with dying and not working for this world
I would rather die dismembered by a cartel, reincarnate in 100 other lives where I am also dismembered by a cartel than born indian
Okay turd worlders subhuman brown latino
I hate this realm humanity will be its own downfall
Idk ask them. You elected them after all.

Also btw imagine Assamese defeating the greatest Turks and today are getting cucked by Bongalis. Brutal :feelskek:
Ironically it's coming from a Gulti niggers who are allowing Urdu speaking bastards to become MP from thier capital bastion
Ironically it's coming from a Gulti niggers who are allowing Urdu speaking bastards to become MP from thier capital bastion
Except Hyderabad isn't muslim majority
Truth is truth, accepting truth doesn't make me cuck
"muh truth" cope harder, no white person will accept you. but continue throating white boot and proving pajeet stereotypes, street shitter
"muh truth" cope harder, no white person will accept you. but continue throating white boot and proving pajeet stereotypes, street shitter
I don't want to crave validation nor I want acceptance from white. I am saying the truth that Whites are better than anyone else. They have built the modern world
God, I hate pajeets. What a curse to live in a world filled with 2b of them
the west will turn into south america without whites. violent shitholes filled with mutts
Many turd worlders and subhuman niggers are fantasizing of the replacement of ethinic European white people, but they don't realize it that if White people get gone, the entire world will be fall with extreme chaos and entire world become unliveable. Whites people built the modern world and modern technology, what today we all are enjoying our life with technological advancement, these comes with the hard work and labour of White European people, today we are enjoying internet,using the smartphone,this all comes due to the labor of White European people.Also Whites European people are morally virtuous, they are the ones who think good of ethinic, they have built rational educational system, health care in the colonies for the benefits and upliftment of ethinics, they are the ones who first abolished slavery, they are the creator of a rational liberal system who cares about the fundamental human rights, they have first created the concept of fundamental human rights how morally virtuous they are. White people always work for the benefits and upliftment of the entire humanity while every non-whites people are bloody tribalist , thus this proves the moral superiority of White people. Thus the entire world depend upon White people. White people are the host and entire non-white, non-European depends upon them , if the white people are gone, there will be no innovation, there will no rule of law and morality, the entire world transforms in a unliveable hellhole where non white people do extremely tribalism and infighting. Due to the White people and White leaders, the world is in peace and where non-white can't do tribalism. If white people gone, all the scientific, technological advancement and innovation will be completely halted, the world will fall into chaos and destruction and thus ultimately it's the non-white who get suffered.

As a non-white ethinic like me, I want White people to be flourished and I don't want the replacement of White people, because if white people gets gone, non-white ethinic people will be suffered, today ethinic people who live a extremely comfortable live because of the scientific and technological advancement and innovation, it's all due to the labour of European people. So if white are gone, then all the scientific advancement stopped, lawlessness and chaos will be all over and ultimately it's we all ethinic will badly effected .

So, it's better for the interest of all non white ethinic people and for the entire humanity, that White European people will always flourished and always remains on earth
JFL ethnics have WAY better arguments for being pro white than wignats shitting on you for something you can't control, tbh I don't even mind a soft handed white supremacy they did create most shit are the most attractive and their art and media are peak copes (in a good way). Hopefully we can find a way to siphon off white foids or clone them or something, realistically nost of us ethnics are too unironically retarded and violent and most aware whites have deep resentments and ethnics are inherently uglier than whites (significantly so) so they fucking hate us, hopefully chill lordgoro tier whites take over and make us white or something using sci fi tech and we get aryan cunny and ascend to godhood (this is a fucking pipedream, i should lucid dream about being a white pretty boy anime sexhaver using magic powers and having romance and sex using my bwc)
Hey everyone hows my drawing of vegeta in the rain v0 51tuwwuejvvc1
JFL ethnics have WAY better arguments for being pro white than wignats shitting on you for something you can't control, tbh I don't even mind a soft handed white supremacy they did create most shit are the most attractive and their art and media are peak copes (in a good way). Hopefully we can find a way to siphon off white foids or clone them or something, realistically nost of us ethnics are too unironically retarded and violent and most aware whites have deep resentments and ethnics are inherently uglier than whites (significantly so) so they fucking hate us, hopefully chill lordgoro tier whites take over and make us white or something using sci fi tech and we get aryan cunny and ascend to godhood (this is a fucking pipedream, i should lucid dream about being a white pretty boy anime sexhaver using magic powers and having romance and sex using my bwc)
Whites should give same reply to those turd worlders who hate them. They should kicked out all those turd worlders. Now many European White zoomers are realising it and giving same reply to those subhuman ethinics
Whites should give same reply to those turd worlders who hate them. They should kicked out all those turd worlders. Now many European White zoomers are realising it and giving same reply to those subhuman ethinics
Do YOU want to be kicked out back to a VIOLENT turd world shithole with no copes and only super ugly ethnic foids and not even any white/whitepassing/mixed beckies, do YOU want to be lynched alongside the shitskin of your race in chicago or deli or whatever? That's the one thing irreconcilable I have between me and whites tbh, they are right but I don't fucking want to live a life any more subhuman than I already am, I want to get pussy, get money, cope using escorts or leeching or whatever, I want to parasite off whites and live in their neighborhoods in peace away from nt retarded shitskins, unless I can find other based nd ethnics why do I want to live with niggers, even if I am one myself on a surface level?
Do YOU want to be kicked out back to a VIOLENT turd world shithole with no copes and only super ugly ethnic foids and not even any white/whitepassing/mixed beckies, do YOU want to be lynched alongside the shitskin of your race in chicago or deli or whatever? That's the one thing irreconcilable I have between me and whites tbh, they are right but I don't fucking want to live a life any more subhuman than I already am, I want to get pussy, get money, cope using escorts or leeching or whatever, I want to parasite off whites and live in their neighborhoods in peace away from nt retarded shitskins, unless I can find other based nd ethnics why do I want to live with niggers, even if I am one myself on a surface level?
Are you a turd worlder
Racially yes, what makes you a non turd worlder (aren't you curry?), you're really putting yourself through living with nt ethnics?
Bruh I m already living in Curryland
Bro RIP, how tf you surviving in there?
It's a different struggle, being Incel in Turd world is absolutely horrible that can't be described in simple words or expression, it feels like living dead here
It's a different struggle, being Incel in Turd world is absolutely horrible that can't be described in simple words or expression, it feels like living dead here
Wouldn't you cling to the civilized lands and want to figuritively vampirise the money safety beauty and pussy of humans/whites in my situation? Why go back to a shithole where you'll go broke get killed by violent niggers, not know the language, probably not find a job, are estranged from your race, and aren't nt enough to fit in? (ethnics are excessively nt and violent subhumans with asians as a radical opposite exception) I'm not moral enough to sacrifice my life for nothing, unless I am gonna reincarnate as a human (basically non ethnic) why would I go kill myself slowly in some third world jungle?
Wouldn't you cling to the civilized lands and want to figuritively vampirise the money safety beauty and pussy of humans/whites in my situation? Why go back to a shithole where you'll go broke get killed by violent niggers, not know the language, probably not find a job, are estranged from your race, and aren't nt enough to fit in? (ethnics are excessively nt and violent subhumans with asians as a radical opposite exception) I'm not moral enough to sacrifice my life for nothing, unless I am gonna reincarnate as a human (basically non ethnic) why would I go kill myself slowly in some third world jungle?
Tbh my inner moral conscience says that I am doing it extremely wrong to invade or polluted thier developed civilized lands. They have make thier land civilized and developed with thier own hard work and labor, going there to leeching their resources and subverting and replacing them and thier culture is totally unjustified, it's a morally corrupt behavior. Instead of going to thier land, we should follow thier development model in our land, just like China how they develop thier nation by following western model
Tbh my inner moral conscience says that I am doing it extremely wrong to invade or polluted thier developed civilized lands. They have make thier land civilized and developed with thier own hard work and labor, going there to leeching their resources and subverting and replacing them and thier culture is totally unjustified, it's a morally corrupt behavior. Instead of going to thier land, we should follow thier development model in our land, just like China how they develop thier nation by following western model
How do you convince these fucking subhuman niggers to make ANY progress? We would need an elite class of neurodivergent (high functioning autism/aspergers only obviously) ethnics ruling over the violent subhumans like a brutal dictatorship with iq eugenics implimented and hope no outside influence fucks it all up.
How do you convince these fucking subhuman niggers to make ANY progress? We would need an elite class of neurodivergent (high functioning autism/aspergers only obviously) ethnics ruling over the violent subhumans like a brutal dictatorship with iq eugenics implimented and hope no outside influence fucks it all up.
That's why there is a need of incel/blackpill movement in turd world to remove subhumanity there
They will turn entire European continent back in time they will live through new middle age. Nothing new will be created they won't even be able to make a single vehicle or a weapon since they are that fucking dumb. Asians are making the chips so they are also working on destroying them too.
True. I’m not white and I wish for white nations to be white dominant. It’s better that way
Modern civilization started in Britain during the industrial revolution and spread later in USA and before in France and Germany during the enlightenment and Italy during the renaissance. Just few white countries and individual people created modern civilization. The rest of Europeans are subhuman barbarians with no achievements. That makes you question the white race as whole because white people themselves are different sub racial groups.

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