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Serious Will Hitler be seen as the good guy in the future?



Sep 18, 2018
Obviously he's despised now but considering that the western world will probably collapse in the next several decades resulting in the complete and utter implosion of progressivism and multiculturalism while also destroying the myth that the races aren't unequal, do you think it's possible that future generations of whites (and yes, there will be future generations of whites) will change their mind about Hitler and ask themselves if maybe he had a point after all? Do you think there might end up being a form of "de-villainization" of sorts? It seems likely seeing as likely future events will prove pretty much all of his original points true.
I like to think that The Truth will be mainstream one day, but I have my blackpilled doubts sometimes.
Hitler is a hero to me
No, the juden won the war and now they're rulers of the world
I already see him as the good guy.
History is always written by the victors, and they always portray themselves as the "good guys." There is no such thing as an objective historian, and any historian who claims to be unbiased is in denial and the most biased type of all. Because the Jews and their allies won WWII, we hear endless stories about Hitler and the naughty things he did (some true, some exaggerated, some completely made up). But we never hear about war crimes like the Allied firebombing of Dresden, which killed 60,000 Germans simply because they had the misfortune to be born in the wrong country (and also killed a bunch of Allied POWs who were being held there). Churchill and Roosevelt didn't even care about the lives of their own men.

Inb4 "hurr durr Nazi wahh wahh" ...Actually, no. I'm a hapa. I didn't choose to be born this way, and the neo-Nazis who harass me for it are too thick-skulled to realize that. Blame the parents, not the kids. I'm just a guy who tries to cut out all the bullshit from all sides.

If the Axis had won WWII, they would write the history books to favor them and demonize their opponents. Think of the internment camps where U.S. president Roosevelt placed Japanese-Americans during the war. Conditions in the camps weren't comfortable, but the Japanese were not mistreated or abused. Now, what would Japanese history books say about those camps if they had won the war? Probably a lot of moral outrage, exaggerations about the conditions in the camps...maybe even stories about how there were gas chambers there. Sound familiar?

Everybody is biased to a greater or lesser degree, but the smug, self-righteous feminist/cuck/SJW cowards who never say anything politically incorrect and never think outside the box are the most biased of all.
Even tho the holocaust was far overexxagerated, hes still an evil person. His beliefs and actions do not line up with the beliefs and actions as a good guy. He was human trash.
Even tho the holocaust was far overexxagerated, hes still an evil person. His beliefs and actions do not line up with the beliefs and actions as a good guy. He was human trash
2017cels strike again.
Can we ban everyone from 2017?
but , but..... the 6000000000000000 joooz
Even tho the holocaust was far overexxagerated, hes still an evil person. His beliefs and actions do not line up with the beliefs and actions as a good guy. He was human trash.
Keep worshipping the devil bitch ass nigga
Hitler was the most Christian man of the 20th century, show me proof he's evil, i've been studying him extensively approaching the 4 year mark soon.
Even tho the holocaust was far overexxagerated, hes still an evil person. His beliefs and actions do not line up with the beliefs and actions as a good guy. He was human trash.
Enemy of humanity = enemy of evil.
Hitler was the most Christian man of the 20th century, show me proof he's evil, i've been studying him extensively approaching the 4 year mark soon.
uh buddy, the second you think its ok to kill people who dont fit your image, your far from a good guy.
I am not allowed to say my opinion about Hitler...
uh buddy, the second you think its ok to kill people who dont fit your image, your far from a good guy.
Kill who? He never ordered any extermination of the Jews if that's what you're implying, the majority of Jewish deaths which at most were about 300,000 was mostly from typhus and starvation because of allies bombing supply lines which led to a lack of resources and medical care for not only the Jews in the camps, who were only in those camps for the purpose of mass deportation after the war was over, but of The German people aswell.

Also if you're not referencing the holocaust, and are referencing just fighting other people in war in general? That's not a bad thing. There's a big difference in the bible between killing and murder, any theological expert can tell you this, there is a such thing as just wars, and just killing. You can't "murder" evil or the enemy under Christian law if they are considered your enemy via war, Modern Christcucks who defile the name of Christ may not be aware of this, but it's true, and it's why he never exterminated the Jews, and only set them out for deportation, because the vast majority of them were not enemies of war, thus it would be murder to kill them, and is why the only proof and evidence in his book, and in verifiable documents, etc only show the fact they wanted to deport them all.
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Even tho the holocaust was far overexxagerated, hes still an evil person. His beliefs and actions do not line up with the beliefs and actions as a good guy. He was human trash.

Perspective is important here.

Yes, you can argue that Hitler's views on race and the world were extreme and that he was extremely violent. On the other hand, consider what the world is now turning into because he lost...

Which of the two scenarios sounds like the lesser of 2 evils to you?

1. Hitler wins the war and the less civilized races are destroyed. The world becomes a totalitarian regime but western civilization still survives.

2. Hitler loses the war and we end up with the situation we are currently in. The west slowly devolves into a third world nation which means that after a while it will still become totalitarian anyway, except that western civilization will be destroyed and standards of living will plummet thanks to massive overpopulation and too many useless low IQ idiots thanks to immigration and the dysgenic affect of liberalism and progressivism.

Which do you honestly think is worse? Do you really think that a 100 years from now the remaining whites will look back and think the world would have been a worse place had Hitler won?

EDIT: And I would just like to add, that people are massively brainwashed about the true nature of the third world. People think these people are like us. That they share our emotions and behavior. That they are just normal kind people like us trying to scrape together a living. They aren't.

The southern races are barbarians with no redeeming qualities. The ones that the media show you on TV or on movies have been carefully handpicked to make them appear more simpethetic. Nothing of value would have been lost had Hitler destroyed them. Only the norther races (Europeans, Asians etc) are worth anything and only they can maintain a civilization.
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Kill who? He never ordered any extermination of the Jews if that's what you're implying, the majority of Jewish deaths which at most were about 300,000 was mostly from typhus and starvation because of allies bombing supply lines which led to a lack of resources and medical care for not only the Jews in the camps, who were only in those camps for the purpose of mass deportation after the war was over, but of The German people aswell.

Also if you're not referencing the holocaust, and are referencing just fighting other people in war in general? That's not a bad thing. There's a big difference in the bible between killing and murder, any theological expert can tell you this, there is a such thing as just wars, and just killing. You can't "murder" evil or the enemy under Christian law if they are considered your enemy via war, Modern Christcucks who defile the name of Christ may not be aware of this, but it's true, and it's why he never exterminated the Jews, and only set them out for deportation, because the vast majority of them were not enemies of war, thus it would be murder to kill them, and is why the only proof and evidence in his book, and in verifiable documents, etc only show the fact they wanted to deport them all.
Not referring to the holocaust, but the fact that he wanted his aryans to be ontop in Europe. No doubt promoting that kind of false superiorty will result in war, death, and piss poor treatment of those considered inferior.
Perspective is important here.

Yes, you can argue that Hitler's views on race and the world were extreme and that he was extremely violent. On the other hand, consider what the world is now turning into because he lost...

Which of the two scenarios sounds like the lesser of 2 evils to you?

1. Hitler wins the war and the less civilized races are destroyed. The world become a totalitarian regime but western civilization still survives.

2. Hitler loses the war and we end up with the situation we are currently in. The west slowly devolves into a third world nation which means that after a while it will still become totalitarian anyway, except that western civilization will be destroyed and standards of living will plummet thanks massive overpopulation and too many useless low IQ idiots thanks to immigration and the dysgenic affect of liberalism and progressivism.

Which do you honestly think is worse? Do you really think that a 100 years from now the remaining whites will look back and think the world would have been a worse place had Hitler won?

EDIT: And I would just like to add, that people are massive brainwashed about the true nature of the third world. People think these people are like us. That they share our emotions and behavior. That they are just normal kind people like us trying to scrape together a living. They aren't.

The southern races are barbarians with no redeeming qualities. The ones that the media show you on TV or on movies have been carefully handpicked to make them appear more simpethetic. Nothing of value would have been lost had Hitler destroyed them. Only the norther races (Europeans, Asians etc) are worth anything and only they can maintain a civilization.

Interesting. I think people are more a product of their enviorments than anything, and that if you incorporated these people into a higher society from BIRTH and raised them from babies to adulthood, that they would fit into society just fine, excluding aboriginals and the other lowest IQ groups of people of course. Invading a group of people killing and torturing them because you believe they are lesser dosent make you any less of a savage or barbarian as them. Anyways, a world of only civilized people is nothing but a fantasy and that will never happen because the elites will never allow it to happen.
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Hitler fell victim to his own racism. He believed that Slavic people are subhumans but worshiped Anglos - up to a point where he always believed that the Anglo he loved so much would eventually join his side. Not being anti-American and anti-Anglo enough was the cause of Hitler's downfall.
I think people are more a product of their enviorments than anything, and that if you incorporated these people into a higher society from BIRTH and raised them from babies to adulthood, that they would fit into society just fine

This is completely false. Genetics don't change because you got adopted into someone's else's family. Low IQ children adopted into high IQ families still do worse in life. You can't defy natural selection.
uh buddy, the second you think its ok to kill people who dont fit your image, your far from a good guy.

JFL if you care about the lives of millions of normies.
Not referring to the holocaust, but the fact that he wanted his aryans to be ontop in Europe. No doubt promoting that kind of false superiorty will result in war, death, and piss poor treatment of those considered inferior.
And yet his words about other races and people don't seem to be that hostile. Did you read the Hitler quoted @Zesto posted? Outside of the Japan worship meme thread I suggest you take a look at the entire quote which said, "Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a white race being the guiding hand of Europe, if they lead to stability and success for them all separately, the only time they really referred to an inferior European race was with the slavs, calling them the Untermench, this was war propaganda, based upon the fact that when you look upon the actual evils committed by the USSR and Russia was so satanic and evil and brutal beyond anything that has ever been seen in recorded history in terms of vast numbers aswell, it was no wonder they thought that only someone who was less than human can do such a thing. There's a reason why when the German Army came to liberate areas from the Soviets the slavic people cheered them on with open arms, thanking them with glee for saving them from the Red Army, and that positive sentiment only changed near the end of the war, when Germany was losing, and motivations were low, and real evil was taking hold across Europe from the Allies, mostly the Russians.

The Aryan focus in National Socialism does not exist anymore, it's white focused, Including slavs, in Modern National Socialism, the Slavic propaganda is not really that serious or prevalent in the writings of Hitler, it was done for political reasons at best.
He is a good goy and if you're not agree with this you're volcel or one of (((them)))
This is completely false. Genetics don't change because you got adopted into someone's else's family. Low IQ children adopted into high IQ families still do worse in life. You can't defy natural selection.
Worse as in what? Education? As long as you can teach and tell your child that school and education is important they should do fine, not as good as people with higher IQ's but that dosent matter.
In some ways, he already is
Worse as in what? Education? As long as you can teach and tell your child that school and education is important they should do fine, not as good as people with higher IQ's but that dosent matter.
You can't just throw people with sub 100IQs into the best schools in the world and expect their society to suddenly improve, that's not how it works, that's a leftist fantasy. The only way to improve the lesser races, is to find the genetic anomalies within them, the men and women who are higher IQ, and genetically predisposed to certain positive traits, and encourage, or force them to breed with eachother. Eugenics is the only fast solution.
Worse as in what? Education? As long as you can teach and tell your child that school and education is important they should do fine, not as good as people with higher IQ's but that dosent matter.
IQ is linked to more than education. It is linked to crime, violence and a good indicator for how someone will do in life. Stop coping, you already admit that some races are lower IQ. You don't want to accept that the main races differ too.
IQ is linked to more than education. It is linked to crime, violence and a good indicator for how someone will do in life. Stop coping, you already admit that some races are lower IQ. You don't want to accept that the main races differ too.
Yeah I know its linked towards more than education, however a kids brain is like a sponge and if you teach them right from wrong at a young age violence can be fixed. I dont know what the hell my IQ is but I know I didnt end up like the other low IQ blacks because my parents taught me better than that and I was raised in a good enviorment.
You can't just throw people with sub 100IQs into the best schools in the world and expect their society to suddenly improve, that's not how it works, that's a leftist fantasy. The only way to improve the lesser races, is to find the genetic anomalies within them, the men and women who are higher IQ, and genetically predisposed to certain positive traits, and encourage, or force them to breed with eachother. Eugenics is the only fast solution.
Dude, its not about throwing them into the best schools, no shit, I never said anything about that. I said parents teaching them to prioritize education and surrounding them with good influences will allow them to do good. No shit throwing them into a good school isnt going to do anything.
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Yeah I know its linked towards more than education, however a kids brain is like a sponge and if you teach them right from wrong at a young age violence can be fixed. I dont know what the hell my IQ is but I know I didnt end up like the other low IQ blacks because my parents taught me better than that and I was raised in a good enviorment.

There is more IQ variation in a race than between races, I am not suggesting there can't be black geniuses, just on average they do commit a lot more crime and are less productive. To run a country you have to massively generalise or how could you get anything done? What you say about education is true, and it definitely does help, but I disagree that you can teach all kids not to be violent.
There is more IQ variation in a race than between races, I am not suggesting there can't be black geniuses, just on average they do commit a lot more crime and are less productive. To run a country you have to massively generalise or how could you get anything done? What you say about education is true, and it definitely does help, but I disagree that you can teach all kids not to be violent.
For sure you cant teach all kids, but I guarantee you that if things were done different 100 years ago in America, the crime rate wouldnt be so freaking high, blacks would still lead but it would be FAR better than it is now for sure.
There is more IQ variation in a race than between races

lmao at this gigacope. So fucking what? The average IQ of blacks is like 85 vs the 100 for whites. If you belong to the smartest 10% of blacks you are barely any smarter than the average white person.

IQ cope is frankly even greater than looks cope. At least most people sort of accept that looks matter even if they are in denial about the exact amount that it does. But with IQ it's just hardcore coping for most people.

And I am saying this as somebody with an IQ of 98 which is just barely average, so it's not like I am going to IQ mog anybody. I just merely don't lie to myself like most people do.

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