Women are sexually attracted to power and genetic convenience to authority. Men's sexuality is romantic. Women's sexuality is literally a soulless and complete utter expression of sociopathic hierarchical materialism and a will to power dressed as empathy and the love of the soul.
Due to the facts and consequences of history, white genetics, moreso than other races, symbolize power and authority to women and women are naturally sexually attracted to power and authority. Traits like height [white people are typically the tallest race], Eurocentric facial features [narrow, pointier noses for example], blonde hair, light colored eyes and fashionably lighter skin, because of history, have become symbols of a man's power, authority and dominance over other males in our culture to women. Women's sexuality will respond accordingly to such traits. Even rare women that prefer other races will typically and obviously select for the ones who are tall and have the most white facial features.
Genetic convenience to power and authority is what sexually attracts women most. Women do not love as men; Only men are capable of romantic love. This truth is inconvenient for the economy, which is driven by blue pilled lies meant to coerce "inferior" males into slaving away their lives for the chance to be a whore's beta bux. This truth is inconvenient for women, who depend on the "women are wonderful effect" as well as the romanticizing of their sexuality for their privilege. This truth is inconvenient for males who have been manipulated into striving for a woman's "love" their entire lives, as well as men that depend on their ability to attract women to feel like a "real man". People will reject the truth if it hurts them. It hurts most people to see women for what they really are, so they try to deny it to cope. Fortunately, as women steadily increase their power in society, they will continue to prove the truth of what they are in increasingly relentless fashion.
If a different race of people were notorious for enslaving other races, bombing other races, taking other races's lands from them by force.....If another race of men dominated the world the way white men have, then women, around the globe, would literally worship the image of those men, making it easier for the average men of that race to find sexual or reproductive success. Women's sexuality is all about judging men for their perceived genetic convenience to power and authority. See them for what they are.