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Brutal Why you shouldn't have any friends as an easily disposable person



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
When I was 17 I had a friend one year older than me with a driving license and he used to drive me in his car and we just listened to music, talked and enjoyed ourselves. That one friday night It was around 1am and he called me to hang out. I got excited and agreed. He picked me up in his car and not even 15 minutes have passed when a normie friend of his calls him on the phone and tells him that he wants to talk to him about something important. My friend tries to explain to him that I am also in the car and that normgroid friend of his tells him to drop me off and come pick him up. My friend agrees and drops me off and I felt like the most useless piece of shit who ever walked this planet. I did not go straight home but instead nightwalked for around 1 hour thinking about how much of a disposable person I am. That was one of the most brutal experiences I've ever had to endure and It serves as a lesson for incels that we shouldn't have any friends because we are just easily disposable and people take advantage over us for our kindness and warmth. Back then I honestly wanted to cry because of how brutal the entire experience was. I sat down on a bench and started reconsidering my entire existence and why that was happening to me , why can't I be like other people. Why am I not enough for anyone and why should I even bother with trying when the results are always the same. There is always someone better than me even though I try my best. I've tried to socialize throughout my entire life in different "friend" groups but I've never been anyone's favorite person and no one really acknowledged my existence and would talk over me.
Brootal. I used to have friends and they had a shared friend that refused to hang out if I was there because my presence was embarrassing.
Can relate. Back when I used to have "friends" I was never part of the main circle. I was always just a hanger-on that was lucky to get an occasional invite.
Hope you cut him off after that
Same mate, my friends used to ditch me to hang out with other people and talk shit about me behind my back to them. Not bothered to try and make friends since I was 15.
Can relate. Back when I used to have "friends" I was never part of the main circle. I was always just a hanger-on that was lucky to get an occasional invite.
Yeah it sucks never being in the main circle. You hear of them and you can tell they like each other more than you.
Can relate. Back when I used to have "friends" I was never part of the main circle. I was always just a hanger-on that was lucky to get an occasional invite.
We don't have friends.
Same mate, my friends used to ditch me to hang out with other people and talk shit about me behind my back to them. Not bothered to try and make friends since I was 15.
all of my friends ive ever had talked behind my back. I just know it. They always talked over me too and would ignore me completely. Why bother with making friendships now ? It is pointless. I don't want to have anything with normies anymore. I've learned my lesson.
They wanted me in their pressence to make fun of me and remarks about my looks nothing more. I never had friends.
Can relate. Back when I used to have "friends" I was never part of the main circle. I was always just a hanger-on that was lucky to get an occasional invite.
You guys here on this forum have been better friends to me than anyone I've hanged out with. I appreciate you.
I had that happen with the people I grew up with 3 people from early childhood, when I turned 18 I quit all contact with them, they have written to me through the years but I blocked them on everything.

They think because we grew up together we are somehow obliged or close, no they were with each other but not with me and in the end I despised them, me not telling them that I hated them was my final act of kindness and they instead think I fell into depression and that's why I cut contact.
I had that happen with the people I grew up with 3 people from early childhood, when I turned 18 I quit all contact with them, they have written to me through the years but I blocked them on everything.

They think because we grew up together we are somehow obliged or close, no they were with each other but not with me and in the end I despised them, me not telling them that I hated them was my final act of kindness and they instead think I fell into depression and that's why I cut contact.
so much cruelty, pain and suffering.
so much cruelty, pain and suffering.
Never had any friends since, 6 years in a row, never had a good friend so I don't see the use of one, rather be alone then surrounded by snakes.
My “friend” agrees and drops me off
gary coleman wtf GIF
Normie 'friends' will usually treat you as a disposable second-class citizen whenever possible
Never had any friends since, 6 years in a row, never had a good friend so I don't see the use of one, rather be alone then surrounded by snakes.
I love how we all have similar experiences in one way or another which shaped us the way we are today. it is simply just amazing It feels like we live the same lives of humiliation, neglect and bad luck.
I thought that I was all alone in this dark world. I thought I was the only person who was experiencing such cruelties from this empty life. Knowing that I am not alone and there are people who have the exact same experience makes my situation a little more bearable.
Your friend's friend is quite the asshole. Your friend also but especially the former.
I thought that I was all alone in this dark world. I thought I was the only person who was experiencing such cruelties from this empty life. Knowing that I am not alone and there are people who have the exact same experience makes my situation a little more bearable.
Read my threads about the opioid pill. I felt the same emptiness and desolation as you before I discovered and implemented it.

Never again will I be emotionally dependent upon people who use me, tbh. Opioids are revolutionary in this sense.
Read my threads about the opioid pill. I felt the same emptiness and desolation as you before I discovered and implemented it.

Never again will I be emotionally dependent upon people who use me, tbh. Opioids are revolutionary in this sense.
I have been thinking about vaping CBD do you have any experience with it ?
Your friend's friend is quite the asshole. Your friend also but especially the former.
I've always hated him. He was your average normie with a different girlfriend every 3 months who loved to brag and was very low-inhib. He made a lot of remarks about me.
You guys here on this forum have been better friends to me than anyone I've hanged out with. I appreciate you.
How I feel too, it's the only place I feel anything remotely accepted. Sometimes I even forget the purpose of this forum and just post like you guys are my friends who've been here since the start
How I feel too, it's the only place I feel anything remotely accepted. Sometimes I even forget the purpose of this forum and just post like you guys are my friends who've been here since the start
It is good to spread positivity once in awhile. After all we've all suffered enough in this life. We are living the same lives of neglect, bullying and regret.
I have been thinking about vaping CBD do you have any experience with it ?
In my experience, opioids are definitely preferential to cannabinoids.

Opioids take care of the lack of social attachment in particular, since that's what they have evolved to do.

For instance, it is theorized that breast milk contains casomorphins (an opioid-like compound) in order to bond infants to their mothers, and this is true from cows to humans. You can find these very casomorphins in cow's milk (casein protein in particular).

Psychology teaches us that the most basic social attachment is that between the infant and the mother, and all other social attachments follow from it; ergo opioids are clearly the chemical of social attachment, which we want to spur the release of (in the form of endorphins) through social interaction. So if you utterly foreswear social interaction, as you are doing in this thread, then it follows that you'll need to make up for the lack of opioids, tbh. It will get rid of the loneliness/emptiness.

With respect to cannabinoids, it is known that they are naturally stimulated by exercise (in the form of endocannabinoids), so that's what I mostly do in order to get them. If you're the type of person who cannot experience the runner's high, though, then supplementing cannabinoids could be useful. CBD in particular is good for relaxing you. I personally take black maca which is known to upregulate endocannabinoid production, among other benefits.
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In my experience, opioids are definitely preferential to cannabinoids.

Opioids take care of the lack of social attachment in particular, since that's what they have evolved to do.

For instance, it is theorized that breast milk contains casomorphins (an opioid-like compound) in order to bond infants to their mothers, and this is true from cows to humans. You can find these very casomorphins in cow's milk (casein protein in particular).

Psychology teaches us that the most basic social attachment is that between the infant and the mother, and all other social attachments follow from it; ergo opioids are clearly the chemical of social attachment, which we want to spur the release of (in the form of endorphins) through social interaction. So if you utterly foreswear social interaction, as you are doing in this thread, then it follows that you'll need to make up for the lack of opioids, tbh. It will get rid of the loneliness/emptiness.

With respect to cannabinoids, it is known that they are naturally stimulated by exercise (in the form of endocannabinoids), so that's what I mostly do in order to get them. If you're the type of person who cannot experience the runner's high, though, then supplementing cannabinoids could be useful. CBD in particular is good for relaxing you. I personally take black maca which is known to upregulate endocannabinoid production, among other benefits.
Will research more on this topic. Thanks. I am going to try first with CBD to see how my mind reacts to it and if it does not work I may try opioids.
Will research more on this topic. Thanks. I am going to try first with CBD to see how my mind reacts to it and if it does not work I may try opioids.
Np bro

While CBD is relaxing, in my experience, it does not get rid of loneliness and that BPD feeling of emptiness/desolation.
Np bro

While CBD is relaxing, in my experience, it does not get rid of loneliness and that BPD feeling of emptiness/desolation.
I do not really feel lonely. I've suffered enough from people I do not seek to socialize. I've learned my lesson about humans and hey I also struggle with mental issues such as ADHD and social anxiety. It is really hard to live like this.
I do not really feel lonely. I've suffered enough from people I do not seek to socialize. I've learned my lesson about humans and hey I also struggle with mental issues such as ADHD and social anxiety. It is really hard to live like this.
I've learned my lesson about humans many times, but it does not stop me from feeling a longing for them

After all, we're interacting on this forum, aren't we? We feel a need to talk. This is us needing our endorphin fix, but the issue is that being dependent upon a forum such as this for social interaction can maximize your misery given how brutal it can be.

For ADHD, I suggest you read the post below:

I have severe, lifelong ADHD too. So I know exactly what you mean.

What I do is not just take an opioid agonist daily, but a stimulant as well. This resolves not just the inceldom-induced depression, but the lack of attention and focus too. I could not be making so many threads as I am lately without it, lol.

You can get a stimulant quite easily in the US by seeing a psychiatrist. They will likely prescribe something like Ritalin or Adderall for ADHD. These are good medications for REALLY focusing, and this is because they don't just increase dopamine tone, but norepinephrine as well.

However, increasing norepinephrine by a lot is not something you should do everyday, IMO. While it does enhance the degree of focus you can get from stimulants, it does this at the expense of making you feel particularly "robotic." It gives you a strong sense of tense focus which is not always a good thing.

Minimizing the norepinephrine release by taking dextroamphetamine instead of adderall (or amphetamine salts) is something worth considering. Ideally, you should be able to cycle stimulants that act more on norepinephrine with those that act more on dopamine, depending upon your needs. One obvious consideration would be to avoid excessive norepinephrine release when you have social demands, and don't want to be giga robotic.

But I have an interesting fact for you. The way in which you keep jerking off to porn and scrolling YouTube actually has less to do with dopamine, and more to do with endorphins/opioids. Endorphins/opioids are what get released during orgasm and make you feel good. Constantly scrolling YouTube is clearly an endorphin-seeking behavior too in the sense that it's a way of supplementing social interaction through parasocial relationships.

Indeed, I have read research which postulates that at its root, ADHD involves endogenous opioid system dysregulation. It is probably the fundamental disorder underlying BPD and other clearer expressions of endorphin dysregulation. So you should definitely pursue the opioid angle at the same time as you obtain a stimulant. You will be hard-pressed to get a psychiatrist to help you, though. Mine told me that "opioids may help depression, but they just do so by making you high," as though the very same argument could not be made for stimulant use in ADHD by those who do not support it :feelshaha:

Also, check out whether you have SLEEP APNEA or not. Sleep apnea contributes to or even causes ADHD. It might just qualify you for a subsidized jaw surgery if you do have it :feelshehe:

For social anxiety, read the post below:

Indeed, for being socially ostracized from the group means not just no procreative potential, but even imminent death too. Have you ever wondered why you have intense social anxiety? It's because your brain has learned the lesson over the years that other people don't like you -- or that they even hate you -- and so they might very well just stone you, without anybody coming to your aid or lifting a finger to protect you.

On the other hand, when you're in public on an opioid agonist, it literally feels like you have friends beside you who WOULD protect you if anything goes awry. It literally gives you the "confidence" that people meme about. All while motivating you to pursue your true hobbies and interests, since you have been made immune from social demands and judgements.

I did not enjoy NEETdom at all before I found out about the opioid pill. This has 100% corrected the shame associated with being low social status, which through natural, evolutionary means could only be resolved through desperate attempts to re-unite with the evolutionary "group" and get crumbs of acceptance from normalfags and foids. Hence the copes of simping and wagecucking.
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all of my friends ive ever had talked behind my back. I just know it. They always talked over me too and would ignore me completely. Why bother with making friendships now ? It is pointless. I don't want to have anything with normies anymore. I've learned my lesson.
same bro they all subliminally bullied me i was always the last resort if they needed another person to pitch in for something i was the guy
i never brought any intrinsic value to them they all used me and now i blocked all of them and i am so alone but it is better than those losers who always talked over me
Having close friends who genuinely support and care for you is impossible if anything just see others as irrelevant and you'll be gucci
When I was 17 I had a friend one year older than me with a driving license and he used to drive me in his car and we just listened to music, talked and enjoyed ourselves. That one friday night It was around 1am and he called me to hang out. I got excited and agreed. He picked me up in his car and not even 15 minutes have passed when a normie friend of his calls him on the phone and tells him that he wants to talk to him about something important. My friend tries to explain to him that I am also in the car and that normgroid friend of his tells him to drop me off and come pick him up. My friend agrees and drops me off and I felt like the most useless piece of shit who ever walked this planet. I did not go straight home but instead nightwalked for around 1 hour thinking about how much of a disposable person I am. That was one of the most brutal experiences I've ever had to endure and It serves as a lesson for incels that we shouldn't have any friends because we are just easily disposable and people take advantage over us for our kindness and warmth. Back then I honestly wanted to cry because of how brutal the entire experience was. I sat down on a bench and started reconsidering my entire existence and why that was happening to me , why can't I be like other people. Why am I not enough for anyone and why should I even bother with trying when the results are always the same. There is always someone better than me even though I try my best. I've tried to socialize throughout my entire life in different "friend" groups but I've never been anyone's favorite person and no one really acknowledged my existence and would talk over me.
crazy to see how looks not only impact your love life but also friendships and all other non romantic relationships . we will always be viewed as less and thats how it always is. no point in trying to develop true friendships when youre an incel
do you have any advice on how to cope with constantly being alone and just not care about anyone anymore? my issue is im attached to two people that view me as disposable yet I still want them to be apart of my lives. what do i do?
When I was 17 I had a friend one year older than me with a driving license and he used to drive me in his car and we just listened to music, talked and enjoyed ourselves. That one friday night It was around 1am and he called me to hang out. I got excited and agreed. He picked me up in his car and not even 15 minutes have passed when a normie friend of his calls him on the phone and tells him that he wants to talk to him about something important. My friend tries to explain to him that I am also in the car and that normgroid friend of his tells him to drop me off and come pick him up. My friend agrees and drops me off and I felt like the most useless piece of shit who ever walked this planet. I did not go straight home but instead nightwalked for around 1 hour thinking about how much of a disposable person I am. That was one of the most brutal experiences I've ever had to endure and It serves as a lesson for incels that we shouldn't have any friends because we are just easily disposable and people take advantage over us for our kindness and warmth. Back then I honestly wanted to cry because of how brutal the entire experience was. I sat down on a bench and started reconsidering my entire existence and why that was happening to me , why can't I be like other people. Why am I not enough for anyone and why should I even bother with trying when the results are always the same. There is always someone better than me even though I try my best. I've tried to socialize throughout my entire life in different "friend" groups but I've never been anyone's favorite person and no one really acknowledged my existence and would talk over me.
Friends will always prioritize their better friends.
yeah when I had normie friends back in school they wouldn't have even saved my life if I was drowning

even if they tell you you're great but they all lie

they betray you and laugh at you behind your back, then leave you

normie friends won't give a shit when you die
Bro when I was in high school I had a legit Chad friend (we were friends since middle school because he thought I was hilarious)

This nigga used to make me drive him (because he had no drivers license) to girls houses so he could fuck and I agreed to take him like a fucking cuck.

Sometimes o hung out with him wishing his good looks would rub off on me or make me more attractive or something.

This guy dropped me like a pencil after I told him all my dirty secrets off of LSD about how I was lonely and jealous of him.

These fucking bastards are fake as fuck and will use you until you have no more worth.
I wholeheartedly agree: Incels can't have friends
When I was 17 I had a friend one year older than me with a driving license and he used to drive me in his car and we just listened to music, talked and enjoyed ourselves. That one friday night It was around 1am and he called me to hang out. I got excited and agreed. He picked me up in his car and not even 15 minutes have passed when a normie friend of his calls him on the phone and tells him that he wants to talk to him about something important. My friend tries to explain to him that I am also in the car and that normgroid friend of his tells him to drop me off and come pick him up. My friend agrees and drops me off and I felt like the most useless piece of shit who ever walked this planet. I did not go straight home but instead nightwalked for around 1 hour thinking about how much of a disposable person I am. That was one of the most brutal experiences I've ever had to endure and It serves as a lesson for incels that we shouldn't have any friends because we are just easily disposable and people take advantage over us for our kindness and warmth. Back then I honestly wanted to cry because of how brutal the entire experience was. I sat down on a bench and started reconsidering my entire existence and why that was happening to me , why can't I be like other people. Why am I not enough for anyone and why should I even bother with trying when the results are always the same. There is always someone better than me even though I try my best. I've tried to socialize throughout my entire life in different "friend" groups but I've never been anyone's favorite person and no one really acknowledged my existence and would talk over me.
Even though I know I'm easily disposable, I still want to hang out with friends and fuck around and do stuff. It's so over
When I was 17 I had a friend one year older than me with a driving license and he used to drive me in his car and we just listened to music, talked and enjoyed ourselves. That one friday night It was around 1am and he called me to hang out. I got excited and agreed. He picked me up in his car and not even 15 minutes have passed when a normie friend of his calls him on the phone and tells him that he wants to talk to him about something important. My friend tries to explain to him that I am also in the car and that normgroid friend of his tells him to drop me off and come pick him up.
I bet you two were going to a pizza place that night, wasn't it?

I'm sorry to tell you, bro, but your story has all the markings of someone who was grooming a minor to use as a human sacrifice for some pizzagate cult killing that was going on that night.

Your groomer's accomplice called of the sacrifice ritual at the last moment, so he ditched you.
Can relate, I was always the "last resort" people would invite if they needed somebody to see a movie or play a game with them when all of their real friends were busy. I've had people cancel plans with me 10 minutes in advance and straight-up tell me it was because somebody else wanted to hang out, then just not invite me to the new thing.

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