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Blackpill Why you should never support women: Personal stories.



El Capitano
Jan 6, 2020
After reading this thread, I feel like I have to contribute some stories:

Never support women. You and me, most men, we can not even FATHOM how good women have it.
Let me repeat, no matter how many "tutorial mode" stories you read, you will not even grasp how easy they cruise through life.

On my mom:

My mom is in her mid 50s and she never was a good Looking Woman.
She is butch.
She works in a home for 60+ year old alcoholics and drug users. These guys are basically just there to die. They get an allowance and get hammerd every single day.

Get this:
My mom sometimes gets 3 digit sums of cash from These guys, just like that.
One time this dude gave her 300 bucks "because he didnt Need it anyways"
Again, my mom is in her mid 50s.

My mom also had an affair with an older guy. My dad told me a year later, he caught them chatting on Facebook.
Again, 50+ year old, build like a tank, hairy Woman with a pregnancy belly and birth scars + stretchmarks that never went away.

In the nursing home:

When I was in the nursing home for a few months, These old guys, 70 to 80 years old, would go fucking nuts for Attention from the female staff.
We had some Young russian foid that would take off her clothes and work in a tank top, massive tits.
But they did not go for her exclusively.
They also went for literal fucking ogre beasts.

We had this one Woman, she literally looked like a Grizzly, over 100kg, 3/10 face...
Guys would randomly hug her and say shit like "i love you" or grab her ass.
She also was way passed her "prime" and I'd say in her late 30s.
This happend to the entire female staff.

Now imagine a Young and semi attractive female. Can you even get it in your head how much Attention and offers for Money/sex/Status she is getting?

Funny tho, we had some based blackpilled old guys that would Punch female staff if they got too close.
On that note:
Even now, most guys here do not realize how WEAK women are physically.

Imagine this: An 80 year old, demented skeleton of a man that cant even walk. Paper Skin, no teeth.
Guess what?
3 grown women, 3 GROWN WOMEN could not subdue this guy. He would fucking throw punches while laying on his bed.
They always would ask a man for help.

On my little Sister:

My Little sister,
she upgraded from our low income homelife to hanging out with the Kids of this local whore landlord Lady.
She is now regularly hanging out with high Society, attends Dance Events, hangs out with the landlords many "daddies" etc...

They can upgrade their Lifestyle from 0 to 100 in one fucking step.
What takes a man years and years of bloodshed and sacrifice, they can get in a heartbeat.

Tell me, why would you support such a System?

Or remember that other Story that someone posted here, where this guy gave this asian Girl at this School a box full of gaming shit, including a ps2.
It never Ends, These stories are everywhere.

Here I just remembered TWO more.

On my biggest Sister:

My biggest sister, her first bf, he would give her Video games and torrent Music for her and shit.
She went from that beta Harry potter Looking guy to a 2m tall literal Bodybuilder chad, son of a lawyer IN ONE STEP:
And he owned a big ass dog too.

On a Girl in my School:

In my class at School there is this very Tiny, fat Little jewish Looking Girl.
Looks like a small Version of kyles mom from south park.
Kyle 2

She has a fucking Team of simps doing her fucking tax work for her, I AM NOT SHITTING YOU.
She has a fucking professional do her taxes for her because PUSSY.
And she is open About this, they BRAG About this.
"yeah, I know a couple of guys that work in companies that do tax stuff, they do it for me"

Again, People will Always scream "LARP LARP this isnt true"

I wish it wasn't, I really do.

On my grandmother:

This is why I dont support women and have become an asshole, Even to my Sisters.
I have never been approached by a Woman, even in my Family, unless they wanted something from me.
My grandmother drove my grandpa into the Ground until he drank himself to death.
Now she is playing the victim Card and constantely asks for Attention.

Her Friends are dying but These cunts Keep hooking up even after their husbands die.
Decades of "supporting" each other and they Dont give a fuck. They just move on.
Even dogs fucking die from the emotional pain of loosing their owner.

View: https://youtu.be/itBSDZd-4DU?t=73

The Russian dog has been compared to the famously loyal Hachiko - a Japanese pooch that went to the train station every day for nine years, waiting for its owner to return home from work

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHBXIldhTDk

When my grandma celebrated her 80th Birthday, everbody was invited but I didn't go. Fuck her.
She lives in the house my grandpa built with his own Hands, that he renovated over the years multiple times.
My grandma ignored his fucking will and split up the heritance, wasted it all.
I have no respect for such a Person.

Finally, simp Story of myself, how I cucked myself:

I used to watch copious amounts of anime.
To get an idea of how much:
I watched all of one piece (600+ episodes at the time) TWICE in a row over the span of 2 months.
First time alone, second time with my Little sister.

Yes, I used to watch anime with my Little sister.

Now, my little sister started Talking About it to my parents, which was very embarrasing for me at the time.

Here is the cuck part: For a time I actually believed that I somehow "ruined" my sister by getting her into anime.
you can never overestimate how easy women have it. Never.

She used the anime shit as a spring board to Advance her Status with other bitches in School and made like 10 Friends based on that alone.
She would come home and tell me how she mogged other Girls with her Knowledge on anime and shit, because I would Show her some good stuff.
Again, most of you will say I am larping.
I wish I wasnt. I cant proove this shit to you.

If a guy tried to use anime to Advance socially, he would be bullied and shamed.

And These stories never end. It is baffling to me how most guys are not blackpilled.
I think it is largely because we allow women to raise Boys while Daddy is at work.
Mothers antagonize the Father and bluepill the Kids to serve her and the female cause at large.

Suffice to say, women can not fail at life. There is Always a sucker.
Dont be that guy.

A lot of People on this Forum will receive female Attention sooner or later, probably as you get Closer to your late 20s.
Dont get snatched up. Unless you are ok with betabuxxing.
Never support them, treat them like they dont exist.
If they offer something, it is usually a trap.

Give them Nothing, take from them everything.

View: https://youtu.be/QEd7Y2YLgTg
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Agreed. I hate foids
"Nooooooo!! you should support sex workers on OnlyFans!!!! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: "
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Totally agree.
IRL you can't avoid it entirely, but we can start by recognizing this and avoid active support whenever possible.
Don't give tips, don't do favors, don't make things easy for them. Anyways they have 100 other simps ready to do things for them.
But like I said, it's a start.
absolutely based fucking thread.Man don't understand that they are easy discardable trash.They are so retarded,that not only do they support feminist crap thinking they are going to get pussy,but also support the advancement of technology as if that isn't going to fuck up their entire lives.Normies only good to society is that they can do manual labour,remove that and they are left with nothing.Believe me,nothing is more pathetic then a beta male
absolutely based fucking thread.Man don't understand that they are easy discardable trash.They are so retarded,that not only do they support feminist crap thinking they are going to get pussy,but also support the advancement of technology as if that isn't going to fuck up their entire lives.Normies only good to society is that they can do manual labour,remove that and they are left with nothing.Believe me,nothing is more pathetic then a beta male

I saw this video on the old believers in russia. This old woman lived alone in the forest. She also had an ancient bible and she said "it was all fine until the damn technology came along".

Yes, we are trash.
That's it.

I see so many guys, infact most of them around me, sacrifice their health, time and lifes to these insufferable demonic women that drain the very blood from their partners bodies.

Like Matheolus wrote:

So anyone who wishes to immolate himself on the altar of marriage will have a lot to put up with. Fifteen times, both day and night, he will suffer without respite and he will be sorely tormented. Indeed, I believe that this torture is worse than the torments of hell, with its chains, fire, and iron.

For what are they doing it? I can see that they understand their situation on some level. There are hints of desperation everywhere, they cling on to some weird form of pseudo masculinity etc...
like aggressively stating that they wont let their girlfriends fiddle with the car stereo and so on.
Just weird.

I feel a lot of pity for them ngl.
I saw this video on the old believers in russia. This old woman lived alone in the forest. She also had an ancient bible and she said "it was all fine until the damn technology came along".

Yes, we are trash.
That's it.

I see so many guys, infact most of them around me, sacrifice their health, time and lifes to these insufferable demonic women that drain the very blood from their partners bodies.

Like Matheolus wrote:

For what are they doing it? I can see that they understand their situation on some level. There are hints of desperation everywhere, they cling on to some weird form of pseudo masculinity etc...
like aggressively stating that they wont let their girlfriends fiddle with the car stereo and so on.
Just weird.

I feel a lot of pity for them ngl.
Women is the new god.Man is an imperfect being and imperfect beings cannot have their desires fullfiled by their sole existence.They need by necessity something else to fulfil them.Women is the biggest achievement in terms of pleasure and naturally if man totally abandons god then he will spend his entire time on something else.Women as the most pleasurable thing on earth was naturally picked to be 'worshipped'.What's funny is that what they fell in love with is a fantasy that is only available to a few man.

it's possible for a women to serve an incel,but for that to happen we need extremely firm laws and morals something which is impossible on this earth at the moment.
Women is the new god.Man is an imperfect being and imperfect beings cannot have their desires fullfiled by their sole existence.They need by necessity something else to fulfil them.Women is the biggest achievement in terms of pleasure and naturally if man totally abandons god then he will spend his entire time on something else.Women as the most pleasurable thing on earth was naturally picked to be 'worshipped'.What's funny is that what they fell in love with is a fantasy that is only available to a few man.

it's possible for a women to serve an incel,but for that to happen we need extremely firm laws and morals something which is impossible on this earth at the moment.

"Women as the New Nobility: Feminism, the Rule of Fear and Contempt for Thought"

Women is the new god.Man is an imperfect being and imperfect beings cannot have their desires fullfiled by their sole existence.They need by necessity something else to fulfil them.Women is the biggest achievement in terms of pleasure and naturally if man totally abandons god then he will spend his entire time on something else.Women as the most pleasurable thing on earth was naturally picked to be 'worshipped'.What's funny is that what they fell in love with is a fantasy that is only available to a few man.

it's possible for a women to serve an incel,but for that to happen we need extremely firm laws and morals something which is impossible on this earth at the moment.

Women perpetuate that fantasy because it serves them and they know it.
Its a demonic bait and switch tactic where they first create a market of extreme artificial sexual scarcity and then pretend as if sex was the solution to a mans problems, thus becoming effectively able to coerce a man into marriage and other betabux relationship situations.

It's disgusting but its what almost all relationships are based on. They are never mutually supportive, there is no complementation between the genders.
One has to submit to the authority of the other, there are no equals.

But this last idea has become so foreign to us modern men, that notion of having to take charge of another person, to rule in a benevolent manner, its really over bro.
wonder if any catholic youtuber is somewhat blackpilled.
there are some for sure. I just dont know any because I dont sail that part of the world.
Women perpetuate that fantasy because it serves them and they know it.
Its a demonic bait and switch tactic where they first create a market of extreme artificial sexual scarcity and then pretend as if sex was the solution to a mans problems, thus becoming effectively able to coerce a man into marriage and other betabux relationship situations.

It's disgusting but its what almost all relationships are based on. They are never mutually supportive, there is no complementation between the genders.
One has to submit to the authority of the other, there are no equals.

But this last idea has become so foreign to us modern men, that notion of having to take charge of another person, to rule in a benevolent manner, its really over bro.

there are some for sure. I just dont know any because I dont sail that part of the world.
i am almost 99% sure that the main driving force for man supporting the sexual revolution,was an attempt at man saving their sexual life from their dead bedroom marriages.Man goes fucking crazy when he has 0 intimacy with women.God intended man and women to be union ever since the beginning,but man has misunderstood union since forever.Union is only needed when something is missing.Man is imperfect and so we need other things and people to satisfy man.Only god can ultimately satisfy us perfectly and for forever but until then we need to remain in this mode of life.

it's clear now that woman only feel aesthetically pleased with about 5%-15% of man.But if our union is based on our physical appearance then it's obvious that only a small percentage of mankind will ever get in a relationship(unless force is used aka rape).But this is missing the entire picture.For women cannot sustain themselves.they are absolutely useless at creating a functioning society(look and see how throughout history women have acted).Since they cannot sustain themselves,it's only man who can enable women to live in a good functioning world.

In our current society,man gives everything to women in terms of comfort,food,housing etc etc,so man who can only be valued in terms of manual labour,intelligence and virtue decides to give everything to women without getting his part back.There is no mutual relationship between the two.One gets all,the other gets nothing.

thus one of the most important unions for man has been broken and ravaged.Man no longer understands his place in society,nor does women understand their place.

Women servitude is nothing more then righteous equal payment.it is just and fair.A being who can barely function,should be glad that she is feed and cared for.Women are essentially pretty paintings.But man seems to need beauty to function correctly(till we are finally with god that is).
I have never been approached by a Woman, even in my Family, unless they wanted something from me.
I read this and I've never identified with anything more in my entire life.

Her Friends are dying but These cunts Keep hooking up even after their husbands die.
Decades of "supporting" each other and they Dont give a fuck. They just move on.
Even dogs fucking die from the emotional pain of loosing their owner.
This reminded me, this girl I know just got divorced a few weeks ago and 4 FUCKING DAYS LATER already has a boyfriend JFL... There's no way she wasn't cheating on the dude she married with this new guy if shes already on some other dick 4 days after getting a divorce.
A lot of People on this Forum will receive female Attention sooner or later, probably as you get Closer to your late 20s.
Dont get snatched up. Unless you are ok with betabuxxing.
Never support them, treat them like they dont exist.
If they offer something, it is usually a trap.

Give them Nothing, take from them everything.

View: https://youtu.be/QEd7Y2YLgTg

You are still coping. No one is coming except to give you the same dismissive and mocking remarks.
So in that way most of us are safe.
Imagine simping and giving women money out of the blue even as a beggar. JFL.
It is truly extraordinary how easy they have it & the thirst of the average guy is unquenchable, the simps dig so deep they may just reach China.
i am almost 99% sure that the main driving force for man supporting the sexual revolution,was an attempt at man saving their sexual life from their dead bedroom marriages.Man goes fucking crazy when he has 0 intimacy with women.God intended man and women to be union ever since the beginning,but man has misunderstood union since forever.Union is only needed when something is missing.Man is imperfect and so we need other things and people to satisfy man.Only god can ultimately satisfy us perfectly and for forever but until then we need to remain in this mode of life.

it's clear now that woman only feel aesthetically pleased with about 5%-15% of man.But if our union is based on our physical appearance then it's obvious that only a small percentage of mankind will ever get in a relationship(unless force is used aka rape).But this is missing the entire picture.For women cannot sustain themselves.they are absolutely useless at creating a functioning society(look and see how throughout history women have acted).Since they cannot sustain themselves,it's only man who can enable women to live in a good functioning world.

In our current society,man gives everything to women in terms of comfort,food,housing etc etc,so man who can only be valued in terms of manual labour,intelligence and virtue decides to give everything to women without getting his part back.There is no mutual relationship between the two.One gets all,the other gets nothing.

thus one of the most important unions for man has been broken and ravaged.Man no longer understands his place in society,nor does women understand their place.

Women servitude is nothing more then righteous equal payment.it is just and fair.A being who can barely function,should be glad that she is feed and cared for.Women are essentially pretty paintings.But man seems to need beauty to function correctly(till we are finally with god that is).
True, even the cucked victorians used to say that all Legislation that disadvantaged women was just an equalizer for their natural female ability to exercise power over men.

Women servitude is nothing more then righteous equal payment.it is just and fair.A being who can barely function,should be glad that she is feed and cared for.

Giga Based

Not only should she be glad, she should Display reverence towards the male that keeps her from starving, from having to Resort to Prostitution for Survival.
But Looking back at the time when marriages where still the norm, it doesnt really work. Women dont like their betabux husbands AT ALL.
The victorians had issues with women poisoning their husbands.

Also, remember, rejection starts in the womb. The Children of rapists are Born emotionally damaged, they found.
This implies that to a Degree all Children Born to betabux fathers are damaged.

Plus, as far as I can tell, women would abuse the ever living shit out of their betabux Children back in the day.
When we look at native populations in China, south america or North america, we usually see why this is the case.
Human Societies are matriarchies.

In most native tribes across the globe you have basically Systems where the women fuck around, paternity is not certain at all and the tribe or a relative of the mother (cuck) raises the child.

On top of that, chad worship is very prevalent:

According to the Ethnographic Atlas (1998), of 1,231 societies noted, 588 had frequent polygyny, 453 had occasional polygyny, 186 were monogamous and 4 had polyandry;[5] although more recent research suggests polyandry may be more common than previously thought.

Again, paternity is not even a Thing. In some North american tribes they would Attribute it to magic or the tides if the child actually looked like the guy that was raising it.

The Bottom line to all of this is that male-female Relations take a clear direction towards foid-worship and female Empowerment if left alone and unsupervised.
It is almost like a rubber band and Society has to Keep it under Tension constantely to Prevent it from reverting into the unproductive clusterfuck of tribalism.

Remember, we used to artifically battle hypergamy in the past by disallowing women from Holding Jobs and receiving higher education.
Unless the male is privileged significantely, the female reigns supreme.

Which of Course leads us naturally to the conclusion that a younger and more mallable wife is preferable as to rule out marital Problems and Maybe even violent confrontation later on. Do you really want to marry a 20 year old Woman that will Poison you at 32? Or do you want a 15 year old that develops natural attachment to you by virtue of you being a "Father" figure to her?

Think About this: A Young Woman without significant skills to survive, every time she comes into contact with the real world she is driven back into your arms for saftey.
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Very interesting. Mods should put this on Must-Read tbh
True, even the cucked victorians used to say that all Legislation that disadvantaged women was just an equalizer for their natural female ability to exercise power over men.

Giga Based

Not only should she be glad, she should Display reverence towards the male that keeps her from starving, from having to Resort to Prostitution for Survival.
But Looking back at the time when marriages where still the norm, it doesnt really work. Women dont like their betabux husbands AT ALL.
The victorians had issues with women poisoning their husbands.

Also, remember, rejection starts in the womb. The Children of rapists are Born emotionally damaged, they found.
This implies that to a Degree all Children Born to betabux fathers are damaged.

Plus, as far as I can tell, women would abuse the ever living shit out of their betabux Children back in the day.
When we look at native populations in China, south america or North america, we usually see why this is the case.
Human Societies are matriarchies.

In most native tribes across the globe you have basically Systems where the women fuck around, paternity is not certain at all and the tribe or a relative of the mother (cuck) raises the child.

On top of that, chad worship is very prevalent:

Again, paternity is not even a Thing. In some North american tribes they would Attribute it to magic or the tides if the child actually looked like the guy that was raising it.

The Bottom line to all of this is that male-female Relations take a clear direction towards foid-worship and female Empowerment if left alone and unsupervised.
It is almost like a rubber band and Society has to Keep it under Tension constantely to Prevent it from reverting into the unproductive clusterfuck of tribalism.

Remember, we used to artifically battle hypergamy in the past by disallowing women from Holding Jobs and receiving higher education.
Unless the male is privileged significantely, the female reigns supreme.

Which of Course leads us naturally to the conclusion that a younger and more mallable wife is preferable as to rule out marital Problems and Maybe even violent confrontation later on. Do you really want to marry a 20 year old Woman that will Poison you at 32? Or do you want a 15 year old that develops natural attachment to you by virtue of you being a "Father" figure to her?

Think About this: A Young Woman without significant skills to survive, every time she comes into contact with the real world she is driven back into your arms for saftey.
Also, I want to add that I am of Course critical towards evolutionary psychology and Evolution as a Concept itself.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noj4phMT9OE

I think it is safe to say that, given that this is a fallen world, truth often turns out to be a total Inversion of the Status quo.
I would not surprise me if the worship of the female is not just another Inversion of the god given order and thus the work of the Evil one.
The bible says very clearly that man was made in the Image of God but Woman was made from man.

Some even say that the female disdain for all that is male reflects this. They hate us, but they Need us.

To the woman He said:

“I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;
In pain you shall bring forth children;
Your desire shall be [e]for your husband,
And he shall rule over you.”
i am almost 99% sure that the main driving force for man supporting the sexual revolution,was an attempt at man saving their sexual life from their dead bedroom marriages.
i am almost 99% sure that the main driving force for man supporting the sexual revolution,was an attempt at man saving their sexual life from their dead bedroom marriages.

this is an interesting one. Marital rape was legal until the 1970s here in Germany.
It was one of the main thorns in the side of the femminists at the time, they got it abolished eventually.
Basically it said that if a Woman does not contribute sexually to the relationship, the guy can just take what is his, lol.


The title and subtitle are hilarious lol:

"When marital rape was not a crime"

"In what Kind of relation do you stand to the perpetrator?"
"We are married."
"Well, then just go home."
This how the Police and Courts would argue until the late era of President Kohl.

They only got rid of it in 1997.

brah, on the german Wikipedia on marital law it says that divorce and cheating was a crime until 1969. brah, just lol.
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You are still coping. No one is coming except to give you the same dismissive and mocking remarks.
So in that way most of us are safe.

lol you fags know exactely what you mean.
We have 15 year old kids here.
Many youngcels just stop Posting after a while.

Also, a lot of you seem to fail to understand that betabuxxing has Nothing to do with Looks.
Women will target a paraplegic crippledick for betabuxxing if he has Money.

If you look around you will see plenty of guys that used to be incels in their Teens and 20s but they get gobbled up by used up sluts in their late 20s.
The average age for marriage in the US is almost dead on 27, when the roast is ripe for the Harvest.

That's why I am saying, unless you are truecel Tier with a horrific deformity (rare on this Forum, most guys are just below normie Tier, 3/10 to 5/10 range - check discord, it is a joke) there is a Chance that at some Point women will go after your Wealth, especially for Career or STEM maxxers here.
lol you fags know exactely what you mean.
We have 15 year old kids here.
Many youngcels just stop Posting after a while.

Also, a lot of you seem to fail to understand that betabuxxing has Nothing to do with Looks.
Women will target a paraplegic crippledick for betabuxxing if he has Money.

If you look around you will see plenty of guys that used to be incels in their Teens and 20s but they get gobbled up by used up sluts in their late 20s.
The average age for marriage in the US is almost dead on 27, when the roast is ripe for the Harvest.

That's why I am saying, unless you are truecel Tier with a horrific deformity (rare on this Forum, most guys are just below normie Tier, 3/10 to 5/10 range - check discord, it is a joke) there is a Chance that at some Point women will go after your Wealth, especially for Career or STEM maxxers here.
You have to be in a high position in a career for that to happen if you are average looks. Even then it may not happen. Betabuxxing is becoming a thing of the past.
Remember that user "rippedrichandincel"?
Remember the countless stories from people that appear to have their shit together and are not NEET but successful but still have no luck attracting women?

It's a cope to think it happens as much anymore for incel tier looking guys unless you are a multimillionaire.
You have to be in a high position in a career for that to happen if you are average looks. Even then it may not happen. Betabuxxing is becoming a thing of the past.
Remember that user "rippedrichandincel"?
Remember the countless stories from people that appear to have their shit together and are not NEET but successful but still have no luck attracting women?

It's a cope to think it happens as much anymore for incel tier looking guys unless you are a multimillionaire.

you have a Point. Maybe I am just biased based on the observations I am making in my area.

It really seems like it is fucking over.
There will be violence and it won't be self professed incels.
It will just be a ton of horny guys with no outlet.
you have a Point. Maybe I am just biased based on the observations I am making in my area.

It really seems like it is fucking over.
There will be violence and it won't be self professed incels.
It will just be a ton of horny guys with no outlet.
tbh there's no magic switch where women that ignored you throughout high school will suddenly express interest. It isn't the 80s anymore.
The only thing saving normies is that with looksmaxxing they can still be seen as sexual beings by women. That's why normies are always grinding hardcore in everything to keep up these days.
Agreed. It's a sad reality.
Foids get free shit all the time.
It's the simp disease.

All a foid has to do is ask.
If she doesn't even ask, she might get it anyway.

A man's services are worthless to a foid when simping nice guys are everywhere to do the heavy lifting for her.
FaceandLMS is all that counts either way.
No empathy for foids
Women are worshipped by society. We are tiny insects that get stepped on by giants
Extremely based thread. I like how he emphasized how we say women have easy, perfect lives, nothing goes wrong for them, tutorial mode, etc, but even that barely describes their privilege.
This is exactly right. Meanwhile for men people would kindly throw us in the meat grinder or kick us to the curb. We will never get special treatment from ANYBODY. Look out for yourself first and foremost
This is exactly right. Meanwhile for men people would kindly throw us in the meat grinder or kick us to the curb. We will never get special treatment from ANYBODY. Look out for yourself first and foremost
This. We owe this shit society nothing.

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