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Why you need to change your MINDSET

Yes - that is a factually correct statement - but not a fair comparison because,

the probabilities of winning the lottery are extremely low - because there is a huge element of luck involved that is not in our control

There is no luck involved in changing your mindset, it will definitely improve your overall life situation

I am not claiming that by changing your mindset you will ascend with a foid and become a millionaire overnight

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend or be successful wealthmaxxing

It's obvious the analogy is between the probability of winning the lottery compared to the probability of a real Incel ascending. Not the probability of changing your mindset. Blatant misdirection and goalpost moving. I can smoke a blunt and change my mindset, it's pretty easy. Nice try but you're obviously some kind of hired professional because you're obviously full of shit. Who do you work with?
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It's obvious the analogy is between the probability of winning the lottery compared to the probability of a real Incel ascending
That's an incorrect analogy because I have clearly stated that changing your mindset DOES NOT guarantee you will ascend
Yay another fucking redpiller. Great job.

How do I stop hating normies and society then?
So who else should the onus be on? the government? society?
Yeah not all problems have the onus fall entirely on the individual. Society and the culture and the way others act are at fault too.
At the very least there should be more copes available to sexless males like in Japan.

Society insists though that the onus be entirely on incels and that they never stop grinding and hustling or they are lazy. Same thing with trying to get foids.
Guys that give up are vilified and still expected to be productive or they are shown as suspicious and up to no good and treated that way under laws and customs that discriminate against single sexless males.
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your MINDSET is the most important thing which will determine the outcome and results in your life in terms of anything you're pursuing (wealthmaxxing, looksmaxxing etc)

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend
The first sentence here is sufficient to write your post off as bluepilled rubbish. The second sentence here proves my point more (although redundantly).

You are bluepilled, mindset is not at all necessary in order to ascend. One can be a blackpilled defeatist (but normie looking or better) and ascend.
Changing your mindset is only useful to improve your well-being, it will do nothing at all about ascending because you'll never ascend at all due to your physical facial appearance and your height.

So you can only try to get both optimistic AND blackpilled. The blackpill is depressing by nature, but you can meditate about it and see what to do once you've accepted your absolute unattractiveness.
How do I stop hating normies and society then?
You don't need to stop hating them. Channel that hate into pursuits to improve your life
Yeah not all problems have the onus fall entirely on the individual. Society and the culture and the way others act are at fault too.
At the very least there should be more copes available to sexless males like in Japan.

Society insists though that the onus be entirely on incels and that they never stop grinding and hustling or they are lazy. Same thing with trying to get foids.
Guys that give up are vilified and still expected to be productive or they are shown as suspicious and up to no good and treated that way under laws and customs that discriminate against single sexless males.
Well guess what, NOBODY cares about men in today's society, specially incels

So it doesnt matter who you want to put the blame on - you can whine all day about society and the government vilifying incels or you can actually do something about it and work towards changing your life situation
You are bluepilled, mindset is not at all necessary in order to ascend. One can be a blackpilled defeatist (but normie looking or better) and ascend.
Yeah that makes so much sense! All the successful wealthmaxxed millionaires got there by having a negative defeatist beaten down mindset! thanks for opening my eyes!

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What if I know 100% that taking action won’t do shit?
What if there’s no solution
I somewhat agree with this. You're right that a positive mindset can result in a more positive life trajectory, but you make it sound like it's easy/simple to obtain that mindset when it's not. Everyone here has suffered some sort of mental/emotional damage, almost always over the course of many years, and that can be incredibly demotivating. It's taken me about a year and a half to try to claw my way out of a negative mindset, and so far my outlook is still at best neutral.

I think the big problem here is that people associate certain mindsets with certain pills, like red/blue with positive, and black with negative. Mindset is more about how you process and apply the information you have, so it's definitely possible to have a positive mindset and still be blackpilled (I guess that's what the whitepill is) - it's just that you accept what you can't change and focus on what you can. You can't change the collective nature of women going after good looking guys, but you can gain wealth and exercise. At best you ascend, at worst you feel better physically or have enough money to consistently use escorts or get whatever surgeries if you so choose.

Personally, although it's tough to get to that mindset, I'd prefer to try to be positive and do what I can to be content rather than wasting the only life I'll ever get hating every second of it while doing nothing.
I somewhat agree with this. You're right that a positive mindset can result in a more positive life trajectory, but you make it sound like it's easy/simple to obtain that mindset when it's not. Everyone here has suffered some sort of mental/emotional damage, almost always over the course of many years, and that can be incredibly demotivating. It's taken me about a year and a half to try to claw my way out of a negative mindset, and so far my outlook is still at best neutral.
It definitely will 100% result in a more positive life trajectory- that is simply COMMON SENSE which I find baffling most people cannot get a grasp off

And I agree it is definitely not easy to obtain this positive mindset

I myself have been working on it for the past 6 years and I've reached a point where I cannot even process negative thoughts and information

I think the big problem here is that people associate certain mindsets with certain pills, like red/blue with positive, and black with negative. Mindset is more about how you process and apply the information you have, so it's definitely possible to have a positive mindset and still be blackpilled (I guess that's what the whitepill is) - it's just that you accept what you can't change and focus on what you can.

People associate a positive winning mindset with being delusionally bluepilled or red pilled

You can't change the collective nature of women going after good looking guys, but you can gain wealth and exercise. At best you ascend, at worst you feel better physically or have enough money to consistently use escorts or get whatever surgeries if you so choose.

Personally, although it's tough to get to that mindset, I'd prefer to try to be positive and do what I can to be content rather than wasting the only life I'll ever get hating every second of it while doing nothing.

A Great Precis
It's obvious the analogy is between the probability of winning the lottery compared to the probability of a real Incel ascending. Not the probability of changing your mindset. Blatant misdirection and goalpost moving. I can smoke a blunt and change my mindset, it's pretty easy. Nice try but you're obviously some kind of hired professional because you're obviously full of shit. Who do you work with?
Based neuroticcel
You don't need to stop hating them. Channel that hate into pursuits to improve your life

Well guess what, NOBODY cares about men in today's society, specially incels

So it doesnt matter who you want to put the blame on - you can whine all day about society and the government vilifying incels or you can actually do something about it and work towards changing your life situation

Yeah that makes so much sense! All the successful wealthmaxxed millionaires got there by having a negative defeatist beaten down mindset! thanks for opening my eyes!

Every second I feel hatred for them I don't know how to channel that elsewhere
A lot of people automatically associate 'Mindset' with Red pilled PUA nonsense - which is fair enough, because we've all had our fair share of experiences consuming PUA content
and making all sorts of approaches only to realize we've simply wasted a truck load of time

However, the points I'm making are not blue pilled or red pilled, it is simply COMMON SENSE 101

Your MIND is the only tool that you have available to yourself 24x7 and your MINDSET is the most important thing which will determine the outcome and results in your life in terms of anything you're pursuing (wealthmaxxing, looksmaxxing etc)

Your Mindset affects your Thoughts

Your Thoughts affect your Beliefs

Your Beliefs affect your Actions

Your Actions affect your Results (which is your life)

For example - if someone has a negative beaten down mindset - this is how it will affect their lives

THOUGHTS - Things are not going well / there seems to be no hope / no point in trying

BELIEFS - Life is incredibly hard and I don't stand a chance

ACTIONS - Not taking any action to improve your life situation, simply laying down and rotting

RESULTS - Living a sorry life of destitution and poverty, simply wasting your days waiting for your demise

A lot of us have a negative mindset due to obvious reasons, but you simply have to claw your way out to change your mindset - you simply cannot afford to have a negative mindset because that is the base of everything.

I am not claiming that by changing your mindset you will ascend with a foid and become a millionaire overnight

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend or be successful wealthmaxxing
God Tier post. @soymonkcel @LDARBuddah and occultcels who have studied conciousness would agree.
Beware of generic advices, that's not "Blackpilled" at all and in fact that's a common occurrence on copey "Redpilled" scene.

Between "changing the mindset" by doing shit that will get someone in a bad position, such as getting further depressed or even in jail, it's actually preferable that the person remains LDAR.

It's important to tell how one should act in certain situations instead of delivering generic advices such as "change your mindset bro","believe in yourself bro", "you can do it bro", because the person might have a very particular vision of what is a mindset/personality change that is completely incompatible with the desirable goals.

The particular issue with this community is that many users are lazy motherfuckers and are NOT as suicidal as they claim to be otherwise they would actually act/make some final efforts in looksmaxxing and wealthmaxxing

They don't need to change their overall mindset, they should in fact remain blackpilled; The only particular thing they need to change within their mindset is realizing how fucked they are and what kind of future awaits them if they don't focus on looks and money
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didnt read
:feelstastyman:Why This post Is High IQ
Can't tell if troll, 14 year old and thinks this is deep, or just really unintelligent
Hes right......this site is just a circle jerk of whos the biggest loser .....
The first sentence here is sufficient to write your post off as bluepilled rubbish. The second sentence here proves my point more (although redundantly).

You are bluepilled, mindset is not at all necessary in order to ascend. One can be a blackpilled defeatist (but normie looking or better) and ascend.
Not necessarily bluepilled they acknowledge that your genetics and socioeconomic statis are things you can't control
Pretty logical post. Some boyos are accusing this thread of bluepilled, but anyone that is truly blackpilled can't regress to be bluepilled (except maby some r/IncelExit desperate fools). The blackpill only tells you how things really work, it doesn't command anyone to be defeatist. This thread is a legit whitepill in the sense that it makes you look towards stoicism and taking care of yourself, it orients you in a good direction.

Precisely because you mind is your ultimate tool (or, from a non-dualistic point of view, everything is mind), you have to take care of it as your most precious treasure, because it is. Indulging too much on LDARing and unhealthy copes are paradoxically not helping to cope, but rather making a lot of boyos feeling even more miserable. When I started monkmaxxing roughly a month ago (stopped because I have a new job), I noticed dirung my meditation sessions that, at first, my trains of thought heavily echoed the pessimist worldview of getting stuck in the blackpill alone. But as time passed by, thoughts started taking a different texture, and were about other things more positive and goal oriented. Same with climate change: I used to get exposed to information that continuously remind me of that existencial threat, and I couldn't help but seeing everything form that perspective, I saw carbon footprints everywhere: she just dared to have a baby! 58.6 more tonnes of CO2 a year! What about these people...? You are having a barbequeue! Animal food has a higher impact than fossil fuels! How dare you! Until I stopped getting exposed to the negativity, and my mind slowly stopped caring bout the dire consequences of CC obssesively and being more proactive towards it. Same with the blackpill: I know how things work, let's tap it to the maxx instead of obssesing over how terrible its consequences are.

After monkmaxxing, healthmaxxing and wealthmaxxing for a while, I feel better. Thanks to psychedelics and more than a decade of meditation I can approach things from a position of contentment instead of dissatisfaction: I am able enjoy little things like the sound of the keyboard while typing, the texture of a rug, the color of lichens, etc... When 5 years ago there wasn't porn hardocre enough to stimulate me anymore :lul:

Using a metaphorical allegory, it's like incels are the Babilonic gods that had to confront Tiamat, the dragon goddess of Chaos: they don't even approach her because they think they have no chance even if they have the instructions (blackpill) to approach it. It's too dire! But then comes (the whitepilled god) Marduk, with 50 eyes (he is super aware) and able to speak magic words a.k.a. the Logos (right words/mindset for this particular case) that slice (divide and conquer) the salty water dragon Tiamat (Chaos) into chuncks that constitute our world (habitable Order).

Good thread indeed @Blackpill Bishop
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A lot of people automatically associate 'Mindset' with Red pilled PUA nonsense - which is fair enough, because we've all had our fair share of experiences consuming PUA content
and making all sorts of approaches only to realize we've simply wasted a truck load of time

However, the points I'm making are not blue pilled or red pilled, it is simply COMMON SENSE 101

Your MIND is the only tool that you have available to yourself 24x7 and your MINDSET is the most important thing which will determine the outcome and results in your life in terms of anything you're pursuing (wealthmaxxing, looksmaxxing etc)

Your Mindset affects your Thoughts

Your Thoughts affect your Beliefs

Your Beliefs affect your Actions

Your Actions affect your Results (which is your life)

For example - if someone has a negative beaten down mindset - this is how it will affect their lives

THOUGHTS - Things are not going well / there seems to be no hope / no point in trying

BELIEFS - Life is incredibly hard and I don't stand a chance

ACTIONS - Not taking any action to improve your life situation, simply laying down and rotting

RESULTS - Living a sorry life of destitution and poverty, simply wasting your days waiting for your demise

A lot of us have a negative mindset due to obvious reasons, but you simply have to claw your way out to change your mindset - you simply cannot afford to have a negative mindset because that is the base of everything.

I am not claiming that by changing your mindset you will ascend with a foid and become a millionaire overnight

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend or be successful wealthmaxxing
Grey gonna grey.

You can't control your life to not mention the thoughts and if you think you cant control them you are a damn fool.
OP change your name to bluepill bishop and then stop posting
What self help book did you get this garbage from OP?
What's the point of tons of wealth and job success if all I can do with is just buy more copes? Which I will subsequently enjoy less because I am working harder and longer.

Also moneymaxxing is easier said than done. Looks matter when moneymaxxing too you know. It's not as simple as "self improve and change your mindset". How is that even possible without some kind of support structure?
A lot of people automatically associate 'Mindset' with Red pilled PUA nonsense - which is fair enough, because we've all had our fair share of experiences consuming PUA content
and making all sorts of approaches only to realize we've simply wasted a truck load of time

However, the points I'm making are not blue pilled or red pilled, it is simply COMMON SENSE 101

Your MIND is the only tool that you have available to yourself 24x7 and your MINDSET is the most important thing which will determine the outcome and results in your life in terms of anything you're pursuing (wealthmaxxing, looksmaxxing etc)

Your Mindset affects your Thoughts

Your Thoughts affect your Beliefs

Your Beliefs affect your Actions

Your Actions affect your Results (which is your life)

For example - if someone has a negative beaten down mindset - this is how it will affect their lives

THOUGHTS - Things are not going well / there seems to be no hope / no point in trying

BELIEFS - Life is incredibly hard and I don't stand a chance

ACTIONS - Not taking any action to improve your life situation, simply laying down and rotting

RESULTS - Living a sorry life of destitution and poverty, simply wasting your days waiting for your demise

A lot of us have a negative mindset due to obvious reasons, but you simply have to claw your way out to change your mindset - you simply cannot afford to have a negative mindset because that is the base of everything.

I am not claiming that by changing your mindset you will ascend with a foid and become a millionaire overnight

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend or be successful wealthmaxxing
Wealthmaxxing is a meme tbh unless you’re looksmaxxing or statusmaxxing alongside it. Money alone is only good for escorts
This shit is ridiculous but whats more ridiculous is that some retards take it seriously. There is no cheat code. We are losers and its programmed into our genetic code. If you aren't a genetic loser permanently doomed to fail, gtfo out of this website.
I have a feeling you're going to banned sooner or later..
Wealthmaxxing is a meme tbh unless you’re looksmaxxing or statusmaxxing alongside it. Money alone is only good for escorts
You need to wealthmaxx to be able to fund your looksmaxing and statusmaxxing pursuits. It is the basis in today's society
A lot of people automatically associate 'Mindset' with Red pilled PUA nonsense - which is fair enough, because we've all had our fair share of experiences consuming PUA content
and making all sorts of approaches only to realize we've simply wasted a truck load of time

However, the points I'm making are not blue pilled or red pilled, it is simply COMMON SENSE 101

Your MIND is the only tool that you have available to yourself 24x7 and your MINDSET is the most important thing which will determine the outcome and results in your life in terms of anything you're pursuing (wealthmaxxing, looksmaxxing etc)

Your Mindset affects your Thoughts

Your Thoughts affect your Beliefs

Your Beliefs affect your Actions

Your Actions affect your Results (which is your life)

For example - if someone has a negative beaten down mindset - this is how it will affect their lives

THOUGHTS - Things are not going well / there seems to be no hope / no point in trying

BELIEFS - Life is incredibly hard and I don't stand a chance

ACTIONS - Not taking any action to improve your life situation, simply laying down and rotting

RESULTS - Living a sorry life of destitution and poverty, simply wasting your days waiting for your demise

A lot of us have a negative mindset due to obvious reasons, but you simply have to claw your way out to change your mindset - you simply cannot afford to have a negative mindset because that is the base of everything.

I am not claiming that by changing your mindset you will ascend with a foid and become a millionaire overnight

What I am claiming is that if you never change your mindset, you will NEVER ascend or be successful wealthmaxxing
Do you have a link to your seminar that you will charge $5000 for in 3 installments?
This shit is ridiculous but whats more ridiculous is that some retards take it seriously. There is no cheat code. We are losers and its programmed into our genetic code. If you aren't a genetic loser permanently doomed to fail, gtfo out of this website.
What's funny is that these very same 'retards' will be the ones to eventually succeed and win, because to achieve ANYTHING in this world the first step is truly believing you can
yea you arent a blackpill bishop you are a cringe retard, get this guy out @knajjd
@IslaVista2014 you made a thread about accepting your fate in the dating and mating market. Killing off the ego there.

What are your thoughts here?
@IslaVista2014 you made a thread about accepting your fate in the dating and mating market. Killing off the ego there.

What are your thoughts here?
Ty for the mention

The mind is part of the ego. The mind is indeed a useful tool but people fully identify with their minds. They see their mind as the definition of themselves. Limiting themselves to exist in a mental prison. The best thing to do imo is to let go of the attachment and identification to your mind. Residing in the mind results in a two dimensional existence filled with suffering, turmoil, horror and desire. With that Ultimate Whitepill thread the core message is to let go of everything. Including the mind.
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Not much fighting but i guess ill give to FTL

FTL 26, Dregster 10

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