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Serious Why we are entitled to sex



Feb 23, 2018
I keep seeing people being persuaded by the normies favourite anti-incel slogan "you're not entitled to sex!" and even here many seems to surrender to it with a defeatist reasoning "can't fight nature bro". I would say however that we are entitled to sex and we would either get it through a social contract which our society depends upon or in the case of a dissolution of civilization we would simple get it through brute force.

The social contract was first properly formulated by English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in the 17th century(but the main idea had been known at least since Plato) and it explains how a society can function without God. He first proposes that all humans are inherently selfish and if allowed to submit fully to our nature we would steal, kill, rape, or whatever our biological instincts told us whenever we saw fit to do so and that would result in complete chaos and not really beneficial to many. Another example of this natural behaviour is the women's sexual selection which if allowed to its full extent will reject any less than the top tier male, both men's natural violence and women's hypergamy are terrible for a world where both would have to live together. But remember that even the weakest man is stronger than a woman and in the wild where only strength and cunning dictates the weak is raped and killed all the time, so the woman will be an obvious loser in this system.

A solution to this problem is the belief in an all powerful God that decides what rules humanity should follow and if you disobey you would go to hell or if you were good you would ascend/go to heaven. But since the belief in God declined after the middle ages it was no longer something we could rely upon so Hobbes explained that we can uphold order through the social contract. Which is that we all informally agree to follow some reasonable rules and cooperate so that order can be maintained, I don't steal from you and you don't steal from me. A state that promises punishment for the offender is also effective to keep everything in place. With this system sex can be distributed more evenly if woman's sexual selection is suppressed and in return the women would be safe from violence if men are indoctrinated in the same way to suppress his nature.

This gave every man a stake in society and women who are physically weaker were given protection and spared the hard toil for daily living that she was not fit for. But what happens if you realize you are a loser in this deal and this promised society is worse than the natural state of ego vs ego? That could be said have happened to all men that are left without sex, we still follow all these rules and contribute to the greater collective while sex is being reserved for a minority that have no greater burdens than us. The contract is no physical law, we only agree to it if we want and if we no longer see it beneficial we can pull out and go back to nature.

The conclusion is that if we all agree to be civilized we can claim sex through some cooperation, or if society falls we would just be able to take it.
Due to female hypergamy, I think brainwashing needs to be done to all women so they'd be physically attracted to their respective men assigned to them
yeah, civilization and the societal order is dependent on enforced monogamy and a fairly even distribution of vagina. Without said distribution, those most deprived and starved will simply refuse to contribute and form guerillas, making society an impossibility
I am entitled to sex because foids need to pay reperations for the times they called me ugly.
I'm entitled to find a wife that will be faithfull to me.
Due to female hypergamy, I think brainwashing needs to be done to all women so they'd be physically attracted to their respective men assigned to them
The mass logistics for this would be insane.
If chad and foids are entitled to sex, then why the fuck aren’t we??
I don’t necessarily feel entitled to sex. But if I’m not entitled to sex, then foids are not entitled to my money or protection.
Foids are fucking parasites with the only purpose of sex and reproduction, the fact that you are a male increases the wealth and security of your city/nation if they don't do their role in humanity we shouldn't do ours also or at least kick them from what we had built (everything).
I don’t necessarily feel entitled to sex. But if I’m not entitled to sex, then foids are not entitled to my money or protection.
Yes and if they aren't protected you will just have sex with them because you are stronger and no entitlement is needed.
Foids are fucking parasites with the only purpose of sex and reproduction, the fact that you are a male increases the wealth and security of your city/nation if they don't do their role in humanity we shouldn't do ours also or at least kick them from what we had built (everything).
That's what I'm saying tbh. Male value is underrated.
Male role in humanity is to generate wealth and security, female role is to take care of the male, support him and also reproduction.

Woman want the first thing but without fulfilling their roles, every male who don't have a woman supporting him morally, physically and SEXUALLY should stop paying taxes and leave the society so parasitic egoist foids stop sucking his blood in exchange of nothing.

Leave to someplace without taxes enforcement and build your live there otherwise you are just taking care of other man children and wife.
If we’re not entitled to sex, no one is entitled to clean air.
I’ve asked a lot of foids and got shot down every time. They expect me just to sit back and accept it while other guys get it? Fuck that
I am entitled to cute adorable petite loli, because I'm fag framecel manlet and my dick 11cm
If I contribute to society I feel I am "entitled" to sex.
that's why rape need to be legal again
But remember that even the weakest man is stronger than a woman and in the wild where only strength and cunning dictates the weak is raped and killed all the time, so the woman will be an obvious loser in this system.

ive literally had the shit beaten out of me by a foid younger than me
If chad and foids are entitled to sex, then why the fuck aren’t we??

Because their better faces show that their children will have better faces and so on, and thats what foids are attracted to now days.
Personal resilience doesnt matter, and incels have less anyway because of how much weight is put on attraction of the face.
So in todays society for the best chance at offsprings to survive in this fucked world, the staceys and the chads just fuck so that less of us subhumans are created
We need control of the money supply, government and media to achieve this.
Nobody deserves anything, the entire concept of "deserving" is a normie one, its just a means for one to stroke their ego whilst enjoying something, self gratification for the act of being self gratified.

That's the great irony of your post, its a normie mindset to even believe you are entitled to anything, its the mindset of an egoist, someone who thinks so highly of themselves that they just KNOW what they have in life was MEANT FOR THEM.
Nobody deserves anything, the entire concept of "deserving" is a normie one, its just a means for one to stroke their ego whilst enjoying something, self gratification for the act of being self gratified.

That's the great irony of your post, its a normie mindset to even believe you are entitled to anything, its the mindset of an egoist, someone who thinks so highly of themselves that they just KNOW what they have in life was MEANT FOR THEM.
Are you saying that we don't deserve to have women even when we work for them and protect them? Because that is what we are currently doing whether you want it or not.

I presented two cases of us attaining sex, either through civilized cooperation where both the man and woman gives up part of their nature for the greater good, or that we stay 100% true to it which leads to foids only go for small group of chads that would have to protect them against a greater mass of angry horny men(they won't succeed in this).
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ive literally had the shit beaten out of me by a foid younger than me

Because their better faces show that their children will have better faces and so on, and thats what foids are attracted to now days.
Personal resilience doesnt matter, and incels have less anyway because of how much weight is put on attraction of the face.
So in todays society for the best chance at offsprings to survive in this fucked world, the staceys and the chads just fuck so that less of us subhumans are created
Lol of course a foid beat you up, what an embarrassment you are, please don't associate yourself with incels you fucking cuck
Are you saying that we don't deserve to have women even when we work for them and protect them?

No we don't, you are actually falling for the just world fallacy, effort does not equal reward, humans societies were just constructed in such a way to facilitate such a system (for the most part), to be "meritocratic", but that isn't how reality/nature works. There's some guy out there is the world who works 5 times harder than I do daily, and makes scraps of what I do and lives in a crappy shack, with no internet, no porn, no woman, no nothing.

The concept that effort = reward is an illusion, its part of the just world fallacy. You only get from life what happens to come your way, or what you take by physical force.

My signature is dedicated to addressing points like yours

I presented two cases of us attaining sex, either through civilized cooperation where both the man and woman gives up part of their nature for the greater good, or that we stay 100% true to it which leads to foids only go for small group of chads that would have to protect them against a greater mass of angry horny men(they won't succeed in this).

Yes I agree with this, but that's seperate from anyone actually deserving anything, and nobody deserves anything, life doesn't work like that, the concept of deserving is a cope so that humans can rationalize effort, if humans as a collective stopped believing in the concept productivity and participation within society would go down, which is what were seeing with men these days, because the dating world has stopped being meritocratic, the veil is being lifted from our faces.
Lol of course a foid beat you up, what an embarrassment you are, please don't associate yourself with incels you fucking cuck

stop acting like you have big penis on incel forums?
youre following me around from post to post and just mocking me
leave me alone and stop lying about your weightlifting numbers with 0 evidence lmao
stop acting like you have big penis on incel forums?
youre following me around from post to post and just mocking me
leave me alone and stop lying about your weightlifting numbers with 0 evidence lmao
But remember that even the weakest man is stronger than a woman
Total cope.
I still 100% think sex and related stuff are absolutely a right and must be granted
This gave every man a stake in society and women who are physically weaker were given protection and spared the hard toil for daily living that she was not fit for. But what happens if you realize you are a loser in this deal and this promised society is worse than the natural state of ego vs ego? That could be said have happened to all men that are left without sex, we still follow all these rules and contribute to the greater collective while sex is being reserved for a minority that have no greater burdens than us. The contract is no physical law, we only agree to it if we want and if we no longer see it beneficial we can pull out and go back to nature.

The conclusion is that if we all agree to be civilized we can claim sex through some cooperation, or if society falls we would just be able to take it.
Main reason for whom foids still believe sex isn't "your right" and not part of the social contract is because none of them had ever had any real difficulties or real hardship in regard to getting sex. They only problem is getting "unsatisfying sex" with a non-chad
No we don't, you are actually falling for the just world fallacy, effort does not equal reward, humans societies were just constructed in such a way to facilitate such a system (for the most part), to be "meritocratic", but that isn't how reality/nature works. There's some guy out there is the world who works 5 times harder than I do daily, and makes scraps of what I do and lives in a crappy shack, with no internet, no porn, no woman, no nothing.

The concept that effort = reward is an illusion, its part of the just world fallacy. You only get from life what happens to come your way, or what you take by physical force.

My signature is dedicated to addressing points like yours
It has nothing to do with effort, same effort can yield different results and that I understand perfectly fine. But it's about a deal being made and after you have provided your side you can say that you deserve what you have been promised.

I know entitlement is just a human construct and inherently in the universe it doesn't exist. But it's not nature or god that you gives you the right to sex but from the promise of those who participate in society and thus are in on the contract.
Total cope.
I still 100% think sex and related stuff are absolutely a right and must be granted
Well fair enough the weakest man will be left behind but for 99% of us it holds.
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It has nothing to do with effort, same effort can yield different results and that I understand perfectly fine. But it's about a deal being made and after you have provided your side you can say that you deserve what you have been promised.

An unwritten contract isn't a deal, its more of an "agreement", and that's why the term "social contract" is correct, its a contract that doesn't need to be adhered to, because it isn't in writing or enforced by law.

Also I think its better to use the term "Owed" than "Deserved" or "Entitled", because of the connotations of the term "deserve" and "entitlement", which more relates to what one "feels" they should have, rather than what they actually "know" they should get.

it's not nature or god that you gives you the right to sex but from the promise of those who participate in society and thus are in on the contract.

Nothing gives you the right to sex, we don't have any rights, all rights are just what society allows, and today society does not allow men to own women, change society or find a loop hole (I think Islam is the best one for incels, becoming a muslim is my fall back plan)
dinosaur age tier necro
I don’t necessarily feel entitled to sex. But if I’m not entitled to sex, then foids are not entitled to my money or protection.

Cope. This means nothing since the increasingly evil governments of the west will just take your money to further ensure foids can live their lascivious lifestyles without reliance on a male.

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