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Blackpill Why ugly men will soon disappear of the political scene



Nov 15, 2017
For most of history, politics have been the private turf of ugly old men... A rare opportunity for them to access great status and power.

However, the phenomenon of suave beaus reaching the highest political office has gained steam recently: Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, etc. Youth departments in major political parties are now also headed by good-looking men and women.

I think this trend will continue to accelerate until getting a successful career in politics becomes nearly impossible for ugly men.

1) It will become increasingly difficult for ugly men to acquire, in youth, the necessary self-confidence, charisma and public speaking skills (you can't be a confident public speaker if women never respond positively to you)

2) Since women have gotten the vote, Presidents in most countries have become younger and more handsome over time --- women prefer to vote for handsome men when they can

3) The character of ugly men is now in doubt; ugly men are automatically suspected of hypocrisy and dissimulation when they pretend to be altruistic; they're suspected of actually being motivated by resentment, status or money (it is subconsciously assumed that they seek to compensate for their lack of attractiveness with power)
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Women used to get wet for Adolf Hitler
True. Foids make up half the population, soon strategists will realise LOOKS > EVERYTHING ELSE and “market forces” will mean only chads can feasibly run for office.
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Marxism-Rodgerism is the only solution for a species and a planet trapped by foid driven consumer capitalism.
True. Foids make up half the population, soon strategists will realise LOOKS > EVERYTHING ELSE and “market forces” will mean only chads can feedably run for office.
David Duke had already realized this back in the 70s. He got a complete face reconstruction and almost managed to get elected governor of Louisiana (despite being an overt neo-Nazi) thanks to it.

Gomez, a longtime journalist, recalls having met and interviewed Duke in the mid-1970s when Duke was a state senate candidate:

He was still in his mid-20s and very non-descript. Tall and slimly built, he had a very prominent nose, flat cheek bones, a slightly receding chin and straight dark brown hair. The interview turned out to be quite innocuous, and I hadn't thought about it again until Duke came to my legislative desk, and we shook hands. Who was this guy? Tall and well-built with a perfect nose, a model's cheek bones, prominent chin, blue eyes and freshly coiffed blond hair, he looked like a movie star. He obviously didn't remember from the radio encounter, and I was content to leave it at that.[32]
Interesting insight, and you're probably right.
David Duke had already realized this back in the 70s. He got a complete face reconstruction and almost managed to get elected governor of Louisiana (despite being an overt neo-Nazi) thanks to it.

Gomez, a longtime journalist, recalls having met and interviewed Duke in the mid-1970s when Duke was a state senate candidate:

He was still in his mid-20s and very non-descript. Tall and slimly built, he had a very prominent nose, flat cheek bones, a slightly receding chin and straight dark brown hair. The interview turned out to be quite innocuous, and I hadn't thought about it again until Duke came to my legislative desk, and we shook hands. Who was this guy? Tall and well-built with a perfect nose, a model's cheek bones, prominent chin, blue eyes and freshly coiffed blond hair, he looked like a movie star. He obviously didn't remember from the radio encounter, and I was content to leave it at that.[32]
As a quick fyi, Duke was never elected as governor of Louisiana, he made it through the primary but lost in the run off
Think about how much Trump has been mocked physically. Hes called fat, made fun of for his skin, his hair, and someone made a public sculpture where he has a tiny penis. He even gets mocked for having small hands.

All the democrats need to do is find the youngest most attractive white guy they can and run him in 2020. Easy win.
Think about how much Trump has been mocked physically. Hes called fat, made fun of for his skin, his hair, and someone made a public sculpture where he has a tiny penis. He even gets mocked for having small hands.

All the democrats need to do is find the youngest most attractive white guy they can and run him in 2020. Easy win.
I hope its not the fucking Kennedy kid.
Truth. Democracy isn't sustainable in the long term because the voters are too superficial and stupid. Plato correctly pointed this out thousands of years ago.

I give democracy in the west 10-20 years at most before it collapses. Maybe 30 for those who aren't yet as far gone as the worst cases. What will fallow will depend on the nation, but will probably be a plutocracy of some kind since lets be honest the elites will never allow the sjws to take over. Just lmao if you thinks those claws actually have any real power and aren't just unknowing corporate pawns.

EDIT: I just realized this is a somwhat old thread. Well it's not THAT old so I hope bumping it was ok :/
politics is rigged anyhow, politicians are vetted through organizations like CFR or RIIA, and bred, by THEIR handlers, long before being introduced to the public. Politics is a lot like dating.-- it's over, there's nothing we can do to change it. It's all a top down pyramid scheme and a eugenics system in one. The black pill goes deep into the political realm too, you just have to read up on the shit they write themselves, it's an open conspiracy.
High IQ.

I've read somewhere that since the invention of television, bald men lost any chance to ever be president of the US. I believe that it is true, and you are spot on on your conclusion.

Look just at the % of bald men, knowing that politicians are generally old and that at that age, more than 40% men have very visible balding.
I've noticed this as well, a lot of old recordings of politicians in the FDR era I've seen have politicians who look really unattractive, many of them talk like they have speech impedements or something as well. At first I thought this changed because politics became somewhat less based on wealthy families (moreso in the UK than in the US, but the US did start out as an aristocratic republic that became less so over time) whose ugly members got a head start on power, but then I realised that was bullshit because if it was based on non-looks merit today unattractive technocrats and orators like Jonathan Bowden (not necessarily far right, just ugly but ok orators) would be more present in positions of power. Politicians look more and more like people who could go into marketing than ever before, and it's going to get worse. I hope the halo effect taking over our democracy gives us less competent politicians just to spite the stupid voterbase.

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