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Blackpill Why Tyrone Fucks our women (neoteny theory part 2)

Black male/white female relationships are the most degenerate by far. They have the highest rates of domestic violence and spousal homicide by far.
I wish my black deathnik brothers to ascend with white females.
Well one good thing to come from this retarded thread is that you reminded me that Naked Gun exists and now I'm going to bingewatch all three. Fuck it, I'm first going to watch Police Squad with white Nordberg.

I appreciate the correct count.
Its clear as day that OP is a race baiting (probably niggercel) who thinks that by saying muh superior masclinity and saying whites are the top he can just disguise his racism of asians and curries. Hes coping hard. His "studies" are google seaches on his crappy phone he never read.
Well one good thing to come from this retarded thread is that you reminded me that Naked Gun exists and now I'm going to bingewatch all three. Fuck it, I'm first going to watch police squad with white Nordberg.
Atleast involuntary showed me a counter study . the only thing you do is blaming
Its clear as day that OP is a race baiting (probably niggercel) who thinks that by saying muh superior masclinity and saying whites are the top he can just disguise his racism of asians and curries. Hes coping hard.
Its only racebaiting when im given facts about tyrone. If its about chad its called "good genes " . The only reason you are crying and panicking is because i hurt your bluepill feelings. If i made this about chad you would have praised me. You are an hypocrite. Oh by the way i am an arab.
All cope black men tend to be objectivaly the masculine the media picks only whats trending. You swap the cause and effect. Blacks became trending and then they got pushed by the media its not the other way. The media cant push the asians , because they simply tend to look feminine. Read my first neoteny theory
Do you not see that trying to over exaggerate the black pill you're basically chipping away the very core of it ? I know you're a self-hating whimp ass cracker and no itger place is more suitable for you then this one. But at least try and go though the already established doctrines of the blackpill before trying to tinker with it.

Now, I don't disagree with the whole of what you said. Cuz some point that you made are legit. But you're forgetting the very theory Blackpill was established upon "BONE THEORY". Blacks who are born with good bone structure (wide wrist, defined face, shoulder to hips) will slbe very gifted. But but lanklet from horn of Africa has no chance. Same for the fat and short blackcel.

IMG 20181220 113230
IMG 20181220 113243

Notice both of them ladz in the pics are black. Same melanin level. Both in some form of athleticism. Yet their SMVs are land and heaven apart.

The guy on left would even mog normie looking white actors like Tom Hardy. The guy on the right will be mogged by Asian actors like Tony Jaa.
D5cd3016 9c89 4b4a 802f 8ed1418f285f gallery image 250 250

Your bones are the main deciding factor of your inceldom. Not your race. Not musculature. Definitely not skin colour.



  • IMG_20181220_113230.jpg
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Any guy of any race who is gl, tall and well built will be able to fuck a lot.
I wish my black deathnik brothers to ascend with white females.
And I wish my whitecel brothers to ascend with all other races of females. Blacks, brown, yellow etc.

Have all the dog/horse fuckers you want.
JFL if you think qhute normies don't mog Tyrone lite or black normies. Only reason black normies get lay is because black women put it out for them and are much more loyal then.coal.burner and noodle whores. That's why are not incel. A white normie is on same level if not above Tyrone -lite.
Its obvious hes a race baiter. He didn't even try very hard, and doesn't get mad when I call him a retard. Obviously fishing for bait. Just block OP. 3/10 made me respond.
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Its obvious hes a race baiter. He didn't even try very hard, and doesn't get mad when I call him a retard. Obviously fishing for bait. Just block OP. 3/10 made me respond.
I think this bloke is new to the blackpilled and high on greatest jewish invention a.k.a Black on White pornography. I made a counter argument on him on my 3rd reply check it out. Long read though
If this happens there is no cope no rope just genocide
Why won't we curries every get our turn ?Kek Kek
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I think this bloke is new to the blackpilled and high on greatest jewish invention a.k.a Black on White pornography. I made a counter argument on him on my 3rd reply check it out. Long read though
No, he was race baiting by making fun of chinks with like 5 topics until he was banned. You're wasting your time IMO. Either hes retarded or hes baiting, either way block worthy. I read it and only warn you not to waste your time.
Wrong, the actual male sexual hierarchy looks like this:

horses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whites >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle easterners >>>>>>>>>>> hispanics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great apes, like gorillas, chimps, orang-utans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different animal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curries > abbos.
Wrong, the actual male sexual hierarchy looks like this:

horses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whites >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle easterners >>>>>>>>>>> hispanics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great apes, like gorillas, chimps, orang-utans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different animal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curries > abbos.
No one should have to show you this.
It's not based on what women say but on their behavior, and the sample rate is more than good enough to draw definite conclusions and forever invalidate BBC theory or whatever it's called. You need to lurk more.
The only thing i have ever seen to invalidate bbc theory is this study its always the okcupid excuse let me givr you some blackpill overdose. Tyrone and Chads different cultures and thus different fuck strategies. Chad uses tinder and dating apps to get easy sex . Tyrone has an different strategy he is the smooth talker aka street thugs his strategy is to smooth talk on public to fuck. So now what you will see is that chad is on tinder active thus the women will choose more white men because tyrone is not active on tinder but its his little blackcel brother who cannot direct approach because of his looks and his neuroticism who is active on tinder. Conclusion There are more good looking whites on tinder than blacks because of strategy and cultural differences thats why white men gets more chosen. This study has been taken out of context . i mean what if we would choose an asian dating app the study would have been "women prefers asians over white guys" no shit sherlock there are more asians changs active on the asian dating app.
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* I have been give permission by @i_a_m_i mod .This thread is to inform you guys why we see so many white women with black guys today. I have no intention for racebaiting , but i simply let you know the truth.

As we all know women are attracted to masculine good looking men. We know the most masculine race is obviously the black race. They have the most masculine traits such as Musclemass , high testosterone , deeper voices bcause of high testosterone and they tend to be more neurotypical. Here are all the studies that will prove my point.

1) Highest testosterone



C) https://www.google.com/amp/s/notpol...physical-attractiveness-and-testosterone/amp/



2) Most Masculine Faces and Body


B) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CBAB&usg=AOvVaw0vpMQp7EMhhhIWTSzEh3VY&ampcf=1

C) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjACegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw3Fc_Cq8G3iVfiBklqrfUMA



3) Dark skin is seen as Masculine

A) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...WMAR6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw0_we5Q5ZRNqekAeIil6DZx


4) Black men are more confident = neurotypical.



5) Black men dominate aspects of life that women find attractive such as music (hiphop and rap) , sport (NBA , Olympic Games , Boxing ,etc.) and youth culture (dance , clothing , shoes like jordans).

So now why are blacks less popular than whites? Well its simple they live in a white dominant environment and got less power so less influence. the second reason is that even though black men tend to be more masculine they can have sometimes a too much masculine face there needs to be a limit. White Chads have the perfect face balance so they still will attract more women. The following order shows the male sexual appael hierarchy.

1) Chads
2) Tyrone
3) Light Tyrone
4) Black normies
5) White Normies
6) Asian Chang
7) White Incels
8) blackcels
9) Currycels and ricecels

Rope or Cope

Edit: I Will add many more studies.

Real rank:
1) White chad
2) Tyrone
3) White chadlite
4) Tyronelite
5) Chang and ethnics chads and chadlites.
6) Black normie
7) White normie
7.5) Ethnic normies
7.6) Curry normies
8) Blackcel
9) White cel
10) Ethnics, mexicancels, ricecels,
11) currycels
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i mean what if we would choose an asian dating app the study would have been "women prefers asians over white guys" no shit sherlock there are more asians active on the asian dating app.
Okay, I'm done. You are obviously mentally retarded and I don't have the time or the crayons to explain shit to you.
Okay, I'm done. You are obviously mentally retarded and I don't have the time or the crayons to explain shit to you.
Why did you skip the other texts though? Tyrones dont use tinder but chads use tinder thats why they choosed the white guys. Keep coping.
Wow things got heated in this thread, love it.
I don't see many white women with black men. Except in porn, and that's to play to the sexual submissiveness and latent homosexuality of white racists.

I live in Chicago (inner city wealthier side) and there's tons of top notch 20-25 year old stacies with tyrones here. It's really rampant.

The Tyrone and Stacy thing really took off within the past 2 years almost to the point where it has become "trendy" to date a tyrone.

... And we all know women are the meme gender, they like to do what ever is "popular".
Oh..this shit again :rolleyes:

According to this statistic, more than 90% of white women do not want to have anything to do with black men.

Stop this "tyrone is stealing muh women". That's not true! The reason why you white boys here are rejected by your white aryan queens is because you are ugly and not because of Tyrone.
Guys, focus on the reality and numbers and not just images. For example, let's say a tyrone put a photo or video of himself banging a whore, and you replayed that over and over. You would think he was having sex every day. Whereas, you really don't know what's happened to him. He could be in prison or dead.

In real life America, the most popular interracial pairing is actually white men/asian women (which I find problematic in it's own way). The second most popular is probably white men/hispanic women, and the third most popular white women/hispanic men.

White women/black men is actually pretty far down. It's rare and they all end up being outcasts. The women end up a battered single mom, the men end up hated by other blacks, and by black women. Guys, in real life, the white women/black men pairing is the road to ruin. It virtually never ends well.

Look at fucking Obama, the bastard's parents separated and he was raised by his white grandparents.

Now, I will admit that the hypermasculinity of black men is a problem, but it's a problem mostly in raising the bar for all of us. Black men to this day are still mostly breeding with black women (and breeding alot). I predict America will become 20 to 25% black before collapse.
I fucking hate it when I see interracial relationships in public
As we all know women are attracted to masculine good looking men. We know the most masculine race is obviously the black race. They have the most masculine traits such as Musclemass , high testosterone , deeper voices bcause of high testosterone and they tend to be more neurotypical. Here are all the studies that will prove my point.

1) Highest testosterone



C) https://www.google.com/amp/s/notpol...physical-attractiveness-and-testosterone/amp/



2) Most Masculine Faces and Body


B) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CBAB&usg=AOvVaw0vpMQp7EMhhhIWTSzEh3VY&ampcf=1

C) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjACegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw3Fc_Cq8G3iVfiBklqrfUMA



3) Dark skin is seen as Masculine

A) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...WMAR6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw0_we5Q5ZRNqekAeIil6DZx


4) Black men are more confident = neurotypical.



5) Black men dominate aspects of life that women find attractive such as music (hiphop and rap) , sport (NBA , Olympic Games , Boxing ,etc.) and youth culture (dance , clothing , shoes like jordans).

So now why are blacks less popular than whites? Well its simple they live in a white dominant environment and got less power so less influence. the second reason is that even though black men tend to be more masculine they can have sometimes a too much masculine face there needs to be a limit. White Chads have the perfect face balance so they still will attract more women. The following order shows the male sexual appael hierarchy.

1) Chads
2) Tyrone
3) Light Tyrone
4) Black normies
5) White Normies
6) Asian Chang
7) White Incels
8) blackcels
9) Currycels and ricecels

Rope or Cope

Edit: I Will add many more studies.

I agree with all this and it was basically my point here:

But I would agree with others that said black men white women is not that common IRL. White women are incredibly racist and mostly stick to white men.

Blacks are the #2 race. People who claim that blacks are popular with women because the media promotes them are coping. The reason blacks are popular in rap is because they are hypermasculine and hyperviolent by nature with impressive size/physique. Ie. They convey danger by nature of their appearance which people like.

The reason there are no big asian or curry rappers is no one sees curries or rice men as anything more than a joke. It's not that black men are smarter or more capable of rhyming words. People buy what they like to see. They like seeing black men as violent MOG machines because that's what they naturally appear to be.

Also no one should need 'permission' to post a race thread. The racepill is always on topic as long as you're voicing a coherent argument and not just posting to say some trollish shit like "no black/white/etc man can be incel."
Guys, focus on the reality and numbers and not just images. For example, let's say a tyrone put a photo or video of himself banging a whore, and you replayed that over and over. You would think he was having sex every day. Whereas, you really don't know what's happened to him. He could be in prison or dead.

In real life America, the most popular interracial pairing is actually white men/asian women (which I find problematic in it's own way). The second most popular is probably white men/hispanic women, and the third most popular white women/hispanic men.

White women/black men is actually pretty far down. It's rare and they all end up being outcasts. The women end up a battered single mom, the men end up hated by other blacks, and by black women. Guys, in real life, the white women/black men pairing is the road to ruin. It virtually never ends well.

Look at fucking Obama, the bastard's parents separated and he was raised by his white grandparents.

Now, I will admit that the hypermasculinity of black men is a problem, but it's a problem mostly in raising the bar for all of us. Black men to this day are still mostly breeding with black women (and breeding alot). I predict America will become 20 to 25% black before collapse.

The problem is that relationships dont equate sex. Sex is the most important thing relations are for beta male providers. Also Preferences doesnt equate attractivenes , because women can prefer a particular race just for status or money but that doesnt mean that they will prefer them for sex and raw natural attraction. According my studies blacks tend to be the most masculine in appearance and mentaly , so that means that women should find black the most desireable for sex. Your arguments are based on relationships but like i said that doesnt equate sex. for example according to stats white women prefer white men but this doesnt mean they prefer them for sex but rather for beta providing. What you now see is that these relationships tend to be sexless and often results on divorce (70percent divorce rates). Basicaly what i mean is that whores fuck tyrones in highschool and clubs then tend to go for white beta providers when they hit the wall or want money.
I agree with all this and it was basically my point here:

But I would agree with others that said black men white women is not that common IRL. White women are incredibly racist and mostly stick to white men.

Blacks are the #2 race. People who claim that blacks are popular with women because the media promotes them are coping. The reason blacks are popular in rap is because they are hypermasculine and hyperviolent by nature with impressive size/physique. Ie. They convey danger by nature of their appearance which people like.

The reason there are no big asian or curry rappers is no one sees curries or rice men as anything more than a joke. It's not that black men are smarter or more capable of rhyming words. People buy what they like to see. They like seeing black men as violent MOG machines because that's what they naturally appear to be.

Also no one should need 'permission' to post a race thread. The racepill is always on topic as long as you're voicing a coherent argument and not just posting to say some trollish shit like "no black/white/etc man can be incel."
I have been temporily banned because of race threads about asians maybe it had to do that i posted 5 threads but i provided arguments and facts. Sadly the racepill is an sensitive topic and hard pill to take for many incels here. Also i disagree that white women black men isnt common. It may be that there are not many formal relationships or marriage but if we talk abouy one night stand and sex its a whole other level. There was even a famous name for this the jungle fever. White women fucked black slaves then claimed to be raped read it up very interesting.
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I see a lot of ripped black guys with fat white women. If black guys like mounting whales, good for them. Fat women look disgusting to me. I'd still fuck them though.
I have never seen an awkward or autistic black guy.
I've seen an Awkward / Autistic Black Girl. She was hot as hell. She looked like Donna Summer. Only problem, she wasn't interested in me.
OP sounds like a troll type post. I've said this before, but the main reason it appears "a lot" of black males are with white women is due to black women being mostly unattractive. IF black women were better looking there would be about an equal amount of black males with non-black women as there is black women with nonblack males. the whole masculinity thing doesn't explain it (actually blacks have A LOT of feminine traits, actually the combination of masculine and feminine traits is what women like about them in the first place).
Also this forum is very diverse racially, using the term 'our women' to describe white women suggests you are some kind of troll.
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Lol currently nobody has debunked my arguments and studies. BBC Theory and Neoteny Theory is Legit keep coping.
Queen of spades is becoming more popular.
* I have been give permission by @i_a_m_i mod .This thread is to inform you guys why we see so many white women with black guys today. I have no intention for racebaiting , but i simply let you know the truth.

As we all know women are attracted to masculine good looking men. We know the most masculine race is obviously the black race. They have the most masculine traits such as Musclemass , high testosterone , deeper voices bcause of high testosterone and they tend to be more neurotypical. Here are all the studies that will prove my point.

1) Highest testosterone



C) https://www.google.com/amp/s/notpol...physical-attractiveness-and-testosterone/amp/



2) Most Masculine Faces and Body


B) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...CBAB&usg=AOvVaw0vpMQp7EMhhhIWTSzEh3VY&ampcf=1

C) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjACegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw3Fc_Cq8G3iVfiBklqrfUMA



3) Dark skin is seen as Masculine

A) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...WMAR6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw0_we5Q5ZRNqekAeIil6DZx


4) Black men are more confident = neurotypical.



5) Black men dominate aspects of life that women find attractive such as music (hiphop and rap) , sport (NBA , Olympic Games , Boxing ,etc.) and youth culture (dance , clothing , shoes like jordans).

So now why are blacks less popular than whites? Well its simple they live in a white dominant environment and got less power so less influence. the second reason is that even though black men tend to be more masculine they can have sometimes a too much masculine face there needs to be a limit. White Chads have the perfect face balance so they still will attract more women. The following order shows the male sexual appael hierarchy.

1) Chads
2) Tyrone
3) Light Tyrone
4) Black normies
5) White Normies
6) Asian Chang
7) White Incels
8) blackcels
9) Currycels and ricecels

Rope or Cope

Edit: I Will add many more studies.
"White Chadlite" should be between Light Tyrone and Black Normie.

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