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Blackpill Why the white population is declining. (White Genocide is real)



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
White people are losing because of several reasons:

1. They gave their women rights by considering them as equals to adult men. But women are not equal to men. They are fickle minded overgrown hormonal children with sexually matured bodies. Even their features are neotenous, i.e., closer to children. By giving women power, they've allowed their country to fall under the perils of political correctness which has led to increased foreign invasion and cultural dilusion.
2. They've become weak because of their own wealth, increasingly becoming dependent on the slave class to perform the most important functions of society. When you outsourch too much, eventually the slaves take over.
3. There's too much sexual hedonism and debauchery. You can't have decent chunk of the entire population (most females and some males) taking so many highs from sexual pleasure and then still expect them to work with responsibility and diligence.
High IQ. We’re demographically fucked. Thanks women.
White people are losing because of several reasons:

1. They gave their women rights by considering them as equals to adult men. But women are not equal to men. They are fickle minded overgrown hormonal children with sexually matured bodies. Even their features are neotenous, i.e., closer to children. By giving women power, they've allowed their country to fall under the perils of political correctness which has led to increased foreign invasion and cultural dilusion.
2. They've become weak because of their own wealth, increasingly becoming dependent on the slave class to perform the most important functions of society. When you outsourch too much, eventually the slaves take over.
3. There's too much sexual hedonism and debauchery. You can't have decent chunk of the entire population (most females and some males) taking so many highs from sexual pleasure and then still expect them to work with responsibility and diligence.

women of all races chase chad and don't give a shit about having kids with lesser men
women of all races chase chad and don't give a shit about having kids with lesser men
true but middle easterners and indians can keep their women in check.
because western countries are the source of degeneracy
It all started with women’s suffrage.
White women are either scraping their genes having tyron goblin or don't want childrens and tallfags are also destroying their white genes by SEAmaxxing with noodles. All due to white foid hypergamy and greed.
At least we don’t speak German.

Checkmate, inkwell:cool:
because western countries are the source of degeneracy
Mainly this. Also the whites in power seems to be only interested in chasing profit and fucking over their own people.

Whites could have stayed in power, enslaving, raping, and stealing land. But the moment they gave free rights to women and slaves, they were already on a decline. Too late to turn back now lmao.

The universe decided they had ruled for long enough and shifted the power.
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Honestly, I think the influx of both legal AND illegal immigrants has a part to play, as they cause the percentage of whites to become lower. Also, I believe that the fact that so many white women go after black men specifically is part of it too.
I don't care about my race fading out of the earth, is not like I'm gonna have sons to live in that world jfl
Patriarchy and enforced monogamy is mandatory for stable birth rates.
Feminism/hypergamy lead to crippling birth rates, because femoids are too picky and if at all femoids settle down way too late. Which then leads to a country being dependent on immigration = more problems. All western countries have shitty birth rates, especially those who refuse to let immigration happen like japan and south korea (birth rate of 1.3/1.1).

true but middle easterners and indians can keep their women in check.
Even conservative countries are shifting towards feminism. Year by year women gain more power in countries like lebanon. Some countries have a few leftover laws that are in favor of the patriarchy, which makes it easier for them to keep their women in check. But it has little to do with race, it is culture and laws.
The protocols of the learned elders of zion explains it all.
"Don’t make nikah (marriage) difficult, because that will make zina (adultery and promiscuity) very easy."
-- Imam Ghazzali

1. Marriage laws in the west are extremely unfair and hostile towards men.
2. Western foids ride so many dicks throughout their lives that they completely lose their pair bonding capability (same with men).
3. An average man has zero power over his wife/gf. Men are literal slaves to their women. Foids are too powerful, zero balance of power.
4. The financial requirements are overblown in the west. Most people don't realize you don't need that much to live happily.
5. People are too afraid to reproduce since a marriage is never guaranteed. No one wants to see fatherless/motherless children.
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Giving faggots rights was the tipping point
you're correct man. we're fucked. and it is white womens fault
Giving faggots rights was the tipping point
the decline of every civilization is the acceptance of fags
Because of our cucked politicians making weak immigration laws too
White women are either scraping their genes having tyron goblin or don't want childrens and tallfags are also destroying their white genes by SEAmaxxing with noodles. All due to white foid hypergamy and greed.
True. Can't have equality in the world when different races exists, It seems most people will be brown in the future if Africa doesn't stop recklessly reproducing despite being poor.

Just blame the West theory.
Mainly this. Also the whites in power seems to be only interested in chasing profit and fucking over their own people.

Whites could have stayed in power, enslaving, raping, and stealing land. But the moment they gave free rights to women and slaves, they were already on a decline. Too late to turn back now lmao.

The universe decided they had ruled for long enough and shifted the power.
Not really a 'genocide' unless were talking about the # of white women having abortions.

Birth rates are declining in any country that is developed where women have rights and freedoms. Free women, see the average man as unworthy and choose a hedonistic dating life over motherhood.
Not really a 'genocide' unless were talking about the # of white women having abortions.

Birth rates are declining in any country that is developed where women have rights and freedoms. Free women, see the average man as unworthy and choose a hedonistic dating life over motherhood.
true but middle easterners and indians can keep their women in check.
Also the whites in power seems to be only interested in chasing profit and fucking over their own people.
It all started with women’s suffrage.
"Don’t make nikah (marriage) difficult, because that will make zina (adultery and promiscuity) very easy."
-- Imam Ghazzali

1. Marriage laws in the west are extremely unfair and hostile towards men.
2. Western foids ride so many dicks throughout their lives that they completely lose their pair bonding capability (same with men).
3. An average man has zero power over his wife/gf. Men are literal slaves to their women. Foids are too powerful, zero balance of power.
4. The financial requirements are overblown in the west. Most people don't realize you don't need that much to live happily.
5. People are too afraid to reproduce since a marriage is never guaranteed. No one wants to see fatherless/motherless children.

It's time for white men to join the fight against Yajuuj and Majuuj, even if most of Yajuuj and Majuuj are white themselves.
White Sharia... it will be the best anime ever.
The Alt Right seems to point this out, but people just call them racist and attempt to destroy them, so all in all, the wheels have been set in motion and there is no turning back.
View attachment 241411

It's time for white men to join the fight against Yajuuj and Majuuj, even if most of Yajuuj and Majuuj are white themselves.
White Sharia... it will be the best anime ever.

Based and gog-magog-slayer-pilled.

gog: post-modernism
magog: consumer cuckery and capitalism
The white population jumped from pre-industrial times to modern times without ever establishing what values would be used to keep society functioning. We're working with unsustainable mindsets. Wanting to take as much as you can is very logical when you are unlikely to every get enough to exceed your needs, but in the modern era the general selfishness of people is causing them to abandon realistic expectations because they are able to take seemingly as much as they want. The American dream is a prime example of this; the idea that any regular person should be able to push themselves up to any level of wealth and material satisfaction is ridiculous. We need to become more realistic and learn to properly manage what we have, both in terms of resources and in terms of people.
It’s cope to say the west is collapsing due to feminism. Look at the rest of the world, Africa and the Middle East (where feminism has the least influence in the world) are poverty stricken war zones mired in blood soaked religious sectarianism, and the only relatively stable societies in these areas are propped up by oil, which will become redundant within 30 years as the world switches over to clean energy.

The west is terrible in many ways, and China will soon be the economic leader of the world ahead of the USA, but this collapse is no more foreboding than what is going on in countries where female rights are suppressed, and without western oil purchases, the parts of those areas which are relatively stable will devolve into chaos like the rest already are.
Based and gog-magog-slayer-pilled.

gog: post-modernism
magog: consumer cuckery and capitalism

Every man who is based and blackpilled is Imam Mahdi.
Are you a muslimcel buddy boyo? I thought you were a sicilian.
My Sicilian last name is Siculo-Arabic. I look like a sandcel so I decided to sandmaxx a long time ago.
Mainly this. Also the whites in power seems to be only interested in chasing profit and fucking over their own people.

Whites could have stayed in power, enslaving, raping, and stealing land. But the moment they gave free rights to women and slaves, they were already on a decline. Too late to turn back now lmao.

The universe decided they had ruled for long enough and shifted the power.
The enlightenment was a mistake
Patriarchy and enforced monogamy is mandatory for stable birth rates.
Feminism/hypergamy lead to crippling birth rates, because femoids are too picky and if at all femoids settle down way too late. Which then leads to a country being dependent on immigration = more problems. All western countries have shitty birth rates, especially those who refuse to let immigration happen like japan and south korea (birth rate of 1.3/1.1).

Even conservative countries are shifting towards feminism. Year by year women gain more power in countries like lebanon. Some countries have a few leftover laws that are in favor of the patriarchy, which makes it easier for them to keep their women in check. But it has little to do with race, it is culture and laws.
Trying to draw distinctions between race and culture is a massive cope
Not really a 'genocide' unless were talking about the # of white women having abortions.

Birth rates are declining in any country that is developed where women have rights and freedoms. Free women, see the average man as unworthy and choose a hedonistic dating life over motherhood.
But it is a “genocide” according to the geneva conventions definition
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My Sicilian last name is Siculo-Arabic. I look like a sandcel so I decided to sandmaxx a long time ago.
Ah okay, so you are a sand-sicilian-curry, damn.
Ah okay, so you are a sand-sicilian-curry, damn.
We are all currycels first and foremost. When OP is talking about White Genocide, he's really talking about currycels, because it's only white currycels who are being wiped out by the feminist led genocide we are living through right now (until curries RISE UP)...
We are all currycels first and foremost. When OP is talking about White Genocide, he's really talking about currycels, because it's only white currycels who are being wiped out by the feminist led genocide we are living through right now (until curries RISE UP)...

Lmfao, yea white chads are still passing on their genes anyway.

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

well i will be dead by then so it's cool
White people wont fight unless they’re under the boot. For how long tho? Maybe not until they’re erased, which could be a good thing.

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1FCB6E74 9900 4130 B323 7458F3CF6634
Whites are degenerates.
Fuck it, let it burn. If I split truth about those that are harming & seek to undermine us I'm the bad guy shit on by my own race while they ally themselves with the enemy hiding in plain sight, they might not be affected now but their descendants most certainly will be cattle. You can't fight a war when your own troops support the other side.

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