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Theory Why The United States is Hypergamy Hell



ϟϟNational Houellebecqist⌖
Nov 20, 2022
Whilst it is being accepted that Inceldom is a global & universal issue, what we do see is that it seemingly does impact certain areas more so than others. Whilst many often look to East Asia, Curryland, and even Eastern Europe/Balkans as an example of regions rampant with Inceldom, an often neglected part is that of the United States of America. Whilst I am aware many of my fellow countrymen tend to have a very "Ameri-centric" worldview, I myself am aware of Inceldom as a global phenomena, yet merely wish to touch upon how it is an issue here which is increasing, and how it differs from other places.

Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels. Within one, it's literally every man for himself, foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet, and chances are you lost the draw.

Country scores for individualism index

As shown here, America is amongst the most individualistic country in the world, not too far off from being 100% individualistic

Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:
Nonetheless, a comparison of college students in 2001 and 2006 revealed that self-reported premarital sexual intercourse rates went from 16.9 to 32 %, respectively (Pan 2007).
Following the end of the reign of Mao Tse-tung, along with the collapse of the former USSR, a fairly rapid pace of social, political, and economic changes occurred in China (e.g., Croll 2006; Tang and Parish 2000; Wang 2004). The post-Mao Chinese government has steadily encouraged economic modernization and the development of economic practices based upon free market principles similar to those found in Westernized countries. Social policies, such as the notable “One-Child Policy,” have been relaxed over recent years (Denyer 2015), allowing for individuals to better seek mates who are compatible in terms of number of children they desire to procreate. Whereas Chinese culture once emphasized the role of family in the selection of partners, with a strong tendency toward arranged marriages (Yang 1968), young Chinese adults now have greater choice in such decisions (Xu 1994).

But hey, it's just a heck of a coincidence ain't it jimbo? :waitwhat:

Individualistic societies such as this simply pander more towards that of foids by default, they are the primary consumers & we are the produce.

Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.

Here's some examples on this:


However, more notable gender differences emerge for some of the other couple profiles. For instance, while 11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman, just 4% of couples include a white woman and an Asian man. And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man

This brings us to another case:


As many others pointed out on here, it seems that racemixing increases the chance of genetic-recomb, which generally is not good as it leads to an increased chance of you inheriting good, or bad genes. Simply, it's too much of a gamble and effectively leads to a more bottlenecked population.

"Genes do not work in isolation" Over many thousand years the races developed genes that code for polypeptides that code proteins that interact with other proteins and compounds in the body. These interactions are often between fully compatible compounds, and efficiency is lost if these compounds are not fully compatible. Your parents both have thousand of interacting compounds that over thousands of years have been selected because they were present in that population. Race mixing breaks up these collections of alleles that work together to make compatible traits. Through the long periods of isolation that our ancestors went through, those with the best matched alleles were most reproductively successful and thus these alleles that don't work well with that race's genome were eliminated, but in other races that may not have been so. In my opinion there is not much more selfish and destructive when choosing a mate to knowingly pick someone with a high possibility of genetic incompatibility, possibly subjecting your future children to a life of genetic abnormalities and mismatched genes.

Recombination, the exchange of DNA between maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis, is a near universal processes occurring in almost all forms of life and is fundamental for DNA repair and meiotic cell division. Recombination is good as it can facilitate adaptation through the creation of novel genetic combinations [1,2], but also bad as it can break apart favourable combinations of alleles [3], and despite meiosis and recombination being highly regulated, recombination is frequently variable across the genome, across taxa, between the sexes, populations and individuals [4]. Although ongoing advances in DNA sequencing technology and methods to estimate recombination from population-based samples are providing much needed empirical evidence of ‘How’ recombination varies, our understanding of ‘Why’ it varies is progressing more slowly.
And as we know, it tends to increase health issues physical & mental:

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(again, genetic recombination working hell)

Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.
More prone to antisocial behaviors, which is a mix of them not having a "tribe" to identify with, as well as the fact again, gene recombination increases a higher chance of heritable issues.

Consumerism & Materialism:
It is quite well established by now that the United States is one of the most consumerist & materialistic countries on Earth, with the majority of meaningless, artificial products originating & headquartered here. However, what many do not touch upon is how the system was more or less set-up for foids to essentially dominate it:

In 1929, home economist and marketing expert Christine Frederick published Selling Mrs. Consumer, a popular book that schooled manufacturers and advertisers in the art of pitching products to American women. Seventy years later, consumer culture is part of the air we breathe, and women's role as consumer seems almost a natural one—a role captured in the phrase, "born to shop." Even in this age of market segmentation, when men are addressed as style-conscious buyers, the association of femininity and consumption remains nearly seamless. And these terms have been mutually reinforcing. Consumption is coded as a female pursuit, frivolous and even wasteful, a form of leisure rather than productive work.

Essentially, since the "roaring twenties" foids have been the main target of consumerism. Simply, due to the fact that it appeals to their nature as "trad" wives who in reality, live lives of leisure; endlessly consuming in order to fulfill their innate feminine nature of "idling" instead of "doing" as men do.

Within the United States, they account for:
Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending
The purchasing power of women in the U.S. ranges from $5 trillion to $15 trillion annually.

And to make this worse:
  • Over the next decade, women will control two-thirds of all consumer wealth in the United States and be the beneficiaries of the largest transference of wealth in our country’s history. Estimates range from $12 to $40 trillion. (Source: Mediapost, April 19, 2013; She-conomy)
  • The number of wealthy women investors in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men. In a two-year period, the number of wealthy women in the U.S. grew 68%, while the number of men grew only 36%. (Source: The Spectrum Group)
  • Women make up 25% of C-level executives at the top 1k U.S. companies (by revenue). (Source, Forbes 2019)
  • Since 2007, the number of women-owned businesses has grown 58% vs. overfall business growth of 12%. (Source, Forbes, 2019)
So much for ":soy::foidSoy::muh wage gap!"

Furthermore, this ties into wealth inequality:

View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM?si=SYWuFCWEsrGAU0my

The video is old, but I just can tell it's gotten worse & worse.

Ofc, this can still impact things in various ways: Being financially stunted means you likely will not be able to own a home, afford to geomaxx, afford surgeries, be able to meet the bare financial standards for a foid, etc.

And ofc, online dating isn't helping thing. :feelsjuice:

Screenshot 61

This ofc ties in with:

"An increase in the number of male incels is indeed taking place.
I saw the data of American sociologists.
In 2022-2023, 17% of young men aged 23-28 were virgins, compared with only 7% in 2017-19.

The opposite process is going on among young women – they have more heterosexual sex.
In 2022-2023, only 8% of young women aged 22-28 were virgins, compared with 20% in 2017-19.
(and such huge changes – in just 4-5 years)
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@Castaway @Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @Ryo_Hazuki @Grodd @WorthlessSlavicShit @GeckoBus @veryrare @Eremetic @AtrociousCitizen @SupremeAutist @Diddy @Regenerator @weaselbomber @BlackCel_from_ZA @Logic55 @Skelly @Epedaphic @daydreamER @Stupid Clown @BSGMANLET @Fevet @Old Ironsides @JustanotherKanga @Anarcho Nihilist @Biowaste Removal @Diddy @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @wereq @reveries @Misogynist Vegeta
It’s not just hypergamy at this point, we are heading towards hyper-hypergamy. Good post :feelsokman:
Consumerism & Materialism:
I didnt actually think that consoooming had a connection to hypergamy, but it does make a lot of sense

No need to secure a betabuxx when you already have everything you need at your fingertips, and focus all your efforts into getting chad
Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.

Here's some examples on this:

Black male white female is over twice as common as white male black female but there are still some blackcels that think they're heavily affected by the racepill.
Can you link the full study for this? 7% to 17% virginity among 23/28 year olds in only a couple years is crazy especially considering the inverse happened for foids. Zoomers are fucked. I wanna know the sample size for this as well.
It’s not just hypergamy at this point, we are heading towards hyper-hypergamy. Good post :feelsokman:
Foids true nature, they will always be and had been whores, nowdays it's just normalized it and all whores show their true colors.
As much as crony capitalism and consumerism has helped exaggerate the problem of hypergamy it will also ironically be it's destroyer as hypergamy has created a new need, a new market for the ultra wealthy to compete in. The one of the lonely male, the race to be the first to create and distribute sexual android gf will be a competitive one as their a massive opportunities to make billionaires off of this new market which will give us these androids at competitive prices which will put an end to hypergamy as women will soon to not be able to compete with their synthetic counterparts.
If you're American why do you say "whilst?" :feelskek: Nobody says that here, we say "while"
If you're American why do you say "whilst?" :feelskek: Nobody says that here, we say "while"
I wish to use more formal versions of English, it is vocabulary correct; furthermore I feel through utilizing it we will dissuade normies from joining.

Not to mention, I had an English teacher in HS who made us learn the British method of writing: I also like how "whilst" seems more "archaic" like from 18th century literature.
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Good post i think alot of it boils down to the fact we live in a Gynocentric society.
The feudalistic Darwinian hellscape known as the US is where modern hypergamy orignates from. Other countries are merely following its lead to meet their demise.
Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:
Good thread but this is just ridiculous. As shown in the graphic you posted South Korea is one of the most collectivist countries in the world and look at them today. Cucked a massive scale with their foids literally refusing to have sex with them. Plus the least individualistic countries on earth are not exactly paragons of sexual morality nor model states that the US should copy:

IMG 5053

Colombia? The country that is literally known for its whores and is the biggest prostitution hotspot in Latin America, with hundreds of thousands of passport bros flying there every year with the sole intention of fucking there? You've got to be kidding me. The rest of the countries seem to be brown failed states too. The point is: you can't blame individualism alone for this, but rather gynocentrism, which led to foids being granted rights that allowed them social mobility. Gynocentrism is collectivist as it forces men to be family men first and foremost and makes them prioritize pleasing their wives rather allowing them to forge their own destinies as individual men. Masculine individualism built this country from the ground up and made the United States a world power over the course of a century. Just look at all our cities from the early 20th century. How do you think they were built? Individualism is the natural order of Nordic-Germanic man and is what made his excellence possible. Great minds from Henry Ford to Thomas Edison were the result of Anglo-American individualism and propelled them to greatness. Why should we hate the individualism of our white forefathers and instead try to emulate the collectivism of the yellow and brown races? This form of endophobia is anti-white, in my opinion.
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Good thread but this is just ridiculous. As shown in the graphic you posted South Korea is one of the most collectivist countries in the world and look at them today. Cucked a massive scale with their foids literally refusing to have sex with them. Plus the least individualistic countries on earth are not exactly paragons of sexual morality nor model states that the US should copy:

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Colombia? The country that is literally known for its whores and is the biggest prostitution hotspot in Latin America, with hundreds of thousands of passport bros flying there every year with the sole intention of fucking there? You've got to be kidding me. The rest of the countries seem to be brown failed states too. The point is: you can't blame individualism alone for this, but rather gynocentrism, which led to foids being granted rights that allowed them social mobility. Gynocentrism is collectivist as it forces men to be family men first and foremost and makes them prioritize pleasing their wives rather allowing them to forge their own destinies as individual men. Masculine individualism built this country from the ground up and made the United States a world power over the course of a century. Just look at all our cities from the early 20th century. How do you think they were built? Individualism is the natural order of Nordic-Germanic man and is what made his excellence possible. Great minds from Henry Ford to Thomas Edison were the result of Anglo-American individualism and propelled them to greatness. Why should we hate the individualism of our white forefathers and instead try to emulate the collectivism of the yellow and brown races? This form of endophobia is anti-white, in my opinion.
Not sure how that study ranks collectivsm vs individualism, but I would say being economically collectivist while being socially individualistic is the worst combination and is the worst of both worlds.
The reason South Korea sucks is because they accepted western ideas like feminism, if it wasn't for this I would imagine they would have way less incels.
Ideally men should have some individual liberties while women are 99% collective, collectivism appeals most to female nature after all, individualism isn't needed in females, they should just be told what to do by the state/their husband.
Also collectivism is going to look very different depending on the race of the collective, of course niggers are going to fail, collectivist or individualist.
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Ideally men should have some individual liberties while women are 99% collective, collectivism appeals most to female nature after all, individualism isn't needed in females, they should just be told what to do by the state/their husband.
I agree with this. The idea of viewing men and women as mentally equal beings and therefore entitled to the same liberties was the trigger for the downward spiral towards degeneracy and mass inceldom. Men should be the only ones recognized by the state as individual human beings with certain rights as well as freedoms. Women should be regarded as property and completely subject to the will of the individual man, as is the case with cattle.
Men should be the only ones recognized by the state as individual human beings with certain rights as well as freedoms. Women should be regarded as property and completely subject to the will of the individual man, as is the case with cattle.
Ancient Athens had a system similar to this...
@based_meme @Flagellum_Dei
Very good post. One of the best on this forum. @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo should pin it.

I agree completely. Especially with the affects a melting pot has on girls smv as well as social medias affects.
Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels.
This doesn't make sense and is the opposite of how it is. More individualistic benefits men and makes inceldom lesser. Collectivism means taking money, labour and resources from men and giving it to women. Men produce everything and pay for everything. Economic individualism allows men autonomy over their innate value (labour, resources, protection), which they can then trade for sex.

You also left out one of the main reasons Yankland is a horror show for men. Wokeness/feminism/identity politics. Yankland is the epicentre of all these things. They have "diversity" quotas for everything, and it's been that way for decades and decades. Women are inserted into *everything*, men have nothing of their own. And it's normalised. They view every fucking issue through identity politics, gender and race. And if you oppose this in any way you're deemed a Nazi.
Good on you for touching on how miscegenation factors into inceldom. Even though I’m two generations removed from my nigger grandfather, it’s fucked up my entire life. I’ve always wondered why I’m so goddamn neurotic, why my core beliefs used to change with the wind, why I’m so low-iq. It’s literally all because of the fact that I’m mixed race. Wtf did I do in a past life to deserve this existence?
foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: too true
This doesn't make sense and is the opposite of how it is. More individualistic benefits men and makes inceldom lesser. Collectivism means taking money, labour and resources from men and giving it to women. Men produce everything and pay for everything. Economic individualism allows men autonomy over their innate value (labour, resources, protection), which they can then trade for sex.

You also left out one of the main reasons Yankland is a horror show for men. Wokeness/feminism/identity politics. Yankland is the epicentre of all these things. They have "diversity" quotas for everything, and it's been that way for decades and decades. Women are inserted into *everything*, men have nothing of their own. And it's normalised. They view every fucking issue through identity politics, gender and race. And if you oppose this in any way you're deemed a Nazi.
It really depends on how collectivism is structured though and how you are defining it.
Feminisn started out being individualist because it was all about giving women the same rights as men to act as their own person, only recently did it become collectivist and more about taking resources from men and giving it to women. Personally when I say I want a more collective society I mean one where there is a shared sense of common good that everyone believes in and tries to uphold, where things like infidelity and whoredom are very taboo and punished harshly, not the state stealing from men and giving to women like it is now. America and most of the west are the worst of both worlds! Infinite money for foids to raise chad's kids but no personal accountability. Just not letting women work or manage their own finances would solve the majority of the issue regarding the resource power imbalance between males and females.
This doesn't make sense and is the opposite of how it is. More individualistic benefits men and makes inceldom lesser. Collectivism means taking money, labour and resources from men and giving it to women. Men produce everything and pay for everything. Economic individualism allows men autonomy over their innate value (labour, resources, protection), which they can then trade for sex.

You also left out one of the main reasons Yankland is a horror show for men. Wokeness/feminism/identity politics. Yankland is the epicentre of all these things. They have "diversity" quotas for everything, and it's been that way for decades and decades. Women are inserted into *everything*, men have nothing of their own. And it's normalised. They view every fucking issue through identity politics, gender and race. And if you oppose this in any way you're deemed a Nazi.
Exactly. The United States is far from being the social darwinist, free market capitalist country that it is often portrayed as by clueless foreigners and American leftists. The economy in this country is HIGHLY regulated by the government, more so than at any other time in our history. We haven't had laissez-faire capitalism for 90 years, since FDR created the modern American welfare state with his New Deal. This, combined with the rise of identity politics and policies like affirmative action and quotas, has destroyed meritocracy and true individualism for men in this country. Men are hated more than ever and discouraged from being independent and claiming their rightful place in society.
@DarkStar would like your input on this
It really depends on how collectivism is structured though and how you are defining it.
How else can you define it? I've never seen it structured any other way than prioritising women, taking from men to give to women.
Feminisn started out being individualist because it was all about giving women the same rights as men to act as their own person, only recently did it become collectivist and more about taking resources from men and giving it to women.
Disagree, it's always been that. Women rely on men for almost everything, and always have. Women wanted the same rights and freedoms as men, yes, but they didn't want any of the responsibilities of men, they didn't want to do any of the work men do in society. They wanted men's things to be theirs, and their things to be theirs. It's like that truism, "my money is my money and your money is also my money". That's how women are with everything, and always have been.

Feminism should have lead to society becoming much more individualistic, because women were no longer children and were now "free" like men. But it didn't, did it?
where things like infidelity and whoredom are very taboo and punished harshly
You have to be very careful how you restrict women's sexuality, because it usually ends up benefiting them and harming men.
Feminism should have lead to society becoming much more individualistic, because women were no longer children and were now "free" like men. But it didn't, did it?
They were given "individual" liberties and it made everything shitter. Before that there was a shared sense of common good and morality in society that held everything together.
You have to be very careful how you restrict women's sexuality, because it usually ends up benefiting them and harming men.
How so? I advocate enforced monogamy which seemed to work fairly well for white people for a long time
Disagree, it's always been that. Women rely on men for almost everything, and always have.
That's why I said they shouldn't be allowed to work in most cases or manage their own finances, then they would have to rely on men again as they should since men are the ones who generate most of the material and wealth in society.
How else can you define it?
I define it on social terms not economic, it's about having a shared identity and belief system where it's taboo to go against the orthodox.
Based, saved

The data on mixed race people having more deviation in terms of their genetics + being more anti social was really interesting :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
This doesn't make sense and is the opposite of how it is. More individualistic benefits men and makes inceldom lesser. Collectivism means taking money, labour and resources from men and giving it to women. Men produce everything and pay for everything. Economic individualism allows men autonomy over their innate value (labour, resources, protection), which they can then trade for sex.
Individualism means that women aren't forced into submission and married off to average men against their will, collectivism could be ensuring every man gets a woman.
Whilst it is being accepted that Inceldom is a global & universal issue, what we do see is that it seemingly does impact certain areas more so than others. Whilst many often look to East Asia, Curryland, and even Eastern Europe/Balkans as an example of regions rampant with Inceldom, an often neglected part is that of the United States of America. Whilst I am aware many of my fellow countrymen tend to have a very "Ameri-centric" worldview, I myself am aware of Inceldom as a global phenomena, yet merely wish to touch upon how it is an issue here which is increasing, and how it differs from other places.

Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels. Within one, it's literally every man for himself, foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet, and chances are you lost the draw.

View attachment 1377295

As shown here, America is amongst the most individualistic country in the world, not too far off from being 100% individualistic

Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:

But hey, it's just a heck of a coincidence ain't it jimbo? :waitwhat:

Individualistic societies such as this simply pander more towards that of foids by default, they are the primary consumers & we are the produce.

Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.

Here's some examples on this:


This brings us to another case:


As many others pointed out on here, it seems that racemixing increases the chance of genetic-recomb, which generally is not good as it leads to an increased chance of you inheriting good, or bad genes. Simply, it's too much of a gamble and effectively leads to a more bottlenecked population.

And as we know, it tends to increase health issues physical & mental:

View attachment 1377489
(again, genetic recombination working hell)

More prone to antisocial behaviors, which is a mix of them not having a "tribe" to identify with, as well as the fact again, gene recombination increases a higher chance of heritable issues.

Consumerism & Materialism:
It is quite well established by now that the United States is one of the most consumerist & materialistic countries on Earth, with the majority of meaningless, artificial products originating & headquartered here. However, what many do not touch upon is how the system was more or less set-up for foids to essentially dominate it:

Essentially, since the "roaring twenties" foids have been the main target of consumerism. Simply, due to the fact that it appeals to their nature as "trad" wives who in reality, live lives of leisure; endlessly consuming in order to fulfill their innate feminine nature of "idling" instead of "doing" as men do.

Within the United States, they account for:

And to make this worse:

So much for ":soy::foidSoy::muh wage gap!"

Furthermore, this ties into wealth inequality:

View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM?si=SYWuFCWEsrGAU0my

The video is old, but I just can tell it's gotten worse & worse.

Ofc, this can still impact things in various ways: Being financially stunted means you likely will not be able to own a home, afford to geomaxx, afford surgeries, be able to meet the bare financial standards for a foid, etc.

And ofc, online dating isn't helping thing. :feelsjuice:

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This ofc ties in with:

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@Castaway @Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @Ryo_Hazuki @Grodd @WorthlessSlavicShit @GeckoBus @veryrare @Eremetic @AtrociousCitizen @SupremeAutist @Diddy @Regenerator @weaselbomber @BlackCel_from_ZA @Logic55 @Skelly @Epedaphic @daydreamER @Stupid Clown @BSGMANLET @Fevet @Old Ironsides @JustanotherKanga @Anarcho Nihilist @Biowaste Removal @Diddy @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @wereq @reveries @Misogynist Vegeta

giga iq thread again :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain:
Also, holy fucking shit, I downloaded that book from 1929 you mentioned "selling mrs consumer" - nigga read this shit.


Bruh. And this is just one page I found from me skimming. Old books are hardcore af with this shit.
Full book here:

Like I have said 1000x times before, the blackpill goes way beyond sex and relationships. When you let it take you where it leads, you end up studying humanity itself. There is basically no difference between toothpaste commercials, government propaganda and male-female relations etc. Everything operates on the same principles. The quote just shows you that what we say is not a bunch of angry men hating on women ("sour grapes") but something that people have known for all of history and used to their advantage. Worse - the author or the quote is a woman :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: explain this one faggots LOL. Inb4, women back then were brainwashed by patriarchy into hating themselves bla bla bla - always some excuse.
I've probably bookedmarked 5 of your threads and I haven't got to reading them but they seem high IQ. I'll definitely give them a read when I'm bored while wageslaving
Colombia? The country that is literally known for its whores and is the biggest prostitution hotspot in Latin America, with hundreds of thousands of passport bros flying there every year with the sole intention of fucking there? You've got to be kidding me. The rest of the countries seem to be brown failed states too. The point is: you can't blame individualism alone for this, but rather gynocentrism
This. I am surprised how many latincels we have. Latin america really is the test ground for many of the feminist plans, a culture from foids to foids of hypergamy in insane levels. jfl at my autocorrect trying to change latincels to latinx
IMG 8753

this graph you sent is pretty great. i knew dating was tending to be mostly online. but normies always denied it and said "of course you find women who demand men be 6ft and 7/10 you are using dating apps just to talk to women in real life bro"

no. online dating is real life.
I didnt actually think that consoooming had a connection to hypergamy, but it does make a lot of sense

No need to secure a betabuxx when you already have everything you need at your fingertips, and focus all your efforts into getting chad
It never began :feelsrope:
Individualism means that women aren't forced into submission and married off to average men against their will, collectivism could be ensuring every man gets a woman.
Nah, individualism means the opposite, that women have to marry average men because they need men to survive. Collectivism means men are enslaved to provide for women without women marrying them or fucking them. Women, innately, are collectivist and not individualist at all. It's why they all agree with each other, support each other and are terrified of saying anything critical of one another, or something which goes against current groupthink.
They were given "individual" liberties and it made everything shitter. Before that there was a shared sense of common good and morality in society that held everything together.
I don't recall any "shared sense of common good" during WW1 and WW2, I recall men being slaughtered to protect women. I think I'd rather women were subject to the same responsibilities as men.
How so? I advocate enforced monogamy which seemed to work fairly well for white people for a long time
Because women's sexuality is highly protected now, and it's why men are incels. If women's sexuality was commodified and exploited in the same way men's labour/resources/protection/bodies are, there would be much more equality. If a man could demand a woman give him a blowjob to pay her rent, or a female employee had to fuck him to keep her job, and rape/sexual assault were considered no more serious crimes than your boss forcing you to work overtime, men would be in a much, much better position.
That's why I said they shouldn't be allowed to work in most cases or manage their own finances, then they would have to rely on men again as they should since men are the ones who generate most of the material and wealth in society.
Women have always been allowed to work, that's a feminist myth. And to manager their own finances. They just couldn't make much money because men did all the work and women had babies (the pill and abortion changed all that).
I define it on social terms not economic, it's about having a shared identity and belief system where it's taboo to go against the orthodox.
Culture matters, but it's also enforced by economics.
Not sure why? Curryland has a higher birthrate than most western countries.
Yeah but it's gonna start declining soon

Also, a high birthrate doesn't mean they actually are experiencing teen sex or actually enjoying it the way normies here do. If you look at the average age for virginity lose there, it's like mid-late 20s & that's likely due to arranged marriages.
We need an immediate collapse of the world system right now
Nice post. You brought up multiple good statistics. In light of this, it's so annoying seeing radical and soft feminist activism still going on throughout the world and especially in the US while men are disillusioned with this system.
Whilst it is being accepted that Inceldom is a global & universal issue, what we do see is that it seemingly does impact certain areas more so than others. Whilst many often look to East Asia, Curryland, and even Eastern Europe/Balkans as an example of regions rampant with Inceldom, an often neglected part is that of the United States of America. Whilst I am aware many of my fellow countrymen tend to have a very "Ameri-centric" worldview, I myself am aware of Inceldom as a global phenomena, yet merely wish to touch upon how it is an issue here which is increasing, and how it differs from other places.

Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels. Within one, it's literally every man for himself, foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet, and chances are you lost the draw.

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As shown here, America is amongst the most individualistic country in the world, not too far off from being 100% individualistic

Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:

But hey, it's just a heck of a coincidence ain't it jimbo? :waitwhat:

Individualistic societies such as this simply pander more towards that of foids by default, they are the primary consumers & we are the produce.

Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.

Here's some examples on this:


This brings us to another case:


As many others pointed out on here, it seems that racemixing increases the chance of genetic-recomb, which generally is not good as it leads to an increased chance of you inheriting good, or bad genes. Simply, it's too much of a gamble and effectively leads to a more bottlenecked population.

And as we know, it tends to increase health issues physical & mental:

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(again, genetic recombination working hell)

More prone to antisocial behaviors, which is a mix of them not having a "tribe" to identify with, as well as the fact again, gene recombination increases a higher chance of heritable issues.

Consumerism & Materialism:
It is quite well established by now that the United States is one of the most consumerist & materialistic countries on Earth, with the majority of meaningless, artificial products originating & headquartered here. However, what many do not touch upon is how the system was more or less set-up for foids to essentially dominate it:

Essentially, since the "roaring twenties" foids have been the main target of consumerism. Simply, due to the fact that it appeals to their nature as "trad" wives who in reality, live lives of leisure; endlessly consuming in order to fulfill their innate feminine nature of "idling" instead of "doing" as men do.

Within the United States, they account for:

And to make this worse:

So much for ":soy::foidSoy::muh wage gap!"

Furthermore, this ties into wealth inequality:

View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM?si=SYWuFCWEsrGAU0my

The video is old, but I just can tell it's gotten worse & worse.

Ofc, this can still impact things in various ways: Being financially stunted means you likely will not be able to own a home, afford to geomaxx, afford surgeries, be able to meet the bare financial standards for a foid, etc.

And ofc, online dating isn't helping thing. :feelsjuice:

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This ofc ties in with:

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@Castaway @Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @Ryo_Hazuki @Grodd @WorthlessSlavicShit @GeckoBus @veryrare @Eremetic @AtrociousCitizen @SupremeAutist @Diddy @Regenerator @weaselbomber @BlackCel_from_ZA @Logic55 @Skelly @Epedaphic @daydreamER @Stupid Clown @BSGMANLET @Fevet @Old Ironsides @JustanotherKanga @Anarcho Nihilist @Biowaste Removal @Diddy @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @wereq @reveries @Misogynist Vegeta

Good analysis
It's basically capitalism, and liberal feminism, liberalism is BS but imo places like China and USSR prove you can be economically left w/o lib degeneracy
Either be chad or have 10 million usd.
If u have neither . Say goodbye to having a "gf"
This will go on until world war 3 or cheap AI real doll robot gf
Am too stupid to understand any of this

But I can notice the obvious around me
Embarrassing babble. The midwit vomiting back up poorly understood information and wasting time on worthless commentary and definitions.

The US is shitty for two reasons

1. Broader gene pool leading to clearer distinctions and bigger hurdles to what a top 20 %er is

2. More strength training doing the same thing as #1

In America maybe 1/5 men have good muscular development. In Europe it's more like 1/50. Skinny fats as far as the eye can see

You have Asian, Indian, Latino, Arab men who just will never have the size to be attractive in comparison to their white and black counterparts. Like 99% of Indians are size excluded and 95% of Asians but maybe only 33% of whites. And maybe you have 1/10 15-26 yos that have size and also weight training.

In Europe the difference between a sporty guy and a normal guy is like 10 pounds of leg muscle that no one cares about and 5 pounds of upper body muscle and like 4% body fat. In the US it's like 20 lbs of upper body muscle and 12% body fat.
Blame the nose gang for this. Also fuck the US for spreading their degenerate ways to the rest of the world
Sodom and Gomorrah is a better lifestyle.

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Don’t let the Jewb fool you.

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Good post i think alot of it boils down to the fact we live in a Gynocentric society.
This. If we eliminate the pussywhipped cucks from power then all of our problems will disappear globally.

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