ϟϟNational Houellebecqist⌖
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Whilst it is being accepted that Inceldom is a global & universal issue, what we do see is that it seemingly does impact certain areas more so than others. Whilst many often look to East Asia, Curryland, and even Eastern Europe/Balkans as an example of regions rampant with Inceldom, an often neglected part is that of the United States of America. Whilst I am aware many of my fellow countrymen tend to have a very "Ameri-centric" worldview, I myself am aware of Inceldom as a global phenomena, yet merely wish to touch upon how it is an issue here which is increasing, and how it differs from other places.
Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels. Within one, it's literally every man for himself, foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet, and chances are you lost the draw.
As shown here, America is amongst the most individualistic country in the world, not too far off from being 100% individualistic
Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:
But hey, it's just a heck of a coincidence ain't it jimbo?
Individualistic societies such as this simply pander more towards that of foids by default, they are the primary consumers & we are the produce.
Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.
Here's some examples on this:
This brings us to another case:
As many others pointed out on here, it seems that racemixing increases the chance of genetic-recomb, which generally is not good as it leads to an increased chance of you inheriting good, or bad genes. Simply, it's too much of a gamble and effectively leads to a more bottlenecked population.
(again, genetic recombination working hell)
Consumerism & Materialism:
It is quite well established by now that the United States is one of the most consumerist & materialistic countries on Earth, with the majority of meaningless, artificial products originating & headquartered here. However, what many do not touch upon is how the system was more or less set-up for foids to essentially dominate it:
Essentially, since the "roaring twenties" foids have been the main target of consumerism. Simply, due to the fact that it appeals to their nature as "trad" wives who in reality, live lives of leisure; endlessly consuming in order to fulfill their innate feminine nature of "idling" instead of "doing" as men do.
Within the United States, they account for:
And to make this worse:

:muh wage gap!"
Furthermore, this ties into wealth inequality:
View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM?si=SYWuFCWEsrGAU0my
The video is old, but I just can tell it's gotten worse & worse.
Ofc, this can still impact things in various ways: Being financially stunted means you likely will not be able to own a home, afford to geomaxx, afford surgeries, be able to meet the bare financial standards for a foid, etc.
And ofc, online dating isn't helping thing.
This ofc ties in with:
Whilst I am aware that more collectivist societies such as Russia & China have high rates of Inceldom, it logically makes sense that a society which emphasizes individualistic values & qualities will be more tough for Incels. Within one, it's literally every man for himself, foids are social egalitarians on the street and vaginal darwinian capitalists in the sheet, and chances are you lost the draw.
As shown here, America is amongst the most individualistic country in the world, not too far off from being 100% individualistic
Generally, it seems that the more a society drifts from collectivism, the worse sexual degeneracy becomes, take a look at this study from China:
Nonetheless, a comparison of college students in 2001 and 2006 revealed that self-reported premarital sexual intercourse rates went from 16.9 to 32 %, respectively (Pan 2007).
Following the end of the reign of Mao Tse-tung, along with the collapse of the former USSR, a fairly rapid pace of social, political, and economic changes occurred in China (e.g., Croll 2006; Tang and Parish 2000; Wang 2004). The post-Mao Chinese government has steadily encouraged economic modernization and the development of economic practices based upon free market principles similar to those found in Westernized countries. Social policies, such as the notable “One-Child Policy,” have been relaxed over recent years (Denyer 2015), allowing for individuals to better seek mates who are compatible in terms of number of children they desire to procreate. Whereas Chinese culture once emphasized the role of family in the selection of partners, with a strong tendency toward arranged marriages (Yang 1968), young Chinese adults now have greater choice in such decisions (Xu 1994).
Dating attitudes and expectations among young Chinese adults: an examination of gender differences - The Journal of Chinese Sociology
While researchers have long examined the dating and mate selection patterns among young adults, the vast majority have utilized Western samples. In order to further our understanding of the changing nature of dating behaviors and attitudes, this study examines a sample of young Chinese adults...

But hey, it's just a heck of a coincidence ain't it jimbo?
Individualistic societies such as this simply pander more towards that of foids by default, they are the primary consumers & we are the produce.
Whilst I have a few other comments/posts sharing as to how racial & cultural(often are linked) tend to be detrimental to social trust, economic capita, etc. it also would be disingenuous to ignore that it can impact the dating & SMV market. For starters, various phenotypes exist amongst varying groups, and of course the "average" of these is going to vary heavily amongst demographics. This then places certain groups in a situation, where the males will find themselves heavily disadvantaged, whilst certain races of foids might find themselves pedestalized by White normies(ie; noodlewhores) whilst certain non-white demographics -mainly Blacks- tend to pedestalize & overhype any overweight, mediocre, white foid.
Here's some examples on this:

However, more notable gender differences emerge for some of the other couple profiles. For instance, while 11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman, just 4% of couples include a white woman and an Asian man. And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man
This brings us to another case:
As many others pointed out on here, it seems that racemixing increases the chance of genetic-recomb, which generally is not good as it leads to an increased chance of you inheriting good, or bad genes. Simply, it's too much of a gamble and effectively leads to a more bottlenecked population.
"Genes do not work in isolation" Over many thousand years the races developed genes that code for polypeptides that code proteins that interact with other proteins and compounds in the body. These interactions are often between fully compatible compounds, and efficiency is lost if these compounds are not fully compatible. Your parents both have thousand of interacting compounds that over thousands of years have been selected because they were present in that population. Race mixing breaks up these collections of alleles that work together to make compatible traits. Through the long periods of isolation that our ancestors went through, those with the best matched alleles were most reproductively successful and thus these alleles that don't work well with that race's genome were eliminated, but in other races that may not have been so. In my opinion there is not much more selfish and destructive when choosing a mate to knowingly pick someone with a high possibility of genetic incompatibility, possibly subjecting your future children to a life of genetic abnormalities and mismatched genes.

Gene Future

And as we know, it tends to increase health issues physical & mental:Recombination, the exchange of DNA between maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis, is a near universal processes occurring in almost all forms of life and is fundamental for DNA repair and meiotic cell division. Recombination is good as it can facilitate adaptation through the creation of novel genetic combinations [1,2], but also bad as it can break apart favourable combinations of alleles [3], and despite meiosis and recombination being highly regulated, recombination is frequently variable across the genome, across taxa, between the sexes, populations and individuals [4]. Although ongoing advances in DNA sequencing technology and methods to estimate recombination from population-based samples are providing much needed empirical evidence of ‘How’ recombination varies, our understanding of ‘Why’ it varies is progressing more slowly.
(again, genetic recombination working hell)
More prone to antisocial behaviors, which is a mix of them not having a "tribe" to identify with, as well as the fact again, gene recombination increases a higher chance of heritable issues.Mixed-race adolescents showed higher risk when compared with single-race adolescents on general health questions, school experience, smoking and drinking, and other risk variables.
Consumerism & Materialism:
It is quite well established by now that the United States is one of the most consumerist & materialistic countries on Earth, with the majority of meaningless, artificial products originating & headquartered here. However, what many do not touch upon is how the system was more or less set-up for foids to essentially dominate it:
In 1929, home economist and marketing expert Christine Frederick published Selling Mrs. Consumer, a popular book that schooled manufacturers and advertisers in the art of pitching products to American women. Seventy years later, consumer culture is part of the air we breathe, and women's role as consumer seems almost a natural one—a role captured in the phrase, "born to shop." Even in this age of market segmentation, when men are addressed as style-conscious buyers, the association of femininity and consumption remains nearly seamless. And these terms have been mutually reinforcing. Consumption is coded as a female pursuit, frivolous and even wasteful, a form of leisure rather than productive work.

Foids are the Harbingers of Consumerism
Consumerism, a problem which plagues our society today & can be attributed to many of the ills within it. Personally, I consider consumerism to be akin to that of a cancer: It simply spreads & consumes the finite resources we have, and quite literally consumes normies & NPCs in just about every...

Essentially, since the "roaring twenties" foids have been the main target of consumerism. Simply, due to the fact that it appeals to their nature as "trad" wives who in reality, live lives of leisure; endlessly consuming in order to fulfill their innate feminine nature of "idling" instead of "doing" as men do.
Within the United States, they account for:
Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending
The purchasing power of women in the U.S. ranges from $5 trillion to $15 trillion annually.

The Purchasing Power of Women: Statistics | Girlpower Marketing
Women control over $20 trillion in world-wide spending. Learn more about the purchasing power of women, from Millennials to Baby Boomers, in various markets

And to make this worse:
- Over the next decade, women will control two-thirds of all consumer wealth in the United States and be the beneficiaries of the largest transference of wealth in our country’s history. Estimates range from $12 to $40 trillion. (Source: Mediapost, April 19, 2013; She-conomy)
- The number of wealthy women investors in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of men. In a two-year period, the number of wealthy women in the U.S. grew 68%, while the number of men grew only 36%. (Source: The Spectrum Group)
So much for "
- Women make up 25% of C-level executives at the top 1k U.S. companies (by revenue). (Source, Forbes 2019)
- Since 2007, the number of women-owned businesses has grown 58% vs. overfall business growth of 12%. (Source, Forbes, 2019)
Furthermore, this ties into wealth inequality:
View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM?si=SYWuFCWEsrGAU0my
The video is old, but I just can tell it's gotten worse & worse.
Ofc, this can still impact things in various ways: Being financially stunted means you likely will not be able to own a home, afford to geomaxx, afford surgeries, be able to meet the bare financial standards for a foid, etc.
And ofc, online dating isn't helping thing.
This ofc ties in with:
"An increase in the number of male incels is indeed taking place.
I saw the data of American sociologists.
In 2022-2023, 17% of young men aged 23-28 were virgins, compared with only 7% in 2017-19.
The opposite process is going on among young women – they have more heterosexual sex.
In 2022-2023, only 8% of young women aged 22-28 were virgins, compared with 20% in 2017-19.
(and such huge changes – in just 4-5 years)
@Castaway @Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @Ryo_Hazuki @Grodd @WorthlessSlavicShit @GeckoBus @veryrare @Eremetic @AtrociousCitizen @SupremeAutist @Diddy @Regenerator @weaselbomber @BlackCel_from_ZA @Logic55 @Skelly @Epedaphic @daydreamER @Stupid Clown @BSGMANLET @Fevet @Old Ironsides @JustanotherKanga @Anarcho Nihilist @Biowaste Removal @Diddy @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY @wereq @reveries @Misogynist Vegeta