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Serious Why the shitskin invasion won't last

This time is different. Whites were strong back then. They had strong armies filled with alpha males. This time that's not the case. Europe's armies now consist of weak, low testosterone, leftist, beta male soyboys and they even have foids in their armies now in large numbers. Just by the gender ratio alone Europe is gonna get destroyed by the high testosterone, alpha male muslims that are invading. The muslims are willing to die in the name of Allah while Whites don't even know what they're fighting for anymore.
do u unironically lose the world alpha male? also niggers are still inferior to weak whites
what a small minoirty? also jfl u prob live in europe.
Legality of zoophilia by country v0 j1oipqwcwu8a1
I live in one of the countries where it's punishable by death.
do u unironically lose the world alpha male? also niggers are still inferior to weak whites
its prob copy and paste
No, it is not. Compare the post to some others I have written before jumping to conclusions. Just because you are incapable of writing so articulate an essay doesn't mean I am, too.
non whites arent against raysism or discrimination. there against whites being raysis so they can leech off of whites
Your English skills are subpar if that is your interpretation of what I wrote. I will be gentle and give you a pass considering that your mother language is not English, but try not to shut off your mouth on topics you know nothing about.
The main goal of White Nationalism is to secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children by any means necessary. Contrary to popular belief, Whites are the least racist of all races. We have evolved to be so kind and tolerant that non-Whites were allowed to live in our nations and share the benefits of societies which our ancestors, and our ancestors alone, have created.

As you non-Whites might know, Whites are rapidly decreasing in numbers around the world, especially in their own countries. You probably don't care about this fact because you value more your group's well-being than anyone else's, which actually shows us how much hypocritical your assertions are. You demand diversity by forcing Whites to mix out of existence. You demand racial tolerance by discriminating against Whites with affirmative action. You demand equal treatment by ignoring the daily reality of Whites being murdered by non-Whites.

Whites, on the other hand, offer a simple solution to the ongoing struggle: segregation. Now, we know this little word bothers you not because Blacks had higher standards of living, safer communities, and more family stability back then, but because your parasitic behavior won't allow you to get off White people's back. When we look at the world around us, we see the same pattern of a particular race creating virtually all that is innovative and useful to society. The White race.

Evolution comes from a necessity. Whites overcame every single problem nature has given us ever since we originated. Multiculturalists believe that Whites will eventually go extinct due to a few decades of forced racial integration. Why do they believe this is going to be the outcome? Have they not learned from the past? Whites are more intelligent and creative, on average, which means that we are more likely to solve problems and invent useful things to our survival.

Having that in mind, non-Whites, what do you think it's going to happen when Whites are cornered by you? Game over? You haven't been paying attention to history if you really think Whites are going to succumb this time.

• What happened when Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés and his soldiers were cornered by the Aztec Empire?

• What happened when Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro and his soldiers were cornered by the Inca Empire?

• What happened when Romanian military leader Vlad Tepes and his soldiers were cornered by the Ottoman Empire?

• What happened when Iberian soldiers were cornered by the Moorish Empire?

The result is always the same.

Whites are giving you a chance of peacefully accepting segregation this time.

Non-Whites are against racism and discrimination. However, what they don't realize is that, by forcing Whites to live in a multiracial environment, they are unwittingly selecting the most racist Whites of society to breed more children in order to prevent their countries from turning into a melting pot. Since the White race is undoubtedly more intelligent, creative, and innovative than the other races, and giving that nationalism is rapidly increasing among youth from many White countries, what do non-Whites think it's going to happen this time?

Whites carry the genes for higher intelligence. That's the reason why our race has always been filled with geniuses. When future White geniuses with an extraordinary high IQ realize that their race is facing extinction due to non-White parasites, what do you think it's going to happen? Do you really want to make an enemy of our race?

Are you aware that Whites create superior technology?

Are you aware that this same technology can decimate a whole population?

Are you aware that if you don't let us live peacefully among ourselves, you will end up like the enemies of our European leaders?
Nice copypaste
Pure cope. Native Europeans don't have kids. Middle Easterners and Africans move here in the hundreds of thousands and have massive families. There is no reversing the current demographic shift.
Nice copypaste
I am articulate enough to write so long an essay. It is a combination of genes and environment. I have always had a knack for reading and expressing myself, which coupled with my upbringing, led me to develop superior communication skills.
I am articulate enough to write so long an essay. It is a combination of genes and environment. I have always had a knack for reading and expressing myself, which coupled with my upbringing, led me to develop superior communication skills.
Sure, sure, man

But it doesn't even touch the OP's point) Stop being pretentious, locals aren't going to appreciate it.. you can see it yourself

Anyway - if you want to troll poor niggers - go for it, I don't care
Sure, sure, man

But it doesn't even touch the OP's point) Stop being pretentious, locals aren't going to appreciate it.. you can see it yourself

Anyway - if you want to troll poor niggers - go for it, I don't care
You questioned my honesty. Naturally, I am going to defend myself.

Your writing style resembles average pretentious man here! Unique, hell
That is not on you to decide.
You questioned my honesty. Naturally, I am going to defend myself.

That is not on you to decide.
Its okay, man

even if you had stolen this - like you will testimony) Not, of course... Stop being pretentious prick, please
You are wrong. I am right. It is good to know you have no rebuttal because I am your intellectual superior.
Yeah, totally

And no, my friend, style of this essay does differ from your standard posts... oh well, it is nothing. Stolen-not stolen - you will not say the truth either way) Enjoy your day, citizen
Retard, euros advanced civilization was toppled by feminism and cuckoldry. It doesn't matter how advance your fucking iPhones are if your women fuck dogs lol. As low IQ as the nigger are they understand the most important and ancient of knowledge, keep the bitches in the kitchen
Niggers are the group most affected by globohomo and are the biggest female worshipers jfl. Their women only fuck poki and ray ray and leave the majority of them childless and sexless. Yea sure a lot of them say "bitches and hoes ain't sheeeeeeeit mang" but it's all a act because they let black women walk all over them all while calling them queens and sistas and shit.

Their entire "thug/gangbanger" culture only exists because they know their women only fuck two things.
1. White guys
2. Thugs
Any actual blackcel knows I'm speaking only facts right now.
shouldnt this be in general discussion not in inceldom discussion
Your English skills are subpar if that is your interpretation of what I wrote. I will be gentle and give you a pass considering that your mother language is not English, but try not to shut off your mouth on topics you know nothing about.
you sound like some shitskin with a superiority complex
"Non-Whites are against racism and discrimination." im quoting u nigger. u said that non whites are against racism and discriminating. and im telling you your wrong
you sound like some shitskin with a superiority complex
If he is exactly what you described he's the most laughably humiliating cumskin worshipping shitskin coper on this forum.
Pure cope. Native Europeans don't have kids. Middle Easterners and Africans move here in the hundreds of thousands and have massive families. There is no reversing the current demographic shift.
this. the West is DOOMED
"Non-Whites are against racism and discrimination." im quoting u nigger. u said that non whites are against racism and discriminating. and im telling you your wrong
I said non-Whites are against racism and discrimination to laugh at their hypocrisy. I don't believe they are truly against racism and discrimination, but you don't know how to interpret a text.
Pure cope. Native Europeans don't have kids. Middle Easterners and Africans move here in the hundreds of thousands and have massive families. There is no reversing the current demographic shift.
Doesnt mean shit they can all be perished at any moment
Cope harder shitskin ooga booga
they can still be violently evicted by force. we just need to use full military corecion on them to remove them from our societies. I mean the reverse already happened, gadalfi expelled hundreds of thousands of italian settlers from libya by force it is possible
The navies literally do nothing if all the warships went to work and fire at any boat from africa we good
Pure cope. Native Europeans don't have kids. Middle Easterners and Africans move here in the hundreds of thousands and have massive families. There is no reversing the current demographic shift.
tbh. Even if right-wing parties get into power, the ethnics are already here.
The only way to get rid of them would be like a million Breiviks, but that's something I don't support.

Tbh I don't care as long as whites stay the majority (at least 70%) and the ethnics totally assimilate. If they assimilate and are nice people, I don't care. The problem is that they don't assimilate or even integrate. The majority are either low IQ thugs or religious mudslimes. And neither should be allowed to live here.
They could just try to push them away by making life uncomfortable for them. Going hard against Thugmaxxers via brutal police and by making laws against islamtards. Germany should just Kemalistmaxx like Turkey back then and force ethnics to assimilate and going hard against religion.
Tbh I don't care as long as whites stay the majority (at least 70%) and the ethnics totally assimilate. If they assimilate and are nice people, I don't care. The problem is that they don't assimilate or even integrate. The majority are either low IQ thugs or religious mudslimes. And neither should be allowed to live here.
That's what the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines wanted when Whites started invading their land :feelsohh:
That's what the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines wanted when Whites started invading their land :feelsohh:
no they didn't want them to assimilate. But I would want them to assimilate (if I was american or australian)

There wasn't even anything in america until the whites showed up. Whites build the country.
no they didn't want them to assimilate. But I would want them to assimilate (if I was american or australian)

There wasn't even anything in america until the whites showed up. Whites build the country.
The only thing whites built was global warming, world hunger, polluted oceans, and nuclear bombs.
The only thing whites built was global warming, world hunger, polluted oceans, and nuclear bombs.
The chinks have a bigger part in global warming than whites. And how have whites build world hunger? And the nukes were invented by jews.

But tbh I don't care and want to see this world end anyway. If you still care, you're not blackpilled.
no they didn't want them to assimilate. But I would want them to assimilate (if I was american or australian)

There wasn't even anything in america until the whites showed up. Whites build the country.
I'm not assimilating to your cuck soysociety. I'd rather be dead YOU WICKED WHITE DEVIL.
I'm not assimilating to your cuck soysociety. I'd rather be dead YOU WICKED WHITE DEVIL.
I don't mean modern white culture jfl. I mean before it got cucked.

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