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RageFuel Why the fuck should I have to go after fat girls?

  • Thread starter anincelforlifelol
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Tell me how the fuck does that make any sense. Normies are this stupid? "Well girls are rejecting you. Try fat girls"
lol wut? Why the fuck should I go for some beached whale when I go to the gym 5x a day, have a great body, and am clearly not lazy unlike fat bitches? Why exactly should I go for a fat girl? I've tried too hard and worked too hard to just settle for some whale. I don't understand this stupid fucking logic. Now if you say "Try an ugly girl", that's different. I've tried ugly girls and my looksmatches and they've rejected me. The dating field is so fucked up now. It's incredible how women feel they're entitled to only good looking men.
I wish I had the option to fuck fat girls
Tell me how the fuck does that make any sense. Normies are this stupid? "Well girls are rejecting you. Try fat girls"
lol wut? Why the fuck should I go for some beached whale when I go to the gym 5x a day, have a great body, and am clearly not lazy unlike fat bitches? Why exactly should I go for a fat girl? I've tried too hard and worked too hard to just settle for some whale. I don't understand this stupid fucking logic. Now if you say "Try an ugly girl", that's different. I've tried ugly girls and my looksmatches and they've rejected me. The dating field is so fucked up now. It's incredible how women feel they're entitled to only good looking men.
Honestly I would go for the fat girls IDGF about judgment of others but I am REPULSED by them. I literaly feel like puking when I see it. It is so vile. So for me it is not an realistic option. I suppose it.is how foids see some of us as well.
ok, then the problem becomes one of time. eventually fatso will get tired of her little incel and be like "ok i'm gonna lose all thos weight for chad." it's inevitable. then she heads off on the cock carousel and everyone tells her how she always deserved better and how wonderful she is for her struggles.
ok, then the problem becomes one of time. eventually fatso will get tired of her little incel and be like "ok i'm gonna lose all thos weight for chad." it's inevitable. then she heads off on the cock carousel and everyone tells her how she always deserved better and how wonderful she is for her struggles.

I wish I had the option to fuck fat girls

I actually am attracted to several, heavier, girls. And like you, I wish I had the option of them wanting to date me.
ok, then the problem becomes one of time. eventually fatso will get tired of her little incel and be like "ok i'm gonna lose all thos weight for chad." it's inevitable. then she heads off on the cock carousel and everyone tells her how she always deserved better and how wonderful she is for her struggles.
If your whore starts hitting the gym therr have.been studies and you have 80% chances of being.dumped. So when she starts going start packing up,you are finished.
Lol, fat bitches don't want me anyway.
>working this hard and getting this ripped just to get rejected by landwhales
Oh my god...
The world is unfair, not even my looksmatch being a fat fuck herself would fuck me.
Tell me how the fuck does that make any sense. Normies are this stupid? "Well girls are rejecting you. Try fat girls"
lol wut? Why the fuck should I go for some beached whale when I go to the gym 5x a day, have a great body, and am clearly not lazy unlike fat bitches? Why exactly should I go for a fat girl? I've tried too hard and worked too hard to just settle for some whale. I don't understand this stupid fucking logic. Now if you say "Try an ugly girl", that's different. I've tried ugly girls and my looksmatches and they've rejected me. The dating field is so fucked up now. It's incredible how women feel they're entitled to only good looking men.

Are you sure you can even get fat girls? Cause if you can you're volcel.

Also, when they say fat girl they mean fat ugly girl, because fat girls with cute faces are already taken by Chad. You should get a fat girl and take her to the gym with her and try to looksmax her. Maybe she'll be decent then.
Honestly I would go for the fat girls IDGF about judgment of others but I am REPULSED by them. I literaly feel like puking when I see it. It is so vile. So for me it is not an realistic option. I suppose it.is how foids see some of us as well.
Are you sure you can even get fat girls? Cause if you can you're volcel.

Also, when they say fat girl they mean fat ugly girl, because fat girls with cute faces are already taken by Chad. You should get a fat girl and take her to the gym with her and try to looksmax her. Maybe she'll be decent then.

I wouldnt take a fat girl. End of story. They smell, the have bad hygiene, they generally repulse me.
I wouldnt take a fat girl. End of story. They smell, the have bad hygiene, they generally repulse me.

That's certainly your choice, but that makes you a volcel. If she's got natural lady parts and you turn them down, you can't be an Incel.
That's certainly your choice, but that makes you a volcel. If she's got natural lady parts and you turn them down, you can't be an Incel.

Dont lecture me. Most guys here will turn down a girl and have. Some even claim that incels is the fact that you cant get a girl who you are attracted to.
Dont lecture me. Most guys here will turn down a girl and have. Some even claim that incels is the fact that you cant get a girl who you are attracted to.

That'd make damn near every guy an Incel. That's way too inclusive of a definition for Incels. Plenty of normies suck it up with a girl below their true standards just so they don't have to be alone.
Ugly non fat women are automatically high smv.
ok, then the problem becomes one of time. eventually fatso will get tired of her little incel and be like "ok i'm gonna lose all thos weight for chad." it's inevitable. then she heads off on the cock carousel and everyone tells her how she always deserved better and how wonderful she is for her struggles.

Are you kidding? She'll get tired of the incel and say "Hmmmm let me open up my tinder again. Oh wow this guy Chad looks hot 9.5/10 let me fuck him"

Fucking delusional if you think fatties have to lose weight for Chad.
That'd make damn near every guy an Incel. That's way too inclusive of a definition for Incels. Plenty of normies suck it up with a girl below their true standards just so they don't have to be alone.

Meh I'd say that you're not exactly volcel if you only turn down girls you are rightfully repulsed by. As an incel, you get used to looking in the mirror and knowing how ugly you are, so you develop a sort of tolerance. I'm fine with girls as low as looksmatch - 1 or 2. Some things just repulse me like deep dark skin and obesity.
Honestly I would go for the fat girls IDGF about judgment of others but I am REPULSED by them. I literaly feel like puking when I see it. It is so vile. So for me it is not an realistic option. I suppose it.is how foids see some of us as well.

Is that what you fucked 8 months ago?


  • Fucking fakecel.png
    Fucking fakecel.png
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That's how I feel, even if they did want me. I'd still reject their advances because I tried way too hard to stoop that low.
Even facially deformed morbidly obese femoids have turned me down. A few years ago I met a girl in a gaming community who was probably close to 400 pounds, handicapped in numerous ways, and her face looked like fucking Brian Peppers, I'm not even exaggerating. I thought she had an attractive personality though, she was very nice to me and we shared a lot of the same interests.

When you get to about age 30 and have never even been alone with a woman for longer than like 15 minutes, your brain can rationalize all kinds of shit. I could definitely have seen myself learning to live with her 0/10 appearance if I thought we could both be together and be happy. I could definitely have sex with her, and I'm sure it would take some getting used to, but I didn't rule it out.

After I expressed a romantic interest in her she immediately shut down all communication with me and I never saw her again.
i just dont like em because most fat girls have rotten bitch complex personalizes
This is what Cucktears means by PERSONALITY. I mean why should it matter that you put blood, sweat, and tears into the weight room and study nutrition to attain a great body, but not even desire the BEAUTIFUL women that sit on their asses the entire week eating donuts and stuffing their faces with potato chips? Downright misogyny, my friend. That's why they get Chad.
Even fat girls rejected me back in my bluepill days, that's how truecel I am.
Fat bitches are disgusting.
if you have a chance with a fat chick and you dont take it your volcel
Not even fat girls want me. Maybe a few landwhales, If I work hard enough for it, maybe.
if you have a chance with a fat chick and you dont take it your volcel

definitely dude. I don't know why you'd ever turn down sex, as long as she's female who cares what she looks like?
definitely dude. I don't know why you'd ever turn down sex, as long as she's female who cares what she looks like?

Because the last time I talked to a fat chick she compared me to "a less tasty sandwich".

It was her basically saying I was the best looking guy she could hope to fuck but she'd fuck better if she could.

Try getting a boner after hearing that.
definitely dude. I don't know why you'd ever turn down sex, as long as she's female who cares what she looks like?
I'm sure many here have had a chance with a fat girl but turned it down
Because the last time I talked to a fat chick she compared me to "a less tasty sandwich".

Don't know whether to laugh at the reference or cry.
That's just the reality of our dating world. Women date up, and men date down. A 2/10 girl will have guys gunning for her, but a 2/10 guy will be stranded miserable.

That's why guys who are still fit have to settle for fat, ugly, chubby girls...hypergamy is real
That's just the reality of our dating world. Women date up, and men date down. A 2/10 girl will have guys gunning for her, but a 2/10 guy will be stranded miserable.

That's why guys who are still fit have to settle for fat, ugly, chubby girls...hypergamy is real

sub 4.5 guys should legit sui. I can't even imagine being 2/10. fuck
There's no need to justify. Even if you were fat, you don't have to necessarily go for fat ladies, implying anyone would date us. Most fat ladies wouldn't go for fat guys anyway.
Tried that, even fat girls have high standards these days because muh bbw

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