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Why the FUCK are women in 2019 so obsessed with abortion?



Nov 9, 2019
Am I the only one who finds it a little disturbing how pro-abortion women are these days?

How the fuck can a woman kill her child and ever go on to be a loving mother? Any whore who has an abortion needs to be sterilized.
It's a legal murder. Of course it gives you a thrill like nothing else.
It's all about getting more Chad dick in that pussy. Getting pregnant and being a mother would downgrade the kind of cock she has access to.
Killing your own baby who only exists because of your own irresponsible and promiscuous actions= ok and should be subsidized by tax payer money

Kissing a 14 yo girl as an adult without coercion or violence involved: horrific vile act that should get your ass in jail for decades and you registered as a sex offender for life

The fact abortion is even discussed seriously already proves how insanely gynocentric societies have become. Women can do no wrong.
Killing your own baby who only exists because of your own irresponsible and promiscuous actions= ok and should be subsidized by tax payer money

Kissing a 14 yo girl as an adult without coercion or violence involved: horrific vile act that should get your ass in jail for decades and you registered as a sex offender for life

The fact abortion is even discussed seriously already proves how insanely gynocentric societies have become. Women can do no wrong.

This is the most insane shit about it for me. Some Chad fucks a hot jb and he's a monster. Some bitch LITERALLY MURDERS an unborn child, has its skull brutally crushed and its dead body torn out from her, that's fine. LMFAO. The world is fucking mad. Islamic takeover cannot happen fast enough.
Any whore who has an abortion needs to be sterilized.
This is like the absolute minimum consequences they should face for aborting.
Because they want to get creampied by Chad & Tyrone without consequences, have something to post on fagbook for being "brave" while demanding for donations from soys AND RECEIVING IT. Then have her babies brains scrambled and sucked out once she's satisfied enough with her positive feedback and betabuxx from orbiters, rinse and repeat
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Women don't like kids. They never did. However, in the past it was required for women to have kids as otherwise their social standing would plummet. Nowadays, it's no longer the case so females simply stopped having kids altogether. Children require a lot of time and effort which could be more pleasurably spend with Chad.
It's all about getting more Chad dick in that pussy. Getting pregnant and being a mother would downgrade the kind of cock she has access to.
they dont want to ruin their life. there were cases where single moms killed their 8yo children because it destroyed their dating life
Because they're fucking evil
Because they don't want accidentally born child to ruin cock carousels.
Sacrificing children to Moloch is hip & trendy.
It's all about getting more Chad dick in that pussy. Getting pregnant and being a mother would downgrade the kind of cock she has access to.

This, abortion is an extra life / quickload mechanic for those already failing on tutorial mode. You can't continue your life of endless soul destroying hedonism if you get pregnant on the very first shag.

That is why women are so hysterical about abortion.
I actually do think abortion should be an option. Not for women who did an "oopsie", but I do think there is reasons to get an abortion. For example the child has some kind of retardation that he will be unable to live or the birth is risky for mother and child.

It's crazy how women are so pro-abortion now. There is women who are legit proud of getting an abortion and it's fucking disgusting. If you are too stupid to use a condom you shouldn't be proud of that. Whore.
Queens love riding the cock carousel, but hate responsibility or any form of minor inconvenience in their lives, they're not used to feeling any sort of pain whatsoever, so the slightest metaphorical papercut in the long run makes them cry and bitch.
Because they are complete sluts and don't want to stop being like that
This, abortion is an extra life / quickload mechanic for those already failing on tutorial mode. You can't continue your life of endless soul destroying hedonism if you get pregnant on the very first shag.

That is why women are so hysterical about abortion.
Because women are narcissistic bitches
It's all about getting more Chad dick in that pussy. Getting pregnant and being a mother would downgrade the kind of cock she has access to.

Graham's number IQ.
In these times of hysteria and one-dimensional thinking abortion has become more of a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Women are using abortion as just another method to attack men. They've tied abortion to the #MeToo (bowel) movement, even though the two really have nothing to do with each other - other than MUH WOMYN'S ISSUES. But that's all that foids and the (((media))) care about at this moment.

By portraying anti-abortion laws as a dark conspiracy by all men against all women (and ignoring the existence of anti-abortion women), those retarded feminists are actually promoting the idea of women as a soulless, brain-dead collective who have the same opinion on everything and therefore should be called "foids." They also ignore the existence of pro-abortion males. JFL@ at some pro-abortion cuck who married a feminist and is now the victim of her "sex strike" against a position that he doesn't even hold.
Because people are forced to chose between them and lunatics who want to nuke everything, regulate the internet like old time movies, and send preachers into geology class. All while screaming about communism while getting defined benefit pensions paid for by the taxes of wageslaves.
Can't whore around if you have a kid.
Baby = Responsiblity + loss of SMV points
Because the female gender is a clown gender.
they dont want to ruin their life. there were cases where single moms killed their 8yo children because it destroyed their dating life
they sure as hell deserve it tho
Am I the only one who finds it a little disturbing how pro-abortion women are these days?

How the fuck can a woman kill her child and ever go on to be a loving mother? Any whore who has an abortion needs to be sterilized.
I don't remember where I heard this before, but apparently safe sex practices (ie condom and contraceptive use) has been on the decline for some time since retroviral drugs for the management of HIV have been introduced that allow carriers to live relatively normal lives as long as they take the drugs for the rest of their lives. Basically in the 80s and 90s there was a big HIV-induced panic that carried into the early 00s and has finally fizzled out. Now people are having more unprotected sex on average which is why we're seeing increasing antibiotic resistance in some first line treatments for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Remember, gonorrhea used to be treated with penicillin when it was first introduced but it was used so often that it is now highly resistance to the penicillin-like class of antibiotics.
Because they want chad's cum and incels to pay for it.
I actually do think abortion should be an option. Not for women who did an "oopsie", but I do think there is reasons to get an abortion. For example the child has some kind of retardation that he will be unable to live or the birth is risky for mother and child.

It's crazy how women are so pro-abortion now. There is women who are legit proud of getting an abortion and it's fucking disgusting. If you are too stupid to use a condom you shouldn't be proud of that. Whore.
Exactly, abortion shouldn't be outright banned because there are cases where it is better. But foids nowadays abuse it so much, literally no guilt from aborting perfectly healthy babies, just because they can't be asked for protected sex.
More than anything else, foids love getting creampied with Chad's cum, that is literally what they live for. For foids, babies are just like STD's and AIDS, an inconvenient side effect of receiving multiple creampies, and so abortions are the cure for that and they desperately want to have the right to kill their parasite before it gains the basic human rights we all have.

ie. foids do not consider babies to be human beings, they are a parasitic growth that should be removed
Cause foids are the most priveledged creatures ever to exist on a planet earth and now they demand more and more. They wanna be able to kill chads spawn so they can ride more chad cocks. Selfish holes.
Its why I support the death penalty for women who get abortions. On the bright side once the baby is born women are transformed into mothers.. from the stupid, asexual crazy people we call women in our society.
Can't whore around if you have a kid.

You really think that'll stop a foid?, there are plenty of women out there who'll whore themselves out despite this.

Infact, that's not even the worst part, since many women are willing to have sex WHILE they're pregnant, with many degenerates having a perverted fetish for it.

What a god awful and fucked world we live in :dafuckfeels:
They are deprived of a soul. A mother murdering her unborn child is one of the most disgusting acts imaginable. Death is too kind of a punishment for such a whore.
I love how the focal point of the whole movement is one sentence: "Muh body muh rulez". Except it's someone else's body that happens to be inside yours you dumb slut.
Women are demonic and don't have any issue rationalizing murdering unborn children which is downright satanic.
1 in 5 women have an abortion, I personally know one that has had 2 of them
Women don't like kids. They never did. However, in the past it was required for women to have kids as otherwise their social standing would plummet. Nowadays, it's no longer the case so females simply stopped having kids altogether. Children require a lot of time and effort which could be more pleasurably spend with Chad.
It's all about getting more Chad dick in that pussy. Getting pregnant and being a mother would downgrade the kind of cock she has access to.
Exactly this. Women would kill as long as they get to spend more time with Chad
Because they're women.
The Bible speaks about how the end is approaching when murder is normalized.

That's exactly what abortion is, normalized murder. Even worse, a mother murdering her own child just to get more dopamine hits from Chad dick instead. It is vile and pure evil beyond any words possible.
Chad don't like condom so foid gets pregnant.

Beta slaves with their tax money pays for abortion.

In 2019, anyone other than Chad is a cuck - directly or indirectly.
Most foids nowadays are subconsciously satanists, they love to kill their young.
One thing I'll never criticize some americans for is, is the fact that having a pro-life view is a credible option.

The 'abortion debate' in the uk (like as if there is one), is off the table. Every western european country supports abortion, homosexuality and wants to end the death penalty. Saying your against these things put you in hot water - even in the 'right wing' parties.
Abortion will probably happen more often than actually having giving birth in the future tbh
Government wants less people in this world and females don’t like responsibility
They love murderering children. They just are evil and wicked

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