Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.




Apr 11, 2021
Everyday I've been here I see more bluepillers than incels.

On average 100-150 incels and 400-500 lurkers :soy:

Is this forum dead?
Jfl even many of the Incels here are infiltrators.
right now youre pretty sus aswell :feelssus:
Because they are gay and want b00ty.
It’s because our personality is so good
Most users on this site are/were young and they keep ascending the first time they actually try.

Soon there's going to be only us lifers remaining here.
Everyday I've been here I see more bluepillers than incels.

On average 100-150 incels and 400-500 lurkers :soy:

Is this forum dead?
Things are just getting worse and worse boyo, probably just means that more men are on the road to accepting their inceldom. Think about it, why would anyone who doesnt feel the way we do come here, could easily read society approved things about incels that make him feel better about himself everywhere else.
The lurkers here are probably just too afraid or are coping too hard to sign up, maybe some ITlers as well though, I give you that.
I think I lurked for a month or two until I made an account. Lurking is a good thing, it allows people to be less obnoxious greycels.
There are redditt subs dedicated to stalking us, they are mostly bottom of the barrel losers who think they are fighting misogyny when in reality they are failures themselves and need someone to look down upon to feel some validation for their pathetic lives.
IncelTear needs their content bro
Just high inhib lurkers and IT.
Most users on this site are/were young and they keep ascending the first time they actually try.

Soon there's going to be only us lifers remaining here.
The trueest of celmates :feelsrope:
If you are a lurker, get out :feelsUgh:
We are the animals of the zoo. :cryfeels:
20% are most likely Kiwi farms, IT fags and Reddit cuck type weirdos here secretly hating on us despite their being exactly like us but not being able to fully admit it to themselves

Another 20% are likely feds, feminists, cucks, college students monitoring/studying us for their various purposes educational or law enforcement related, etc, etc.

Yet another 20% are probably very bored Chads, Stacies and high tier normies who’ve absolutely seen it all and gotten everything they could possibly ever want out of life and are now bored and looking for their next possible thrill and we surprisingly for the moment at least are it. Think of this fascination out of them the same way normies are fascinated by the idea that they’ve suddenly discovered a lost human tribe.

The final remaining 40% are probably comprised of our banned users and those still active and unbanned users whom are simply too lazy or who’ve become too disinterested to log in and so they simply lurk for a while and leave.
Im even highinhib online, jfl. Its over for me
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My phone keeps logging me out so I often surf without being logged in cuz I’m lazy
20% are most likely Kiwi farms, IT fags and Reddit cuck type weirdos here secretly hating on us despite their being exactly like us but not being able to fully admit it to themselves

Another 20% are likely feds, feminists, cucks, college students monitoring/studying us for their various purposes educational or law enforcement related, etc, etc.

Yet another 20% are probably very bored Chads, Stacies and high tier normies who’ve absolutely seen it all and gotten everything they could possibly ever want out of life and are now bored and looking for their next possible thrill and we surprisingly for the moment at least are it. Think of this fascination out of them the same way normies are fascinated by the idea that they’ve suddenly discovered a lost human tribe.

The final remaining 40% are probably comprised of our banned users and those still active and unbanned users whom are simply too lazy or who’ve become too disinterested to log in and so they simply lurk for a while and leave.
Number of words in the Bible IQ.
But tbh the number of lurkers jumped to around 900 to 1000 recently and that can't be all banned members or incels lurking so you might want to revise your percentages upward of the amount of anti-incel scum that are lurking.
Lurkers almost always outnumber the posters on almost every forum tbh
Most users on this site are/were young and they keep ascending the first time they actually try.

Soon there's going to be only us lifers remaining here.
For some people .is is just purgatory for those awaiting eventual ascension.
right now youre pretty sus aswell :feelssus:
Oh that's rich coming from you :feelshaha::feelswhat:

@Blackpill Rage look at this nigga ":feelssus:"ing a nonkike
Number of words in the Bible IQ.
But tbh the number of lurkers jumped to around 900 to 1000 recently and that can't be all banned members or incels lurking so you might want to revise your percentages upward of the amount of anti-incel scum that are lurking.
Could probably be a demographic of modern day "youngcels" who are notchad or incel, but they're collectively watching their oneitis's getting railed by the same dude
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Just plebs too scared to type.
Could probably be a demographic of modern day "youngcels" who are notchad or incel, but they're collectively watching their oneitis's getting railed by the same dude
True. These places draw a lot of failed normie lurkers of all ages. You can't completely lurk this place consistently and remain as confident as before unless you are a chad or a woman. Everything talked about here is something many guys are just a few lost looks and loss of perceived health/fitness away from and deep down they know it.
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Number of words in the Bible IQ.
But tbh the number of lurkers jumped to around 900 to 1000 recently and that can't be all banned members or incels lurking so you might want to revise your percentages upward of the amount of anti-incel scum that are lurking.
Oh that’s probably the result of the alleged incel shooter (guy looked like a Chad to me tbh) who shot and killed 7 people at his school or somewhere in some foreign country I think it was?

So chalk that uptick to the shooter likely upping our traffic in law enforcement and IT fags for a little while before it all dies down (pun intended) again, heh.
Oh that’s probably the result of the alleged incel shooter (guy looked like a Chad to me tbh) who shot and killed 7 people at his school or somewhere in some foreign country I think it was?
The Russian Shooter? The uptick in lurkers happened around that time so maybe
So chalk that uptick to the shooter likely upping our traffic in law enforcement and IT fags for a little while before it all dies down (pun intended) again, heh.
Possible but tbh some of the reason there were less lurkers is after this site migrated to the .is domain it wasn't as easy to find or had the same namebrand and familiarity that the .co domain had. Before it went down the .co domain regularly had around 1000 bluepillers online at any time so not so sure this uptick is temporary tbh
Because people are afraid of registering due to the social stigma associated with incels
I think a lot are incels in denial or curious but afraid to sign up. I lurked here half a year before I decided to make an account
A whole bunch of sussy baka's:feelsdevil:

I originally only made an acount after 2 months of lurking so i could get into the discord server with 50posts. so maybe most people don't feel much pressure or need to make an account
coping incels in denial who are just here to "laugh at the silly inkwells :soy:" but in reality they keep coming back because deep down they can relate to a lot of our experiences, even if they don't agree with what we say.
I said it and I'm saying it again: most lurkers are just foids getting wet at our basedness.

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