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Why Nazi Germany was awesome



Captain, Incel Protection Force
Jul 4, 2018
  • It’s highest leadership were all essentially incel type men, though for different reasons – Goering was a morbidly obese morphine addict, Goebbels was a club footed manlet, Himmler looked like the epitome of a lanky jew and even the Fuhrer himself was very probably a life-long virgin and syphilitic through his mother.Despite these impediments, they acquired immense power and prestige through their intellect and rhetorical brilliance.
  • Women were subordinated in every facet of society – they had to attend to the menial tasks which their biology and physiology has suited them for, "kinder, kuchen und kirchen" (kids, cooking and going to Church). No woman ever outranked any man in Nazi Germany, either socially (de facto) or in any of the paramilitary organizations (de jure). Thus, even the lowest ranking man was superior to all women, as it rightly should be.
  • Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines.
  • Rank and status were not predicated on money nor were they reinforced by ostentatious displays of material wealth, as in the Jewnited States but rather were acquired by honorable and manly service to the state which all self respecting men should strive for.
  • Degeneracy in all of its putrid and corrupting forms was cast out and destroyed by the Nazi party which understood that the people needed to be protected from the perverse influence of modern art, jew propaganda, homosexuality and any other cultural contaminants.
If that’s not enough, also bear in mind that his noble honor, Sir. Elliot Rodger admired the efficiency, glory and power of the mighty Third Reich. Sieg Heil.
Yes it would be all good as long as you are a white, if you were ethnic (80% of this forum) you would be fucked.
I don't know, the zyklon-b program killed many people that if they lived today will be posting here(whitecels include).

And the most ugly incel-esque was goebbels and he was a 4.5, national socialism is literally "I worship white, blonde chads" the ideology.
Yes it would be all good as long as you are a white, if you were ethnic (80% of this forum) you would be fucked.

I'm not advocating for the annihilation of any race, I'm just saying that it seems like a very practical model. There would have to be some fine tuning of course, we could replace the jews with chads and stacy's and we would lower the racial requirements for admission into the SS. Wahabi Saudi Arabia or Iran under the Ayatollah's would also be excellent models for a state.
this sounds like the perfect world. This is what happens when incels rise up and build a country from nothing.
I love them for eugenics.
I don't know, the zyklon-b program killed many people that if they lived today will be posting here(whitecels include).

And the most ugly incel-esque was goebbels and he was a 4.5, national socialism is literally "I worship white, blonde chads" the ideology.

Zyklon B was necessary to eradicate the jew filth that had betrayed and corrupted Germany, turning her into a whore for Europe to rape and fondle. So to will it be with the chads and stacy's who have perverted our own culture by elevating hedonism and materialism above intellect and creativity.

Yes Goebbels was one of us, but thanks to his loyalty and intelligence he flourished in the Nazi state. Most ordinary Germans were't the chad types you see on propaganda posters, that was just a myth created to give Hitler the pretext to destroy his jewish enemies. And as I said before, all men were given the basic respect that they deserve and were superior to any woman.
High IQ post. Nationalism and Racism is the best cope ever. :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsgah::feelsahh::feelsahh:


We would all get to shower like IT wants.
this sounds like the perfect world. This is what happens when incels rise up and build a country from nothing.

Absolutely. Hitler was a man of genius and vision. Unfortunately, he had to annihilate all of those jews and having done so, the media, Israel and popular american culture have demonized him as the personification of evil. If we were to create an incel state, or even a micro-state within the US, we should use Nazi Germany as the basis and inspiration.
da joos. da joos ruined it all
>race mixing
I guess it's ok to satisfy your urges (volcel if you wouldn't), but I feel bad for the children (as if procreation wasn't cruel enough)
da joos. da joos ruined it all

Yes they did in point of fact. The Jewnited States of America has become the land not of opportunity but of moral decay, consumerism, hedonism and an acquisitiveness which compels hot women to seek men who can finance their frivolous and vacuous lifestyles. Who do you think benefits from this type of cultural paradigm? Not the black chappies, even with their BBC, its not enough to sustain Stacy, but moneybags jew is able to compensate for his otherwise tribal and devious nature by throwing cash at whores and getting sexual satisfaction while good Aryan men rot in purgatorial celibacy.
High IQ post. Nationalism and Racism is the best cope ever. :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsgah::feelsahh::feelsahh:


We would all get to shower like IT wants.

Are you being facetious or legit? Nationalism imbues us with a sense of purpose, fraternity and duty to in ideal - all of which are conspicuously lacking in the demographically heterogenous USA. I'm not a racist because I hate the jews or anyone else, I'm a racist because my status as an honorable, intelligent and strong man is insufficient to acquire female companionship due to jewish trickery and the whores they make of our women.
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>Implying they wouldn't have fucking gassed us.
>Implying they wouldn't have fucking gassed us.

Did you read my post? The Reichsmarshall, the Minister of Propaganda, the Chief of the SS and even our beloved Fuhrer were all beta, incel type men. Despite their disadvantages, they overcame jewish repression, forged a political party on the basis of blood and honor, took to the streets and defeated their enemies and built a glorious Reich that enabled men to dominate women with impunity, just as it ought to be. I suggest you give me a Sieg Heil in honor of the accomplishments of the Nazi's.
>Get on a podium in front of a shitload of people
>Gave fiery speeches that captivated millions and cultivated an ideology that would last forever
>Is charming enough to get into a position of power and rouse people in the first place
>Implying they wouldn't have fucking gassed us.
Fake news. They would've lined us up and shot us in the back of the head, or we'd be sent off to work camps.
Hitler had some good ideas tbh. Based af.
The creator of this thread and a few people posting in it are IT infiltrators
The creator of this thread and a few people posting in it are IT infiltrators
It's so amusing when people who never lived in a dictatorship wants to live there. And they think that they will be in the privileged class, and not in the camp, because somebody snitched on you to the gestapo to get your job.
Yes it would be all good as long as you are a white, if you were ethnic (80% of this forum) you would be fucked.
Yeah it would be good for nordics and Anglo Saxons, but shit for everyone else lol
We can never relax with these cucks, i though he was serious.

I am serious. That motherfucking cocksucking jewbot that called me out is only pissed because I made him and his hebrew friends look like idiots when they tried to imply that I should just quit my job instead of stay and fight against some wicked cunt who is trying to get me fired. Look at my avatar son, that shit is legit. I'm 88, SS and Neo to the bone and would gladly die for the venerable cause of National Socialism. That flag on the back wall of my Fuhrerbunker is the banner of the glorious SS, which was responsible for exterminating the kinds of people who are defaming me on these boards. Fuck them and their jew bretheran.
The creator of this thread and a few people posting in it are IT infiltrators

Why, because I'm smarter and more articulate then you and I know that jews such as yourself are as much the enemy as any chad? You defame me because you can't comprehend me. Alleviate your ignorance, enlighten your mind and embrace the glory of Nazi Germany. Either that or get on the train to Auschwitz.
Hitler had some good ideas tbh. Based af.

Indeed he did. It's just a shame that the jews who control the media and hollywood have declared him to be the archenemy of freedom and democracy. In actuality, freedom and democracy are the enemies of a truly equitable state of existence, since most people need to be controlled and subjugated, otherwise they will pursue their own selfish interests to the determent of the state and the vox populii. The Fuhrer understood all of this and that is why Nazi Germany is such an outstanding example of the perfect state.
It's so amusing when people who never lived in a dictatorship wants to live there. And they think that they will be in the privileged class, and not in the camp, because somebody snitched on you to the gestapo to get your job.

Well I am of Aryan lineage so I wouldn't have any problem rising to the very highest levels of the SS officer class if I were living in Nazi Germany. But it's a moot point since what I'm really getting at here is that Germany is an ideal model for a state which would enslave and control women and the boitoys with whom they indulge in all manner of hedonistic pursuits. True men of honor and decency would enroll in the SS and staff the camps to ensure that the enemies of the state were properly dealt with.
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We can never relax with these cucks, i though he was serious.
Look at his first post about getting in trouble for emailing a coworker it screams intentional autism to get screenshot on IT
Look at his first post about getting in trouble for emailing a coworker it screams intentional autism to get screenshot on IT

What does that even mean? And I assume it was you who had this removed to "off-topic". You jews are trying to destroy my efforts to reveal your plan to corrupt America from within and seduce all the attractive women with your ostentatious wealth. My original email post was legit, have you not seen all the follow-up posts I've made in that thread which obviously demonstrate that I've put a great deal of thought into this? If this was just trolling, I could think of better ways to get attention then something as trivial as a work place email that was intended to flatter some chick.
This isn't a low IQ LARP; it's a non-existent IQ LARP.
insufficient to acquire female companionship due to jewish trickery and the whores they make of our women.

This is the true sign of a white knight unable to truly lay blame towards women, I mean its not as if they enjoy being whores and jewish schemes merely allow them to do it, I guess they actually don't want to be whores at all, they hate fucking chad, and without jews granting them a society that allows them to whore around your women wouldn't be whores (at least that's the cope idiots like you keep telling yourself).
They killed like 17 million people though
This is the true sign of a white knight unable to truly lay blame towards women, I mean its not as if they enjoy being whores and jewish schemes merely allow them to do it, I guess they actually don't want to be whores at all, they hate fucking chad, and without jews granting them a society that allows them to whore around your women wouldn't be whores (at least that's the cope idiots like you keep telling yourself).

I'm merely observing that the jews have created a social and cultural construct which enables them to use their superior financial resources to acquire intimacy with women who would otherwise only be seeking chadesque types. This drives up the competition and causes a degeneration in values and corruption of social norms by making human worth a function of financial assets. The consumerism, commercialism and hedonism we see in the JSA today are all thanks to jewish scheming.
Goebbels was maybe a beta, but not an incel, tbh.

Incels are not betas, normies with not status/money by definition are, truecels are omegas and omegas were fucking genocided in nazi Germany.
They killed like 17 million people though

They were only killing the people who resisted their noble efforts to conquer the world and subjugate women and jews to the rightful rule of men. The original plan for the jews was to send them all to Madagascar, but thanks to the declaration of war by the US in the end of 1941, Hitler decided that he couldn't take the chance of letting the jews escape and contaminate the rest of the world with their hedonism and perverse fixation on wealth.
Goebbels was maybe a beta, but not an incel, tbh.

Incels are not betas, normies with not status/money by definition are, truecels are omegas and omegas were fucking genocided in nazi Germany.

Yes but status is predicated on the values of society. If we lived in a more pure culture which hasn't been befouled and debauched by jewish contamination, the value system would be restructured and it would be courage, honor, intellect and loyalty that determined one's status, not the size of your cock or the extent of your jew riches.
They were only killing the people who resisted their noble efforts to conquer the world and subjugate women and jews to the rightful rule of men. The original plan for the jews was to send them all to Madagascar, but thanks to the declaration of war by the US in the end of 1941, Hitler decided that he couldn't take the chance of letting the jews escape and contaminate the rest of the world with their hedonism and perverse fixation on wealth.
I'm pretty sure that the Nazis murdered people based on race or religion before America decided to step in, actually I think that America ingored that the Holocaust existed before some ship was sink by the German somewhere near Mexico
Don't be fooled by jewish propaganda and the false historical narrative which western schools will teach you. I'm a college history instructor and have written a thesis on the finer points of the Holocaust against the jews so my credibility on this matter is unimpeachable. The US got involved after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and declared war against Germany since Japan and Germany were defensive allies at the time. The great Fuhrer knew that if the US was to mobilize its full industrial resources then it would only be a matter of time before the allies invaded continental Europe. Hence, it was either Holocaust or let the jews go and the Nazi's, knowing full well how jewish filth would subsequently corrupt the world and result in millions of young men being denied female satisfaction, decided to act like men and do what they though was necessary.
Low iq thread.
I completely agree.
Low iq thread.

Instead of casting about ad hominem innuendo about the alleged quality of my post content, why don't you address the substance of what I said? Incidentally and ironically, saying "low IQ post" without making any other assertions is itself rather devoid of intellect wouldn't you agree?
I completely agree.

I'm honored to hear that my comrade. I think the incel movement needs to align itself with other ideologies which would enable the achievement of our objectives. Hitler's Germany was a place that would have been extremely favorable to men such as ourselves. One could assert with equal alacrity and veracity that Jihadism and the rhetoric of Wahabism or even ISIS is consistent with our political objectives - the subordination of women and their being relegated to a role comparable to chattel or personal property analogous to pets or vehicles.
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Instead of casting about ad hominem innuendo about the alleged quality of my post content, why don't you address the substance of what I said? Incidentally and ironically, saying "low IQ post" without making any other assertions is itself rather devoid of intellect wouldn't you agree?
Considering that Hitler and the Nazis were Chads that had Incels murdered in the concentration camps also that I would be killed in Nazi Germany for having autism, I can't support Nazis sorry.
Considering that Hitler and the Nazis were Chads that had Incels murdered in the concentration camps also that I would be killed in Nazi Germany for having autism, I can't support Nazis sorry.

Are you smoking crack bru? Hitler wasn't a Chad and neither were any of the highest echelon leadership of the party and the state. The closest you came to chaddom with the Nazi's would have been Reinhardt Heydrich, but he was subordinate to the very beta, emaciated and semitic looking Himmler.

I never said that we should completely employ all the policies of Nazi Germany, only that we could do so selectively and supplement Antisemitism with a war against moral degeneracy and promiscuity. The state itself is an inspired template and one (like Wahabi Saudi Arabia or Iran or Iraq under ISIS) where women are subjugated, regulated and controlled at all times. Precisely what we want.
Are you smoking crack bru? Hitler wasn't a Chad and neither were any of the highest echelon leadership of the party and the state. The closest you came to chaddom with the Nazi's would have been Reinhardt Heydrich, but he was subordinate to the very beta, emaciated and semitic looking Himmler.

I never said that we should completely employ all the policies of Nazi Germany, only that we could do so selectively and supplement Antisemitism with a war against moral degeneracy and promiscuity. The state itself is an inspired template and one (like Wahabi Saudi Arabia or Iran or Iraq under ISIS) where women are subjugated, regulated and controlled at all times. Precisely what we want.
Well they weren't incel since they were all married and most had children, if you look at Nazi propaganda of the Aryan German man you will see that he is the literal definition of a Chad.

Even Hitler himself said that German were the "master race" and were "superior" to everyone else.
Well they weren't incel since they were all married and most had children, if you look at Nazi propaganda of the Aryan German man you will see that he is the literal definition of a Chad.

Even Hitler himself said that German were the "master race" and were "superior" to everyone else.

The only reason they were married and had successful lives with women was because they lived in a state which promulgated laws and maintained cultural customs that reinforced the superiority of men and the innate inferiority of women. Furthermore, Hitler was a life-long virgin and may have only experienced a sexual encounter near the very end of the war with Eva Braun. The ideation represented by German propaganda is just mythical; the very people who created that myth were themselves the complete antithesis of the chad like paragon of masculinity whom they sought to extol. Again, I make the point about Goering, Himmler and especially Goebbles who was in point of fact, the minister of propaganda.

Saying that you're the master race is just an empty platitude devoid of meaning but paradoxically one that enables people to assign whatever meaning they want to it - just like "make America great again". And the Nazi's were superior to certain people, just look at how morally pure their society was and contrast that with the depravity and hedonism of the Jew-nited States of 'murica.
High IQ post
Edit: Just noticed spreading Holocaust myths and other Nazi Germany propaganda nvm
High IQ post
Edit: Just noticed spreading Holocaust myths and other Nazi Germany propaganda nvm

Where are these Holocaust myths you speak of? And if it's the propaganda of a system that will empower our agenda then you shouldn't deride it but rather embrace it and get behind it.
We need to form a modern day, ethnic-welcoming version of a Nazi party, and take back the world from foids and cucks, while wearing sick SS uniforms, tbh.
Where are these Holocaust myths you speak of? And if it's the propaganda of a system that will empower our agenda then you shouldn't deride it but rather embrace it and get behind it.
Everything is about optics. Embracing the lie that 6 million Jews died, which one of the 3 cornerstones of white guilt and white hate propaganda doesn't help anyone and just makes National Socialism and Nazi Germany look bad.
Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines
Hitler was our man
We need to form a modern day, ethnic-welcoming version of a Nazi party, and take back the world from foids and cucks, while wearing sick SS uniforms, tbh.

I agree completely and that's where I want this discussion to go. I think the Nazi idea of purity as it relates to a pure society which has been cleansed of all forms of moral degeneracy, female promiscuity and economic profligacy is an admirable example worthy of emulation. The uniforms, the appeal of symbolism and the power of their ideological rhetoric - duty and honor - all serve to enhance the appeal.
Everything is about optics. Embracing the lie that 6 million Jews died, which one of the 3 cornerstones of white guilt and white hate propaganda doesn't help anyone and just makes National Socialism and Nazi Germany look bad.
View attachment 26019

Well I'm very well read on my Holocaust historiography and unless you're a fan of David Irving, I don't think you can plausibly leave out the genocidal element. However I would ask, why would you want to leave that out? Should it not be a point of pride that the Fuhrer tried mightily to fight against the people who are the very source of the same corruption which has degraded and degenerated western culture? Just look at the smut infested, licentious and hedonistic ways of the JSA and you will retrospectively feel pride and admiration for the glorious efforts of the Reich.

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