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Why Nazi Germany was actually awesome



Power bottom
Jul 4, 2018
  • Its highest leadership were all essentially incel type men, though for different reasons – Goering was a morbidly obese morphine addict, Goebbels was a club footed manlet, Himmler looked like the epitome of a lanky jew and even the Fuhrer himself was very probably a life-long virgin and syphilitic through his mother.
  • Women were subordinated in every facet of society – they had to attend to the menial tasks which their biology and physiology has suited them for, kinder kuchen und kirchen (kids, cooking and going to Church). No woman ever outranked any man in Nazi Germany, either socially (de facto) or in any of the paramilitary organizations (de jure).
  • Aryan men who could not find or attract women for whatever reason were permitted to rape subhuman untermenschen type females with impunity both in order to satisfy the basic human need as well as to propagate more Aryan blood lines.
  • Rank and status were not predicated on money nor were they reinforced by ostentatious displays of wealth but rather were acquired by honorable and manly service to the state which all self respecting men should strive for.
  • Degeneracy in all of its putrid and corrupting forms was cast out and destroyed by the Nazi party which understood that the people needed to be protected from the perverse influence of modern art, jew propaganda, homosexuality and any other cultural contaminants.
  • If that’s not enough, also bear in mind that his noble honor, Sir Rodger admired the efficiency, glory and power of the mighty Third Reich, so Sieg Heil!
Tbh hitler was low IQ
@2002AryanMaxxed1488 thoughts?
Nazis literally fought against satan, and satan won
t. has never read a real book about Nazi Germany

This is propaganda that has been confabulated by the jews who control Hollywood and cinema in order to confound our understanding of the greatness of Nazi Germany and to inspire as much pity for themselves as is possible. Go directly to the primary source material that hasn't been contaminated with jewish bias or the filthy degenerate cultural perspective of the modern west and you will see that the ethos of Nazism was and is entirely consistent with the aspirations of men such as ourselves.
Tbh hitler was low IQ
Would you care to elaborate on that assertion because it seems to me that he was at least ingenious if not a genius in his rhetorical skills and ability to inspire the masses to join him in the necessary and honorable task of purging Germany and than the world of those who would corrupt decent and honorable human values with their perverse materialism, promiscuity and decadence (e.g., the jews and all who embrace their impure perversions).
Nazis literally fought against satan, and satan won
Indeed, the jews are clever, deceitful and extraordinarily adept at contriving to induce other people to fight their wars for them and then make the world believe that justice was on their side all along. There will come another reckoning however and the work of the Fuhrer will be consummated once the truth has been revealed.
Idk.i just want to kill Jews
Would you care to elaborate on that assertion because it seems to me that he was at least ingenious if not a genius in his rhetorical skills and ability to inspire the masses to join him in the necessary and honorable task of purging Germany and than the world of those who would corrupt decent and honorable human values with their perverse materialism, promiscuity and decadence (e.g., the jews and all who embrace their impure perversions).
He did pretty low IQ moves which lead to his down fall. One of his biggest mistakes being pressuring japan to bomb pearl harbor and get the US involved with the war. Invading the soviet union while facing the US and the UK along with the soviet union is what fucked up his plan of world domination. His main focus should've been to keep the US out of the war and try to keep peace with the British and then invade the soviet union from the west and have Japan push from the south.
Indeed, the jews are clever, deceitful and extraordinarily adept at contriving to induce other people to fight their wars for them and then make the world believe that justice was on their side all along. There will come another reckoning however and the work of the Fuhrer will be consummated once the truth has been revealed.
Giga based
Indeed, the jews are clever, deceitful and extraordinarily adept at contriving to induce other people to fight their wars for them and then make the world believe that justice was on their side all along. There will come another reckoning however and the work of the Fuhrer will be consummated once the truth has been revealed.
:yes: Kikes r losing power their main zog state, the USA is declining due to all the foids, niggers and troons in charge :feelskek:
He did pretty low IQ moves which lead to his down fall. One of his biggest mistakes being pressuring japan to bomb pearl harbor and get the US involved with the war. Invading the soviet union while facing the US and the UK along with the soviet union is what fucked up his plan of world domination. His main focus should've been to keep the US out of the war and try to keep peace with the British and then invade the soviet union from the west and have Japan push from the south.
High IQ historycel tbh
all the shitler copers would’ve been on frontlines

U will die while shitlers generals breed the stacies
He did pretty low IQ moves which lead to his down fall. One of his biggest mistakes being pressuring japan to bomb pearl harbor and get the US involved with the war. Invading the soviet union while facing the US and the UK along with the soviet union is what fucked up his plan of world domination. His main focus should've been to keep the US out of the war and try to keep peace with the British and then invade the soviet union from the west and have Japan push from the south.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because they anticipated that the US Pacific Fleet would otherwise have the ability to defend British overseas territories in the south Pacific and the far east which contained substantial oil reserves that Japan itself lacked and therefore needed to secure. Doing so was a strategic economic decision and one that had very little to do with the alliance with Germany. The war in the East could have gone either way and it wasn't until nearly two years after the initial invasion that the Soviets finally got their proverbial act together and defeated the 6th Army at Stalingrad which precipitated a long series of subsequent defeats for Germany, but that wasn't necessarily foreordained to have happened that way. Just consider the fact that the Germans were so far in to Russian territory than they could literally see the spires of the Kremlin in Moscow's Red Square. It was Stalin's totalitarianism and ability to kill millions of his own people without any moral compunction that was truly instrumental in defeating Germany.
Yet it was fundamentally a society built on a collage of ripped off ancient ideals understood only superficially and only covering like a fig leaf butthurt shame and revenge after getting brutalized in WWI.

And killed millions upon millions of people.

And they lost. They were proven weaker on their own terms of strength and will.

But on the terms of your argument regarding civilian life: it created a society with athletic prowess and scientific supremacy but the arts, with few exceptions, was complete shit. And it was not a respecter of incels at all. Lower genetic ranks went to Auschwitz with the Jews. There were literal breeding chambers which we are only beginning to learn more about, how vast they really were. And the elites were just like any other chads flying around and fucking around and fucking over anyone in their way.
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:yes: Kikes r losing power their main zog state, the USA is declining due to all the foids, niggers and troons in charge :feelskek:
Preach on brother. The Jewnited States is going the way of the Roman Empire and while it was the meekness and pacifism of Christianity which corrupted the martial prowess of Rome, it is the sexual licentiousness, moral depravity, veneration of wealth and repudiation of traditional stoical virtues that the jews have foisted upon us all which will be the undoing of the USA.
Yea if Hitler wasn’t taking so many drugs and didn’t think he was completely invincible then the third reich might have lasted more than a few years. Up until 1941 Hitler was making genius decisions. He also should have just deported the jews to Africa instead of concentration camps, the camps made him lose a lot of support
Yet it was fundamentally a society built on a collage of ripped off ancient ideals covering butthurt shame and revenge.

And killed millions upon millions of people.

I don't see how that undermines the validity of the original argument since it was still a very patriarchal culture which did its utmost to relegate women to an entirely subordinate and subserviant role to men. The ideology is immaterial to the objectives which it is in furtherance of, especially as it relates to our own objectives. Nazism, like fascism more generally or indeed, even Islamic fundamentalism is ideologically expedient for incels to embrace since each of these perspectives results in the diminution of female autonomy and the elevation of all men to a position of power, glory and personal prestige.
I don't see how that undermines the validity of the original argument since it was still a very patriarchal culture which did its utmost to relegate women to an entirely subordinate and subserviant role to men. The ideology is immaterial to the objectives which it is in furtherance of, especially as it relates to our own objectives. Nazism, like fascism more generally or indeed, even Islamic fundamentalism is ideologically expedient for incels to embrace since each of these perspectives results in the diminution of female autonomy and the elevation of all men to a position of power, glory and personal prestige.

You are correct. What I am saying doesn’t undermine the original argument. I’m just trying to expand the discussion. Nazism was a terrible thing but one cannot say that about all aspects of the regime historically, as your original post noted by some interesting examples.
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I don't see how that undermines the validity of the original argument since it was still a very patriarchal culture which did its utmost to relegate women to an entirely subordinate and subserviant role to men. The ideology is immaterial to the objectives which it is in furtherance of, especially as it relates to our own objectives. Nazism, like fascism more generally or indeed, even Islamic fundamentalism is ideologically expedient for incels to embrace since each of these perspectives results in the diminution of female autonomy and the elevation of all men to a position of power, glory and personal prestige.

Interesting thought that the butthurt aspect of certain regimes could be instrumentalized by incels as access points for our own objectives.
nazi is a gay kike term. it was NS germany.
@2002AryanMaxxed1488 thoughts?
If only they were better battle strategists, then maybe we might currently be living in a sensible and successful world.
They had a really good standard of living/economy. 25% discount on a home for each child. 4 kids = FREE HOUSE.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because they anticipated that the US Pacific Fleet would otherwise have the ability to defend British overseas territories in the south Pacific and the far east which contained substantial oil reserves that Japan itself lacked and therefore needed to secure. Doing so was a strategic economic decision and one that had very little to do with the alliance with Germany. The war in the East could have gone either way and it wasn't until nearly two years after the initial invasion that the Soviets finally got their proverbial act together and defeated the 6th Army at Stalingrad which precipitated a long series of subsequent defeats for Germany, but that wasn't necessarily foreordained to have happened that way. Just consider the fact that the Germans were so far in to Russian territory than they could literally see the spires of the Kremlin in Moscow's Red Square. It was Stalin's totalitarianism and ability to kill millions of his own people without any moral compunction that was truly instrumental in defeating Germany.
But imagine the case if japan attacked soviet union instead of china and other islands, soviets would have two open fronts and would have to divide their forces, considering how close germans were to wining , this could have been a game changer
Yea if Hitler wasn’t taking so many drugs and didn’t think he was completely invincible then the third reich might have lasted more than a few years. Up until 1941 Hitler was making genius decisions. He also should have just deported the jews to Africa instead of concentration camps, the camps made him lose a lot of support
I agree with the first point and would likewise add that he believed in his own infallibility and that destiny was otherwise guiding him in all his decisions so that irrespective of what happened, he would abnegate any personal responsibility. As to the second assertion, I vehemently disagree in the sense that the vitality and viability of national socialist ideology was predicated on the conviction that the jews were indeed worthy of not merely ostracization and expulsion from the Reich but, annihilation so as to preserve the rest of the world from their contaminating and infectious influence. Likewise, the jews and their allies could have retrospectively defamed Nazism further if it lacked sufficient resolve and the fortitude necessary to carry out the most essential precepts of its own political doctrine. So that Auschwitz was a vindication of the rectitude of Nazism and the necessity of embracing it in its totality, irrespective of the conclusions that obtained from it.
Interesting thought that the butthurt aspect of certain regimes could be instrumentalized by incels as access points for our own objectives.
That is exactly the point I'm making here and one which too few of our comrades seem able to properly assimilate themselves to. Indeed, if we can merely borrow certain precepts from ideologies which clearly share our world view as it concerns the female race, then we can make common cause with those elements and thereby fortify our own present meager position to one of greater influence and prospective reach. If you look at the central thesis of ideologies as seemingly disparate as either fundamentalist Islam or the recrudescence of Russian nationalism or far right militancy in the domestic US or a nostalgia for the glory of the Reich, they all share in common their mutual disdain for females and likewise relegating them to their proper social and ethical role of serving their male overlords and masters.
That is exactly the point I'm making here and one which too few of our comrades seem able to properly assimilate themselves to. Indeed, if we can merely borrow certain precepts from ideologies which clearly share our world view as it concerns the female race, then we can make common cause with those elements and thereby fortify our own present meager position to one of greater influence and prospective reach. If you look at the central thesis of ideologies as seemingly disparate as either fundamentalist Islam or the recrudescence of Russian nationalism or far right militancy in the domestic US or a nostalgia for the glory of the Reich, they all share in common their mutual disdain for females and likewise relegating them to their proper social and ethical role of serving their male overlords and masters.
Cold-blooded as hell in a Trotskyist kind of way but ngl kinda based
If only they were better battle strategists, then maybe we might currently be living in a sensible and successful world.
Heil Hitler my brother and let me say how gratifying it is to see a kindred spirit here and fellow soldier of the Reich. All glory and honor to our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler! I hope you can appreciate the confluence of incel culture and National Socialist ideology as it relates both to recognizing and dispensing with the invidious and licentiuous influence of the jews as well as the imperative to render women subordinate to men in all facets of society and in full accord with the proper taxonomy as mandated by biological necessity and evolutionary precedent. Unifying both Nazism and inceldom in to one coherent and sensibly ideological paradigm will strengthen each while making them both more inspiring.
Cold-blooded as hell in a Trotskyist kind of way but ngl kinda based
Well we have to be shrewd in outwitting our jewish nemesis and so in that regard I think the great Bolshevik jew Trotsky himself would approve of such a cynical but pragmatic methodology. Politics, whether it be through war or revolution is all about expediency and I for one would rather make common cause with similarly situated brethren than remain disenfranchised to the extent that we are as a "movement" whose primary manifestations are the rantings of adolescent males in online forums.
Well we have to be shrewd in outwitting our jewish nemesis and so in that regard I think the great Bolshevik jew Trotsky himself would approve of such a cynical but pragmatic methodology. Politics, whether it be through war or revolution is all about expediency and I for one would rather make common cause with similarly situated brethren than remain disenfranchised to the extent that we are as a "movement" whose primary manifestations are the rantings of adolescent males in online forums.
Certainly the Bolsheviks, fringe as they were, figured out ways to make common cause as you say and find the right nudge moments and rather narrow windows of opportunity more than the powerful majority of Mensheviks et al.

The cold wind bites but it is bracing.
He did pretty low IQ moves which lead to his down fall. One of his biggest mistakes being pressuring japan to bomb pearl harbor and get the US involved with the war. Invading the soviet union while facing the US and the UK along with the soviet union is what fucked up his plan of world domination. His main focus should've been to keep the US out of the war and try to keep peace with the British and then invade the soviet union from the west and have Japan push from the south.
1. He never pressured Japan to do anything, lmao. The Japanese were forced to attack USA by...the USA itself, really (USA actually planned to declare war on Japan a few months before Pearl Harbor happened). The embargo on oil was devastating for Japanese, who possess near to none natural resources on their islands, oil included. Without oil they would have no way to operate their ships, aircraft, or even supply trucks for the troops fighting in China.
2. Soviet Union planned to attack Germany, the estimated dates reach as soon as just 2 weeks after Barbarossa happened. Besides, the attack on Soviet Union happened before US even joined the war.
3. Hitler never really wanted world domination. In 1939 the British controlled 25% of landmass in the world and the French about 23%. We still would have to count the landmass of US, Soviet Union and allied aligned states.
4. He offered peace talks to UK maaany times, and the US would join anyway. They invaded Vichy France, despite it actually being a neutral country, so why wouldn't they attack Germany? Especially since the US was jewish-controlled at that time already.
5. From the south? Like from China? You know what's between China and Russia? A big fucking desert. And when you pass that, you have a big fucking snowy desert, with close to 0 railroads, not to mention regular roads etc. Just supplying the troops alone would be impossible, not to mention they would run out of fuel even faster, and not to mention Japanese ground infantry was weak af.
High IQ historycel tbh
He just sounds like every other reddit history faggot who has heard some things on youtube or some shit and is repeating them like an NPC. Neither high IQ nor a historycel, every history normie repeats what he's saying
But imagine the case if japan attacked soviet union instead of china and other islands, soviets would have two open fronts and would have to divide their forces, considering how close germans were to wining , this could have been a game changer
The Japanese needed the material resources which they were going to procure via their offensive operations against the British far East irrespective of whether they concentrated their strategic forces in the Pacific or arrayed them against the Soviets in Manchuria. Q.E.D., Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed in any case and it seemed perfectly rational from a strategic standpoint to follow up the devastation of the fleet with an exploitation of the geographic area that it had been intended to protect. That notwithstanding, I see your point and we can all wish that things had turned out differently and the jews had been utterly annihilated, thus preventing them from infecting our own culture with their morally degenerate promiscuity and materialism.
I agree with the first point and would likewise add that he believed in his own infallibility and that destiny was otherwise guiding him in all his decisions so that irrespective of what happened, he would abnegate any personal responsibility. As to the second assertion, I vehemently disagree in the sense that the vitality and viability of national socialist ideology was predicated on the conviction that the jews were indeed worthy of not merely ostracization and expulsion from the Reich but, annihilation so as to preserve the rest of the world from their contaminating and infectious influence. Likewise, the jews and their allies could have retrospectively defamed Nazism further if it lacked sufficient resolve and the fortitude necessary to carry out the most essential precepts of its own political doctrine. So that Auschwitz was a vindication of the rectitude of Nazism and the necessity of embracing it in its totality, irrespective of the conclusions that obtained from it.
During that time id say a majority of the world didn’t like jews and would have agreed with the deportation of them. A place like africa would have been a good place to dump them with the niggers and they could have been prevented from coming back to Europe, all the human trash could have been kept there. Id say hitler lost more support when the truth of the concentration camps was discovered by the world than just by deporting them
Certainly the Bolsheviks, fringe as they were, figured out ways to make common cause as you say and find the right nudge moments and rather narrow windows of opportunity more than the powerful majority of Mensheviks et al.

The cold wind bites but it is bracing.
Absolutely and before he was ever a Marxist, and indeed after, Lenin himself was a pragmatist and would have cynically exploited any opportunity which he deemed to be politically expedient if it led to some sensible outcome that could otherwise not be brought to frution through more doctrinal means. We have much to learn from the Russian Revolution since it was fulminated by men who would use whatever means were available to them to consummate their objectives and who, like us, were viewed with contempt and disdain by those who ruled over the contemporary culture of their own time in imperial Russia. Besides, any revolution that doesn't at least apprehend the brilliance of Lenin or the ingenuity of Trotsky is one that is not really worth having.
During that time id say a majority of the world didn’t like jews and would have agreed with the deportation of them. A place like africa would have been a good place to dump them with the niggers and they could have been prevented from coming back to Europe, all the human trash could have been kept there. Id say hitler lost more support when the truth of the concentration camps was discovered by the world than just by deporting them
I agree with you concerning the function of Africa as a repository for the waste of humanity and as such, let the nigs and the jews have it for themselves and their mongreloid children which they will inevitably produce. That being said, while the majority of the world has certainly responded with indignation over what they perceive as the egregious and unpardonable criminality by the Nazi's, those who truly embraced the ideology of national socialism ought not be concerned with what the rest of the world thinks since morality is entirely relative and since the Fuhrer, in his inspired genius understood the need to destroy the jews and eradicate their influence for all time.
Besides, any revolution that doesn't at least apprehend the brilliance of Lenin or the ingenuity of Trotsky is one that is not really worth having.
Any *person* who doesn’t apprehend the brilliance of those men probably hasn’t read a book since high school.

Therein lies a grave challenge.

Yet, those men figured out something in another functionally illiterate era.

The baseline environment conditions of chaos and misery from inchoate and actual world war is an important factor absent today though. Gandhi may have been the last one (and probably the most effective one) to take advantage of it.

The Cold War and the general rise in material comfort and security since has locked in brain-mulching compliance and complacency everywhere and across lines of class, race, and nation.

Dragging that donkey is going to be hard going unless and until we reach late Roman level sexual licentiousness, substance abuse, and hipster indifference. I think we are still in the Silver Age on that one.
this thread reeks of indian. t50 swarthy negroid energy
Any *person* who doesn’t apprehend the brilliance of those men probably hasn’t read a book since high school.

Therein lies a grave challenge.

Yet, those men figured out something in another functionally illiterate era.

The baseline environment conditions of chaos and misery from inchoate and actual world war is an important factor absent today though. Gandhi may have been the last one (and probably the most effective one) to take advantage of it.

The Cold War and the general rise in material comfort and security since has locked in brain-mulching compliance and complacency everywhere and across lines of class, race, and nation.

Dragging that donkey is going to be hard going unless and until we reach late Roman level sexual licentiousness, substance abuse, and hipster indifference. I think we are still in the Silver Age on that one.
There were, it seems to me, some really salient preconditions to revolution which served to energize and render more volatile the rhetoric of Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, et al and the rest of the Old Bolsheviks and without which, the revolution would not have spread so quickly or with such virulence. The failure of Kronstadt and the lessons which the old Soviet cadre assimilated from that hard lesson in seditious conspiracy against the state was integral to understanding the level of commitment which manifested amongst those who were facilitative of the events in 1917. I concede the point about the war though I think it is axiomatic that all wars serve to brutalize those who experience them and as such, predispose people to greater acts of violence then they would have contemplated absent their exposure to war. Hence, the synergistic effects of the modern era with its comforts and conveniences on one side and the sanitization of warfare by making it less visceral and personal on the other. All of this conduces to the pussification of America and the degeneracy of the West.

The Cold War had its merits in that it at least kept half of the world under the dominion of the glorious Soviet Union which, while antithetical to my own beloved Reich in ideological and philosophical terms, was indistinguishable in its effects on the world around it and especially in constraining the trajectory of the aforementioned licentiousness and debauchery of the human condition that you so adroitly referenced. People fail to recognize that the Soviet Union, just like the now current Russian Federation were and are some of the most reactionary, traditional and above all (for our purposes), patriarchal, states ever to exist.

As for the Roman analogy, I think it obtains but I would say that the more we embrace the decadence and profligacy of western materialism, the more likely we will experience the same sort of internal or domestic decay that precipitated the demise of martial Roman culture and foreordained the eventual barbarian incursions into Italy itself.
1. He never pressured Japan to do anything, lmao. The Japanese were forced to attack USA by...the USA itself, really (USA actually planned to declare war on Japan a few months before Pearl Harbor happened). The embargo on oil was devastating for Japanese, who possess near to none natural resources on their islands, oil included. Without oil they would have no way to operate their ships, aircraft, or even supply trucks for the troops fighting in China.
2. Soviet Union planned to attack Germany, the estimated dates reach as soon as just 2 weeks after Barbarossa happened. Besides, the attack on Soviet Union happened before US even joined the war.
3. Hitler never really wanted world domination. In 1939 the British controlled 25% of landmass in the world and the French about 23%. We still would have to count the landmass of US, Soviet Union and allied aligned states.
4. He offered peace talks to UK maaany times, and the US would join anyway. They invaded Vichy France, despite it actually being a neutral country, so why wouldn't they attack Germany? Especially since the US was jewish-controlled at that time already.
5. From the south? Like from China? You know what's between China and Russia? A big fucking desert. And when you pass that, you have a big fucking snowy desert, with close to 0 railroads, not to mention regular roads etc. Just supplying the troops alone would be impossible, not to mention they would run out of fuel even faster, and not to mention Japanese ground infantry was weak af.

He just sounds like every other reddit history faggot who has heard some things on youtube or some shit and is repeating them like an NPC. Neither high IQ nor a historycel, every history normie repeats what he's saying
Tbh I'm pretty low IQ and even moreso when it comes to history. Ty for the interesting read
The camps were the last solutions. They had other plans in the beginning. They even planned to deport the jews to madagascar.

But nothing worked, so you know. Also the average german didn't know about the camps until the end of the war.
They could have easily been deported. Especially if hitler didn’t waste his resources trying to invade the USSR and instead focus on conquering UK and africa

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