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Blackpill Why MGTOWs are right and you are just coping.

That's not coping, if anything it's rotting away while acknowledging your own suffering.
Coping is pretending it's all hunky dory.

Coping is thinking you're smarter than someone who can actually live a normal life without wanting to kill themselves every day.

If you are living in a way that intentionally makes you more miserable just so you can feel a sense of moral superiority, you are losing.

Posting here and claiming superiority by doing so IS your cope.

Everyone must cope with challenges of life. The person who wins is the person who does it in a way that lets them be happy.

Clearly, then, this is not the objectively best way, unless posting on this site truly makes you happy.
MGTOW is a joke. I used to be into MGTOW but I realize I only followed it because I was a salty virgin who was sick of getting rejected by women. "Women cant reject me if I reject them first" MGTOW is for salty divorced men and friendzoned virgins.
Yeah but I want to cuddle up next to a sexy girl and just smell her hair and fuck her.

At least until Westworld style sex robots are available, even then I'd probably still prefer a real femoid.
Everything is cope if you're not Chad, including both MGTOW and the blackpill.

Pick your poison.
I think killing yourself is the best thing you can do, assuming it's truly over for you. I wish I had the guts to do it. It beats existing as an ugly man and having to live for another 50 years.
Coping is thinking you're smarter than someone who can actually live a normal life without wanting to kill themselves every day.
Most the people here don't want to really kill themselves. I'm the furthest away from suicidal I can be.
If you are living in a way that intentionally makes you more miserable just so you can feel a sense of moral superiority, you are losing.
If anything, posting on here makes you less miserable. I'd be really suicidal if no one else shared my blackpill beliefs.
Posting here and claiming superiority by doing so IS your cope.
Anyone standing up for them self is more superior than anyone who accepts the abuse laying down.
Clearly, then, this is not the objectively best way, unless posting on this site truly makes you happy.
Nothing makes me happier than posting here.
I wouldn’t mind mgtow if they admitted that they were partially, or mostly, sent their own way. so many mgtow made sure they weren’t confused with TFLers (original term for incel), and a big portion of mgtow made sure to look down on incel types as a lesser form of mgtower. Seriously, those copers can fuck off.

Also, the fact that they pretend like they’re better off without women is so pathetic. A chad/stacy relationship is truly heaven on earth and no mgtow cope can compare.

I guess my point is, self-improve and socialize all you want if it makes you happy, but don’t pretend you’re fulfilled living alone, and don’t look down on people because they got handed a worse hand than you (us incels).
Coping is thinking you're smarter than someone who can actually live a normal life without wanting to kill themselves every day.

If you are living in a way that intentionally makes you more miserable just so you can feel a sense of moral superiority, you are losing.

Posting here and claiming superiority by doing so IS your cope.

Everyone must cope with challenges of life. The person who wins is the person who does it in a way that lets them be happy.

Clearly, then, this is not the objectively best way, unless posting on this site truly makes you happy.
Buddy I'm not superior to anyone.
I'm SUBhuman in case you forgot what that means.
There is no way out, there is only cope, and MGTOW is the biggest fucking copebag ever.
Fuck, yeah I'm coping, guess what, so are you, but at least I accept what I am.
Peace out.
MGTOW is a joke. I used to be into MGTOW but I realize I only followed it because I was a salty virgin who was sick of getting rejected by women. "Women cant reject me if I reject them first" MGTOW is for salty divorced men and friendzoned virgins.
MGTOW are wrong about everything and they should kill themselves out of embarassment
MGTOW is cope, you know deep down. no cope can replace the love and affection a female can give you
But you will never experience the pure form of said love and affection. Why waste your time trying to get something that you can never physically receive?
The reason mgtow is cope is because they pretend they don’t need a female validation to be happy. We all need it. You can’t be happy alone in life. This is a fundamental truth to being blackpilled.
MGTOW is a joke. I used to be into MGTOW but I realize I only followed it because I was a salty virgin who was sick of getting rejected by women. "Women cant reject me if I reject them first" MGTOW is for salty divorced men and friendzoned virgins.
Granted, I don't think MGTOW is for virgins. It's why I personally left the movement. To me, what are you going your own way from when you were never given the option? That being said, why fucking waste your time worrying about women when they don't give a fuck about you? Why get hungup on pity and frustration when that won't change your situation because you're sexually unattractive? I just think a lot of guys aren't coming to terms with shit and it's fucking them up mentally.
The reason mgtow is cope is because they pretend they don’t need a female validation to be happy. We all need it. You can’t be happy alone in life. This is a fundamental truth to being blackpilled.
It's not that they pretend. It's that they know they aren't Chad and it's not worth the fucking effort. I would largely agree. The only guys who can access meaningful relationships are Chad. Why waste time if you're not a fucking Chad?
But you will never experience the pure form of said love and affection. Why waste your time trying to get something that you can never physically receive?
Why waste time if you're not a fucking Chad?
We can't be chad but we can demand not to accept this cuckery in our current social climate.
MGTOW is extreme cope, but still better than being your average normie cuck/male feminist.

If those guys were chad women would be paying them and be working multiple jobs just to support their chad boyfriend. Their women would act sweet and feminine if they were chad. That´s what they don´t get.

Women act like bitches to them simply because they aren´t good looking enough.
We can't be chad but we can demand not to accept this cuckery in our current social climate.
No one is telling you to accept cuckery. Even if we could go back, what you think in the 1800s women weren't fucking around? Dude get a clue. Women will never love us. They will cuck you even when they back you apple pie and read your kids, I mean Chad's kids a bedtime story. Just wake up. There's nothing you can do. Our society is long overdue for a correction.
Even if we could go back, what you think in the 1800s women weren't fucking around? Dude get a clue. Women will never love us.
I don't care if a whore doesn't love me. As long as I'm getting pussy and am not being cucked, then I'm ok.
I don't care if a whore doesn't love me. As long as I'm getting pussy and am not being cucked, then I'm ok.
Okay, you can mark one off of that list. The other, no man other than Chad can mark off for certain. If you think a woman isn't fucking behind your back even if she'll fucking die because of it, one only needs to look in the Islamic world. Women are stoned all the fucking time for fucking behind their family's back. Despite being told not to, and even being warned of the consequences. There's literally no way to prevent cucking.
Cope if you aren't coping
Okay, you can mark one off of that list. The other, no man other than Chad can mark off for certain. If you think a woman isn't fucking behind your back even if she'll fucking die because of it, one only needs to look in the Islamic world. Women are stoned all the fucking time for fucking behind their family's back. Despite being told not to, and even being warned of the consequences. There's literally no way to prevent cucking.
That would still be much better than what we have now. At least it will decrease cheating significantly, and femoids won't be posting pictures on social media with their ass and tits out. As long as I'm getting sex if my bitch cheats I'll just replace her with a new one in a non-cucked culture.
low IQ because 6' is laughable these days

6'3 or taller bro
Yes bb i will accept being treated like shit for something out of my control go prostrate for fucking mgtow
You will never be a 6' white ripped Chad model.

Let's get that out of the way up front.

Women will also only continue to change for the worse with hypergamy escalating annually.

If you can accept those two points are factually correct, then MGTOWs are correct.

The only type of "relationships" you might ever get will involve you paying the girl, spending 20-30 hours a week emotionally supporting her and doing activities she wants with her to keep her happy, "dead bedrooms", or will involve her being a gross landwhale.

The idea that most of us can ever do better is a lie. If you can't accept that and move on that's your failure and your weakness.

This is why MGTOWs are right.
I think killing yourself is the best thing you can do, assuming it's truly over for you. I wish I had the guts to do it. It beats existing as an ugly man and having to live for another 50 years.
They can change, women are already ashamed to identify with those "crazy" feminists, and they don't want to seem like man haters. When everyone knows about the blackpill, no one will agree to betabux a used up whore. There will be high quality incel videos and catfishing videos in the near future to get things rolling. We don't have to submit to whores and cucks like sheep for old used up pussy that you most likely will get cucked by.

Huuuuge cope. Socially, foids will be restrained but biologically, they will stay the same.
MGTOW is cope, you know deep down. no cope can replace the love and affection a female can give you

Huuuuge cope. Socially, foids will be restrained but biologically, they will stay the same.
Socially constrained is all that matters. Men have been socially and biologically constrained, so the whores deserve it too.
MGTOW is just a coping mechanism but they have very similar ideology to incels when it comes to sexual relations, they are allies
MGTOW = slightly better looking incels
I don't want to go my own way. I want to despair because that's how I feel. I want to hurt society because it hates me. Sure it's not rational, but I don't have to be rational.

And lol thinking that some 40 year old divorced guy who's probably had sex in high school has anything in common with incels except bitterness.
Personally I'm comfortable living without it. Lots of people love me in my life. So I'm not deprived of love. They just don't want to fuck me and frankly I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to fuck me either.
So comfortable that you have to go and argue with people that disagree with you on their own private corner of the internet. There's no reason to be comfortable with being ugly and repulsive, there's no upside to it.
Everything is cope if you're not Chad, including both MGTOW and the blackpill.

Pick your poison.
So comfortable that you have to go and argue with people that disagree with you on their own private corner of the internet. There's no reason to be comfortable with being ugly and repulsive, there's no upside to it.

I never said I was completely there. To the contrary, I have repeatedly said I am getting there.

And believe it or not I wrote this thread because I think it might help people let go too.

There absolutely is a reason to be comfortable with being ugly - most of us can't change it, so why hate yourself and make yourself even more miserable over something you can't change?

eg. Just came back from watching Solo at the theatres (alone).

Just live your stupid life.

Probably gonna start going to massage parlors and/or buying hookers soon. I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life complaining on an internet forum about my height/race/face or women. If you prefer to do that though of course it's your right.
only type of "relationships" you might ever get will involve you paying the girl, spending 20-30 hours a week emotionally supporting her and doing activities she wants with her to keep her happy, "dead bedrooms", or will involve her being a gross landwhale.

Thats for Normies, incels get nothing we are not even a last resort. So no, you are coping
Why would you torture yourself by watching that piece of shit?

Because sitting on incels.is for the past 2 hours would have been so much better?

In the past 3 weeks I went to see Avengers, Deadpool, and now Solo - all alone. It's been very liberating.

Solo was mediocre and a bit boring but Deadpool and Avengers were great.
Because sitting on incels.is for the past 2 hours would have been so much better?

In the past 3 weeks I went to see Avengers, Deadpool, and now Solo - all alone. It's been very liberating.

Solo was mediocre and a bit boring but Deadpool and Avengers were great.

Get some fucking taste, all those movies are trash. There hasn't been a single decent movie in theaters this year. The only movie that looks worth watching will be The House That Jack Built, but you can always go back and watch old movie instead. Have you seen Silence (2016)?

Get some fucking taste, all those movies are trash. There hasn't been a single decent movie in theaters this year. The only movie that looks worth watching will be The House That Jack Built, but you can always go back and watch old movie instead. Have you seen Silence (2016)?

Why would I want to watch a bunch of white Godfags trying to meddle around in Japan?

I watch movies for distractions from reality - nothing more.

When it comes to these three trips to watching movies alone - it was more to prove to myself I could and that I could enjoy it no different than if I was with someone else.

That's what I've decided I'm doing - I'm just gonna live my life and do whatever I want when I want.
Why would I want to watch a bunch of white Godfags trying to meddle around in Japan?

I watch movies for distractions from reality - nothing more.

When it comes to these three trips to watching movies alone - it was more to prove to myself I could and that I could enjoy it no different than if I was with someone else.

That's what I've decided I'm doing - I'm just gonna live my life and do whatever I want when I want.
If what you want to do is watch mindless capeshit flicks I'd say you're one of the few people on here who deserves to be an incel.
There absolutely is a reason to be comfortable with being ugly - most of us can't change it, so why hate yourself and make yourself even more miserable over something you can't change?
Getting on here makes you less miserable, and being ignorant about reality doesn't shield you from the consequences of it.
If what you want to do is watch mindless capeshit flicks I'd say you're one of the few people on here who deserves to be an incel.

Actually to the contrary, it makes me more normal than you which makes me less deserving of being incel.
And you're so high IQ by spending your entire life on a web forum complaining about things you can't change?
I think we found a infiltrator MODS!!!
I hate mgtow it's such cringe "my motorcycle I brought my baby my pride" ugh
What a load of horseshit. I have a simple quote for you proving MCTOW are just a bunch of pathetic cope artists:

“Does [a] Dave Gandy go MGTOW?”
I like MGTOW bar their pretending they're happy and satisfied by having to relinquish love, sex and relationships. Or even worse, pretending they're actually successful with women but decided to quit. KEK.

I also don't like how many MGTOW don't believe in traditionalism or women not having rights. This is the only sustainable way for a civilization to thrive.
What a load of horseshit. I have a simple quote for you proving MCTOW are just a bunch of pathetic cope artists:

“Does [a] Dave Gandy go MGTOW?”

Again are you aware of any technology to change one's entire face, race, and height without risking permanent disability?

If not, then how do you propose to become David Gandy so you can live his life?

If you can't become David Gandy are there still things you want to do in life or some meaning you can find in life? If so, then just go do that. If not keep posting on this site for the next 30 years until you get old and your only memories are posts on a web forum.
if you're not getting what you want then at the end of the day everything is cope tbh
MGTOWs are wrong because societal elements don't change human nature. You can't just "not want" women. A straight guy is genetically coded to want one. High T guys want sex and low T guys want companionship. Even if there were no attractive or respectable women in the real world, we would long for a hypothetical one.

MGTOWs either falsely believe they can overcome those emotions and sensations by conscious choice, or are lying to others to convince themselves. Lies and delusions are the definition of cope.

Coping is thinking you're smarter than someone who can actually live a normal life without wanting to kill themselves every day.
Low IQ. The very point of coping is to make your circumstances easier to accept and life easier to live. The less functional you are, the less you're coping. Copers are mocked for not acknowledging reality, not for being worse off than non-copers.
MGTOWs are wrong because societal elements don't change human nature. You can't just "not want" women. A straight guy is genetically coded to want one. High T guys want sex and low T guys want companionship. Even if there were no attractive or respectable women in the real world, we would long for a hypothetical one.

MGTOWs either falsely believe they can overcome those emotions and sensations by conscious choice, or are lying to others to convince themselves. Lies and delusions are the definition of cope.

Low IQ. The very point of coping is to make your circumstances easier to accept and life easier to live. The less functional you are, the less you're coping. Copers are mocked for not acknowledging reality, not for being worse off than non-copers.

You are coping by posting here. So what's your point? Coping is bad? Then stop doing it.
I think killing yourself is the best thing you can do, assuming it's truly over for you. I wish I had the guts to do it. It beats existing as an ugly man and having to live for another 50 years.
My roommate is also an incel, but his parents are rich so he gets that as a cope... being rich is definitively enough to make life worth living, even for the ugliest like us.

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