"I tend to think they hate having to share power with women in any fashion, that its not the minority of man haters that angers them, but the audacity of women who believe themselves autonmous
which is the essential incel argument, that womens liberation provided them with too much freedom, and in order to restore the "natural order" women need to be returned to their prior status as 2nd class citizens"
Yeah they tried sharing, and they got fucked over. Yeah. It was too much freedom and lack of responsibility. I want to date and find a good man but fuck guys who treat me like shit and then complain about "nice guys", I want to fuck suck bang and blow every asshole, "Settle down" with someone and lie to him, and if he complains or judges, he is just angry/bitter/sexist/insecure resentful, I should be able to have as many abortions as I want and have everyone else pay for it.
"I agree with you that this is their problem with feminism. They are firmly against women having choices because they aren't getting chosen. They feel society needs to be set up in a way that will make them more desirable. If women have to rely on a man to work for them and vote, they will surely be able to trick one into coming home with them. Then he can chain her to the stove/bed. Happiness all around."
Yeah, and? We all want to meet someone. How you going to make that argument when so many chicks date shitty guys, and you going to tell the same thing to landwhale idiots and the like who think fat oppression is a real thing?
"I would say that every online political community has a class of people interested in politics as a sole device to give their lives meaning. These are people that hate themselves and need constant external validation, and they seek an explanation for the former and satisfaction of the latter by involvement in these communities. It's frustrating."
Just like every other narcissistic spoiled cunt feminist/woman out there.
"They are upset that women refuse to be possessions. I think they have some idealized view of the past, where any man, regardless of looks, personality, or accomplishments could just choose any wife he wanted who would be a guaranteed Virgin and have no say in the matter and be legally obligated to remain faithful and obedient to him for the rest of her life. And this modern trend of women believing they're actually people ruined all that for them because now women get a say in whom they date /mate /marry."
That's so terrible? Oh and different story when it's a man feeling that way. Yeah obligations of fidelity are important. Well, when they keep choosing bad partners and the divorce rate is going up.....
"Incels dont fit in the world that masculinity is prefered. but they cant believe feminism because its tooo "wishful thinking".. Incels as far as the blackpill and body issues and insecurity. vastly benefit from feminism. which IS liberating men from the "manbox"..
a lot of incels i can imagine in a better world would be more in the middle of the gender spectrum. but they wish to kill that side of them. really they wont be happy in any Minority status. because the other part of the pill is basicly seeing everything as a supply demand market and if your odds suck your a loser."
Yeah most of us I am realistically assuming tried that in one way or another. Yeah I was kind of a weird kid growing up which may be the root or one of them for my problems. Yeah, we tried leaving the "manbox", only for it to not work in our favor, we tried to be more sensitive, kind, etc, only to be left alone while they rode the chad cock carousel and we were left alone with porn for too long. We were told be yourself, "looks don't matter", not even physical attractiveness per se, but like when you don't wear the same clothes as everyone, don't like the same things as everyone, are vocal, critical and outspoken about it, only to be besieged by the herd mentality. Sure, maybe I was in over my head when I was younger and had a certain maybe lil too black and white view of things, maybe I should have focused more on getting out and trying more, and realizing if I worked to get out more it would have gotten better and not to be so worried I wasn't getting laid left and right like everyone else and like focused on the next step. But either I didn't focus in the right areas enough and let this get the better of me, well, when you're 18, 19 and haven't even kissed someone, it's hard to ignore, I'm rambling a bit. Anyways....
One of the things I was going to post on here is, well, as much as I do detest them and their beliefs, one thing the feminists got right or tried too was this idea of fairness/equality/stepping out of said man or woman box, and treating each other better, and ending the sense of power structure domination bullying hierarchy thing. Yeah. That's not the worst idea to me. Problem is, you preached these blanket statement ideas, didn't realize not everyone was going to be down with that, and then left many confused. Then when they tried to say hey wait a minute, you tried to shut them down like a spoiled child.
Also this better world bullshit needs to stop. I am not saying you should just randomly be mean to people or treat them like shit, unless they really deserve it, which does include conventionally attractive types or those more high status, some of them really need the shit beat out of them, but this yeah wishful thinking that that will all change all of that, is beyond fucking stupid. You have to take things as they are and work from there. Yeah, everyone tried that, but meanwhile, everyone else was looking to be more "higher status" And they wonder why Trump won.
Supply and demand is real.I am not saying it is always right or I like it, but again, to deny it and say it doesn't exist is fucking stupid. Yes, odds matter to a person. I am not shitting on or picking on anyone, but to like deny that to say an impoverished person or family who is struggling to feed themselves, yeah, denying the odds is kind of a shitty thing to do to them and I say that as empathetically as I can. The leftist feel good everyone and thing is good, except for the alt-righters/manosphereians/incelers/or independents/deplorables!!!!, shit has got to fucking stop.
"I personally don't like the brand of feminism Inceltears promotes, that basically fucking hates men if they're weak or vulnerable, doesn't understand that mental illness effects men differently than women (men with illnesses such as BPD and depression often become aggressive, this sub refuses to acknowledge that). Basically, the brand that heavily shits on men, refuses to hold women to the same standard, and then turns around and pretends to give a solitary fuck about men and their issues.
I'm cool with the feminism that just wants an equal society, but I really feel that's already been achieved for white women (who feminists really care about) so I honestly don't know what they're fighting for. Honestly, I'm a very open leftist outside of this incel bs, shows like Dear White People are extremely my shit (though I hate the bland neoliberalism, like, seriously, no, we don't need more black woman CEOs, CEOs should be fucking destroyed, at least the show calls out White supremacy and white culture hardcore and is pretty relatable to the black college experience because of all the perspectives it takes) and I wanna write a comic book that's about a brainwashed soldier gaining class consciousness and rebelling against the capitalist hellhole he lives in."
Well, he's kind of a cuck but he makes good points.
Hi there.
Let's clarify a few points:
- We're shitting on the misogynistic, pussy obsessed, bitter, and unintelligent fuckstains that identify themselves as incels.
- We are not shitting on Men as a group.
- Yes, I'd gladly put a woman on blast for spewing the same kind of psychotic nonsense and rhetoric drivel that incels spout off and I certainly hope everyone to the same base standards.
and then turns around and pretends to give a solitary fuck about men and their issues.
It's funny, I've yet to see an incel be able to name two men's issue that are not fixated on if incels are getting sex, that are not covered under the philosophy of feminism.
And to be blunt,
incelism is not a
Mens issue, its a chosen identity for a small group of boys who want to make themselves the victim, and act like toxic assholes."
- Well, at least not when it's the chad(s) doing it right?
-Except for when it does happen.
-But none of you ever do put them on blast for the same thing and actively have cheered it on and encouraged it when they do.
-Just like women or grown men act like victims and act like toxic assholes and you say nothing about it.
Many people, not just incels, are fixated on sex. Yeah the idea of not is like a nice try but not realistic.