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Blackpill Why libertarians and atheists tend to be ugly men



Nov 15, 2017
The disproportionate presence of ugliness in "non-NT" communities has been noted repeatedly, even by neutral observers coming from non-blackpill communities.


I observed this once when I was living in Washington, DC, and I wandered by an atheist convention happening on the mall. The atheist were predominately male, and significantly uglier than average.


And why aren’t there very many female libertarians? The answer is that women are more conformist in their thinking and are less likely to be associated with fringe groups. Similarly, atheist groups are mostly ugly men. Good-looking people benefit more from the status quo, so they too are less likely to belong to fringe groups.

I would add that ugly men are more likely to feel "cheated" by God or by the laws of the Universe than normal men (whose grievances against religion come more often from sexual repression).

As to libertarians, I explained in my "gold coin" theory why nerds usually go ballistic when the State wants to take their shekels away.
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Atheist and progressive incels don't deserve our empathy as they side with our enemies.
Atheist and progressive incels don't deserve our empathy as they side with our enemies.

Atheism is the Truth. Isnt the blackpill about accepting the truth even if its harmful/hurtful? Same with atheism. Religion may look like a nice way to cope trough patriarchy and means of controlling people, but its a stupid cope after all. Its not the Truth.
Atheist and progressive incels don't deserve our empathy as they side with our enemies.
I think every ugly man who was an atheist and a progressive in youth is bound to end up a tradcon. Which is my case: I'm extremely traditionalist on moral/social issues, on the other hand I still have a soft spot for progressivism in the form of technology and science.
Atheism is the Truth. Isnt the blackpill about accepting the truth even if its harmful/hurtful? Same with atheism. Religion may look like a nice way to cope trough patriarchy and means of controlling people, but its a stupid cope after all. Its not the Truth.
There's no definitive proof that it is the truth though. Science, paleoanthropology and Darwinism have provided evidence that the account in Genesis is definitely metaphorical, but that's pretty much it.
Nobody can know what the fuck happened at the beginning of time and at the same time nobody can fucking know if some powerful sky man created Everything.

So basically just say "I don't know how life started" because you fucking don't.
Religious believes are dictated by social status? Thats basic sociology.
Nobody can know what the fuck happened at the beginning of time and at the same time nobody can fucking know if some powerful sky man created Everything.

So basically just say "I don't know how life started" because you fucking don't.

I don't know how it all started, but it wasnt definitely because of "god's decisions", since a perfect god wouldnt need any change anyways. People like to talk about perfection, omnipotence and their presence on conscious entities like if they know anything about what those words means.
Religious believes are dictated by social status? Thats basic sociology.
Few admit this outside of academia.

When you point out that the real reason a worker votes socialist is out of pure greed and self-interest, and not some arcane "idealism", he gets angry.

The same goes for every other belief. I once got a fat manlet angry by pointing out that his alt-right beliefs were more an expression of his sexual frustration and general misery than a fight against the forces of Evil.
Few admit this outside of academia.

When you point out that the real reason a worker votes socialist is out of pure greed and self-interest, and not some arcane "idealism", he gets angry.

The same goes for every other belief. I once got a fat manlet angry by pointing out that his alt-right beliefs were more an expression of his sexual frustration and general misery than a fight against the forces of Evil.

Few admit this outside of academia.

When you point out that the real reason a worker votes socialist is out of pure greed and self-interest, and not some arcane "idealism", he gets angry.

The same goes for every other belief. I once got a fat manlet angry by pointing out that his alt-right beliefs were more an expression of his sexual frustration and general misery than a fight against the forces of Evil.


So true. kek It almost always comes back to this tbh.
All incels should hate god
So true. kek It almost always comes back to this tbh.
Ugly frustrated men tend to latch on to ideologies that make them feel larger than life. In reality, politicians who actually access power are always (in democratic times) charismatic smoothtalkers. Caring about political issues as an ugly powerless man is as respectable as frequenting opium dens.
Few admit this outside of academia.

When you point out that the real reason a worker votes socialist is out of pure greed and self-interest, and not some arcane "idealism", he gets angry.

The same goes for every other belief. I once got a fat manlet angry by pointing out that his alt-right beliefs were more an expression of his sexual frustration and general misery than a fight against the forces of Evil.

Indeed lol
Radical antiglobalization and/or anticapitalists, radical muslims, radical atheists... Are ugly males that just hate the new global sexual market aka sexual frustration
Maybe thats why i dont take muy "conversions" toó seriously. Ive been a christian, a buddhist and now im an atheist, and it just means that i didnt give a fuck when i was a child, then i tries it as hard and bluepilled as possible, and then gave up and accepted the fact that im an outcast. If i can get a GF (lol) i probably would become a buddhist again
Its kind of sad.
Yeah, I don't like Freud very much but he was spot on regarding one thing: sexuality is what drives most male activity.

I have been part of many political communities over my life and have come to view politics merely as the outward expression of personal grievances, that are, in males, largely driven by ego and sexuality. Thinking that politics is about reason and logic is for neophytes. The more you frequent activists, the more you get to know them, the more you are disappointed - - because each time it's an ugly man or a failed man behind the screen. Always.

The alt-right in particular embodies the principle of sexual and egotic revenge by promising white males great status and privilege on the sole condition of their whiteness. This is catnip for an ugly loser.

Winners are not on political forums, they are at medical school and have a beautiful, smart mestizo girlfriend.
Yeah, I don't like Freud very much but he was spot on regarding one thing: sexuality is what drives most male activity.

I have been part of many political communities over my life and have come to view politics merely as the outward expression of personal grievances, that are, in males, largely driven by ego and sexuality. Thinking that politics is about reason and logic is for neophytes. The more you frequent activists, the more you get to know them, the more you are disappointed - - because each time it's an ugly man or a failed man behind the screen. Always.

The alt-right in particular embodies the principle of sexual and egotic revenge by promising white males great status and privilege on the sole condition of their whiteness. This is catnip for an ugly loser.

Winners are not on political forums, they are at medical school and have a beautiful, smart mestizo girlfriend.

That's a pretty middle class view. Sure, if you're reasonably comfortable and have no ambitions to get rich, then politics can be an expression of identity. But for the rich and the poor, politics is about stuff: income, inheritence, health care, education, child care. This shit is controlled by policy, and if you're not middle class, it really matters.
That's a pretty middle class view. Sure, if you're reasonably comfortable and have no ambitions to get rich, then politics can be an expression of identity. But for the rich and the poor, politics is about stuff: income, inheritence, health care, education, child care. This shit is controlled by policy, and if you're not middle class, it really matters.
Yeah, so it's about self-interest again.
Ugly frustrated men tend to latch on to ideologies that make them feel larger than life. In reality, politicians who actually access power are always (in democratic times) charismatic smoothtalkers. Caring about political issues as an ugly powerless man is as respectable as frequenting opium dens.
Ugly frustrated men can be just as easily drawn to anti-degenerate evangelical religious lunacy as god hating atheism. Only the truly indoctrinated act like that doesn’t go both ways.
Discussions here have taken a welcome turn of late.

That's a pretty middle class view. Sure, if you're reasonably comfortable and have no ambitions to get rich, then politics can be an expression of identity. But for the rich and the poor, politics is about stuff: income, inheritence, health care, education, child care. This shit is controlled by policy, and if you're not middle class, it really matters.

Well yeah, politics is fundamentally about apportionment and organization. On some level, maybe ugly men are drawn in as a way to sublimate sexual frustration through egoistic projection, but they could accomplish this just as easily by becoming a survivalist or learning carpentry. To some degree, one views himself through a lense and constructs identities through any and all types of experience. Sexual capital is corporeal, decidedly material; it's my contention, and it seems @Fontaine 's as well, that political engagement by ugly men is typically a poorly disguised attempt to assume control over sexual market dynamics. Now, if structure were provided to deal with this issue transparently, we could see some really exciting developments.

Ugly frustrated men can be just as easily drawn to anti-degenerate evangelical religious lunacy as god hating atheism. Only the truly indoctrinated act like that doesn’t go both ways.

Eric Hoffer's The True Believer. I'd extend the thesis here to the politically engaged as a whole, from leaders to footsoldiers to thinkers, being unmoored, confused, and alienated. No one concerns himself with questions beyond himself unless these things have grown to seem intolerable and suffocating. Very rarely, more rarely than any would like to admit, an exceptional man may be driven to greatness by his restless, tormenting Faustian desire to know and apprehend. Most, though, just don't want to live broken and bloody under the bestial mob of normies.
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Atheist and progressive incels don't deserve our empathy as they side with our enemies.
Religion is the biggest blue-pill in existence.
Atheism is the Truth. Isnt the blackpill about accepting the truth even if its harmful/hurtful? Same with atheism. Religion may look like a nice way to cope trough patriarchy and means of controlling people, but its a stupid cope after all. Its not the Truth.
nothing created everything, when you die there is then also nothing.

This is your truth, but you have zero evidence and only faith.

Atheism is as much a religion as anything else, because it has to do with BELIEF, you fucking queerhawk.

Jonathan Hoenig is a perfect example of an ugly Libertarian Ayn Rand fan.
Atheism is the Truth. Isnt the blackpill about accepting the truth even if its harmful/hurtful? Same with atheism. Religion may look like a nice way to cope trough patriarchy and means of controlling people, but its a stupid cope after all. Its not the Truth.

Christianity always struck me as a really dumb religion. I don't care how grandfathered it is in Western culture.

Because Christians have only one wad to shoot: Their claim that the historical Jesus rose from the dead, that he has terrifying supernatural powers, and that he'll use these powers to punish us in the afterlife - like Pinhead in those dumb Hellraiser movies, I guess.

If you don't believe this fantasy, then what does Jesus have left?
nothing created everything, when you die there is then also nothing.

This is your truth, but you have zero evidence and only faith.

Atheism is as much a religion as anything else, because it has to do with BELIEF, you fucking queerhawk.

Atheists give Christians the creeps because we look like time travelers from some advanced civilization in the future, after Christianity has vanished.
nothing created everything, when you die there is then also nothing.

This is your truth, but you have zero evidence and only faith.

Atheism is as much a religion as anything else, because it has to do with BELIEF, you fucking queerhawk.

lmao atheism is based on LACK of belief without evidence or logic. lol at having low iq enough to call atheism a religion.
lmao atheism is based on LACK of belief without evidence or logic. lol at having low iq enough to call atheism a religion.
It’s the most overused and tired argument, often propegated by people who have no idea about the origins of Christianity and think they’ve got a trump card. Equating a lack of belief in something for which there is no evidence to having a belief in something for which there is no evidence is infinitely stupid.

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