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Blackpill Why it is mostly only ugly, low-status men who delight in "triggering SJW's"

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017

I want you to think about every person you know who's ever posted this kind of stuff. Be honest with yourself: What do they all have in common? They are typically white, male, under 30, nerdy, low-status, and incel (or might as damn well be incel). So why do they take such joy in these kinds of things? I'll tell you why:

1.) The overwhelming majority of the people they (believe they) are "triggering" are females. Typically females who are young, trendy, have social lives, and reject men like them.

2.) Being so used to getting no female attention whatsoever all their lives, they are glad to finally receive any at all even if it is largely negative attention. They're like toddlers acting out basically.

Am I defending SJW's? No (although many will no doubt accuse of it for simply telling the obvious truth). I am merely making an observation.
Cuckpill Robert.
I like triggering most people. Not exclusively SJWs.

But I do basically agree with what you're saying
Naw these guys are pretty redpilled and Chad like.

I want you to think about every person you know who's ever posted this kind of stuff. Be honest with yourself: What do they all have in common? They are typically white, male, under 30, nerdy, low-status, and incel (or might as damn well be incel). So why do they take such joy in these kinds of things? I'll tell you why:

1.) The overwhelming majority of the people they (believe they) are "triggering" are females. Typically females who are young, trendy, have social lives, and reject men like them.

2.) Being so used to getting no female attention whatsoever all their lives, they are glad to finally receive any at all even if it is largely negative attention. They're like toddlers acting out basically.

Am I defending SJW's? No (although many will no doubt accuse of it for simply telling the obvious truth). I am merely making an observation.
I trigger normies just by existing
Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.
Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.
That's legit. Actually, an ugly guy can get into trouble real fast just for disagreeing with a minor point of mass culture.

Halo effect is so real.
I like triggering most people. Not exclusively SJWs.

But I do basically agree with what you're saying

It's obviously true. I used to love triggering SJW's on Tumblr back in 2012. It got old quick real quick though, and again seeing my "entourage" (mostly ugly dudes) really put me off from it.
Naw these guys are pretty redpilled and Chad like.

LOL like who? Most of TRP faggots like this talk a big game but are largely just incels in denial themselves.
It's obviously true. I used to love triggering SJW's on Tumblr back in 2012. It got old quick real quick though, and again seeing my "entourage" (mostly ugly dudes) really put me off from it.
That takes self-awareness, though, most people aren't self-aware. When you realize you're ugly and people are going to use that against you no matter your political beliefs, then you quickly realize that engaging in social activities involving disagreement is a waste of time. In the real world I'm incredibly leftist and most people probably assume I'm a Marxist, and anytime someone disagrees with me on something at a political rally or something, they start criticizing my appearance, even people who actually look worse than me will do so. You will literally get obese black women in MAGAcaps telling you you have a weak jaw.

Dealing with black Trump supporters has made me hate blacks more than any other race. Their women are absolutely disgusting, they almost all have fat white boyfriends too, it's foul.
I want to agree, but my chadlite brother is friends with some other chadlites, with good status in their circles, and they love trump and how he triggers liberals
Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.

True, but the exception doesn't override the majority. And it isn't just ugly white men (though the media paints it that way and to be fair that likely is the majority). It's ugly men in general. You can see any number of ugly black MGTOW's on jewtube spouting all this shit.

Plus Chads and Tyrones aren't as bitter and vindictive in their misogyny, they're more casual and cool about it. Admitting defeat by women turns women off and NT men instinctively know this so even if they feel it they try not to show it
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Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.

This. @Fontaine just made a thread about it.
That's legit. Actually, an ugly guy can get into trouble real fast just for disagreeing with a minor point of mass culture.

Halo effect is so real.
OP is right.

No shit. That this is such a controversial opinion here pretty much proves my point. I'm not even saying I don't still find it funny when SJW's get triggered but let's face the facts. I mean for example even in that famous video of Big Red getting triggered she was arguing with an ugly MRA. Yep, total Chad.
SJW's are retarded and deserve to be mocked. Chad just doesn't have time to call them out on their bullshit as he is busy with Stacy, who is not an SJW because shes attractive.
because it's politics and your life must have failed to provide any meaningful distractions if you are in politics
Well most of them know that they are the bottom of the barrel so they use there below average to average IQ to regurgitate what well known free thinkers/Anti-sjw say to disprove the illogical ideals of social justice warriors so that they feel smart and know that they are making others mad.
lol OP trying to be the next @Fontaine
SJW's are retarded and deserve to be mocked. Chad just doesn't have time to call them out on their bullshit as he is busy with Stacy, who is not an SJW because shes attractive.

This is another one of the biggest copes: "attractive girls actually agree with me! Only fat ugly feminists disagree!" I hate fat ugly feminists as much as the next guy but this is obvious bullshit as most young females are feminist/left-wing if you haven't noticed. Even though most are just virtue-signalling makes no difference. Moreover a few tradthots pretending to be "different" for low-status orbiters (still only fucks Chads/Tyrones of course though) doesn't change this.
SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay


I've always thought this as well. A boring three-letter acronym that comes out to an unwieldy five syllables.

I like to use "sex defender" to describe the disgusting (and conditional - just don't be an ugly man!) sex positivity and hedonism advocacy that is seen ubiquitously in these people.
lol OP trying to be the next @Fontaine

Been making threads that occasionally piss off most of the people here since November. Not trying to be anybody but myself.
This is another one of the biggest copes: "attractive girls actually agree with me! Only fat ugly feminists disagree!" I hate fat ugly feminists as much as the next guy but this is obvious bullshit as most young females are feminist/left-wing if you haven't noticed. Even though most are just virtue-signalling makes no difference. Moreover a few tradthots pretending to be "different" for low-status orbiters (still only fucks Chads/Tyrones of course though) doesn't change this.

Yeah, but they don't get preachy about it with Chad like they do with everyone else. Shitty looking males generally complain about SJW's because we bear the brunt of their temper tantrums. I don't see purple-hair going after chad, she picks on the low hanging fruit because she can always swing around to the "lmao stay mad virgin" argument when her logic invariably is proved wrong. I have yet to see a decent looking, loud SJW tbh too.
Yeah, but they don't get preachy about it with Chad like they do with everyone else. Shitty looking males generally complain about SJW's because we bear the brunt of their temper tantrums. I don't see purple-hair going after chad, she picks on the low hanging fruit because she can always swing around to the "lmao stay mad virgin" argument when her logic invariably is proved wrong. I have yet to see a decent looking, loud SJW tbh too.

You telling me there aren't tons of fuckable girls at those "slutwalks?" Plus every other female popstar is more or less an SJW.
You telling me there aren't tons of fuckable girls at those "slutwalks?" Plus every other female popstar is more or less an SJW.

They are in public, but throw them an attractive dude and they instantly cave and cater to them. The super obnoxious ones are terrible looking though, slutwalkers and popstars might be annoying but in the end they are just idiots with daddy issues.
How so ?


The Golden One (famous Swedish nationalist youtuber)

Milo Yiannopoulos (famous American conservative youtuber)

Louis-Ferdinand Céline (famous French writer, was very virulent against the hypocrisy of people (notably women) during and after WWII)

Alain Soral (used to be a French macho pick up artist, now leader of a populist movement )

Nicolas Bay (political figure of the French far-right)

Those are more or less famous examples, but a lot of non famous dudes can also be found irl.
How so ?


The Golden One (famous Swedish nationalist youtuber)

Milo Yiannopoulos (famous American conservative youtuber)

Louis-Ferdinand Céline (famous French writer, was very virulent against the hypocrisy of people (notably women) during and after WWII)

Alain Soral (used to be a French macho pick up artist, now leader of a populist movement )

Nicolas Bay (political figure of the French far-right)

Those are more or less famous examples, but a lot of non famous dudes can also be found irl.
Charismatic leaders are not indicative of the types of people that make up their hordes of online follows.

High IQ OP, I find it ridiculous that a load of coping incels here would deny this despite being evidence of the fact themselves. You don’t have to agree with SJWs to recognise this trend.
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Based and redpilled.
How so ?


The Golden One (famous Swedish nationalist youtuber)

Milo Yiannopoulos (famous American conservative youtuber)

Louis-Ferdinand Céline (famous French writer, was very virulent against the hypocrisy of people (notably women) during and after WWII)

Alain Soral (used to be a French macho pick up artist, now leader of a populist movement )

Nicolas Bay (political figure of the French far-right)

Those are more or less famous examples, but a lot of non famous dudes can also be found irl.

I'm only familiar with the top 2. As for the Golden God or whatever, from what I saw in comments sections and so on (and this to me is one of the biggest indicators of whether or not someone actually gets women) pretty much all of his supporters are low status men, just as you would expect. Think about it: go on the videos of any boy band or even any e-famous pretty boy and there is no shortage of girls talking about how hot they are. If he isn't low status, where are all the women at? Exactly.

He probably could be popular with women, but at the end of the day he's literally just some LARPing faggot that's scared of minorities. Yeah yeah, I know "soyface" and all, but no women want that. Counterpoints or whatever made a really good vid a while back showing what a bullshitter him and most other "redpill alpha males" are.

Milo is just an attention whore who apparently never realized that if the demographics he panders to ever actually got their way, he'd be one of the first to be lynched. And again I'm convinced he's just histrionic and was willing to do anything to get famous. Think about it: without all the right-wing bullshit, he's just another gay dude, of which there is no shortage of on the internet. He saw an easy opening and went for it, just like the president.

He's no conservative. Dude probably shops at Whole Foods IRL.

Even if we assume none of what I'm saying here is true, picking a few outliers does not change the trend.
I don't see it as an attempt to get attention from the sjw females, because let's face it most sjw females, though trendy, are fucking hideous.
I see it as a way of getting back at females and female-based cultures for treating them so poorly.
Chads are a minority, you won't find a political movement filled with good looking people simply because there aren't that many to go around. The norm for most human beings is average, with Chads and incels being at the extremities.

With that in mind, i'd say the anti-SJW crowd has, on average, better looking people than the other side. The women in particular. It is well known that conservative women are better looking in general but the anti-SJW front is filled with Stacies. I don't know what's up with that but i can't even remember the last time i saw an ugly woman on the hard-right, they all look like this:





etc etc

PewDiePie, while not alt-right, is also on the red pilled side of things:

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Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.
Nah, I think it has more to do with self-replicating cruelty than attention seeking.
Because high-status men have better things to do
no. it's because attractive men are mostly bluepilled so believe all this sjw bullshit
I'm only familiar with the top 2. As for the Golden God or whatever, from what I saw in comments sections and so on (and this to me is one of the biggest indicators of whether or not someone actually gets women) pretty much all of his supporters are low status men, just as you would expect. Think about it: go on the videos of any boy band or even any e-famous pretty boy and there is no shortage of girls talking about how hot they are. If he isn't low status, where are all the women at? Exactly.

He probably could be popular with women, but at the end of the day he's literally just some LARPing faggot that's scared of minorities. Yeah yeah, I know "soyface" and all, but no women want that. Counterpoints or whatever made a really good vid a while back showing what a bullshitter him and most other "redpill alpha males" are.

Milo is just an attention whore who apparently never realized that if the demographics he panders to ever actually got their way, he'd be one of the first to be lynched. And again I'm convinced he's just histrionic and was willing to do anything to get famous. Think about it: without all the right-wing bullshit, he's just another gay dude, of which there is no shortage of on the internet. He saw an easy opening and went for it, just like the president.

He's no conservative. Dude probably shops at Whole Foods IRL.

Even if we assume none of what I'm saying here is true, picking a few outliers does not change the trend.
High IQ, especially the part about Milo. Far right men are so dumb on average about the subject of homosexuality that they are probably more of a threat to gay men than Latinos and Blacks.
Change your name to Blackpill Bob
With that in mind, i'd say the anti-SJW crowd has, on average, better looking people than the other side. The women in particular. It is well known that conservative women are better looking in general but the anti-SJW front is filled with Stacies. I don't know what's up with that but i can't even remember the last time i saw an ugly woman on the hard-right, they all look like this:
They use the alt right as Patreon pay piggies. Lauren Southern for instance was a cosplay thot.
Chads are a minority, you won't find a political movement filled with good looking people simply because there aren't that many to go around. The norm for most human beings is average, with Chads and incels being at the extremities.

With that in mind, i'd say the anti-SJW crowd has, on average, better looking people than the other side. The women in particular. It is well known that conservative women are better looking in general but the anti-SJW front is filled with Stacies. I don't know what's up with that but i can't even remember the last time i saw an ugly woman on the hard-right, they all look like this:





etc etc

PewDiePie, while not alt-right, is also on the red pilled side of things:

But sh0eonhead is a leftist.
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Redpill Robert triggering mofos.
Possibly because they're looksmatched with those they're triggering supposedly?

Flirting and shit. Sexual tension in the air. Who knows.

That or their looks shouldn't deny them a right to offer political commentary or take active part in other people's decisions affecting theirs.

I read somewhere you use to be a white nationalist nativist?
High IQ, especially the part about Milo. Far right men are so dumb on average about the subject of homosexuality that they are probably more of a threat to gay men than Latinos and Blacks.

Ernst Rohm. Then again if those homosexual peeps and the rights action plan coincide then it's an alliance. Being gay is really only what you get up to in the bedroom between yourself and other.

I never understood the whole gay identity crap. Whatever you get up to in the bedroom nobody has the right to intervene if it is not hurting anyone.
no. it's because attractive men are mostly bluepilled so believe all this sjw bullshit

They can afford to be :bluepill:ed
Milo is just an attention whore who apparently never realized that if the demographics he panders to ever actually got their way, he'd be one of the first to be lynched. And again I'm convinced he's just histrionic and was willing to do anything to get famous. Think about it: without all the right-wing bullshit, he's just another gay dude, of which there is no shortage of on the internet. He saw an easy opening and went for it, just like the president.

He's no conservative. Dude probably shops at Whole Foods IRL.

Even if we assume none of what I'm saying here is true, picking a few outliers does not change the trend.

He started off as libertarian. He was a gamer gate commentator. He was forced into the arms of the right somewhere in late 2014 and early 2015. When he saw that the LGBT community weren't doing enough to challenge Islamist narratives.
This is another one of the biggest copes: "attractive girls actually agree with me! Only fat ugly feminists disagree!" I hate fat ugly feminists as much as the next guy but this is obvious bullshit as most young females are feminist/left-wing if you haven't noticed. Even though most are just virtue-signalling makes no difference. Moreover a few tradthots pretending to be "different" for low-status orbiters (still only fucks Chads/Tyrones of course though) doesn't change this.

Agreed. Firmly. However the LARPing virtue Signallers aren't die hard combatants like the SJW Drone Foids, Radfemincels and their :soy: Boy allies.
Probably because ugly white men are the targets of SJWs (SJW is a gay term, gamer lingo in general is gay) if a white Chad says something racist it's just a cute joke and he didn't really mean it and even black girls will forgive him, but if an ugly white guy says something racist then everyone flips the fuck out and starts screeching about he isn't superior to shit because he's an ugly incel. SJWs choose targets that have no social capital and can't fight back, ugly white men have zero social capital in the west.

Bullseye. This. Ones a fight for survival. The other is just a casual hobby. Big difference.
SJW's are retarded and deserve to be mocked. Chad just doesn't have time to call them out on their bullshit as he is busy with Stacy, who is not an SJW because shes attractive.
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They use the alt right as Patreon pay piggies. Lauren Southern for instance was a cosplay thot.

Exactly. That the alt-right and cuckservative crowd keeps this myth of all these "right-wing Stacies" going is not only pathetic whiteknighting, but also just plain wrong in their own words.

For example, they always whine about SJW's being trendy (which they are admittedly; partially why virtually every popstar and famous actress -- who are virtually all top-tier Stacies -- is one) and then pretend that beautiful women don't follow those very trends when the plain reality is that they are actually even more susceptible to following them than the rest of the population. I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Also, stats show again and again that women under 35 (which includes the majority of the most desirable women) are overwhelmingly left-wing. Ergo, the younger and prettier they are, the more likely they are to support Democratic candidates and left-wing causes. Plus, nearly everyone here agrees that women are all hypergamous sluts deep down; ie they certainly aren't conservative. Again, can't have your cake and eat it.

I used to be huge into right-wing politics years ago. Part of why I left (aside from coming to terms that it is mostly all nonsense that does not in any way benefit most of its supporters) is because it's a complete sausage fest. Again, stats show this is well. Moreover, not only that, but my experience was that by and large, young women are completely repulsed by all that shit.

I mean if not, just go into any normie club or bar and try hitting on some Stacies with some of that MAGA shit or "Sooo... How about that white genocide!" and see what your success rates are. I dare any one. Inb4 "Chad can do it!"

But also I mean for all this talk about how much "uglier" liberal women are, I've honestly never seen a hot right-wing woman outside of paid mouthpieces on FOX and e-famous tradthots who clearly don't even really believe any of the shit they say. Go to Dollar General on a Sunday afternoon: that is a far more accurate representation of a "right-wing woman" for you. They can keep coping though.
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