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Serious Why is there no such Thing like Brotherhood among Incels?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 27886
  • Start date

Deleted member 27886

Jul 28, 2020
The Number of Incels is extremely high at this Point and it is increasing even more by each Year. Only a few of them are on this forum, while the Majority never heard about this Term. But they are out there and they are in a similar Position. It makes Sense that we don't interact with Women, but why are we not there for each other? There must be Thousands of young People in every major City who are going through the same Struggle. Most of us only get together online, but is that enough? We are Human Beings and therefore bound to Human Nature. But it's not Human Nature to spend the whole Day isolated in your Room and experience every Impression of the Environment only through a Computer Screen. If we come together and support each other, our Situation will perhaps become better. The Media can demonise us because the Society can just ignore us. But if we create a real Incel Community that is not only online but offline as well, we will represent such a large Demographic that they won't be able to treat us like that. I don't think it has to be this Way. If Society treats us like Crap, we have to start protecting each other. What do you think? Can we make it?
We are more united than you think :feelswhere:
Nonexistance of male in-group preference.
Not possible, that group would be infiltrated by antifa/IT they will try to make life hell for us by trying to fire us from our jobs and trying to get us locked up. Neetcels might be able to pull it off though.
Not possible, that group would be infiltrated by antifa/IT they will try to make life hell for us by trying to fire us from our jobs and trying to get us locked up. Neetcels might be able to pull it off though.
This. It only makes sense to organise for ERing

Too many differing opinions.
I don't want to have brotherhood with incel can seamaxing or run jbw.
Nonexistance of male in-group preference.
It’s one huge advantage women have over us tbh — they’re very unified in pushing for their own self interest as a group and it’s paid huge dividends for them despite them often being wrong and pushing for selfish reasons that advantage them while disadvantaging men.
No one wants to form a brotherhood with ethnics.
1) people are ashamed to be sexless and prefer to lie to themselves and the others instead of admitting it
2) most incels eventually settle with an ugly 30+ foid when they approach 30, technically stopping being incels, and then they just pretend they have a normal satisfactory life
Because men cant work together. Men are inherently competitive and most here are bluepilled simps who'd abandon this site if a decent looking foid farts in his general direction.
Because men cant work together. Men are inherently competitive and most here are bluepilled simps who'd abandon this site if a decent looking foid farts in his general direction.
so how about we get together to play competitive sports against each other :feelsthink:
Because men cant work together. Men are inherently competitive and most here are bluepilled simps who'd abandon this site if a decent looking foid farts in his general direction.
I agree. I hope they're a way to curve this competitiveness we have when a foid shows up (in any type of context), and work towards a common goal.
There should be hard studies on this subject, but on a nutshell, women are adept at justifying and excusing scummy behavior as long as another woman was the one in the wrong. You don't see many men excusing male criminals, that would lead to social suicide.
There is tbh tbh. You just don't see it.

Just lol if you think incels are going to be happy though.
There should be hard studies on this subject, but on a nutshell, women are adept at justifying and excusing scummy behavior as long as another woman was the one in the wrong. You don't see many men excusing male criminals, that would lead to social suicide.
ok. I get what you mean, the fact that they "help" each other as a collective is a huge advantage over men
We probably wouldn't get along in real life.
Even incels don't want to be friends with other incels.
Most of us have bad social skills and would be bad friends.
Because it's like between terminal patients. You know there's no solution, so no camraderie among us, only venting our suffering.
We probably wouldn't get along in real life.
Even incels don't want to be friends with other incels.
Most of us have bad social skills and would be bad friends.
Because there can be only unity around common goals, values and ideals.

We are the opposite, first of all none of us want to be here. That's what involuntary means. None of use wanted this existence.

Second , we dont have any share goal. Think about it, for most people their most important goal is the pursuit of love and the establishment of a legacy ak. a family, and for most of us that would never happened, that opportunity was taken away from us. And most of us already give up. I did.

And third Everyone cope in a different way. Some watching anime, other videogame, other with their job. Some with prostitutes. Etc.

As you see there can never be a brotherhood
The Number of Incels is extremely high at this Point and it is increasing even more by each Year. Only a few of them are on this forum, while the Majority never heard about this Term. But they are out there and they are in a similar Position. It makes Sense that we don't interact with Women, but why are we not there for each other? There must be Thousands of young People in every major City who are going through the same Struggle. Most of us only get together online, but is that enough? We are Human Beings and therefore bound to Human Nature. But it's not Human Nature to spend the whole Day isolated in your Room and experience every Impression of the Environment only through a Computer Screen. If we come together and support each other, our Situation will perhaps become better. The Media can demonise us because the Society can just ignore us. But if we create a real Incel Community that is not only online but offline as well, we will represent such a large Demographic that they won't be able to treat us like that. I don't think it has to be this Way. If Society treats us like Crap, we have to start protecting each other. What do you think? Can we make it?
I think we can make it.

As for the community here online, there are some lazy fucks here who really don’t want to do anything because they can’t get a JB wife. So you might be alone or with a few people by trying to do this type of thing
In theory, it could work if enough people were willing to work collectively towards a common goal. Building up a self-sufficient agrarian community would be fulfilling work and provide a sense of camaraderie. I just think most incels are too unmotivated and comfortable in their caves to organize into a cohesive unit. We could make a serious difference and change the world if we actually worked together. Autonomy = Power.

If any of you fags are seriously interested in this though, just send me a message. I have some land and I've been working to become a self-sufficient for some time now. No larp.
ostracization, competing towards the same thing/goal. can lead to crabs in the bucket too.

this forum fills its purpose of free speech, so you can see where it goes if someone bothers you.
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It's the mentality of "I might be a virgin but at least I'm not incel", some males are scared of browsing incel forums not only in case they get found out but because they are so desperate for female validation that they will believe the mainstream-approved bluepilled perspective of us being evil hackermans from the top-secret underground I.N.C.E.L terrorist group and distance themselves from us, thinking that they are not like us and even above us and that it is not (yet) over for them
It's the exact same thing as male feminists basically being predators of a different kind, they usually end up being outed as pedos or involved in some sexual harassment type situation with a female cosplayer or Twitch streamer
My heart goes out to young incel-type dudes for whom it never began and who have not yet discovered 4chan, the red pill, the black pill, .co, nationalism or any kind of bastion of free speech and intellectual conservatism
no special agent Xhirathas, there is not.
The Number of Incels is extremely high at this Point and it is increasing even more by each Year. Only a few of them are on this forum, while the Majority never heard about this Term. But they are out there and they are in a similar Position. It makes Sense that we don't interact with Women, but why are we not there for each other? There must be Thousands of young People in every major City who are going through the same Struggle. Most of us only get together online, but is that enough? We are Human Beings and therefore bound to Human Nature. But it's not Human Nature to spend the whole Day isolated in your Room and experience every Impression of the Environment only through a Computer Screen. If we come together and support each other, our Situation will perhaps become better. The Media can demonise us because the Society can just ignore us. But if we create a real Incel Community that is not only online but offline as well, we will represent such a large Demographic that they won't be able to treat us like that. I don't think it has to be this Way. If Society treats us like Crap, we have to start protecting each other. What do you think? Can we make it?
You’re too GrAY
something needs to be done irl
The Number of Incels is extremely high at this Point and it is increasing even more by each Year. Only a few of them are on this forum, while the Majority never heard about this Term. But they are out there and they are in a similar Position. It makes Sense that we don't interact with Women, but why are we not there for each other? There must be Thousands of young People in every major City who are going through the same Struggle. Most of us only get together online, but is that enough? We are Human Beings and therefore bound to Human Nature. But it's not Human Nature to spend the whole Day isolated in your Room and experience every Impression of the Environment only through a Computer Screen. If we come together and support each other, our Situation will perhaps become better. The Media can demonise us because the Society can just ignore us. But if we create a real Incel Community that is not only online but offline as well, we will represent such a large Demographic that they won't be able to treat us like that. I don't think it has to be this Way. If Society treats us like Crap, we have to start protecting each other. What do you think? Can we make it?
We should be there for one another but ppl like to just sell each other out.
We should be there for one another but ppl like to just sell each other out.
Mostly the men because they are cursed to compete with ourselves
We probably wouldn't get along in real life.
Even incels don't want to be friends with other incels.
Most of us have bad social skills and would be bad friends.
Because we or they are bad men who would compete each other and year their own friendship apart if they ever see a foid or have hopes about them. Even on here my last hope of genuine social interactions are all damned because in the end it’s all about “ascending or rotting” fuck this gay life I’m truly alone
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Because this place has a shitload of drama and infighting
Any irl inkler organization would crumble in days
Even incels don't like incels
There can only be brotherhood among uncucked men, because there are many incel soycucks.
Because we or they are bad men who would compete each other and year their own friendship apart if they ever see a foid or have hopes about them.
so true

the simps in denial that snitch to the jannies because they were jealous of some other users stats, rip @mylifeistrash
Nonexistance of male in-group preference.
This, combined with the fact that incels are an incredibly diverse group of people, which actually works against unity and cooperation. Bear in mind how many incels here would have me tarred and feathered for being white, and willfully and completely ignore my autism. And I won't pretend that my use, or anyone else's use, of the word "nigger" all over the place certainly alienates other members of the forum. There's always going to be conflict when people who are quite different from each other are brought together.

It's the basic tenet of nationalism, actually. The blackpilled realization that people of different qualities cannot possibly coexist together peacefully. People need to have commonality to unite, they need a reason to connect with their neighbors, to give a shit. This is one reason why nationalists oppose mass immigration, it eliminates that sense of unity with one's neighbor.

Not to mention, we're human, too, and we'd see the same things in each other that normies and all them see in us. Humans are a social creature, but also a visual creature. And you can't win a fight against nature.

One last consideration here, is the fact that the mainstream culture and media portray us very negatively for putting out uncomfortable, though scientifically verifiable, truths, particularly about women, who must be treated like perfect angels who can do no wrong because we're biologically programmed that way. As a social creature, social value is everything to us, and if someone thinks there's even the slightest chance of maintaining any social value (even if it's a delusion), they will rail against what the mainstream rails against, because they want to belong and have that sense of social value with everyone else. "The other" has always historically been ostracized, made fun of, exiled, etc. look no further than circus freak shows of yesteryear. We are "the other," as unfortunate as that may be.
The only thing that unites us is a universal sense of being divided from something else.
I just think most incels are too unmotivated and comfortable in their caves to organize into a cohesive unit. We could make a serious difference and change the world if we actually worked together. Autonomy = Power.

If any of you fags are seriously interested in this though, just send me a message. I have some land and I've been working to become a self-sufficient for some time now. No larp.
This. Idk if I already posted in this thread but incels have the numbers to become a genuine group botht irl and on internet but everyone is so high inhib and autistic that we're instead sitting around with our thumbs up our bums. I've met with people here and everyone was fine, however even said users are probably top 90th percentile in being low inhib

texass incelcon when? I know you people are here

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