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Venting Why is there an inceltears but not a /pol/-tears?



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
Talk about bluehairs wasting their energy on low hanging fruit; /pol/tards are a far bigger threat than incels, and generally incubate more competent murderers. Why don't cucks spend time "watchdogging" /pol/, instead of us? Maybe it's because of our entertaining personalities?

Your average incel is probably too depressed, lazy, and low-T to acquire the right equipment and develop the skill required to use them, and plan a competent attack. Your average /pol/-tard masturbates to old issues of Guns & Ammo, and they execute their attacks as if the weight of civilization depends on the death of minorities. While there are a small contingent of alt-rightcels, that frequent both 8chan and incel worlds, a lot of the times, because of this empathic overlap in being men who are fucked, we incels often even de-radicalize /pol/tards when they quickly learn that the average ethnic is more fucked than they are.

The way I see it, /pol/ & certain 8chan forums broadly have a specific agenda to accelerate a race war in the United States thru Brevik-style WN terrorism. Incels are largely just a bunch of losers that whine, and have no real agenda outside of just complaining about our lives. Even in the rare cases that an incel does kill, it's simply not political terrorism. Big difference.
People, foolishly, see the Chans as a funny Internet joke blown out of proportion. The Chans had their time to be feared during the "Hackers On Steroids" era. After then to be afraid of 4chan was the mark of out-of-touch old timer news. You were savvy and "paying attention" if you knew not to worry about 4chan.
its easier to make fun of self-admitted virgins
There’s r/beholdthemasterrace which is like inceltears but for stormfags
Because the incel movement is spreading fast and they know our pill theories to be very validated. They attempt to invalidate our theories with no success
Talk about bluehairs wasting their energy on low hanging fruit; /pol/tards are a far bigger threat than incels, and generally incubate more competent murderers. Why don't cucks spend time "watchdogging" /pol/, instead of us? Maybe it's because of our entertaining personalities?

Your average incel is probably too depressed, lazy, and low-T to acquire the right equipment and develop the skill required to use them, and plan a competent attack. Your average /pol/-tard masturbates to old issues of Guns & Ammo, and they execute their attacks as if the weight of civilization depends on the death of minorities. While there are a small contingent of alt-rightcels, that frequent both 8chan and incel worlds, a lot of the times, because of this empathic overlap in being men who are fucked, we incels often even de-radicalize /pol/tards when they quickly learn that the average ethnic is more fucked than they are.

The way I see it, /pol/ & certain 8chan forums broadly have a specific agenda to accelerate a race war in the United States thru Brevik-style WN terrorism. Incels are largely just a bunch of losers that whine, and have no real agenda outside of just complaining about our lives. Even in the rare cases that an incel does kill, it's simply not political terrorism. Big difference.

You are whining about the fact they are not watching other incels, this post was very counterproductive.
A lot of cucktears are incels in denial, and the fact that reddit as a whole hates the alt-right. They don't need a subreddit. And here's a red pill, reddit may host braincels and MGTOW shit, but, something that is known for advocating foid reverse-abuse is worse than your typical /pol/tard's anti-Semitic memes.

I'm not gonna delve into it too much but we all know certain groups/actions are more special to snowflakes. Blacks tears over Japanese tears, lesbians over gay men, etc.

However, cucktears sometimes finds mocking incels an easy cat-and-mouse game. They prod us with sticks, they beat neo nazis over the head with iron bats... JFL soy boy dies in attempt to lift iron bat. I'm a weak af btw.
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Because pol doesnt hate women only. Cucks only care when you talk bad about women
/pol/tards hate brownies while incels for the most part hate white foids,who are far more valuable to liberals then ethnics.
Why are there no chan watchdog groups?

Alek was linked to 4chan and not here or any other incel forum. But no one tried to shut down 4chan.

Its mainly cuz 4chan was seen as kinda a left-wing place initially (usually by people who never read it). After all 4chan started when the left was the standard-bearer of free speech. This is 2003, remember the left protesting Bush's wild intrusion onto free speech? Protesting free speech "zones" etc.

4chan was thought of by some leftists who never read 4chan to be like the online equivalent of Occupy Wall Street. To be the citizen media that keeps a check on nasty right wing forces. Free speech was just automatically equated with leftism back then. Anarchist free-thought was just suppossed to lead to a burgeoning left-wing creativity. Except it went right-wing.

The lefts mental blockage about policing sites like 4chan might just be from its own guilt at failing to hold up the mantle of free speech. So they redefine 4chan through incel forums and attack that instead.
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Let's make r/IncelTearsTears, then they will make r/IncelTearsTearsTears and so on.
Because pol doesnt hate women only. Cucks only care when you talk bad about women
High IQ. I was recently thinking why we are treated with more scrutiny than a site that actually fosters criminals and I realized it’s because females can post on 4Chan. It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you aren’t mean to precious females. There have even been posts on IT where people post some green text from 4Chan and claim the people there are better than us. Because of 4chan’s format, normies have run amok. I now see 4chan references all over reddit. The demographics of 4chan and reddit have been near identical since the 2016 election and it shows.
I'm not convinced either 4chan or 8chan /pol/ has caused or actively engaged in any of these shootings.

If /pol/ were responsible there'd be tons of dead kike bodies everywhere along with dead shabbos goyim politicians instead of always being random people (many of which are white themselves) being killed.

The only political group that "benefits" from the mass shooting of random people are Jews and their useful idiot leftist allies as that gives these scum more political capital to scream and cry for gun control and taking away our second amendment rights as well blame 8chan or whatever so called "right wing website" and go about whining for it's deplatforming censorship.
/pol/ is full of incels larping as aryan chads and talking about muh self improvement.
/pol/ is full of tall white guys, and the IT foids worship them. They secretly get off on the idea of a white guy shooting up minorities.

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