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Why is the left so lenient on pedophilic behavior?



Nov 12, 2017

Why hasn't this guy been fired already?
CopingGymcel said:

Why hasn't this guy been fired already?

Who cares about left right politics, keep that shit in off topic
If you give power to a degenerate voting bloc, in this case, pedos, they will be loyal keys. Basically, they will be more loyal to your party, and thus you will have their support.
alsalsk said:
Who cares about left right politics, keep that shit in off topic

I thought I was in the off topic section, hmm. Wrong tab.
CopingGymcel said:
Why hasn't this guy been fired already?

Because extreme sex positivity (or all-permissiveness if you'd like) is one of the cornerstones of lefty ideology. All the fun and pleasure with none of the consequences! Let's all be bonobo chimps! Decadence is delicious! Depravity is awesome! Degeneracy is "simply being different"!

It is natural and expected for a male of the species to mate with a female of the species, and then protect her and her offspring so that other males do not kill said offspring and replace it with their own. It's as natural as breathing or eating (and that makes our predicament all the more awful - we are essentially invalidated as members of our own species. Fuck). In human society, this corresponds with conservative ideology.

Leftist ideology aims to dismantle conservative ideology by undermining elements of it; sexual dynamics being one of them, as silly as it sounds. In the older events, we can see the beginnings of it with the "sexual revolution" and "summer of love". Step one was promiscuity; it is no longer obligatory for a female to remain with one man and just because a woman was fucked by someone else doesn't mean she's "sullied". Along with this we have the bonus of dismantling the concept of shame. Take the early to mid 20th Century: you could be judged a pervert for looking at women in underwear and a slut for exposing yourself in less than a dress-style swimsuit. Compare that to the 70s to now: we're actually hearing mainstream arguments that nudism is "cool" and "natural" and "the way of the future"! Who needs those bathing suits (never mind that they are mostly dental floss at this point). Let it ALL hang out, you old prude! Hell, let's not stop there - everyone's naked already, let's fuck! (if you think I'm exaggerating, google a video from Cap D'Agde on a porn site of your choice. That's nudists for ya).

Step two was homosexuality acceptance and then celebration. Whichever way you slice it, same-sex gender preference is abnormal and ultimately degenerate; however, it has now been transformed into something not just perfectly natural but somehow beneficial. A dude can walk in, say "I fuck other men in the ass / I take it in the ass from other men!" and he's immediately entitled to legal protections in the workplace, a crime against him is a hate crime, and he's perceived as somehow more refined than those boring straight men.

Step three was transsexualism/agenderism/WTF you want to call the current "gender war" clusterfuck. Forget basic fidelity. Shit, even faggotry is starting to get old and quaint. Nope, now you can declare yourself a man, a woman or an attack helicopter based on the time of day. With immediate benefits, again, of legal protections and being perceived as a person on a "higher plane of existence".

Step three-and-a-half is cuckoldry acceptance and celebration. That kinda flew under the radar altogether, but it's a definite product of mating evolving sexual degeneracy and third-wave feminism.

Step four, I think, WILL be pedophilia, and it will happen faster than the previous steps. Right now you can see videos on Youtube that honestly should have resulted in a law enforcement visit to whomever shot them. They get flagged every day and yet they are still monetized (so more are made). It used to be that any pedo inclinations would mark a person as a pariah - and rightly so; now there are semi-mainstream articles appearing about how "pedos aren't monsters, they are just troubled!" I think in a year or so we'll see a widespread push to decriminalize display of nude children, both in real life and in media, then the introduction of consensual sexual contact between an adult and a minor, and then an attempt to decriminalize full-on sex ("she might only be 10, but she's already sexually aware! this is consensual!").

And of course step five will be zoophilia, though you could argue that it's already being injected and normalized, what with the furries and all. Le barf.

This has all happened before, every society that has abundance of material things and takes a liberal tilt inevitably starts down the path of sexual degeneracy (see: Greeks, Romans). Counteracting it would take either a massive external force bearing conservative ideals (and no, islam won't do, because it has built-in pedophilia in it), or a powerful internal conservative counterculture (which is becoming less and less likely given how cucked the younger generation is and that schools and colleges are making them more cucked).

The sad and funny thing is, every time society comes to the precipice of the next "degeneracy evolution", the libs scream "THIS ISN'T A SLIPPERY SLOPE, YOU'RE JUST A PRUDE!" But I would bet you, if someone had the presence of mind to throw Kinsey in the nuthouse and if sexual revolution was actively suppressed, we'd be looking at a whole different ballgame today.
Accepting homosexuality was the road to accepting pedos, since most fags want to fuck twinks which to them get more desirable the younger they look. Fags don't want to reproduce, they just want to suck young dicks and fuck young tight assholes. They're sick fucks, and the leftists need to be sent to the same island with them and nuked.
Because they have always excused and encouraged degeneracy.
Right wingers at least try to keep it behind closed doors and out of sight.
The authentic left was opposed to the kind of pedo hysteria we see today, the left of today is as hysterical about "pedophilia" as the right. The only difference is that the left attacks it as a kind of "toxic masculinity", the right as a kind of "degeneracy." Western pedo hysteria is just as ridiculous as Western rape hysteria. Rape hysteria is also something both left-wingers and right-wingers have in common; the only difference is that they can't quite agree on which group of men poses the biggest threat for the wimminz.

Edit: the age of consent in the traditional religious "anti-degeneracy" societies was/is far LOWER than the age of consent in modern secular societies. And now there's increasing paranoia even about high-school sweethearts who are getting into trouble when they share pictures of each other.
Because most leftist elites are pedophiles.
Is it really a surprise that people who think they at more then two genders believe fucking children is okay? kek
iiiTeMpeR said:
Is it really a surprise that people who think they at more then two genders believe fucking children is okay? kek

And they have no issue with performing life changing surgeries on kids, changing their gender, who then end up killing themselves in their 20s.
because the left is all about spreading (((degeneracy))), doesn't matter where, how, or when

who cares anyway, both the (((left))) and the (((right))) are controlled from the inside and out, no one has an option. you vote for israel and their bullshit either way.
The left is the side of degeneracy. They approve of whoredom, homosexuality, adultery, infant murder, transsexuality, etc. What do you expect?

The left has ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT PUSHING THE ENVELOP OF DEGENERACY. First it was the Sexual Revolution which approved of whoredom. Then it was homosexuality. When they were fighting for gay marriage, I sat there saying that they wouldn't be satisfied and that they would find another degenerate concept to fight for. Sure enough, here they are fighting for "trans rights" (The right for a 40 year old male pervert to share the same bathroom as an innocent little girl). I absolutely guarantee once they get their "Trans rights" taken care of, it will be pedo sympathy time and eventually bestiality. Watch history continue to repeat itself as the side of degeneracy continues to push the envelop.
RichCel said:
And of course step five will be zoophilia, though you could argue that it's already being injected and normalized, what with the furries and all. Le barf.

I disagree. Zoophilia used to be legal and only recently increasingly got banned in almost every country.
Also, the last closet IS pedophilia given how little support there is, I don't see how the 1 - 2% of pedophiles would be a good voting block to appease, if you outrageously alienate the other 98%.

On another note, I don't really understand why an incel would not want to support zoophilia. I've seen incels tout sex robots as the revolution that would make us no longer need women. As if sex was just a mechanical act and you don't want her scents and secretions or something... or the more elusive "human warmth". You can just as well keep masturbating then.

I was searching the zoophilia keyword on this forum as I was in the process of trying to make a case for it in a new thread and how it would increase competition for women and ease our pain and needed to at least gauge what the general stance is on it here.
I'm disappointed as the same knee-jerk "it's degenerate" reactions as on dudebro, christian fundie website Return Of Kings seems the norm here as well.

The objections usually fall in 2 categories:

1° religious moral objection: knee-jerk, dogmatic rejection without a rational explanation e.g. "It's just degenerate"
As an atheist, these don't apply to me and I ignore those.

2° Consent
The notion that all inter-species sex is rape can be debated and refuted.

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