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Hypocrisy Why is @Samurai getting a free pass?

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

There's no release, no redemption, it's over.
Jul 8, 2024
shitting on the rules but two mods are his friends is that enough reason to keep this bitchboy trying to be an e-celeb safe from bans?
this nigga makes beef with everyone
What did he do anyway, to get banned in the first place
He’s a good user for the most part.
Because he aroused Master's fancy.
shitting on the rules but two mods are his friends is that enough reason to keep this bitchboy trying to be an e-celeb safe from bans?
Guess so.
He’s a good user for the most part.
he seeks beef with everyone, publicly threatening to dox people and explicitly acting and saying that he's better at *insert whatever shit* all while promoting his channel for clout and IT women attention
at least update the rules saying that we can get perks if we become a certain mod's bitch
and users get banned for one shitty joke, this guy is allowed to do whatever he wants to
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I think Madcap mogs Ghost Rider.
5893407 danny ability chain 20
Ghost rider vengeance unbound 33 page 12 1
He thinks he’s better than everyone on this forum for believing in his superstition.
Going around calling people losers and threatening to get law enforcement involved - definitely one of us guys. :feelsclown:
Going around calling people losers and threatening to get law enforcement involved - definitely one of us guys. :feelsclown:
Yeah, the only reason he comes here is to feel superior to others, to compensate for his irl inferiority.
IMG 0882

IMG 0883

List of samurai’s “sins”:
- white knighting foids
- dox threats and law enforcement threats
- telling user to kys
- general hypocrisy
- just projecting hard lol
- (((possibly))) just using this site to grow his YouTube channel or some shit and become an “e-celeb” to boost his ego and think he’s better than everyone
absolute state of .is
He’s a good user for the most part.
And? That doesn't give him an excuse to circumvent the rules. I don't think he should have been perma banned but to be unbanned in what? Less than a day? After threatening another user? That sets a bad precedent even if it was a joke done in bad taste.
He thinks he’s better than everyone on this forum for believing in his superstition.
Well yeah he needs to understand that Roman Catholicism is pagan idolatry and as such a heretical teaching not at all in line with the actual gospel of Christ.
And? That doesn't give him an excuse to circumvent the rules. I don't think he should have been perma banned but to be unbanned in what? Less than a day? After threatening another user? That sets a bad precedent even if it was a joke done in bad taste.
Being a good user goes a long way. :feelshehe:

It creates trust and respect over time which is hard won and earned leading to a user being given the benefit of the doubt more often than not in potentially rule violating situations.

Almost no one here for example would suggest or believe that a GrAY deserves as much benefit of the doubt as a long term established user and so it is the same concept here for a really good established user versus another established but still relatively unknown one.

Like it or not biases and external factors will always come into play when making these decisions.

It’s about doing what’s best for the overall community not being autistic and anal about the letter of the law.

And the community is arguably best served by giving quality users the benefit of the doubt and lots of leeway so they can continue posting unhindered making the community better in so doing.

That doesn’t necessarily mean the unknowns will or should be treated badly or overly unfairly it just means they haven’t earned the privilege of being given the benefit of the doubt for potential transgressions. :feelsthink:

That said I was not his banner in or unbanner in this case but just saying due to other factors users simply are not always going to be treated exactly the same.
It creates trust and respect over time which is hard won
all his posts are either fighting other users, shilling his YT channel and whiteknighting foids
It’s about doing what’s best for the overall community
shilling a YouTube channel that (according to him) gets him multiple foids?
or saying that he's going to report your posts to the FBI?
And the community is arguably best served by giving quality users the benefit of the doubt
users get banned for literally ONE joke, check out ban appeals.
they haven’t earned the privilege of being given the benefit of the doubt for potential transgressions.
so cocksucking mods gets benefits?
@Master said he could only come in if he said the n word
He's using all his posts to farm replies to get material for YouTube videos aimed to foids.
Multiple times attacking other local YouTubers who aren't looking for clout telling them that they are nothing to him and his supposed big audience.
and the most infamous part: how he confessed that his videos get him foids, guys got banned for saying that a foid showed interest on them this faggot brags that his YouTuber e-celeb shilling is only to get foids.
all his posts are either fighting other users, shilling his YT channel and whiteknighting foids

shilling a YouTube channel that (according to him) gets him multiple foids?
or saying that he's going to report your posts to the FBI?

users get banned for literally ONE joke, check out ban appeals.

so cocksucking mods gets benefits?
@Uggo Mongo and @LeFrenchCel both warned him and he was recently banned so not sure why you think he’s completely untouchable? :feelsstudy:
both warned him and he was recently banned so not sure why you think he’s completely untouchable?
because said ban lasted 5 minutes? :feelskek: :feelsclown:
He's using all his posts to farm replies to get material for YouTube videos aimed to foids.
Multiple times attacking other local YouTubers who aren't looking for clout telling them that they are nothing to him and his supposed big audience.
and the most infamous part: how he confessed that his videos get him foids, guys got banned for saying that a foid showed interest on them this faggot brags that his YouTuber e-celeb shilling is only to get foids.
Yeah he's a clout goblin alright. Thinks he's going to be a big jootuber or something lol.
Yeah he's a clout goblin alright. Thinks he's going to be a big jootuber or something lol.
and the thing is, I don't even give a fuck if he makes it big or not, bragging that it gives him multiple foids and that he's better than everyone for OPENING a YT channel should be enough proof that this cuck is a normie.
Holy shit just ban this nigga already
shitting on the rules but two mods are his friends is that enough reason to keep this bitchboy trying to be an e-celeb safe from bans?
JoinedJul 8, 2024Posts568
all his posts are either fighting other users, shilling his YT channel and whiteknighting foids

shilling a YouTube channel that (according to him) gets him multiple foids?
or saying that he's going to report your posts to the FBI?

users get banned for literally ONE joke, check out ban appeals.

so cocksucking mods gets benefits?
@cocksucker thoughts?
Going around calling people losers and threatening to get law enforcement involved - definitely one of us guys. :feelsclown:
I only did that to scare him I was not going to do anything. He attacked me first and shamed me for being incel.
View attachment 1201889
View attachment 1201890

List of samurai’s “sins”:
- white knighting foids
- dox threats and law enforcement threats
- telling user to kys
- general hypocrisy
- just projecting hard lol
- (((possibly))) just using this site to grow his YouTube channel or some shit and become an “e-celeb” to boost his ego and think he’s better than everyone
He’s fucking larping idiot trying to cariacaturize and demonize incels fuck him I shouldve realized he was a larp earlier, that or he’s just beyond saving autistic but I’m leaning towards a larp because he claims he has froends and talks to people he’s just a larping autist or ltn if he’s actually truecel he shouldnt play a cariacature or make up fake stories I’ve grown to dislike him more and more as I see his threads
Well yeah he needs to understand that Roman Catholicism is pagan idolatry and as such a heretical teaching not at all in line with the actual gospel of Christ.

Being a good user goes a long way. :feelshehe:

It creates trust and respect over time which is hard won and earned leading to a user being given the benefit of the doubt more often than not in potentially rule violating situations.

Almost no one here for example would suggest or believe that a GrAY deserves as much benefit of the doubt as a long term established user and so it is the same concept here for a really good established user versus another established but still relatively unknown one.

Like it or not biases and external factors will always come into play when making these decisions.

It’s about doing what’s best for the overall community not being autistic and anal about the letter of the law.

And the community is arguably best served by giving quality users the benefit of the doubt and lots of leeway so they can continue posting unhindered making the community better in so doing.

That doesn’t necessarily mean the unknowns will or should be treated badly or overly unfairly it just means they haven’t earned the privilege of being given the benefit of the doubt for potential transgressions. :feelsthink:

That said I was not his banner in or unbanner in this case but just saying due to other factors users simply are not always going to be treated exactly the same.
autistic and anal
he seeks beef with everyone, publicly threatening to dox people and explicitly acting and saying that he's better at *insert whatever shit* all while promoting his channel for clout and IT women attention
at least update the rules saying that we can get perks if we become a certain mod's bitch
and users get banned for one shitty joke, this guy is allowed to do whatever he wants to
Is all of this faggy drama happening on chinkord?
He’s fucking larping idiot trying to cariacaturize and demonize incels fuck him I shouldve realized he was a larp earlier, that or he’s just beyond saving autistic but I’m leaning towards a larp because he claims he has froends and talks to people he’s just a larping autist or ltn if he’s actually truecel he shouldnt play a cariacature or make up fake stories I’ve grown to dislike him more and more as I see his threads
And the incels that are glazing a 2024 GrAYcel is crazy. I saw 10 faggots are following that idiot :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
He’s fucking larping idiot trying to cariacaturize and demonize incels fuck him I shouldve realized he was a larp earlier, that or he’s just beyond saving autistic but I’m leaning towards a larp because he claims he has froends and talks to people he’s just a larping autist or ltn if he’s actually truecel he shouldnt play a cariacature or make up fake stories I’ve grown to dislike him more and more as I see his threads
Jfl remember that thread he made about him having a nightmare he will get banned :lul: And then he actually got banned jfl. Nigga everything he says is projection he said “whatever helps you sleep at night”. nigga talks like those redditors and their one-liners. And then he tells people “go back to Reddit” when 99% of the time he sounds like a Redditor himself jfl.

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