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Blackpill Why is it always some borderline ethnic looking dude who is racist to ethnics?



Sep 9, 2022
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrone themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always some subhuman southern European or latino mutt with black hair, shitskin and brown eyes who is an sfcel.
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Northern Europeans are too busy slaying pussy left and right to be racist.
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrones themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always so subhuman southern European with black hair, dark shitskin, brown eyes who is an sfcel.
South Europeans genetically still are European, and even the ones with darker hair & eyes still have European facial features.

In fact, the literal most common North European pheno(Nordid) is considered a depigmented version of the Gracile Med pheno.

Tons of Anglos, Irish, French, and even some Germans also have darker hair & eyes, due to the fact the Mediterranid phenos & Alpinid phenos are common in those regions & hybridized with Nordid phenos(IE: North Atlantid in the UK).
literally you @Puppeter
You mirin Greek Sfcels

Nazism, ironically benefit ethnics the most (at the current stage)

Also, it's really a punch down scheme. There's many peoples on this world that has achieved a little, so they take it out on others.

The funniest is when some people's (you know who) larp that they were the ancestors of (insert people's here).:
South Europeans genetically still are European, and even the ones with darker hair & eyes still have European facial features.
In fact, the literal most common North European pheno(Nordid) is considered a depigmented version of the Gracile Med pheno.

Tons of Anglos, Irish, French, and even some Germans also have darker hair & eyes, due to the fact the Mediterranid phenos & Alpinid phenos are common in those regions & hybridized with Nordid phenos(IE: North Atlantid in the UK).
A dark haired British man is not the same as a dark haired Med. Meds have more prominent noses, darker hair, lower hairline, wider faces, bushier eyebrows, rounder brown eyes and olive skin. They are often manlets and framlets. They also seem to bald in circles instead of regular receding hairlines
Darker populations are more ethnocentric. Lighter populations are more empathic and tolerant, hence their welcoming nature in relation to foreigners. For thousands of years, foreigners were not much of a threat in Europe and thus suspicion of them was not so evolutionarily advantageous to people there. This shaped the European psyche in such a way that decreased ethnocentrism and encouraged individualism.

However, radical individualism is the main source of ethnic replacement in Europe because outsiders are more group-centered than locals. Modern Europeans either become more group-centered or mix their genes out of existence.

Northern Europeans are more welcoming, true, but how is that working out for them? The number of rapes and murders skyrocketed after their countries imported North African and Middle Eastern Muslims. Why does it matter if "borderline ethnics" are the ones fighting against this when they are on the right side?
Darker populations are more ethnocentric. Lighter populations are more empathic and tolerant, hence their welcoming nature in relation to foreigners. For thousands of years, foreigners were not much of a threat in Europe and thus suspicion of them was not so evolutionarily advantageous to people there. This shaped the European psyche in such a way that decreased ethnocentrism and encouraged individualism.

However, radical individualism is the main source of ethnic replacement in Europe because outsiders are more group-centered than locals. Modern Europeans either become more group-centered or mix their genes out of existence.

Northern Europeans are more welcoming, true, but how is that working out for them? The number of rapes and murders skyrocketed after their countries imported North African and Middle Eastern Muslims. Why does it matter if "borderline ethnics" are the ones fighting against this when they are on the right side?
Immigration laws are fine as is. It's illegal immigration that needs to be controlled. All the white countries had the same problems that they do now before large scale immigration took place the only difference being the lower low class whites got replaced by ethnics who were even more willing to resort to violence to get what they need.
A dark haired British man is not the same as a dark haired Med. Meds have more prominent noses, darker hair, lower hairline, wider faces, bushier eyebrows, rounder brown eyes and olive skin. They are often manlets and framlets. They also seem to bald in circles instead of regular receding hairlines
Manlet & framelet part is true, and you are going somewhere with the face differences, but lets look at some official phenotypes & anthropological classifications

This is what is considered the standard South Euro phenotype, Gracile Med:


Here's some more common ones,



Europeans as a whole are primarily descended from three groups: ANF/EEF, Steppe/Yamnaya, and WHG populations, though Meds, Balkanties, Slavs, and Finns do have some admixture from the Levant, Caucus, and even Mongolia/Central Asia. However, it doesn't change the fact that they share the majority of their genetics with one another.
Northern Europeans are more welcoming, true, but how is that working out for them? The number of rapes and murders skyrocketed after their countries imported North African and Middle Eastern Muslims. Why does it matter if "borderline ethnics" are the ones fighting against this when they are on the right side?
And yes, we are speaking from a racial-realist POV here: South & East Euros are still getting cucked by globohomo, but they are fighting against it harder it would seem at least.

As I stated, most of them genetically are similar to the rest of Europe, and even the more darker/swarthy ones at least have facial features regarded as European. In fact, let's compare some of them.



(Greek soldiers)


(Alpini corps members; Italian unit)


(Egyptian infantry)

Very distinct in many ways.
South Europeans genetically still are European, and even the ones with darker hair & eyes still have European facial features.

In fact, the literal most common North European pheno(Nordid) is considered a depigmented version of the Gracile Med pheno.

Tons of Anglos, Irish, French, and even some Germans also have darker hair & eyes, due to the fact the Mediterranid phenos & Alpinid phenos are common in those regions & hybridized with Nordid phenos(IE: North Atlantid in the UK).
Manlet & framelet part is true, and you are going somewhere with the face differences, but lets look at some official phenotypes & anthropological classifications

This is what is considered the standard South Euro phenotype, Gracile Med:


Here's some more common ones,



Europeans as a whole are primarily descended from three groups: ANF/EEF, Steppe/Yamnaya, and WHG populations, though Meds, Balkanties, Slavs, and Finns do have some admixture from the Levant, Caucus, and even Mongolia/Central Asia. However, it doesn't change the fact that they share the majority of their genetics with one another.

And yes, we are speaking from a racial-realist POV here: South & East Euros are still getting cucked by globohomo, but they are fighting against it harder it would seem at least.

As I stated, most of them genetically are similar to the rest of Europe, and even the more darker/swarthy ones at least have facial features regarded as European. In fact, let's compare some of them.



(Greek soldiers)


(Alpini corps members; Italian unit)


(Egyptian infantry)

Very distinct in many ways.
What about those Michele Morrone looking dudes then? He doesnt look white but he is 100% italian.
What about those Michele Morrone looking dudes then? He doesnt look white but he is 100% italian.

He literally has Green-ish eyes, his facial features & structure are Euro, and tbh that tan he has in many images looks quite fake.


Here's a better pic, and also the hair likely has tons of product in it, since that style has been associated with a good "masculine" image since the 50s: Look at most images of ideal couples from then, the dad had darker hair(likely due to product) whereas the foid had blonde hair, as that is associated with youth more.

He literally has Green-ish eyes, his facial features & structure are Euro, and tbh that tan he has in many images looks quite fake.

I've never seen a white man with those large ethnic looking eyes. He is also very dark even for italian standards. He would stick out like a sore thumb in England. His skin turns brown when it tans. White people's skin burns and turns red/orange instead of turning brown. When I first saw him I legit thought he was an Indian or Arab.

Here's a better pic, and also the hair likely has tons of product in it, since that style has been associated with a good "masculine" image since the 50s: Look at most images of ideal couples from then, the dad had darker hair(likely due to product) whereas the foid had blonde hair, as that is associated with youth more.
Yes but these people still looked white despite having dark hair. Gregory Peck had dark hair but still looked northern european and unmistakably white.
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrone themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always some subhuman southern European or latino mutt with black hair, shitskin and brown eyes who is an sfcel.
Stfu brownoid
Because they were never hit with anti-racist propaganda. No need to try reading so much into that, Serbia and Albania are poor countries (GDP per capita comparable to world average) with just about no tradition of openly-promoted (and mostly performative) anti-racism. It's similar for Latin America, and Spain and Italy are similar to other WE countries, just a bit more openly racist.

Northern Europeans and North Americans are rich and privileged enough to be able to afford to perform anti-racism while believing in a comically white supremacist worldview in which white people are so powerful and privileged that their mere subconscious facial expressions control the lives of the POC around them, with those POC being so powerless to ever threaten them that anti-white racism can't even exist according to them.

Poorfag Balkaners and LatAms, on the other hand, are nowhere near privileged or rich enough to convince themselves to believe in that bullshit, so they are simply racist in the same open way that the entire rest of the world is. There's absolutely no reason to try to analyze it too much.

Case in point:

In China, Serbia and Turkey, more people than not believe that you are not a real Chinese person, Serb or Turk if you were born and raised in that country but your parents are immigrants. This suggests a close link between ethnicity and a person’s status as a national in those countries, rather than a view based around citizenship.

South Europeans genetically still are European, and even the ones with darker hair & eyes still have European facial features.

In fact, the literal most common North European pheno(Nordid) is considered a depigmented version of the Gracile Med pheno.

Tons of Anglos, Irish, French, and even some Germans also have darker hair & eyes, due to the fact the Mediterranid phenos & Alpinid phenos are common in those regions & hybridized with Nordid phenos(IE: North Atlantid in the UK).
You know, ever since I returned to college and started noticing how many international students, mostly from Southern Europe, we have there, I really realized how weird this entire belief that Meds aren't white is:feelshaha::feelskek:. Like, most of them look like they could be from Germany or The Netherlands or another place like that. Sure, mostly the guys from what I've noticed have a certain "darker" look to them, and if you know what to look for and look at them for long enough, you could probably tell most of them apart from the locals here, but they still look completely European:feelsokman:.

Just yesterday as I was leaving, a group of Spanish chicks got into an elevator with me and, I mean, they looked like anyone I could meet on the street:feelshaha:? Sure, of the 5 or 6 of them that were there, there were maybe 1 or 2 that didn't have black hair, which almost certainly wouldn't be the case in a similarly-sized group of random Slovak women, so there are obviously some group differences on average in this regard, but that didn't change anything about them being, well... milky-white-skinned, "basic" white chicks:feelshaha::feelskek:. If anything, the black hair most of them had made their skins look even whiter and shinnier:ahegao::feelsjuice:.
Because they were never hit with anti-racist propaganda. No need to try reading so much into that, Serbia and Albania are poor countries (GDP per capita comparable to world average) with just about no tradition of openly-promoted (and mostly performative) anti-racism. It's similar for Latin America, and Spain and Italy are similar to other WE countries, just a bit more openly racist.
This is true, and quite valid.

The Italian side of my family aren't the typical Italian-Americans, and are more recent immigrants to the point we have family there we are still in touch with.

Some of the stuff they say makes some of the more "Americanized" ones & other extended family I have genuinely appear shocked, yet these people claim to be "conservative" :feelskek:
Northern Europeans and North Americans are rich and privileged enough to be able to afford to perform anti-racism while believing in a comically white supremacist worldview in which white people are so powerful and privileged that their mere subconscious facial expressions control the lives of the POC around them, with those POC being so powerless to ever threaten them that anti-white racism can't even exist according to them.

Nailed it.

Wealth simply serves to breed comfort, idleness, complacency, and various other forms of behavior which ultimately is problematic for this reason.
Poorfag Balkaners and LatAms, on the other hand, are nowhere near privileged or rich enough to convince themselves to believe in that bullshit, so they are simply racist in the same open way that the entire rest of the world is. There's absolutely no reason to try to analyze it too much.
They haven't been indoctrinated into globohomo like Western Euros & North Americans have been.
Case in point:

And that is another reason why this country is absolute shit & I genuinely wish I could move or was born & live elsewhere.

This country is everything wrong with this world: Extreme hypergamy, an awful economy which has made us all slaves, shit foid full of chemicals, degeneracy in the form of LGBTQ+, multiculturalism, and so much more.

Truly, this country is "The Great Satan"
You know, ever since I returned to college and started noticing how many international students, mostly from Southern Europe, we have there, I really realized how weird this entire belief that Meds aren't white is:feelshaha::feelskek:.
Kek, it's just another cope by shitskins to do either of the following:
-Looksfag ones use it in order to try & assert proximity to Whites in order to try & claim themselves as Euros.
-Ones on here(and many other parts of the internet) do it to project hard.

Like, most of them look like they could be from Germany or The Netherlands or another place like that.
According to anthropological works I have studied, it's mainly French & those from the British Isles especially who tend to have sort of a "Med" pheno about them.

This is how the phenos Atlantid & North Atlantid(which many in my family have) came to be.
Sure, mostly the guys from what I've noticed have a certain "darker" look to them, and if you know what to look for and look at them for long enough, you could probably tell most of them apart from the locals here, but they still look completely European:feelsokman:.
Yup, that is true: Oftentimes, if you just removed the pigmentation(tan) from them, they would look not much different from anyone from most parts of Europe.

The reason as to why I hold affinity for Europeans setting aside differences & working together(which is actually quite progressive) with somewhat of a Pan-Nationalist ideal(still preserving internal differences ofc), is due to the fact that many things in common bring them together historically(culture, genetic connections, etc) as well as they are both facing similar demographic threats, enforced multiculturalism, feminism, LGBTQ+, etc.

Just yesterday as I was leaving, a group of Spanish chicks got into an elevator with me and, I mean, they looked like anyone I could meet on the street:feelshaha:? Sure, of the 5 or 6 of them that were there, there were maybe 1 or 2 that didn't have black hair, which almost certainly wouldn't be the case in a similarly-sized group of random Slovak women, so there are obviously some group differences on average in this regard, but that didn't change anything about them being, well... milky-white-skinned, "basic" white chicks:feelshaha::feelskek:. If anything, the black hair most of them had made their skins look even whiter and shinnier:ahegao::feelsjuice:.
Geez, being in an enclosed space like that with that many foids must have been brutal, and probably would have activated my horniness to an extreme degree.

In fact, I'm imagining those Med foids rn...:ahegao::feelsohh:



All the white countries had the same problems that they do now before large scale immigration took place the only difference being the lower low class whites got replaced by ethnics who were even more willing to resort to violence to get what they need.
So did they "AlREaDY hAvE DeeZ PRObLeMs":feelstastyman: or did violence increase? Make up your mind JFL
According to anthropological works I have studied, it's mainly French & those from the British Isles especially who tend to have sort of a "Med" pheno about them.

This is how the phenos Atlantid & North Atlantid(which many in my family have) came to be.

Geez, being in an enclosed space like that with that many foids must have been brutal, and probably would have activated my horniness to an extreme degree.

In fact, I'm imagining those Med foids rn...:ahegao::feelsohh:



It was a pretty good feeling, I won't lie:ahegao::feelsohh:.
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrone themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always some subhuman southern European or latino mutt with black hair, shitskin and brown eyes who is an sfcel.
Not really I have found many blonde, brunette and ginger American whites who are racists. A blue eyed Canadian white man on Twitter is super racist to curries. Stop coping with this 'White Nationalists are the real Deathnics' cope.
It was a pretty good feeling, I won't lie:ahegao::feelsohh:.
Incel trait- even being in close proximity to foids is both lifefuel & suifuel, I remember how at work a foids hand grazed mine when she handed me something work-related & how that had me feeling the rest of the day. :feelsohh:
Incel trait- even being in close proximity to foids is both lifefuel & suifuel, I remember how at work a foids hand grazed mine when she handed me something work-related & how that had me feeling the rest of the day. :feelsohh:
Exactly brocel, exactly:yes:.
We WUZ indo European n shiet
Shows every side of life I philosophize about when majority of the time people are just trying to play the punchdown game in their favor.
Nazism, ironically benefit ethnics the most (at the current stage)

Also, it's really a punch down scheme. There's many peoples on this world that has achieved a little, so they take it out on others.

The funniest is when some people's (you know who) larp that they were the ancestors of (insert people's here).:
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrone themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always some subhuman southern European or latino mutt with black hair, shitskin and brown eyes who is an sfcel.
people want to live in feed fragile ego world all the time 247.

And most people want to kill high tier whites tbh and use them for breeding stock. they just won't come otu and say it.
Incel trait- even being in close proximity to foids is both lifefuel & suifuel, I remember how at work a foids hand grazed mine when she handed me something work-related & how that had me feeling the rest of the day. :feelsohh:
It's always some dark haired shitskin looking Italian, Albanian or Spic who is the most racist to ethnics. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior while being a dark haired shitskin terrone themselves.

Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels. It's always some subhuman southern European or latino mutt with black hair, shitskin and brown eyes who is an sfcel.
Catholicism produces a different sort of culture than Protestant countries
Surprised I haven’t been tagged yet lol
Yea I noticed aswell it's always some swarthy arab looking greeks or italians
Literally GypsyCrusader, I appreciate what he does and everything but oh my GOD! There is no way he's more than like, 25% white.
Most real(Northern European) white people are not sfcels

That’s correct, I would add most Nordic guys have no issues letting their daughters and sisters give their pussy to the darkest, most ape-like men on the planet on top of being hardcore feminists.

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