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Blackpill Why Incels (The Black Pill) Are The Greatest Threat To International Security (Society NEEDS The "Civil Participation" Of Men)



Feb 28, 2018
In a sense we are the greatest threat, the only thing keeping men in line is the illusion of "I'll get mines" and other sexual outlets (mainly porn)

If the black pill reaches "too many" men and goes nuclear, society is fucked, the "civil participation" of men within society will plummet

I don't even need to say much, a short clip from one of Eggy's streams perfectly summarizes the jist of it:

Playback on external sites was disabled (can't set timestamps in the link) so here's the manual time stamp (53:58 to 55:10)
Right click and open the video in a new tab or something

The only thing keeping society in order right now, is the fact that most men see themselves as "having a chance" and as "a part of society", if they were black pilled, many would become nihilistic, stop being charitable, stop contributing to society, start hoarding more resources and sucking up more from society through various loopholes, men all around would stop "playing nice" because they'd realize they were being played all this time

This is why governments see us as a threat, mass murder attacks are the least of their worries


That's exactly why we must work to spread it, we don't have to "Go ER" IRL, we can wage a war in the digital realm, we can "Go ER" from the safety of our homes, in the long run it will have a much greater effect on normies and society
At point do we hit the breaking point though? The way we are going right now is VERY SLOWLY increasing the spread of the blackpill. I highly doubt we'll reach a significance on a global or even a national scale unless SOMETHING manages to spark a revolution of some kind, which we can evidently examine from previous actions doesn't happen from going ER or calling out female nature.
At point do we hit the breaking point though? The way we are going right now is VERY SLOWLY increasing the spread of the blackpill. I highly doubt we'll reach a significance on a global or even a national scale unless SOMETHING manages to spark a revolution of some kind, which we can evidently examine from previous actions doesn't happen from going ER or calling out female nature.

There are some things that I know for a fact that if done on a global scale plus combined with a propaganda project to spread the black pill via stat charts, memes, etc, would send the black pill nuclear

Websites like Ashley Maddison (hookup sites, especially those used by married people)
We need to steal the membership data and start mass data dumps for these kinds of sites (it happened to Ashley Maddison once before, we need to happen to more)

Proof of paternity fraud
In france its illegal to get a paternity test, but I'm sure there are many medical records that prove many men aren't the fathers of their children, if the databases of french hospitals were hacked, and the data was dumped and released, it would cause mass hysteria in France and many men would go apeshit, especially the men who find out their child isn't theirs, many women will die too

If various things like these were carried out in succession, in various countries, the black pill would go nuclear

If I had the hacking skills to pull something like this off it would already be done
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If I had the hacking skills to pull something like this off it would already be done
That'd be an achievement on its own, let alone spreading the blackpill in such immense magnitude
Is this supposed to be really bad satire? I can't tell.
Good thing the blackpill isn't a physical thing! We would run out of it very quickly!

Isn't it nice of (((the media))) to advertise for us?

The curious will find all the free blackpills easier.
Organized religion is what used to give meaning to many people's lives. But there has been a strong decline in faith in the secular world. God has been replaced by capitalism and the promise of the American dream. Some men think that if they put in enough effort and work extra hours, they will make it in the end. The " promise" of it is what has driven a lot of men to keep pushing. However, not everyone can make it. For instance, some people are not cut out to be millionaires, and there are many reasons for it. Others will never have a dream family. Each person is different and with limitations which differ from person to person.

But what's important to you may not be important to the fellow next to you. Some people are completely fine with being losers. They don't care that they have a shitty job or that they don't have a woman in their lives. The majority of men on this planet have accepted mediocrity, and they feel happy living a mediocre life. Those men will not rise against society; it doesn't matter what you say to them. There are guys who are fine with the way things are.

There would only be a revolution if most men were aiming for excellency and were expecting better things than those which they have been handed. However, we're not living those times. Yes, women are whores. You might not find love, but you can still play your video games, eat your junkie food, shitpost on the internet, watch movies etc.
I can hear it, is getting louder and louder :feelsmusic:
Is this supposed to be really bad satire? I can't tell.

Its funny you didn't think that when you encountered a post, by a guy who claims to want to be dominated by women, and takes candle lit herbal bubble baths

Which to you genuinely sounds more like someone trying to do a satire of low tier males (incels)?
We should start putting up blackpill facts posters up in our respective cities. Dumb media will pick up on it and further spread it for us.
We need to get to the point where most [BlackPilled] men would rather die than wageslave in a cuntry where they have no future.
High IQ post.

This is the reason the Jews bought Youtube and their Cloudflare shabbos goyim essentially caused 8chan’s shutdown.

The Jewish parasite cannot long survive or thrive in an environment that allows free speech.
The economy will be tumultuous in the next 5 years, so, who knows what will happen. Men are more likely to rope than fight back. Look at the failed uprising in Venezuela. Dems will encourage us to LDAR and Trump is fighting for inflation and wage stagnation. The middle class won't come back and roasties will continue to outpace men in college. The question is if our middle class roastie masters will give us copes. Something tells me this will spiral out of control faster than imaginable.
The economy will be tumultuous in the next 5 years, so, who knows what will happen. Men are more likely to rope than fight back. Look at the failed uprising in Venezuela. Dems will encourage us to LDAR and Trump is fighting for inflation and wage stagnation. The middle class won't come back and roasties will continue to outpace men in college. The question is if our middle class roastie masters will give us copes. Something tells me this will spiral out of control faster than imaginable.
I think you greatly overestimate the impact that college has on career prospects. It takes a masters degree to get to roughly the same standard of living that a bachelors degree was able to give you in 90s. And most 4 year degrees (especially the one foids tend to get) are losing their value or are already worthless (see humanities, social sciences and business degrees). So much so that the debt from a 4 year degree is greater than the pay that you'll make as a new graduate. The only thing a foid dominated middle class means is that foids will have to pay a greater share of taxes, on top of all the debt they'll accumulate. Expect to see a rise in consumer debt and an increase in renting.

And as a counter to Venezuela, look at Ukraine. Similar situations, but very different outcomes due to backing.
"having a chance" and as "a part of society",
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

They are delusional pity idiots.
I think we're past the point of no return anyway. By the time everyone realizes we live in a inverted totalitarian dystopic nightmare it'll all be up in flames.
Yes man, this gives me hope tbh. We need to take revenge in smart and useful ways.
Giga Cope. With the onset of automation, human input in the workforce becomes more and more redundant with each passing year.
JFL at anyone using anal gape porn as distraction and sedative for their homicidal rage.
Black pill is ultimate power. It is everything.
It is the pillar of being and non being.
Giga Cope. With the onset of automation, human input in the workforce becomes more and more redundant with each passing year.

Governments will have to compensate for this and they know it, I've made a thread about the very thing you speak of here, if people don't have work (especially men), crime will go up, and also here's another common sense point, if people don't have money, automation is pointless, because you won't have any customers to buy the shit that was produced via automation JFL

An economy only works of a decent bulk of your population has at least small portions of expendable income, so the human element of a work force is a necessity to society, what's Bob's reason not to go sell drugs or go ER when he can't get work at all, no reason at all, they'd just cause more mass shootings if they get rid of too many human workers
But what's important to you may not be important to the fellow next to you. Some people are completely fine with being losers. They don't care that they have a shitty job or that they don't have a woman in their lives. The majority of men on this planet have accepted mediocrity, and they feel happy living a mediocre life. Those men will not rise against society; it doesn't matter what you say to them. There are guys who are fine with the way things are.

There would only be a revolution if most men were aiming for excellency and were expecting better things than those which they have been handed. However, we're not living those times. Yes, women are whores. You might not find love, but you can still play your video games, eat your junkie food, shitpost on the internet, watch movies etc.

@BlkPillPres what is your opinion on that?
@BlkPillPres what is your opinion on that?

But what's important to you may not be important to the fellow next to you. Some people are completely fine with being losers. They don't care that they have a shitty job or that they don't have a woman in their lives. The majority of men on this planet have accepted mediocrity, and they feel happy living a mediocre life.

I've actually already said this myself in one of my threads, basically made and entire thread about this:

Those men will not rise against society; it doesn't matter what you say to them. There are guys who are fine with the way things are.

That's exactly why I'm going to have to fuck society up so much that these men will no longer be able to enjoy their copes, I will leave them no choice but to rise against society

TBH I'm going to enjoy ruining these pathetic men's lives way more than the lives of normies, normies are sickening, but a man who just lays down and lets himself get cucked is more infuriating to me
I've actually already said this myself in one of my threads, basically made and entire thread about this:

That's exactly why I'm going to have to fuck society up so much that these men will no longer be able to enjoy their copes, I will leave them no choice but to rise against society

TBH I'm going to enjoy ruining these pathetic men's lives way more than the lives of normies, normies are sickening, but a man who just lays down and lets himself get cucked is more infuriating to me

Ive read.
But i think that things worse than you imagine. They dont even want to draw blackpill graffity as i suggested in my recent post. It is stupid passive cattle.
Know what. I think that something ominous happened to this generation. They thoughts exist idependently of their will.

I believe that this psychological deteriation somehow relates to influence of internet that we did not yet fattom...think of it.

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