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Serious Why I Want a Virgin Girlfriend



Feb 9, 2024
Below, I will list the main reasons why I prefer a virgin girlfriend over a non-virgin.
I know IT is mostly after these sort of threads, so he can now take a screenshot and show his audience how misogynistic and ´out of touch with reality´ I am.

Pair Bonding
In biology, a pair bond is the strong affinity that develops in some species between a mating pair, often leading to the production and rearing of young and potentially a lifelong bond.
It is well known, that women with a ´past´ (=multiple sexual partners) generally speaking, have a harder time pair bonding in comparison to their virgin peers.

DNA receptacle (AKA the Town bicycle)
Women absorb the DNA/semen of their sexual partners.
This will affect the offspring.
the idea of a female’s previous mates having an effect on their offspring isn’t unheard of. In fact, this very idea, called telegony, was proposed by ancient scholars such as Aristotle but dismissed with the advent of genetics. But new findings about epigenetics, how our behaviors, such as diet, smoking and drinking can affect our genes and how those changes can be passed on, make the idea of such non-genetic inheritance possible.
This could be seen as a maternal effect (such as diet or smoking) where the mother´s environment are her previous mating partners.

I am a virgin myself
If me and my girlfriend both are virgins, it would be the perfect oppertunity for the both of us to explore, learn and adjust.
This way, we will become sexually compatible.

Speaks for itself.
I´m not a big fan of a Sexually transmitted disease.
Especially with the degenerate Western Satanic ´hookup culture´, the risk for STD´s is way too high.
All very good reasons.....

I want a virgin because I'm attracted to immaturity and lacking life experience, which is why I'm into [[[insert legal age of your nation here]]]. I find it attractive and genuinely pleasing, and the type of mental shifts a foid makes after having had sex, and having had that relationship end, is a type of maturation that leaves me disliking them. I want the world to be full of color, I don't need a foid that's had her worlds colors dimmed.
If you ever get a foid she will have been run through by 30 Chad's and have a nigger baby with Tyrone
1 response......
and low effort threads such as ´Nigger´, have hundreds or responses.
Absolute joke of a forum.
Lame! I prefer an "experienced" woman with a smelly worn out vag and at least 6 different STDs :forcedsmile:
All very good reasons.....

I want a virgin because I'm attracted to immaturity and lacking life experience, which is why I'm into [[[insert legal age of your nation here]]]. I find it attractive and genuinely pleasing, and the type of mental shifts a foid makes after having had sex, and having had that relationship end, is a type of maturation that leaves me disliking them. I want the world to be full of color, I don't need a foid that's had her worlds colors dimmed.
I would LOVE to make love with a virgin girl.
Not talking about hard/rough sex, but real passionate love making and developing a strong connection
Below, I will list the main reasons why I prefer a virgin girlfriend over a non-virgin.
I know IT is mostly after these sort of threads, so he can now take a screenshot and show his audience how misogynistic and ´out of touch with reality´ I am.

Pair Bonding
In biology, a pair bond is the strong affinity that develops in some species between a mating pair, often leading to the production and rearing of young and potentially a lifelong bond.
It is well known, that women with a ´past´ (=multiple sexual partners) generally speaking, have a harder time pair bonding in comparison to their virgin peers.

DNA receptacle (AKA the Town bicycle)
Women absorb the DNA/semen of their sexual partners.
This will affect the offspring.
the idea of a female’s previous mates having an effect on their offspring isn’t unheard of. In fact, this very idea, called telegony, was proposed by ancient scholars such as Aristotle but dismissed with the advent of genetics. But new findings about epigenetics, how our behaviors, such as diet, smoking and drinking can affect our genes and how those changes can be passed on, make the idea of such non-genetic inheritance possible.
This could be seen as a maternal effect (such as diet or smoking) where the mother´s environment are her previous mating partners.

I am a virgin myself
If me and my girlfriend both are virgins, it would be the perfect oppertunity for the both of us to explore, learn and adjust.
This way, we will become sexually compatible.

Speaks for itself.
I´m not a big fan of a Sexually transmitted disease.
Especially with the degenerate Western Satanic ´hookup culture´, the risk for STD´s is way too high.
Never going to happen best you will get is old hag use by 10-15 guys full of disease
I would LOVE to make love with a virgin girl.
Not talking about hard/rough sex, but real passionate love making and developing a strong connection
So would I, I would love to make passionate gentle love with a partner, I would also love to learn what she likes as she discovers it herself and I would love to teach her what I like. I also believe I'd genuinely enjoy spending time with an innocent girl and try to get hobbies together.
I can't wrap my head around how dudes want virgin girlfriends which are giga rare and impossible to get and then shame anyone who want stacies.
Never going to happen best you will get is old hag use by 10-15 guys full of disease
Are subliminals real, or not?
I seriously consider listening to a ´desired girlfriend´ subliminal.
There are lots of people, who claim they work.
Maybe I can manifest a virgin girl into my life, listening to the subliminal while drinking plenty of water.
So would I, I would love to make passionate gentle love with a partner, I would also love to learn what she likes as she discovers it herself and I would love to teach her what I like. I also believe I'd genuinely enjoy spending time with an innocent girl and try to get hobbies together.
Good to know, that other .is members are on the same page, regarding this topic
Are subliminals real, or not?
I seriously consider listening to a ´desired girlfriend´ subliminal.
There are lots of people, who claim they work.
Maybe I can manifest a virgin girl into my life, listening to the subliminal while drinking plenty of water.
I agree 100%. There's also no conceivable way I could ascend with someone who isn't a virgin at my age. I couldn't even betabux a promiscuous foid, it's literally virgin or bust.
I know I'm going to suck at my first time and I don't want to be compared to a femtards previous 20 partners who fucked her better than me. I want a virgin since I'm a virgin myself.
They don't exist outside the kindergarten. Thank you jews.

Firefox ZZaxU9vkSY
Firefox QeKf0jNN5P
Doesn't matter what you want, if you're subhuman you get nothing
Below, I will list the main reasons why I prefer a virgin girlfriend over a non-virgin.
I know IT is mostly after these sort of threads, so he can now take a screenshot and show his audience how misogynistic and ´out of touch with reality´ I am.

Pair Bonding
In biology, a pair bond is the strong affinity that develops in some species between a mating pair, often leading to the production and rearing of young and potentially a lifelong bond.
It is well known, that women with a ´past´ (=multiple sexual partners) generally speaking, have a harder time pair bonding in comparison to their virgin peers.

DNA receptacle (AKA the Town bicycle)
Women absorb the DNA/semen of their sexual partners.
This will affect the offspring.
the idea of a female’s previous mates having an effect on their offspring isn’t unheard of. In fact, this very idea, called telegony, was proposed by ancient scholars such as Aristotle but dismissed with the advent of genetics. But new findings about epigenetics, how our behaviors, such as diet, smoking and drinking can affect our genes and how those changes can be passed on, make the idea of such non-genetic inheritance possible.
This could be seen as a maternal effect (such as diet or smoking) where the mother´s environment are her previous mating partners.

I am a virgin myself
If me and my girlfriend both are virgins, it would be the perfect oppertunity for the both of us to explore, learn and adjust.
This way, we will become sexually compatible.

Speaks for itself.
I´m not a big fan of a Sexually transmitted disease.
Especially with the degenerate Western Satanic ´hookup culture´, the risk for STD´s is way too high.
Virgin women? 2024?

Cracks Me Up Steve Harvey GIF by ABC Network
Bros gonna have to spawn camp
A non virgin will never truly belong to you. You want to be the first. The original the girl will always remember.
A non virgin will never truly belong to you. You want to be the first. The original the girl will always remember.
Where will you find a virgin in this era? Especially as a normie or sub5 man?
it's literally virgin or bust.
Same here, I will never lower my standard out of thirst and desperation.
The bible says, it´s better to be alone in the corner of a rooftop, than being together with a quarrelsome wife.
Where will you find a virgin in this era? Especially as a normie or sub5 man?
The idea is to set it as a genuine endeavor you want to personally achieve. Most of this site is a cope which the saying is based on.
The idea is to set it as a genuine endeavor you want to personally achieve. Most of this site is a cope which the saying is based on.
? Are you going to get a passport and find a wife overseas or what? America is shit unless you have some kind of status, money, popularity, if your broke it’s over and you have no social connections.
? Are you going to get a passport and find a wife overseas or what? America is shit unless you have some kind of status, money, popularity, if your broke it’s over and you have no social connections.
I live in Europe, and women here also bought into the lies of Feminism.
I would love to go overseas, but need to get my finances in order, before I´m able to do that.
I am born and raised in a christian household, but Christian females these days are the definition of degenerate.
Hence why I´ve been doing a lot more research into Islam lately, and made an appointment at the local mosque for this Friday.
Of course Islam won´t guarantee that you will be in a relationship with a pure woman, but the average Muslim is far more dedicated to his/her faith in comparison to the Christians I met.
I also seek meaning and purpose in life, I am so Fucking done with Western culture and society. This shit makes my blood boil.
I cry myself to sleep twice a week, and been stealing methadone from my dad, cause I planned to overdose before the summer.
The life I live .... I don´t wish it onto anyone.
Why would I want to improve my finances, mental health and physical health just to end up witha ran through slut?
I don´t have the motivation to do that.
If i knew that I would end up with a virgin girl who has the same values as me, I would do anything to become the best version of myself, so I can provide for her and protect her.
I would have the motivation to improve in all aspects of life, so my kids can have a great Father.
Western society simply can´t offer this, to me and the average man.
? Are you going to get a passport and find a wife overseas or what? America is shit unless you have some kind of status, money, popularity, if your broke it’s over and you have no social connections.
My dad is a Heroin addict btw, That´s why he has acces to methadone
Same here, I will never lower my standard out of thirst and desperation.
The bible says, it´s better to be alone in the corner of a rooftop, than being together with a quarrelsome wife.
Facts! Nowadays, evil wives could even murder husbands and get away with it by claiming rape or abuse
Every virgin men deserves virgin girl
problem is even virgin toilets are degens

they do oral often(which i count as body) and some are dumb enough to do anal common pisslam countries and currydia
DNA receptacle (AKA the Town bicycle)
Women absorb the DNA/semen of their sexual partners.
I don't know if this is actually real though although plausible, I hope its not real.
But new findings about epigenetics, how our behaviors, such as diet, smoking and drinking can affect our genes and how those changes can be passed on, make the idea of such non-genetic inheritance possible.
I have never considered that though, alcohol and smoking negatively effect the kid, so swallowing some cum could also maybe have an effect then?
I am a virgin myself
If me and my girlfriend both are virgins, it would be the perfect oppertunity for the both of us to explore, learn and adjust.
This way, we will become sexually compatible.
I honestly think thats the BIGGEST thing about guys like us that want a virgin GF. We are virgins ourselves, we want to share that magical experience, the relationship is equal that way. I could go on for hours about this point but I wouldnt say anything you havent already thought of. But this right here is single handedly the biggest point of wanting a virgin girlfriend right here and is why I desperately want one so badly. I would be more open to a non virgin if I had lost my virginity in a relationship beforehand.
Speaks for itself.
I´m not a big fan of a Sexually transmitted disease.
Especially with the degenerate Western Satanic ´hookup culture´, the risk for STD´s is way too high.
Definitely a bonus, but nowhere near as big a deal as the point above.
The main reason for me is I don’t want a woman who got fucked by another man and sucked his dick - that’s disgusting
Based standardcel
No foid nowadays are virgins all ran through by Chad
Middle school is your best bet brocel.
Oh man, thats like finding the holy grail. Respect your point tho
Do not worry yourself with what ITfags think, They are retarded.
Where are you going to find a virgin? Unless you secretly groom a teenager. Foids are used up by the time they hit 15.
You have a better chance of finding the lost city of Atlantis than a virgin girl in 2024
All very good reasons.....

I want a virgin because I'm attracted to immaturity and lacking life experience, which is why I'm into [[[insert legal age of your nation here]]]. I find it attractive and genuinely pleasing, and the type of mental shifts a foid makes after having had sex, and having had that relationship end, is a type of maturation that leaves me disliking them. I want the world to be full of color, I don't need a foid that's had her worlds colors dimmed.
you want 14 years old foids then? Yeah I want them too. (In minecraft)
You have a better chance of finding the lost city of Atlantis than a virgin girl in 2024
Well, thanks for being positive and motivating me....
Nah, jokes aside.
I know virgin women don´t exist, and she´ll eventually cheat on you anyways, cause they will always have the feeling that they ´missed out´.
you want 14 years old foids then? Yeah I want them too. (In minecraft)
I would not date that young, I want a grown up woman who is emotionally mature and stable without bagage.
Age 18-23yo and must be virgin.

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