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Serious Why i stopped caring about white genocide



Discord: lauterbach2
Feb 15, 2023
I used to care about great replacement/white genocide all the time. I hated how niggers and sandniggers are slowly but surely take over Europe. And i also used to be bluepilled and be shocked at how their cultures treated foids. But now after being blackpilled for over a year, i dont really care about the white race going extinct anymore. Why should i care about the white race when all they did my whole life was reject, humiliate and bully me ? My (supposedly) own people never gave a shit about me, in fact i was never part of their tribe. In fact, i see it as some kind of karma that white foids get raped and murdered by ethnics and that they regularly kill White normies or Chads. And to be honest, most other white nationalists are subhuman and manlets, its rare to see a white nationalist Chad. I used to follow a German white nationalist called Kong and he was a turbo manlet (around 5"6-5"7ft) and he isnt very attractive either. Its almost always subhumans devoting their life to white nationalism because they have nothing else going on in their life.

If any stormfrontcels or other white nationalists read this: stop caring/fighting fot the white race. They couldnt care less about you and you are just wasting your time.
Normtards need to be programmed, whether they are interested in a subject is solely determined by whether the propaganda inclines them to be.

Chads have rarely been engaged in such things anyway, as long as they can indulge in hedonism their content with the system.

Neither of these things mean that such ideals should be abandoned.
True but at the end they are still slaves of their biology. Even if the current trend would be to care about people with autism we would still get treated like shit because NTs hate non NTs by default
Why should i care about the white race when all they did my whole life was reject, humiliate and bully me ?
i have asked this same question many times and never got a good answer. white nationalism/supremacy/whatever is one the dumbest copes there is
Your viewpoint is wrong. We shouldn't strive towards creating a society in which autists are pandered to, autism should be eliminated.
No normtard will ever care about NDs, you can't artificially induce such things.

Our knowledge of genetics and prenatal testing are both advanced enough as to where we could pratice eugenics to such a level with ease.
Im happy with that, will likely not happen because of muh morals but we need eugenics
i have asked this same question many times and never got a good answer. white nationalism/supremacy/whatever is one the dumbest copes there is
I used to care about great replacement/white genocide all the time. I hated how niggers and sandniggers are slowly but surely take over Europe.
You should, since it will lower the overall QOL, cause more friction, contribute to economic issues, and many more such factors.

Keep in mind, guys such as us are already perceived as "easy targets" due to our looks, stature, and especially being non-NT: The last part matters a lot, since aside from Rices, virtually every other race is more "NT-centric" compared to Whites if that makes any sense.

Not to mention, due to Woke culture in the US, we've seen companies shaft Whites in favor of non-Whites.

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I can't NEET for a few reasons, I'm already at a disadvantage due to looks, height, and autism, so it should be clear how this would be a concern for myself.
And i also used to be bluepilled and be shocked at how their cultures treated foids.
Fair enough: One of the few things I like/respect about Islam, is Sharia law & how it keeps foids in check.

Nigger culture, however, whilst degrading towards foids, promotes tons of r-selective behaviors & is effectively "Chad worship" when you really think about it. I also hate how White normshits seemingly love it so much & glorify it; in fact I consider this as part of the reason as to why they treated myself & others poorly. I will add more context below, but it should be obvious seeing how Nig culture glorifies aggression, recklessness, being a general asshole, etc.
But now after being blackpilled for over a year, i dont really care about the white race going extinct anymore. Why should i care about the white race when all they did my whole life was reject, humiliate and bully me ?
This is a fair enough sentiment, especially after becoming blackpilled: Personally, I think it is a bit cucked to simply "not care" about it, since at the end of the day, regardless of your social status in life, you are part of this collective group wether or not you like it.

I think a reason myself & others may care about this a bit, is due to the fact that we've already lost at life: So when we see stuff such as this -proof we are being demographically replaced- it adds insult to injury if that makes any sense.

The normies of my own race at least treated me better than the ethnic normies, who were far bigger backstabbers, cunts, and generally worse to me overall: Not to mention, many Blacks were just outright hostile to me for no real reason, other than I was an easy target.
My (supposedly) own people never gave a shit about me, in fact i was never part of their tribe.
And I think this reason:

i was never part of their tribe.
Is perhaps another reason as to why myself & others come across this way, and express a desire to live in some sort of ethnostate with a national identity: In a way, it would give us what we want, which is warmth & acceptance from those around us.

I also would like to point out, Whites in general tend to have a lack of any sense of racial, ethnic, or national pride/identity of sorts in comparison to virtually every other race. In fact, we quite literally have one of the lowest in-group preferences:


I don't know about Europe, but the difference here is astronomical.

To add onto this, Humans naturally just have a "preference" & feel more safe around faces of their own race:

A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study by Golby, Gabrieli, Chiao, and Eberhardt (2001) provided evidence that this recognition bias is accompanied by a race-dependent neural activation pattern. Using a recognition paradigm, these authors found higher activation in response to own-race than to other-race faces in specific face-sensitive regions of the adult brain.
people are more accurate at recognizing faces from their own racial group than faces from other races

Not to mention, research by a literal Liberal College professor type proved that heterogenous societies, what we live in now, have lower levels of trust across the board as well as economic issues:

“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle,” Putnam writes.

In documenting that hunkering down, Putnam challenged the two dominant schools of thought on ethnic and racial diversity, the “contact” theory and the “conflict” theory. Under the contact theory, more time spent with those of other backgrounds leads to greater understanding and harmony between groups. Under the conflict theory, that proximity produces tension and discord.

Putnam's findings reject both theories. In more diverse communities, he says, there were neither great bonds formed across group lines nor heightened ethnic tensions, but a general civic malaise. And in perhaps the most surprising result of all, levels of trust were not only lower between groups in more diverse settings, but even among members of the same group.
Economists Matthew Kahn of UCLA and Dora Costa of MIT reviewed 15 recent studies in a 2003 paper, all of which linked diversity with lower levels of social capital. Greater ethnic diversity was linked, for example, to lower school funding, census response rates, and trust in others. Kahn and Costa's own research documented higher desertion rates in the Civil War among Union Army soldiers serving in companies whose soldiers varied more by age, occupation, and birthplace.

See how this maybe correlates somewhat with how our "tribe" seemingly never cared for us, and even treated us poorly? We live in a system which literally is designed to lower trust both amongst races externally & even internally.

I'm a collectivist, which I have stated a few times, and thus view homogeneity as a way of achieving better social cohesion, and providing a way for us to have some greater identity we share with Normies, which could lead to better treatment. However, I admit, this is all purely idealist thinking & unless we literally experience it, we will never know how it will be.

I'd take it over the current circumstances, personally.
In fact, i see it as some kind of karma that white foids get raped
I'm happy when this happens also ofc; I just love seeing foids suffer in general.
and murdered by ethnics and that they regularly kill White normies or Chads.
As I somewhat stated above, whilst it may be based to see normies & chads get what they deserve, you have to consider that if the crime is motivated by race(which many are, but ofc it's not labeled as such) it could very well mean you become a target. Not to mention, looking at crime stats & deciding to avoid certain demographics isn't really "racist" despite what the media would say.
And to be honest, most other white nationalists are subhuman and manlets, it's rare to see a white nationalist Chad. I used to follow a German white nationalist called Kong and he was a turbo manlet (around 5"6-5"7ft) and he isnt very attractive either. It's almost always subhumans devoting their life to white nationalism because they have nothing else going on in their life.
This is true: Look at many Fascist, National Socialist, and other figures throughout history & current times White Nationalists praise.

Guys like Goebbels, Himmler, and probably Hitler would be either on here or on some WN space if alive today; Mussolini despite having a mogger jaw was a turbomanlet; Matthew Heimbach, an American WN, is pretty subhuman & a manlet.

I'm on some serves, telegram channels, and the such for this(not nearly as active as on here though for many reasons) and whilst you ofc have a share of normies & underaged fags who are there for the memes, many of the guys Ik are for sure Incels in denial or at the very least nearcels: A friend of mine on one, literally told me he's a NEET & just spends all day making edits to share, hardly sounds like an actual normie.
If any stormfrontcels or other white nationalists read this: stop caring/fighting fot the white race. They couldnt care less about you and you are just wasting your time.
Whilst I like you as a user & enjoy talking to you, I have to disagree here. Yes, you did make some fair enough points which I respect, however, this kind of mentality is bad for some reasons:
-It's signaling to certain groups, who generally dislike Whites, that it's ok for them to just walk all over us: As I explained, although we are ugly & rejected by everyone, we still would bee seen as White by these groups.
-It will leave the areas you live in worse off: Socially, economically, and in most other ways.
-It would correlate heavily with what Liberals, Globalists, etc. want you to do.

In a way, you are right: The broader race as a whole does not care for us, and most would view us with disdain, yet this correlates with the information I shared above as to how Whites have such a low in-group preference & don't value their identity. So in a way, it's ovER. Also, I fucking hate how much foids subvert, de-rail, and attentionwhore in that community. In fact, they're part of the reason it's in a bad state; I just wish I could blackpill every guy in it.

Another thing I wanted to add on, and please do not take offense, is that I feel as if you're saying this due to the fact Germans have some of the most "White guilt" out of us all: I'm an American, and I think I may come across as a "White Nationalist" due to the fact that this country is built upon the principle that we're a "melting pot" & effectively anyone can be an American, so in a sense, this country has no real "identity" to it.
i have asked this same question many times and never got a good answer. white nationalism/supremacy/whatever is one the dumbest copes there is
If you wish to see my points, please read above.
Hate black people more than I hate white people and people in general
You should, since it will lower the overall QOL, cause more friction, contribute to economic issues, and many more such factors.

Keep in mind, guys such as us are already perceived as "easy targets" due to our looks, stature, and especially being non-NT: The last part matters a lot, since aside from Rices, virtually every other race is more "NT-centric" compared to Whites if that makes any sense.

Not to mention, due to Woke culture in the US, we've seen companies shaft Whites in favor of non-Whites.

View attachment 1136761

I can't NEET for a few reasons, I'm already at a disadvantage due to looks, height, and autism, so it should be clear how this would be a concern for myself.

Fair enough: One of the few things I like/respect about Islam, is Sharia law & how it keeps foids in check.

Nigger culture, however, whilst degrading towards foids, promotes tons of r-selective behaviors & is effectively "Chad worship" when you really think about it. I also hate how White normshits seemingly love it so much & glorify it; in fact I consider this as part of the reason as to why they treated myself & others poorly. I will add more context below, but it should be obvious seeing how Nig culture glorifies aggression, recklessness, being a general asshole, etc.

This is a fair enough sentiment, especially after becoming blackpilled: Personally, I think it is a bit cucked to simply "not care" about it, since at the end of the day, regardless of your social status in life, you are part of this collective group wether or not you like it.

I think a reason myself & others may care about this a bit, is due to the fact that we've already lost at life: So when we see stuff such as this -proof we are being demographically replaced- it adds insult to injury if that makes any sense.

The normies of my own race at least treated me better than the ethnic normies, who were far bigger backstabbers, cunts, and generally worse to me overall: Not to mention, many Blacks were just outright hostile to me for no real reason, other than I was an easy target.

And I think this reason:

Is perhaps another reason as to why myself & others come across this way, and express a desire to live in some sort of ethnostate with a national identity: In a way, it would give us what we want, which is warmth & acceptance from those around us.

I also would like to point out, Whites in general tend to have a lack of any sense of racial, ethnic, or national pride/identity of sorts in comparison to virtually every other race. In fact, we quite literally have one of the lowest in-group preferences:


I don't know about Europe, but the difference here is astronomical.

To add onto this, Humans naturally just have a "preference" & feel more safe around faces of their own race:

Not to mention, research by a literal Liberal College professor type proved that heterogenous societies, what we live in now, have lower levels of trust across the board as well as economic issues:

See how this maybe correlates somewhat with how our "tribe" seemingly never cared for us, and even treated us poorly? We live in a system which literally is designed to lower trust both amongst races externally & even internally.

I'm a collectivist, which I have stated a few times, and thus view homogeneity as a way of achieving better social cohesion, and providing a way for us to have some greater identity we share with Normies, which could lead to better treatment. However, I admit, this is all purely idealist thinking & unless we literally experience it, we will never know how it will be.

I'd take it over the current circumstances, personally.

I'm happy when this happens also ofc; I just love seeing foids suffer in general.

As I somewhat stated above, whilst it may be based to see normies & chads get what they deserve, you have to consider that if the crime is motivated by race(which many are, but ofc it's not labeled as such) it could very well mean you become a target. Not to mention, looking at crime stats & deciding to avoid certain demographics isn't really "racist" despite what the media would say.

This is true: Look at many Fascist, National Socialist, and other figures throughout history & current times White Nationalists praise.

Guys like Goebbels, Himmler, and probably Hitler would be either on here or on some WN space if alive today; Mussolini despite having a mogger jaw was a turbomanlet; Matthew Heimbach, an American WN, is pretty subhuman & a manlet.

I'm on some serves, telegram channels, and the such for this(not nearly as active as on here though for many reasons) and whilst you ofc have a share of normies & underaged fags who are there for the memes, many of the guys Ik are for sure Incels in denial or at the very least nearcels: A friend of mine on one, literally told me he's a NEET & just spends all day making edits to share, hardly sounds like an actual normie.

Whilst I like you as a user & enjoy talking to you, I have to disagree here. Yes, you did make some fair enough points which I respect, however, this kind of mentality is bad for some reasons:
-It's signaling to certain groups, who generally dislike Whites, that it's ok for them to just walk all over us: As I explained, although we are ugly & rejected by everyone, we still would bee seen as White by these groups.
-It will leave the areas you live in worse off: Socially, economically, and in most other ways.
-It would correlate heavily with what Liberals, Globalists, etc. want you to do.

In a way, you are right: The broader race as a whole does not care for us, and most would view us with disdain, yet this correlates with the information I shared above as to how Whites have such a low in-group preference & don't value their identity. So in a way, it's ovER. Also, I fucking hate how much foids subvert, de-rail, and attentionwhore in that community. In fact, they're part of the reason it's in a bad state; I just wish I could blackpill every guy in it.

Another thing I wanted to add on, and please do not take offense, is that I feel as if you're saying this due to the fact Germans have some of the most "White guilt" out of us all: I'm an American, and I think I may come across as a "White Nationalist" due to the fact that this country is built upon the principle that we're a "melting pot" & effectively anyone can be an American, so in a sense, this country has no real "identity" to it.

If you wish to see my points, please read above.
High-quality reply. Enjoyed reading it and agree. The OP also made a great post as well. I wish there were more high-IQ posts. Too bad I'm not white. :feelskek: :feelsohgod::feelsrope:
i don't care because i pretty much resigned myself to their fate, there's nothing we can do about it. whites will get replaced, it's a matter of a couple generations
Caring about race and nationality is cope.

The only thing that actually matters is getting affection and sex from women. That's it. Anything else is cope.

Women of your own race and nationality don't give a fuck about you. They would fuck a black exoticmaxxing Tyrone over you anytime.

It makes no sense to care about race, nationality and ethnicity because women don't either. There's no benefit.
High-quality reply. Enjoyed reading it and agree.
Thank you, appreciate it; wish we had more users here willing to give this stuff a read.
The OP also made a great post as well.
Though I do not really agree with it, I see his perspective & at least understand it.

I just wish people(not OP, since he agreed it's fair) would at least not see an issue with just wanting to live around other whites, since as shown above, humans just have a natural preference for those of their own race as early as infancy: Not to mention, crime stats serve as a good indicator why.
I wish there were more high-IQ posts.
Well, myself & others do try; I am working on some but am busy with college rn.
Hate black people more than I hate white people and people in general
Tbh yeah- as I've said, I will always dislike the average non-white more than the average white; it correlates with what I shared about humans recognizing faces of their own race as more "safer" & also is just due to crime-stats, immigration issues, etc. and other things I've noticed.
i don't care because i pretty much resigned myself to their fate, there's nothing we can do about it. whites will get replaced, it's a matter of a couple generations
Hence, why I stated above "it adds insult to injury" since not only are we facing this demographic replacement, but we are unable to possibly reproduce to in some way try & regress it: I guess I also care, because as I stated, I want to live somewhere which is high-trust, safe, and which I at least feel as if I somewhat "belong" in more so, as opposed to a more dangerous & low-trust area. Not to mention, seeing Whitewhores with guys of other races is more suifuel than seeing them with Chad.
Caring about race and nationality is cope.
If it means living in a place which is more safer, high-trust, etc. I don't see how it's an issue/cope.

Not to mention, it forces social cohesion, which will at least create common-ground with you & others.

The only thing that actually matters is getting affection and sex from women. That's it. Anything else is cope.
I see this as problematic, since it encourages the r-selective kind of behavior & mentality which is dominant within our society/civilization & contributing towards the gradual decline of it, and the issues we are in.

Sure, they may have sex & affection, but are they actually producing genetically good offspring? No, not really as proven by a thread I did discussing an article as to how foids choices are quite dysgenic.

In a way, we are byproducts of this modern dysgenic society.
Women of your own race and nationality don't give a fuck about you. They would fuck a black exoticmaxxing Tyrone over you anytime.
In a way, I think you stating this kind of answers the question as to why some here may care about it: Why should someone who isn't even of our nation and/or race be entitled to have sex with one of our foids?
It makes no sense to care about race, nationality and ethnicity because women don't either. There's no benefit.
Foids utilize it, like they do with all things, in a manner which only behooves them: They see it as another way to manipulate men & eventually shift all the focus of it to them, which sadly most men are oblivious to and/or see no issue with it.

Your viewpoint is wrong. We shouldn't strive towards creating a society in which autists are pandered to, autism should be eliminated.
No normtard will ever care about NDs, you can't artificially induce such things.

Our knowledge of genetics and prenatal testing are both advanced enough as to where we could pratice eugenics to such a level with ease.
Im happy with that, will likely not happen because of muh morals but we need eugenics

And no, eugenics doesn't mean you would be killed-off, it just means you & your looksmatch can't have offspring, which I would be fine with.
Normtards need to be programmed, whether they are interested in a subject is solely determined by whether the propaganda inclines them to be.

Chads have rarely been engaged in such topics anyway, as long as they can indulge in hedonism their content with the system.

Neither of these things mean that such ideals should be abandoned.
Valid point.
The only thing that actually matters is getting affection and sex from women. That's it. Anything else is cope.
Love is truly one of the things that every human being should have.
you are part of this collective group wether or not you like it.

This worldview is only true to the proportion of people who believe it and power that comes with the enforcement of this belief through affiliation and being subscribed to it + acting on behalf of this concept turning it into some sort of self fulfiling truth. What if I disagree and would put you in a concetration camp and the people who think like you?

Fascist of the future would praise me for my brutality, for my dictatorship, for my power over people that reached all the way to the right to kill you. Why care about you now, when you people, exact copies with different aesthethics (because that is how you treat politics) would literally have my name constantly in your mind?

The weak and lesser have died and the strong willed have prospered as it should be, surely you'd agree with that outcome, because the principle was in action?

And then? What then?

You are a goddam mannequin, put a winter jacket and skiing equipment next to you, you're a skier, be it you are in shorts holding a lifebuyo, you're a swimmer...German, Polish, Jewish, Black etc. Fundamentally you are one and the same at foudation. A fucking type of character, a constant % in population impossible to get rid off.

And equally bad are people who are humble to avoid your level of ignorance, but too humble to do anything to stop or correct people like you.

This is honestly very sick.

Imagine that in 100 years there will be a geophysicist on mars with a job to study the planet and an area diligetly and the product of his study would be amazing, maybe even revolutionairy for the future development of the base. This La Condamine of the future then will have to hear that his achievement isn't his, its not his abstract property, not at all its simply a product of his race.

Like c'mon brocel, I understand you have autism and seeing you're a nazi tells me you are part of the worse ones, without a sharp mind, but even you should know that suicide in your case and being euthanized or castrated is simply a difference of the time your death will take place. Be consequetial man, be virtuous in that regard as a human.

There is another side in me that just like you, most likely, thinks you can be useful for inceldom and be an useful idiot, basically a number and additional voice that the nationalist socialist ideology perceives you as too. Maybe you can be a tool.
the immigrants/invaders are getting so much kickback; there is no way they can beat us. if trump manages to win, he'll smash their delusions and vanquish their terror mobs with the power of the military
I would like to exterminate all jews and the niggers in the west. After that i don´t give a fuck.
this is it, as an incel you got no reson to defened anything.
Id rather live among whites than to hear about opression for the 501th time every day!

Not my fault some retard had slaves 300 years ago, On another note my ancestors had white slaves and i am white so im all clear of white guilt.

Our slaves were british.
In all fairness white toilets deserve to go extinct and are just dumber more evil Jews.
I feel the same way with Jews. Bunch of niggers who think we are somehow the covenant makes us connected, despite mocking me when I grew up. I have come to despise them more than any other group.

“bUt PeOpLe BuLlY tHeIr OwN”

Cope, they’re not my “own” after all the behaviours they showed me.
I used to care about great replacement/white genocide all the time. I hated how niggers and sandniggers are slowly but surely take over Europe. And i also used to be bluepilled and be shocked at how their cultures treated foids. But now after being blackpilled for over a year, i dont really care about the white race going extinct anymore. Why should i care about the white race when all they did my whole life was reject, humiliate and bully me ? My (supposedly) own people never gave a shit about me, in fact i was never part of their tribe. In fact, i see it as some kind of karma that white foids get raped and murdered by ethnics and that they regularly kill White normies or Chads. And to be honest, most other white nationalists are subhuman and manlets, its rare to see a white nationalist Chad. I used to follow a German white nationalist called Kong and he was a turbo manlet (around 5"6-5"7ft) and he isnt very attractive either. Its almost always subhumans devoting their life to white nationalism because they have nothing else going on in their life.

If any stormfrontcels or other white nationalists read this: stop caring/fighting fot the white race. They couldnt care less about you and you are just wasting your time.
BEYOND based. I will make a post about this later and will get flack but MAAYBE ally yourselves with jews (ugly subhuman jews funded the civil rights movement because they were rejected by southern society so they used niggers as hammer to smash chady/stacey dominated southern society). Join the NACCP, Join BLM, heck maybe become a lawyer, network with rich jews and DEFEND "urban youfs" in trial who struggle snuggle some white becky
I hate all races, noone can accuse me of racism
BEYOND based. I will make a post about this later and will get flack but MAAYBE ally yourselves with jews (ugly subhuman jews funded the civil rights movement because they were rejected by southern society so they used niggers as hammer to smash chady/stacey dominated southern society). Join the NACCP, Join BLM, heck maybe become a lawyer, network with rich jews and DEFEND "urban youfs" in trial who struggle snuggle some white becky
You need to be NT for all the things you mentioned
You need to be NT for all the things you mentioned
well here is the silver lining. whites can SMELL Your autism in a heartbeat. But blacks and foreign races have a harder time catching on. Besides if you OFFER the jews access to destroy the white race they will GLADLY overlook your autism.
well here is the silver lining. whites can SMELL Your autism in a heartbeat. But blacks and foreign races have a harder time catching on. Besides if you OFFER the jews access to destroy the white race they will GLADLY overlook your autism.
Copium. Niggers are the most NT race
Copium. Niggers are the most NT race
i said jews. they will overlook your autism if you make a pact with them to destroy the white race.
I used to follow a German white nationalist called Kong and he was a turbo manlet (around 5"6-5"7ft)

Funny how "turbo manlet" still heightmogs the average toilet, which just shows how small and weak toilets are compared to men. Now remember, a man shorter than a toilet can easily overpower a toilet based on pure strength, but men are significantly taller than toilets too.
Copium. Niggers are the most NT race

Nope, in the Netherlands non-indigenous people are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with something. Arabs mostly ADHD and Niggers mostly Autism.

well here is the silver lining. whites can SMELL Your autism in a heartbeat. But blacks and foreign races have a harder time catching on. Besides if you OFFER the jews access to destroy the white race they will GLADLY overlook your autism.

Absolute cope, Whites can't smell Autism, in fact the only people that correctly identify my Autism are Black females, other than nigger toilets it's rare for toilets to identify that I am an Autistic Psychopath. On top of that, Asians are even worst at identifying that about me.

To be fair, Niggers identify my Autism due to my nerdy personality, being a nerd isn't weird among non-Niggers.
White genocide is bad because Whites invent way more than inferior races, as White people disappear human creativity will diminish. Asians may be more intelligent, but they are less creative and no matter how intelligent you are, if you lack creativity you are not going to invent something.

Remember, Whites were behind almost every major invention, other races just improved on it.
Funny how "turbo manlet" still heightmogs the average toilet, which just shows how small and weak toilets are compared to men. Now remember, a man shorter than a toilet can easily overpower a toilet based on pure strength, but men are significantly taller than toilets too.
I'm around his height (5"6ft) and easily 50% of foids heightmog me
Nope, in the Netherlands non-indigenous people are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with something. Arabs mostly ADHD and Niggers mostly Autis
Id like to see proof for that. The data i saw showed that Whites are the most likely to have mental illnesses
Idc about my race either (but I'm a South Asian, it's common). They have generally been a significant net negative to me, the ones in the West in specific are sometimes (not always) annoying self-centred fags.

I get why some whites hate the Jews for cultural erosion, race stuff in advertising, NSFW and movies, profiting from migration, "reverse discrimination" and generally for supporting thuggery in the name of racial equality and targeting whites in specific. But yeah, after a while all that wears off and you realise it's your own people that fucked you over. You let go of collective identity and realise that you are your own person.
i have asked this same question many times and never got a good answer. white nationalism/supremacy/whatever is one the dumbest copes there is
Heres your answer. It's really this simple:

Living among subhumans, I have a very high chance of getting robbed or killed while just minding my own business in public

Living among white people, there is a very low chance of such a thing happening

I want to live among white people because it's much safer.

I agree with your statement that white people sometimes treat me terribly, however, ethnics have treated me far FAR worse in my life. So it's a pretty easy choice who I'd rather live among
If a cause you're participating in doesn't get any noticeably closer to ascending with a loyal foid then it's not worth it as an inkwell
True. Sadly I don't find anything that can stop it.

-stop migrants and close the borders?

- doesn't work since politicians are only puppets

-stop woke culture? -doesn't work since all media is owned by jews

-Go ER on them? Doesn't work,they are too many

-I thought about making them wear condoms and stop breeding like rabbits but that wouldn't work since they are behaving like bugs,infesting your apartment until you move out.After you leave they die because the death of the host means the death of the parasite.

The few rich people that control the planet want exactly this,to make a slave mutt race and a dominant judeo -white(they breed with whites to elliviate their semitic appearance and deceive the masses) looking master race.
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High-quality reply. Enjoyed reading it and agree. The OP also made a great post as well. I wish there were more high-IQ posts. Too bad I'm not white. :feelskek: :feelsohgod::feelsrope:
What race are you?
Lev Davidovich Bronstein

IMG 4239

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