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RageFuel Why I Hate Right-Wingers (Part 1/1488)

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
On a personal level, I totally understand the desire to take revenge and see it all burn. But as far as politics are concerned, the goal should be the best possible life for the greatest possible number of people. This is not possible with feminism. For instance, because feminism aims to demonize (if not literally criminalize) the sexuality of low-status men while female hypergamy and "hivemindedness" result in harem-situations and social instability.

However, it also is not possible with far-right policies. Their goal is a different one anyway. Given the choice, they would rather hurt a woman than help a man. And men that aren't white, heterosexual, religious and so on and so forth, they'd hurt this way or the other. Just consider the whole right from Fox News to Daily Stormer hating on Orcasio-Cortez lately:


If right-wingers were smart, they would embrace these ideas (except for abolishing ICE, obviously) and promote "national socialism" rather than "national libertarianism."

Most normal Americans strongly support healthcare for all and college for all. This is super popular, even among Republican voters. And the health care sector in Europe is also suffering from capitalist policies: if you're poor, you also don't get all the treatment you need. But no, stupid "National-Libertarians" focus on hating people like Cortez rather than the capitalist Democrat/Republican establishment.

Cortez once tweeted that the US should take the money they spend on wars in the Middle East and use it to rather finance universal healthcare instead. Every sane, normal person agrees with that position. Just /pol/ and the right in the broadest sense of the term was sperging out. If they were smart, they would attack the "moderate" Democrats more so than the "radical" Democrats.
All sides on the political spectrum would like to see incels in mass graves. The only option I'm voting for is one that will do the most damage to foids and the least damage to me.
National socialism is forever stigmatized and off the table because of Hitler.
Politicels...people on both sides can agree that ugly men are worthless. What they disagree on is the value of women. The Left pretends that they see them as goddesses whereas the Right sees them as merely human. I’m not in favor of quotas and paid birth control so yeah... ——> for me.

Poor men desperately need access to health care (including mental health care), education, housing, jobs...
But given the choice, right-wingers would rather hurt a woman than help a man. They'd rather hurt a non-white man than to help a poor white one.
I do not identify with right wing copers. However, certain races have destroyed countries within a decade. These policies you advocate require the enlightened masses, which are incapable with barbarians who will use your kindness against you.

I hate the right wing mostly for turning negative attributes into virtues and vice versa. Issues like maintaining the earths enviroment is seen as a weakness, and they have masses of poor low IQ voters who promote this message. Corperations who destroy the world do not even need to lobby for themselves anymore. People who are most affected by these companies will lobby on their behalf, by creating a enviroment where you are seen as a weak person for trying to pursue positive things.
the true redpill is to realize life is unfair and act in a way that brings you the most advantages
Hitler was a left-winger on my political spectrum
I hate cuckservatives copers, they see women as angels who need their protection. What a bunch of blupilled idiots. Hope they will be divorce-raped and will end up coping with the MGTOW group, they deserve the worst treatment for being such manginas.
All sides on the political spectrum would like to see incels in mass graves. The only option I'm voting for is one that will do the most damage to foids and the least damage to me.
I wonder which one that is....
783 v9 ba
My situation has freed me from the politics cope, both sides are just as annoying and worship women like they're literal gods.
If right-wingers were smart, they would embrace these ideas (except for abolishing ICE, obviously) and promote "national socialism" rather than "national libertarianism."

National libertarianism = right wing? This is nothing but a cucked movement. They have nothing to do with right-wing.
If you are not admired by gl people, your opinion about anything has 0 value.
Third Positionism and Nazbol and Arab Socialism are the most incel friendly ideologies.
its basically the left-wing if they weren't so cucked on social issues.
Arab Socialism is a nebulous term and can mean anything Saddamism to Libyan Socialism.
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AFP Getty San Francisco Hosts Annual Its Gay Pride Parade 760x507
Bundesarchiv Bild 183 L05487 Paris Avenue Foch Siegesparade

Pick a parade.

Roms camp main

Adolf Hitler in Paris 1940

Now pick a better Paris

The choice between far-right and left wing is so obvious.
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Most normal Americans strongly support healthcare for all and college for all.

OP, you need to learn some basic economics. Nothing is free.

Policitians that promise "free stuff for all" are actually promising to steal stuff from competent and productive people (often incels) to give it to incompetent and unproductive retards (often Chads and his baby momma Stacies).

Cortez once tweeted that the US should take the money they spend on wars in the Middle East and use it to rather finance universal healthcare instead. Every sane, normal person agrees with that position.

You couldn't be more wrong. Sane people don't take Cortez seriously. Unfortunately, there are very few sane people, and even fewer still who have a firm grasp of economics.

Universal healthcare is socialist, and like every socialist policy, it creates backwards incentives and steals money from responsible people and gives it to irresponsible people. It's a terrible investment.
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JFL at incels being racist or white nationalists. KYS if you are.
Right wing doesn't aim to hurt women. That's a ridiculous statement.
Hitler was a left-winger on my political spectrum

Palpatine idea

JFL peeps saying politics is cope. It is not cope. It's just something different. You can be chad and care about politics.
My situation has freed me from the politics cope, both sides are just as annoying and worship women like they're literal gods.

I don't know how you or anyone else can possibly think that the right worships women anywhere near as much as the left.
I don't know how you or anyone else can possibly think that the right worships women anywhere near as much as the left.

I seriously don't know how you or anyone else can possibly think that having the right in power would be better for us, it would be better for women. Gonna make a thread about this now.

The right does worship women more, the left just gives women more privileges and rights.

If the right has their way, women will be at home all they doing nothing, getting pampered by their chad husbands (or beta providers)

If the left have their way women will have an extremely high SMV but will still have to slave away working like the rest of us, they won't do much heavy lifting jobs, but they'll still have to work.

In a world where women don't have to work, and they can only be a home maker, literally their only task all day is to go around looking for chads to fuck and potential beta providers to become husbands (or maybe they marry a chad).

If you actually think if the "modern right" take over its going to be better than the left you aren't considering all the factors. Women will still keep all the shit they have that the left has given them, so now they have all the privileges and now men are lining up to marry and pamper them, giving them work free lives, whether they are a virgin or whore who has sucked 20 different cocks.

At least with the left there is a trade off, also if the right was in power, less bad things would happen to them, because men on the right are more cautious and protective. Do you really want a bunch of 2nd amendment guys walking around when its time for you to "go ER".

There will be less chances to go ER
There will be less opportunities to rape a woman because she'll either be accompanied by a man at nigh, or has a concealed carry license and has a gun

Having the right fully take power at this point, this late in the game, is only to our detriment, the right is too late to reverse women's whoredom and restore teh natural balance, and a lot of men on the right these days are just tradcon cucks willing to bend over backwards for women, its too late, I say left the left hold on to the mantle, at least then women can suffer a bit.
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All sides on the political spectrum would like to see incels in mass graves. The only option I'm voting for is one that will do the most damage to foids and the least damage to me.
dunno, I'm a big fan of cortez' "homes for everyone" proposal. Now of course an "open borders" attitude makes little sense in the long run with that proposal... but I do like that proposal

cuz after my parents die, i'm gonna be homeless or in and out of shelters

it's easy enough for me to get low-cost/free healthcare, but I wouldn't be able to handle homelessness or begging extended family for me to leech off them
OP, you need to learn some basic economics. Nothing is free.

Policitians that promise "free stuff for all" are actually promising to steal stuff from competent and productive people (often incels) to give it to incompetent and unproductive retards (often Chads and his baby momma Stacies).

For the first time in history we live in post-scarcity. We have most of the workforce doing jobs that don't need to be done and we STILL have more than enough of almost everything for everyone. And you are pretending we live in scarcity. Almost nothing is being "taken away" in post-scarcity if labor is successfully re-organized. If we incentivize people who enjoy working away from finance, sitting on their ass all day leeching off the work of people in third world countries, and change their job to being a healthcare worker or a college instructor, I see more upside than downside in that.

The only one of her proposals that might be a bit difficult, but not at all impossible is the universal health care thing, as it WOULD temporarily increase waiting lines (in some emergency rooms) due to everyone being so fucking unhealthy here.

The fully accomplishable challenge, wouldn't be people working to make sure everyone is healthy (as that's not a monetary or moral challenge), it would be finding ways to DRAMATICALLY increase the preventative healthcare of the nation.

But right-wingers seem to hate government incentivization of health care workers and preventative health care. So they create a problem that they later use to demonize a solution, cuz they hate ethnics or government or something.
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White supremacists are low IQ but the idea of Fascism is not wrong.
For the first time in history we live in post-scarcity.

No we do not. Not even close. In fact, very few things that people care about aren't extremely scarce. Stuff that literally doesn't cost you anything are the only goods that aren't scarce. That's a short list given all of the things money can buy.

This is why we have prices; they're the most efficient mechanism by which we can allocate all of our scarce resources.

Please learn economics before you talk about this stuff; you're spreading nonsense.
I seriously don't know how you or anyone else can possibly think that having the right in power would be better for us, it would be better for women. Gonna make a thread about this now.

The right does worship women more, the left just gives women more privileges and rights.

If the right has their way, women will be at home all they doing nothing, getting pampered by their chad husbands (or beta providers)

If the left have their way women will have an extremely high SMV but will still have to slave away working like the rest of us, they won't do much heavy lifting jobs, but they'll still have to work.

In a world where women don't have to work, and they can only be a home maker, literally their only task all day is to go around looking for chads to fuck and potential beta providers to become husbands (or maybe they marry a chad).

If you actually think if the "modern right" take over its going to be better than the left you aren't considering all the factors. Women will still keep all the shit they have that the left has given them, so now they have all the privileges and now men are lining up to marry and pamper them, giving them work free lives, whether they are a virgin or whore who has sucked 20 different cocks.

At least with the left there is a trade off, also if the right was in power, less bad things would happen to them, because men on the right are more cautious and protective. Do you really want a bunch of 2nd amendment guys walking around when its time for you to "go ER".

There will be less chances to go ER
There will be less opportunities to rape a woman because she'll either be accompanied by a man at nigh, or has a concealed carry license and has a gun

Having the right fully take power at this point, this late in the game, is only to our detriment, the right is too late to reverse women's whoredom and restore teh natural balance, and a lot of men on the right these days are just tradcon cucks willing to bend over backwards for women, its too late, I say left the left hold on to the mantle, at least then women can suffer a bit.

There's so much wrong here that I don't even know where to begin. It's not even worth my time to refute all of this tbh.

I'll just say that you're badly confusing centrist cucks that the left calls "the far right" with the actual far right. Nothing you've described is what the actual far right wants.
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How far right are you to see Hitler as a lefty?:waitwhat:
Nazism is national socialism. Any system with a huge dictatorial, redistributionist government that implements violent censorship of opposition and interferes with peoples private lives is left wing, i.e, Nazism, communism, socialism, fascism, modern liberalism. What most people describe is a leftist reinvention of fascism. Racism is politically neutral unless it violates the non-aggression principle as is Nationalism.

On the right wing spectrum I would put Anarcho-capitalists, conservatives, libertarians and people that believe strongly in civil liberties and the non-aggression principle.

The modern political spectrum was defined by leftists after WW2, the entire progressive movement and modern liberalism would be crushed if more people knew that Fascism and Nazism is actually left-wing. When the Nazis where making their racial purification laws (Nuremberg Laws) they looked to Americas Jim Crow laws which was entirely enforced by the left-wing democrats ( the KKK was an extension of the democrats). The Democrats and their one drop rule was too racist even for the Nazis.
Nazism is national socialism. Any system with a huge dictatorial, redistributionist government that implements violent censorship of opposition and interferes with peoples private lives is left wing, i.e, Nazism, communism, socialism, fascism, modern liberalism. What most people describe is a leftist reinvention of fascism. Racism is politically neutral unless it violates the non-aggression principle as is Nationalism.

On the right wing spectrum I would put Anarcho-capitalists, conservatives, libertarians and people that believe strongly in civil liberties and the non-aggression principle.

The modern political spectrum was defined by leftists after WW2, the entire progressive movement and modern liberalism would be crushed if more people knew that Fascism and Nazism is actually left-wing. When the Nazis where making their racial purification laws (Nuremberg Laws) they looked to Americas Jim Crow laws which was entirely enforced by the left-wing democrats ( the KKK was an extension of the democrats). The Democrats and their one drop rule was too racist even for the Nazis.
I think you need to learn the difference between centre-right conservatism and “FaR-RiGhT Br0”.

Or at least stop grouping them together.
I cringe at nazicels. We're the subhuman trash they want dead. But the left also wants us dead. There's no winning for ugly males, perhaps just mild traditionalism where we'd abmolish social media, and return traditional female roles. But no political party will do this ever
But no political party will do this ever
Of course. All political parties in the west and not only are controlled by (((them))). Democracy is dead. In fact, it probably never existed in the first place.
Of course. All political parties in the west and not only are controlled by (((them))). Democracy is dead. In fact, it probably never existed.
Everyone with common sense knows America is a plutocracy and not a democracy.
The Right-Wing are the biggest cucks there are, the Soviet Union should of won the cold war tbh.

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