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Why foids consider ricecels subhuman

Cope. All you Rice "cels" will have it easy with Telugu poojeta whores. All of these traits are halos for them
@anandkonda You’re the worst user on this forumZ literally they made a poll just to ban you.
The thing is. I’m not below average for a chink, I’m average looking as a chink facially. And that’s enough to be treated like the elephant man in any non chink society.
Joseph Merrick is the best asian hate movie since asian hate is just fear of genetic poison just like lookism is
“To not be sucked into the genetic dead end, biohazardous, collective of the yellow inbreeding cult”
Race hoerarchy
White (Nordid, North Atlantid)
White (Med, Dinarid, Most slavs except sav
@pyromancer1234 how many of these do you think have?
Haha. I'm thirty with the frame of a thirteen year old. I've seen as much result physically from the gym in a decade as beginners do their first year. Athletically I'm relatively proficient; the Asian body just does not get bigger.
Haha. I'm thirty with the frame of a thirteen year old. I've seen as much result physically from the gym in a decade as beginners do their first year. Athletically I'm relatively proficient; the Asian body just does not get bigger.
Steroids, Comerade in suffering
Steroids, Comerade in suffering
I've certainly considered it. But I don't relish paying the health penalty of steroids to forcibly achieve what men of other races get naturally, or in turn fall short of what men of other races would attain on the same gear. External aid doesn't change the fact that the Asian body was bred to be small and neotenous, and that that trait detracts from males and boosts females in in a globalized world of unlimited interracial competition.
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I've certainly considered it. But I don't relish paying the health penalty of steroids to forcibly achieve what men of other races get naturally, or in turn fall short of what men of other races would attain on the same gear. External aid doesn't change the fact that the Asian body was bred to be small and neotenous, and that that trait detracts from males and boosts females in in a globalized world of unlimited interracial competition.
We can at least have an equalizer. Equity as they call it
But this guy had a betabuxx so its not totally over. Might not even be a virgin.
We can at least have an equalizer. Equity as they call it
My point is that it's not an equalizer. Because non-Asian men can and do use steroids too; more, probably. Also, "equity" is for women.
Chinks look like kids. Chinks on steroids look bizarre, normal body with a neotenous bobblehead.
The fact that Kyrgyz and Kazakhs even get eyelid surgeries and nose jobs despite being 40-50% Iranian/Caucasion should show you just how miserable having mongoloid features are. Even Pakis mog them.

The fact that even mixed chinks and gooks have 95% of these failos, and pure chinks and gooks have 100% of these failos, is the worst part. It's like you can't escape them, they're too homogenous.
Most HAPAs look much more Asiatic than White; I dont think I've ever seen a single example online of a white-passing or even "ambiguous" HAPA
At least with races such as Meds they are very heterogenous and can look like anything- not the case with east asians. You're either asian, or you're not. No in-between
There are kind of "standard" Med looks, though it varies internally.

According to most in traditional anthropology, the Mediterranid pheno is found commonly in most of South Europe, but it's also common in most of France as well as parts of Britain also.
Rassenkarte von Europa

Here's an anthropological map of Europe, though North Africa should be more brown imo.

North Italy as well as North Spain seem to be more Alpinid racially, as well as mixed with Nordid a bit.

This is also the standard Med Phenos:


(Gracile Med)

Atlanto Mediterranid
There are kind of "standard" Med looks, though it varies internally.
Never mind I got mixed up on the med part, because a lot of amerimutts claim to be med when in reality they are heavily mixed, so that's where i got my basis
So you're saying the east variant of the EDAR gene should be classified as a genetic disorder?
Yes. On the same level as severe autism and down syndrome.
East Eurasians didn't look as distinct from other human populations prior to the last ice age. The mongoloid phenotype is relatively recent. But then again, modern east asians aren't completely descended from pre ice age populations, most of their genetics comes from migrations of post ice age populations that moved in after prior depopulation or uprooting of earlier peoples who themselves migrated elsewhere from what I've read iirc
East Eurasians didn't look as distinct from other human populations prior to the last ice age. The mongoloid phenotype is relatively recent. But then again, modern east asians aren't completely descended from pre ice age populations, most of their genetics comes from migrations of post ice age populations that moved in after prior depopulation or uprooting of earlier peoples who themselves migrated elsewhere from what I've read iirc
Asians were exiled from the rest of humanity for being deformed freaks and they had to band together to survive, causing a cultish power structure and since there weren’t many survivors of the expulsion the few that did survive inbreeded with each other heavily
Asians were exiled from the rest of humanity for being deformed freaks and they had to band together to survive, causing a cultish power structure and since there weren’t many survivors of the expulsion the few that did survive inbreeded with each other heavily
Same thing happened to Europeans during the last glacial maximum where their populations were genetically isolated and cut off from gene flow, yet they didn't end up like mongoloids. I think east asia is just cursed
Same thing happened to Europeans during the last glacial maximum where their populations were genetically isolated and cut off from gene flow, yet they didn't end up like mongoloids. I think east asia is just cursed
@anandkonda You’re the worst user on this forumZ literally they made a poll just to ban you.
That that guy @Pajeetsingh who made the poll itself got banned while I am still here. Says something doesn't it?
Voicecel due to tonal word processing, mono tonic speech, low dht, and asian skull structure
I always wondered about this. If you consume a lot of Asian media you will hear a lot of voices that are deeper than even most Western voice actors/celebrities, but if you travel to Asian countries you will hear that the average Asian voice is noticeably more high pitched than even the average Western voice.
I always wondered about this. If you consume a lot of Asian media you will hear a lot of voices that are deeper than even most Western voice actors/celebrities, but if you travel to Asian countries you will hear that the average Asian voice is noticeably more high pitched than even the average Western voice.
I know seiyuu in Japan with deep baritone voices typically get typecast into specific character roles and archetypes
I've ever seen a single example online of a white-passing or even "ambiguous" HAPA
Me neither, everyone who claims to be a white passing hapa turns out be another mutt. What's funny is that they still keep insisting, that they're white passing after their face reveal.
fact that Kyrgyz and Kazakhs even get eyelid surgeries and nose jobs despite being 40-50% Iranian/Caucasion should show you just how miserable having mongoloid features are
Asian eyes are extremely unattractive. I remember, thinking it sucked even as a child. Kids make fun of their eyes, just like kids make fun of bald people.
I always wondered about this. If you consume a lot of Asian media you will hear a lot of voices that are deeper than even most Western voice actors/celebrities, but if you travel to Asian countries you will hear that the average Asian voice is noticeably more high pitched than even the average Western voice.
Most Asians and even curries have high pitched voices. My deep voice is one good thing, I inherited from my dad, but I Also inherited his height tho:feelsrope:.
Asian eyes are extremely unattractive. I remember, thinking it sucked even as a child. Kids make fun of their eyes, just like kids make fun of bald people.
Yep. It reminds me of that pic of black kids in Africa making fun of an asian volunteer. Like, who taught these little black kids to make fun if the asian guy's eyes? No one. It's innate to hate that type of eye.

Yep. It reminds me of that pic of black kids in Africa making fun of an asian volunteer. Like, who taught these little black kids to make fun if the asian guy's eyes? No one. It's innate to hate that type of eye.

View attachment 1168643
The Chink is also light skinned. Proves, that causcaian features are much more important, then colouring. That's why it's always hilarious, when chinks/hapas think having light skin or eyes is enough to pass as white.
Those niglets will worship a brown Saudi man.
I literally sound prepubescent I’m such a voicecel holy shit
Yep. It reminds me of that pic of black kids in Africa making fun of an asian volunteer. Like, who taught these little black kids to make fun if the asian guy's eyes? No one. It's innate to hate that type of eye.

View attachment 1168643
It inate to hate victims of the yellow inbreeding cult because thats rejecting our infectious genes.
Is it true you're Bulgarian? :feelswhere:
Also lifefuel my wrists ibcreased from 6.5 inches to 6.75 inches still a wristcel though
they're still better than some other races tho
Yep. It reminds me of that pic of black kids in Africa making fun of an asian volunteer. Like, who taught these little black kids to make fun if the asian guy's eyes? No one. It's innate to hate that type of eye.
Its perhaps the most alienating feature for asians because no other ethnic group has eyes like that. Eyes are very important for social cues as well.
Its perhaps the most alienating feature for asians because no other ethnic group has eyes like that. Eyes are very important for social cues as well.
Yeah. It’s less pronounced on SEA thats why they mog NEA
Its perhaps the most alienating feature for asians because no other ethnic group has eyes like that. Eyes are very important for social cues as well.
The khoisan do but they've been genetically isolated for a really long time
The khoisan do but they've been genetically isolated for a really long time
I’ll make a thread on the khoisan too its brutal how they weren’t fully bread out so the surviving ones have to live in their subhumanity
The khoisan do but they've been genetically isolated for a really long time
I’ll make a thread on the khoisan too its brutal how they weren’t fully bread out so the surviving ones have to live in their subhumanity
I’ll make a thread on the khoisan too its brutal how they weren’t fully bread out so the surviving ones have to live in their subhumanity
They got mogged by Bantus
Good thread. Anyway here is why foids consider chinks subhuman

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