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Discussion Why Escortmaxxing is the Better Alternative to Marriage in Modern Society



Jul 30, 2022
A Summary of Divorce Statistics

If your future plan is to marry a woman, unless you want to have children, you might as well become an escortmaxxer instead
. Marriage is for the most part unrecommendable to zoomer & millenial men in the current state of western society. You have more to lose than you have to gain from living with a wife over the long term. Why is this the case? I’ll show you the stats:

The average length of a marriage prior to divorce is eight years. This means the lifespan of a marriage that will eventually end in divorce, is more or less than eight years. I’ll approximate the figure to 10 years. Of course, there may be divorcees whose marriages lasted more than ten years, but the majority of divorces happen within 10 years of marriage (U.S Census Bureau, 2021)

Most men (64%) and most women (52%) re-marry after divorce. Basically most divorcees have married to two or more different people in their lifetime. Moreover the vast majority of divorced couples (96%) re-marry to new people; only 6% of divorced couples re-marry each other (Love To Know)

It costs around $7,000 to process and complete a divorce. Any person who marries and later divorces, would lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process (Forbes Advisor, 2024)

More than half of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for first marriages is 50%, second marriages is 67% and third marriages is 73%. Basically the majority of all marriages end in divorce, but someone who marries a second or third time is more likely to divorce than someone who marries for the first time (Psychology Today, 2012)

The majority of consumer purchases are made by women. In other words women are BY FAR the largest spenders between the two sexes (Nielsen Company, 2020) Think about the implications of this for men who live with their wife or GF. If a man’s wife does the vast majority of spending in the household, who’s money is she likely to spend? Maybe she spends her own, but it wouldn’t be absurd to think she also spends out of her husband’s finance

Around 69% of divorces are initiated by the female spouse. Basically most divorces are initiated by the wife, and married women are 1.5x more likely than married men to initiate a divorce (Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, 2018)

Financial security (42%) is the leading factor for couples to start a marriage, followed by companionship (39%), “love” (36%), “formal act of making a commitment” (34%) and “to start a family” (34%). (Forbes Advisor, 2023). For almost half of all married couples, financial security was the most important factor that encouraged them to start a marriage. Based on what the statistics say, it basically means financial security matters more than love and companionship in respect of starting a marriage

“Lack of family support” (43%) is the leading factor for getting a divorce
(Forbes Advisor, 2023). Ideally “lack of family support” can apply to various circumstances. But “lack of family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue than a non-finance-related issue, because as we already know, “financial security” is the predominant factor that motivates couples to get married. So if one of the two spouses fails to provide “family support”, it is fair to assume that based on the leading factor for couples getting married, the failure to provide sufficient “family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue



An Estimate for Consumer Spending Activity in Marriage with statistics for the Annual Income of Men and Women in the US

We also need to consider the possibility that a wife may spend her husband’s money over the course of their marriage. I can’t find any data on expenses made by married women using their husband’s finance, but I can make an estimate based on other available data:

For 2022, the average man’s salary in the US was around $62,000; the average woman’s salary in the US was around $52,000 (US Department of Labour, 2022). If we combine their salaries together, it adds to a combined total of $114,000. Also for 2021, the average annual expenditure for a family of two was around $76,000 (US Department of Labour, 2023). According to Nielsen Company, around 89% of women across the world claim to be the one responsible for “controlling or sharing daily shopping needs, household chores and food prep” compared to an average of 41% of men

Now if we extrapolate this statistic for western society (e.g., Europe, North America), we can conclude 89% of US women in a household that has at least two people (e.g., wife/husband, BF/GF) spend around a minimum $76,000 annually. This sum of money would be enough for the average couple in the US to fairly split their household expenditures based on the combined total of their own salaries: $76,000 is two-thirds of $114,000. So if we assume the average couple in the US would split their expenditures proportionately to the sum of their salaries, the annual household expenditure for a co-habitating couple would account for approx. $35,000 (= $52,000 * 2/3) out of the woman’s salary, and $41,000 (= $62,000 * 2/3) out of the man’s salary

Thus we can draw a conclusion that for any man who marries a woman, there’s also an 89% chance that he would allow his wife to spend two-thirds of his financial income (or an average of $41,000 a year), which would amount to around $205,000 in 5 years, and around $410,000 in 10 years

Basically if any random zoomer male were to get married, we can draw these estimations based on the provided stats:
- There’s at least a 50% chance he will receive a divorce. If he does receive a divorce, it would probably happen within 10 years of his marriage, and his wife is most likely the one who’ll initiate the divorce
- If he divorces, he will also lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process, and the most likely reason why he’ll receive a divorce is because of his “failure to provide family support” or “failing to commit”, which basically translates to not contributing enough money to household and family maintenance
- If he lives with his wife during the course of his marital relationship, there’s an 89% chance his wife will spend two-thirds of his money every year (on household and family maintenance, and miscellaneous items). If he’s the average adult male in the United States, this expenditure would be more or less than $41,000 a year, which translates to $205,000 in 5 years, $328,000 in 8 years, $410,000 in 10 years

Let’s reflect on these stats. The average man in the US would allow his wife to spend up to two-thirds of his income in the course of a marital relationship. There’s also a >50% chance that he will divorce. If he does divorce, it will probably happen within 10 years, and he will also lose money in the divorce process due to legal fees and redistribution of previously shared property. Also consider the stats for paternity fraud, which show 10% to 30% couples that have a paternity test receive a negative result

If you wish to marry a woman who’ll spend around 2/3 of your annual income every year, potentially cuck you in the process (>10% chance) and potentially divorce you afterwards (>50% chance), is marriage a worthwhile investment in western society? It depends on what you want out of it

Escorts are Generally Cheaper to Maintain than Wives

A wife may have the impression that her husband’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as his wife, e.g., “my husband believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the key reason that I am his wife”

An escort or sugar baby may have the impression that her client’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as a professional sex provider, e.g., “my client believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the sole reason that I am a sex worker by profession and he has fulfilled the requirement that I set for my clients in order to allow them to have consensual sex with me, which is the requirement of a financial compensation”

Now let’s think for a minute: If you wanted to have sex with your “female partner”, would you rely more on a wife to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex, or would you rely more on an escort to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex?

In marriage there’s a potential risk that your wife could altogether discontinue to allow you to have sex with her for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., sex with husband is no longer fun, I’m seeing someone else who isn’t my husband), but in escortbuxxing this is a lesser risk. An escort can also reject a potential client for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., some escorts reject black men), but escorts in general have lower genetic standards than ordinary “non-sex working” women in the sexual selection process. To put this simply, a “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to the average LTN / subhuman man who transfers the correct amount of money for the service, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman man who wants to marry her or become her “boyfriend”

A financially responsible escortbuxxer can easily spend no more than $20,000 a year if we assume he escortbuxes every week
. Based on estimated consumer spending in a two-person household, if a financially responsible escortbuxer were to escortbux every week for 8 – 10 years straight, he would spend $100,000 to $150,000 less than what he would have spent on a wife who married him and stayed with him for the same amount of time: Approx. $200k - $240k for weekly escortbux over 8-to-10-year period, compared to $300k - $400k for expenses made by wife using husband’s money over 8-to-10-year period

Basically we can estimate that escortmaxing is around $100,000 cheaper, or 30% cheaper in financial cost, than long-term marriage for the average man in the US. The monthly or annual expenses of the average adult male can be 30% less, if he were to simply escortbux once or twice a week instead of marry

If your main concern is financial security, I’d say marriage is not worth it. You can easily save more money by escortbuxxing instead of having a wife that lives with you in a shared house. Plus you can rely more on escorts to provide sex at a higher frequency than a wife, because escorts are sex providers by profession, and “wife” or “girlfriend” is not formally understood as a profession of sex work. A woman who provides sex by occupation is more reliable than a woman who does not provide sex by occupation

As for sexual services, escorts are formally paid for their services by direct financial transactio, but "wives" are paid indirectly and more implicitly (i.e., in the form of expenses made using the husband’s finances)

In essence it means an escort is less likely than a “wife” to object to a man’s perceived entitlement to sex, because escorts know that by profession, they are supposed to provide sex upon payment. Whereas “wives” and other “non-single women” do not have the same understanding of their own roles as “wives” or “girlfriends”. In the modern world, women have diverged from the belief that men should be entitled to sex with a woman on the sole basis that he’s in a relationship with that woman. People do not see “wife” or “girlfriend” as a formal profession. Thus they don’t interpret the role of “wife” or “girlfriend” to involve a sexual obligation to her “husband” or “boyfriend” --- A marriage can be sexless when the husband doesn’t want it to be sexless; a “BF/GF” relationship can be sexless when the “boyfriend” doesn’t want it to be sexless. But appointments with escorts who offer sex cannot be sexless if the client doesn’t want it to be sexless. In the world there are “sexless marriages” and "sexless relationships" where the husband / BF doesn’t want to be sexless, but there’s no such thing as a “sexless escort appointment” unless the client doesn’t want to have sex

Escorts have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provided sex when certain conditions are fulfilled (aka financial / economic compensation), because escorts know it’s a necessary part of their agreement to their profession as a provider of sex upon request. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do not have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provide sex to their “husband” or “boyfriend”, because “wives” (and non-married women) no longer believe it is a necessary part of their agreement to the non-professional role of a “wife” or “girlfriend” to be a provider of sex to the “husband” or “boyfriend” upon demand.
Escorts who offer sexual services do not have the preconception they are not required to provide sex if the client wants it, because they know it will show their failure to commit to the requirements of their occupation. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do have the idea that they aren’t required to provide sex if the “husband” or “boyfriend” wants it, because they do not believe that sex with “husband” or “boyfriend” is the compulsory duty of a “wife” or “girlfriend”

There's a difference between their preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “sex workers” compared to preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “wives” or “girlfriends” - ESCORTS KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY KNOW it’s part of their agreement to their PROFESSION as a “sex provider”. WIVES and GFs DO NOT KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY DO NOT BELIEVE it’s part of their agreement to their NON-PROFESSIONAL ROLE of a “wife” or “girlfriend”. An escort is more likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the condition the arranged price for the sex service is paid, than a “non-escort” is likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the sole basis that she is his “wife” or “girlfriend”

escort who offers sex will provide sex on the condition that a financial compensation is made in advance, and with all due respect a wife is practically no different to an escort, because many women get married for the same reason that escorts sell sex (Remember: Financial security is the most common factor that motivates couples to get married). Although escorts sell sex for the same reason that many women get married - Escorts in general are less discriminative than ordinary women in the sexual selection process. A “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to an ordinary escortbux LTN / subhuman male who sends her the correct amount of money, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman male who wants to be her husband or boyfriend

In the Modern World, Is Marriage Worth It for Young Men?

If your main concern is financial security, you’d easily have an overall better experience with escorts instead of a wife, because:

1. Escortmaxing is overall cheaper than marriage. You’ll almost surely save thousands in cash by slaying escorts instead of having a wife who lives with you and spends your money. Frequent sex with an escort can cost up to $2000 a month, or between 1/4 and 1/2 of your monthly income, compared to having a wife who’ll spend an average $3400 of your money each month, or 2/3 of your monthly income. Basically escorts are about 30% cheaper than wives,

2. You’ll have better prospects of frequent access to sex and ultimately avoid landing in a “sexless marriage”

3. In marriage your odds of divorce are more than 50%, and there’s a moderate to high risk of divorce rape or/and paternity fraud. In escortmaxxing there’s zero risk of paternity fraud or divorce rape

4. Escorts overall have lower standards than non-escorts in respect of genetic traits of men who may be sexually interested them. An escort is more likely than a non-escort to take on a LTN / subhuman male as a sex partner, as long as LTN / subhuman sends over the correct amount of money for the sex service. Escorts are less discriminatory to MTNs, LTNs and truecels, which also means you’ll have an easier time finding high SMV females (aka Stacylite or Stacy escorts) who would agree to sex in exchange for financial compensation
5. Many women get married for the same reason escorts sell sex. Financial security is the predominant factor that motivates almost half of all couples to start a marriage. Basically financial security is the primary factor that motivates both wives and escorts to have a sexual relation with men or live with men in the same house

Unless your fiancée or potential future wife is a wealthmaxxed millionaire who’ll allow you to have partial or total ownership of her assets upon finalization of marriage, you’re simply better off escortbuxing until further notice if your main concern is financial security

If what you want is “love and companionship” you may as well re-consider searching for a wife, because a wife who’d spend $100,000’s of your money over several years and probably leave or cuck you afterwards, she may not be the “loving wife” you are searching for. In the end, all you may have from a wife is the illusion of “love” as she drains your income and wealth over the course of several years. In practice this is more or less equivalent to a “paid-for GF experience” – A service normally provided by escorts and “sugar babies” who are all in all whores by profession. If you just want “companionship” and the illusion of “love”, an escort or sugar baby can provide you with a similar experience that you would otherwise have from a wife who’d probably divorce or have extramarital partners after years of draining your economic resources

If your main concern is companionship, I’d say marriage is not worth it. An escort who offers GFE can provide you with a congruent experience to having a wife, and weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly.
A wife is practically the equivalent of an escort – The only difference is the wife would probably be more expensive to maintain, and your prospects of frequent sex with an affordable escort would be higher than your prospects of frequent sex with a wife. As long as you have the money, you can pretty much pay a sex worker to larp as the equivalent of wife or GF

Then again there may be some escorts and sugar babies out there who would take advantage of emotionally vulnerable clients, and financially drain them more than a wife financially drains her husband. That’s why I said, “weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly”. Ultimately you can fulfil the same purpose by escortbuxing rather than long-term marriage if your main concern is companionship. But you have to be in the position where you can afford to do it weekly for multiple years, and you have to be sensible enough to not let your escorts get the better of your emotions while interacting with them

If your main concern is pursuit of love or pursuit of a faithful companion, then you can look back on the divorce stats I added to this post, and decide for yourself whether or not you’ll find “the woman who will be faithful to me for life and never leave me”
. Statistically speaking your chances of finding this woman is less than 50%. At least half of all men who are in pursuit of a loving, faithful, lifetime companion will not find one. If you plan to search for love or a faithful, lifetime companion, you'd be lucky if your search turns out a success

If your main concern is to have children, then I wouldn’t suggest that you shouldn’t get married, but I would say you should consider the potential threat associated with divorce rape and paternity fraud. As you might want to start a family, there’s still a risk of paternity fraud / divorce rape (e.g., losing custody of kids, being placed under the illusion you are the father of someone else's child). Preferably you do not want to lose custody of your children, cause in divorce process the court tends to favour the female divorcee in having custody of children. If you divorce she’s most likely to win custody of the children by court order. Plus you don’t want to be placed under the illusion you’re the biological father of children who actually came from the seed of another man who impregnated your wife while you weren’t around. Even if you slept with your wife around the same time she conceived, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she couldn’t have slept with another man around that same time. Besides the risk of divorce rape and paternity fraud, marrying under the main interest of having children is not a bad idea
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Because women are snakes
Not a single word
Not a single word
TLDR Escortmaxing is better than marriage cause escorts are overall cheaper than wives, and escorts are more reliable than wives to consistently provide sex

I thought OP would potentially start a discussion about the subject of escortbux vs. marriage, but maybe it isn't worth a discussion
If your main concern is to have children, then I wouldn’t suggest that you shouldn’t get married
why would one need to get married in order to have children? in places like Iceland over 70 % of children are born outside marriage.

what is the point of marriage? now there is this idiotic thing called rape within marriage, DO NOT MARRY IF YOU LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE A MARITAL RAPE IS A THING.

I personally don't think a true rape can exist in marriage. if you are married, then you are entitled to "take" your partner sexually whenever you need her/him sexually, you already gave the consent. (of course, there are exceptions and common sense)
i think one is better-off taking an ssri and not paying any escorts ever
if we extrapolate this statistic for western society (e.g., Europe, North America), we can conclude 89% of US women in a household that has at least two people (e.g., wife/husband, BF/GF) spend around a minimum $76,000 annually.
we aren't that rich at all outside the USA
i agree and disagree. While Escortceling is a cheaper alternative to marriage but it's still expensive if you think about it. If you're seeing an escort or a sugar baby every week, that will still cost you at least $1k a month.

Plus, having sex with escorts is not a good long-term solution. It will deplete your confidence after you realize that what you have just done. Also theres an embarrasment factor as well, How are you going to tell your parents, cousins or any relatives or friends that your in your 30's still single and completely okay with it. They're going to think there is something wrong with you
High iq thread. Marriage is an outdated construct that got taken over by meta players (females) to abuse the drops (hubby's wealth that got taken over by a foid after the divorce)
nonchads that get married to western women are insane. maybe an asian because they're more submissive but any other foid and enjoy getting your bank drained
why would one need to get married in order to have children? in places like Iceland over 70 % of children are born outside marriage.
This is also fair point. Marriage is not essential for a couple to cohabitate and raise children. I don't see any reason why a couple must be confined by the boundaries of marriage. Marriage doesn't guarantee faithfulness from either spouse. Plus neoliberals & feminists seem to be in favor of extramarital affairs (aka open relationships) among married couples. In modern world the laws surrounding adultery are very lax compared to previous eras. Neither men nor women are liable to receive punishment from the legal system for committing adultery

In practice marriage is no different to a BF/GF couple who casually cohabitate with each other. It's mainly due to archaic religious customs that marriage continues to be practiced in a society where it's purpose is more or less obsolete. Bertrand Russell (a famous British mathematican) has a quote on this subject of marriage, he said "St. Paul introduced an entirely novel view of marriage, that it existed primarily to prevent the sin of fornication. It is just as if one were to maintain that the sole reason for baking bread is to prevent people from stealing cake."

I personally don't think a true rape can exist in marriage. if you are married, then you are entitled to "take" your partner sexually whenever you need her/him sexually, you already gave the consent. (of course, there are exceptions and common sense)
I agree with this sentiment. But this sentiment is also widely disagreed by neoliberals and feminists. They don't believe that wives or girlfriends are obliged to provide sex to their male partners. By their standards a husband or BF can commit rape via sex with their wife or GF when she doesn't "consent". Bertrand Russell also has another quote on this, he said "The total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution."

A Forbes article from 2011 said many women weren't satisfied with their sex lives, and had sex out of "obligation" to their husband or BF:
the majority of women (66%) have sex once a week or less. Moreover, while three out of five women said that connecting with their partner was the most important aspect of their sex life, only two out of five report being “very or extremely satisfied” with that aspect of their sex lives

i think one is better-off taking an ssri and not paying any escorts ever
SSRI is cope, not a solution. It's like constantly painting over mold that grows on walls. It may be temporarily effective, but the mold will come back. If mold is caused by rotten conditions within the wall layers, painting over the walls won't solve the problem, it will only make the problem harder to spot

we aren't that rich at all outside the USA
Depending on the annual income stats for men & women in other countries, and the average consumer spending for a household of two in other countries, escortmaxxing may either be more or less expensive than marriage in those other countries
SSRI is cope, not a solution. It's like constantly painting over mold that grows on walls. It may be temporarily effective, but the mold will come back. If mold is caused by rotten conditions within the wall layers, painting over the walls won't solve the problem, it will only make the problem harder to spot
on SSRI one desires/needs sex less.

If one does not have a solution to one's problem, coping is all there is.

I am almost 34. How old are you? I am virgin still. I rather jerk off and use SSRI and use my money on video games and better food than escorts. if i was rich and could afford regular escort visits without that money being away from something else, i probably would use escorts. but escorts are only for the rich. and most really rich use money to get young wife or pay prostitutes. even young and good-looking rich men use escorts and prostitutes sometimes.
They don't believe that wives or girlfriends are obliged to provide sex to their male partners. By their standards a husband or BF can commit rape via sex with their wife or GF when she doesn't "consent".
girlfriend/boyfriend IS NOT OBLIGED to agree to sex! Marriage used to be an agreement/contract that had some value, but not anymore in Finland where I live. Even Bible says that it is forbidden to deny sexual release for one's marriage partner. The Church still teaches this, but living according to the official state religion is illegal now!!!!!!!! (yes, we have official state religion unlike USA, France et cetera. The Church even has the right to collect taxes from one's salary automatically, and they have official functions like graveyards, population registry -things)

and marital rape is a very new concept, unheard of until recently (as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong)

husband also has an obligation to his wife, you write only about wives and girlfriends! it is forbidden to masturbate to porn and then refuse your wife
I am almost 34. How old are you? I am virgin still. I rather jerk off and use SSRI and use my money on video games and better food than escorts. if i was rich and could afford regular escort visits without that money being away from something else, i probably would use escorts. but escorts are only for the rich. and most really rich use money to get young wife or pay prostitutes. even young and good-looking rich men use escorts and prostitutes sometimes.
I'm 24, I agree escortbux is costly, but marriage costs more than escortbux. You can still be cucked by wife as a wealthmaxxed husband

SSRI is cheaper than escorts, but if you really wanted to slay women, you would escortbux. TThe cheapest escorts can sell for $100 - $150 for 30 minutes. If you escortbuxxed with the cheapest escorts, you can spend up to $600 a month, or $6000 a year on escorts. For any man who earns +$25k a year, weekly escortbux would cost no more than 1/4 of their income. It's an affordable activity for the average man who works full-time

If you're still a virgin at 34, you must ask yourself whether you'll be a virgin for life or not. A virgin at 40 or 50 has not much to gain from a relationship with women who are around their age. A woman at 40 or 50 is sure to be post-wall and they will have been fucked thousands of times by dozens of men. You'll be better off finding an escort who's half your age and youthful in appearance. If you plan to be celibate for life, I respect your choice, cause I think only the mentally toughest men can endure a lifetime of no pussy without roping or going ER
husband also has an obligation to his wife, you write only about wives and girlfriends! it is forbidden to masturbate to porn and then refuse your wife
In archaic religious customs, yes a husband and wife are obligated to each other, but in secular world neither wife nor husband are obligated to each other. If wife refuses to have sex, but husband proceeds to have sex with her by force, it's "marital rape" by neoliberal standards and can incur punishment in neoliberal societies like North America & Europe. I write about wives and girlfriends because men have higher sex drives, I presumed a husband / BF is much less likely to not want sex with his wife / GF than vice versa. But if a man denies sex to his wife, I personally wouldn't disagree with the wife if she decides to cheat. It wouldn't be fair for someone's life to be confined to boundaries of marriage if one of the two partners doesn't want to have sex. Although marriage is still an archaic custom, it's practically useless in modern society
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Good mindset, wrong statement
Women should be considered property and sex should be a basic right for men
Paying a woman for sex while others have it for free is just wrong, and I am (better said, was) an escortcel, but the idea that I'm paying a foid for sex like I'm asking for a favor is simply disgusting, even worse you're still under a foids' control while doing it because she puts the rules not you (no kisses don't touch my hair condom only etc) also I find the idea of using a condom as a fucking insult to my manhood
Escorting is foid domination at its finest, when they can take your money for sex, you're working 8 hours a day, suffering for money that a foid can get for 30 mins with you, she's getting paid for having sex, absolute and total madness
Sex is a basic human right and foids are property, simple as that
Escorting is foid domination at its finest, when they can take your money for sex, you're working 8 hours a day, suffering for money that a foid can get for 30 mins with you, she's getting paid for having sex, absolute and total madness
A good counterargument to escortbuxing, I also agree with this :yes:
High iq thread. Marriage is an outdated construct that got taken over by meta players (females) to abuse the drops (hubby's wealth that got taken over by a foid after the divorce)
nonchads that get married to western women are insane. maybe an asian because they're more submissive but any other foid and enjoy getting your bank drained
walls of mostly yellow text, my favorite!

But it is based and mathpilled
paying for escorts is cucked and a waste of money
depends on marital regime in your country
Marriages & relationshits are super cucked in the 2020s.
A Summary of Divorce Statistics

If your future plan is to marry a woman, unless you want to have children, you might as well become an escortmaxxer instead
. Marriage is for the most part unrecommendable to zoomer & millenial men in the current state of western society. You have more to lose than you have to gain from living with a wife over the long term. Why is this the case? I’ll show you the stats:

The average length of a marriage prior to divorce is eight years. This means the lifespan of a marriage that will eventually end in divorce, is more or less than eight years. I’ll approximate the figure to 10 years. Of course, there may be divorcees whose marriages lasted more than ten years, but the majority of divorces happen within 10 years of marriage (U.S Census Bureau, 2021)

Most men (64%) and most women (52%) re-marry after divorce. Basically most divorcees have married to two or more different people in their lifetime. Moreover the vast majority of divorced couples (96%) re-marry to new people; only 6% of divorced couples re-marry each other (Love To Know)

It costs around $7,000 to process and complete a divorce. Any person who marries and later divorces, would lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process (Forbes Advisor, 2024)

More than half of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for first marriages is 50%, second marriages is 67% and third marriages is 73%. Basically the majority of all marriages end in divorce, but someone who marries a second or third time is more likely to divorce than someone who marries for the first time (Psychology Today, 2012)

The majority of consumer purchases are made by women. In other words women are BY FAR the largest spenders between the two sexes (Nielsen Company, 2020) Think about the implications of this for men who live with their wife or GF. If a man’s wife does the vast majority of spending in the household, who’s money is she likely to spend? Maybe she spends her own, but it wouldn’t be absurd to think she also spends out of her husband’s finance

Around 69% of divorces are initiated by the female spouse. Basically most divorces are initiated by the wife, and married women are 1.5x more likely than married men to initiate a divorce (Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, 2018)

Financial security (42%) is the leading factor for couples to start a marriage, followed by companionship (39%), “love” (36%), “formal act of making a commitment” (34%) and “to start a family” (34%). (Forbes Advisor, 2023). For almost half of all married couples, financial security was the most important factor that encouraged them to start a marriage. Based on what the statistics say, it basically means financial security matters more than love and companionship in respect of starting a marriage

“Lack of family support” (43%) is the leading factor for getting a divorce
(Forbes Advisor, 2023). Ideally “lack of family support” can apply to various circumstances. But “lack of family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue than a non-finance-related issue, because as we already know, “financial security” is the predominant factor that motivates couples to get married. So if one of the two spouses fails to provide “family support”, it is fair to assume that based on the leading factor for couples getting married, the failure to provide sufficient “family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue



An Estimate for Consumer Spending Activity in Marriage with statistics for the Annual Income of Men and Women in the US

We also need to consider the possibility that a wife may spend her husband’s money over the course of their marriage. I can’t find any data on expenses made by married women using their husband’s finance, but I can make an estimate based on other available data:

For 2022, the average man’s salary in the US was around $62,000; the average woman’s salary in the US was around $52,000 (US Department of Labour, 2022). If we combine their salaries together, it adds to a combined total of $114,000. Also for 2021, the average annual expenditure for a family of two was around $76,000 (US Department of Labour, 2023). According to Nielsen Company, around 89% of women across the world claim to be the one responsible for “controlling or sharing daily shopping needs, household chores and food prep” compared to an average of 41% of men

Now if we extrapolate this statistic for western society (e.g., Europe, North America), we can conclude 89% of US women in a household that has at least two people (e.g., wife/husband, BF/GF) spend around a minimum $76,000 annually. This sum of money would be enough for the average couple in the US to fairly split their household expenditures based on the combined total of their own salaries: $76,000 is two-thirds of $114,000. So if we assume the average couple in the US would split their expenditures proportionately to the sum of their salaries, the annual household expenditure for a co-habitating couple would account for approx. $35,000 (= $52,000 * 2/3) out of the woman’s salary, and $41,000 (= $62,000 * 2/3) out of the man’s salary

Thus we can draw a conclusion that for any man who marries a woman, there’s also an 89% chance that he would allow his wife to spend two-thirds of his financial income (or an average of $41,000 a year), which would amount to around $205,000 in 5 years, and around $410,000 in 10 years

Basically if any random zoomer male were to get married, we can draw these estimations based on the provided stats:
- There’s at least a 50% chance he will receive a divorce. If he does receive a divorce, it would probably happen within 10 years of his marriage, and his wife is most likely the one who’ll initiate the divorce
- If he divorces, he will also lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process, and the most likely reason why he’ll receive a divorce is because of his “failure to provide family support” or “failing to commit”, which basically translates to not contributing enough money to household and family maintenance
- If he lives with his wife during the course of his marital relationship, there’s an 89% chance his wife will spend two-thirds of his money every year (on household and family maintenance, and miscellaneous items). If he’s the average adult male in the United States, this expenditure would be more or less than $41,000 a year, which translates to $205,000 in 5 years, $328,000 in 8 years, $410,000 in 10 years

Let’s reflect on these stats. The average man in the US would allow his wife to spend up to two-thirds of his income in the course of a marital relationship. There’s also a >50% chance that he will divorce. If he does divorce, it will probably happen within 10 years, and he will also lose money in the divorce process due to legal fees and redistribution of previously shared property. Also consider the stats for paternity fraud, which show 10% to 30% couples that have a paternity test receive a negative result

If you wish to marry a woman who’ll spend around 2/3 of your annual income every year, potentially cuck you in the process (>10% chance) and potentially divorce you afterwards (>50% chance), is marriage a worthwhile investment in western society? It depends on what you want out of it

Escorts are Generally Cheaper to Maintain than Wives

A wife may have the impression that her husband’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as his wife, e.g., “my husband believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the key reason that I am his wife”

An escort or sugar baby may have the impression that her client’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as a professional sex provider, e.g., “my client believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the sole reason that I am a sex worker by profession and he has fulfilled the requirement that I set for my clients in order to allow them to have consensual sex with me, which is the requirement of a financial compensation”

Now let’s think for a minute: If you wanted to have sex with your “female partner”, would you rely more on a wife to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex, or would you rely more on an escort to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex?

In marriage there’s a potential risk that your wife could altogether discontinue to allow you to have sex with her for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., sex with husband is no longer fun, I’m seeing someone else who isn’t my husband), but in escortbuxxing this is a lesser risk. An escort can also reject a potential client for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., some escorts reject black men), but escorts in general have lower genetic standards than ordinary “non-sex working” women in the sexual selection process. To put this simply, a “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to the average LTN / subhuman man who transfers the correct amount of money for the service, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman man who wants to marry her or become her “boyfriend”

A financially responsible escortbuxxer can easily spend no more than $20,000 a year if we assume he escortbuxes every week
. Based on estimated consumer spending in a two-person household, if a financially responsible escortbuxer were to escortbux every week for 8 – 10 years straight, he would spend $100,000 to $150,000 less than what he would have spent on a wife who married him and stayed with him for the same amount of time: Approx. $200k - $240k for weekly escortbux over 8-to-10-year period, compared to $300k - $400k for expenses made by wife using husband’s money over 8-to-10-year period

Basically we can estimate that escortmaxing is around $100,000 cheaper, or 30% cheaper in financial cost, than long-term marriage for the average man in the US. The monthly or annual expenses of the average adult male can be 30% less, if he were to simply escortbux once or twice a week instead of marry

If your main concern is financial security, I’d say marriage is not worth it. You can easily save more money by escortbuxxing instead of having a wife that lives with you in a shared house. Plus you can rely more on escorts to provide sex at a higher frequency than a wife, because escorts are sex providers by profession, and “wife” or “girlfriend” is not formally understood as a profession of sex work. A woman who provides sex by occupation is more reliable than a woman who does not provide sex by occupation

As for sexual services, escorts are formally paid for their services by direct financial transactio, but "wives" are paid indirectly and more implicitly (i.e., in the form of expenses made using the husband’s finances)

In essence it means an escort is less likely than a “wife” to object to a man’s perceived entitlement to sex, because escorts know that by profession, they are supposed to provide sex upon payment. Whereas “wives” and other “non-single women” do not have the same understanding of their own roles as “wives” or “girlfriends”. In the modern world, women have diverged from the belief that men should be entitled to sex with a woman on the sole basis that he’s in a relationship with that woman. People do not see “wife” or “girlfriend” as a formal profession. Thus they don’t interpret the role of “wife” or “girlfriend” to involve a sexual obligation to her “husband” or “boyfriend” --- A marriage can be sexless when the husband doesn’t want it to be sexless; a “BF/GF” relationship can be sexless when the “boyfriend” doesn’t want it to be sexless. But appointments with escorts who offer sex cannot be sexless if the client doesn’t want it to be sexless. In the world there are “sexless marriages” and "sexless relationships" where the husband / BF doesn’t want to be sexless, but there’s no such thing as a “sexless escort appointment” unless the client doesn’t want to have sex

Escorts have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provided sex when certain conditions are fulfilled (aka financial / economic compensation), because escorts know it’s a necessary part of their agreement to their profession as a provider of sex upon request. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do not have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provide sex to their “husband” or “boyfriend”, because “wives” (and non-married women) no longer believe it is a necessary part of their agreement to the non-professional role of a “wife” or “girlfriend” to be a provider of sex to the “husband” or “boyfriend” upon demand.
Escorts who offer sexual services do not have the preconception they are not required to provide sex if the client wants it, because they know it will show their failure to commit to the requirements of their occupation. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do have the idea that they aren’t required to provide sex if the “husband” or “boyfriend” wants it, because they do not believe that sex with “husband” or “boyfriend” is the compulsory duty of a “wife” or “girlfriend”

There's a difference between their preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “sex workers” compared to preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “wives” or “girlfriends” - ESCORTS KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY KNOW it’s part of their agreement to their PROFESSION as a “sex provider”. WIVES and GFs DO NOT KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY DO NOT BELIEVE it’s part of their agreement to their NON-PROFESSIONAL ROLE of a “wife” or “girlfriend”. An escort is more likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the condition the arranged price for the sex service is paid, than a “non-escort” is likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the sole basis that she is his “wife” or “girlfriend”

escort who offers sex will provide sex on the condition that a financial compensation is made in advance, and with all due respect a wife is practically no different to an escort, because many women get married for the same reason that escorts sell sex (Remember: Financial security is the most common factor that motivates couples to get married). Although escorts sell sex for the same reason that many women get married - Escorts in general are less discriminative than ordinary women in the sexual selection process. A “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to an ordinary escortbux LTN / subhuman male who sends her the correct amount of money, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman male who wants to be her husband or boyfriend

In the Modern World, Is Marriage Worth It for Young Men?

If your main concern is financial security, you’d easily have an overall better experience with escorts instead of a wife, because:

1. Escortmaxing is overall cheaper than marriage. You’ll almost surely save thousands in cash by slaying escorts instead of having a wife who lives with you and spends your money. Frequent sex with an escort can cost up to $2000 a month, or between 1/4 and 1/2 of your monthly income, compared to having a wife who’ll spend an average $3400 of your money each month, or 2/3 of your monthly income. Basically escorts are about 30% cheaper than wives,

2. You’ll have better prospects of frequent access to sex and ultimately avoid landing in a “sexless marriage”

3. In marriage your odds of divorce are more than 50%, and there’s a moderate to high risk of divorce rape or/and paternity fraud. In escortmaxxing there’s zero risk of paternity fraud or divorce rape

4. Escorts overall have lower standards than non-escorts in respect of genetic traits of men who may be sexually interested them. An escort is more likely than a non-escort to take on a LTN / subhuman male as a sex partner, as long as LTN / subhuman sends over the correct amount of money for the sex service. Escorts are less discriminatory to MTNs, LTNs and truecels, which also means you’ll have an easier time finding high SMV females (aka Stacylite or Stacy escorts) who would agree to sex in exchange for financial compensation
5. Many women get married for the same reason escorts sell sex. Financial security is the predominant factor that motivates almost half of all couples to start a marriage. Basically financial security is the primary factor that motivates both wives and escorts to have a sexual relation with men or live with men in the same house

Unless your fiancée or potential future wife is a wealthmaxxed millionaire who’ll allow you to have partial or total ownership of her assets upon finalization of marriage, you’re simply better off escortbuxing until further notice if your main concern is financial security

If what you want is “love and companionship” you may as well re-consider searching for a wife, because a wife who’d spend $100,000’s of your money over several years and probably leave or cuck you afterwards, she may not be the “loving wife” you are searching for. In the end, all you may have from a wife is the illusion of “love” as she drains your income and wealth over the course of several years. In practice this is more or less equivalent to a “paid-for GF experience” – A service normally provided by escorts and “sugar babies” who are all in all whores by profession. If you just want “companionship” and the illusion of “love”, an escort or sugar baby can provide you with a similar experience that you would otherwise have from a wife who’d probably divorce or have extramarital partners after years of draining your economic resources

If your main concern is companionship, I’d say marriage is not worth it. An escort who offers GFE can provide you with a congruent experience to having a wife, and weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly.
A wife is practically the equivalent of an escort – The only difference is the wife would probably be more expensive to maintain, and your prospects of frequent sex with an affordable escort would be higher than your prospects of frequent sex with a wife. As long as you have the money, you can pretty much pay a sex worker to larp as the equivalent of wife or GF

Then again there may be some escorts and sugar babies out there who would take advantage of emotionally vulnerable clients, and financially drain them more than a wife financially drains her husband. That’s why I said, “weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly”. Ultimately you can fulfil the same purpose by escortbuxing rather than long-term marriage if your main concern is companionship. But you have to be in the position where you can afford to do it weekly for multiple years, and you have to be sensible enough to not let your escorts get the better of your emotions while interacting with them

If your main concern is pursuit of love or pursuit of a faithful companion, then you can look back on the divorce stats I added to this post, and decide for yourself whether or not you’ll find “the woman who will be faithful to me for life and never leave me”
. Statistically speaking your chances of finding this woman is less than 50%. At least half of all men who are in pursuit of a loving, faithful, lifetime companion will not find one. If you plan to search for love or a faithful, lifetime companion, you'd be lucky if your search turns out a success

If your main concern is to have children, then I wouldn’t suggest that you shouldn’t get married, but I would say you should consider the potential threat associated with divorce rape and paternity fraud. As you might want to start a family, there’s still a risk of paternity fraud / divorce rape (e.g., losing custody of kids, being placed under the illusion you are the father of someone else's child). Preferably you do not want to lose custody of your children, cause in divorce process the court tends to favour the female divorcee in having custody of children. If you divorce she’s most likely to win custody of the children by court order. Plus you don’t want to be placed under the illusion you’re the biological father of children who actually came from the seed of another man who impregnated your wife while you weren’t around. Even if you slept with your wife around the same time she conceived, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she couldn’t have slept with another man around that same time. Besides the risk of divorce rape and paternity fraud, marrying under the main interest of having children is not a bad idea
did read, high iq thread. :feelsthink: please contiune making more wonderful threads to improve this community ! :feelsaww::feelsaww:
paying for escorts is cucked and a waste of money

It's on the contrary legit and you don't have to spend thousands a month, you can see one prostitute a month, 150$/month won't kill you and it's good for the mind. It's part of the coping strategies alongside food, drugs, movies, video games, gymcelling, etc.

These men are like: I don't want to cope! I want to suffer! Like wtf... Thank God escorting exists, I'd kill myself right now if I could never touch Aryan tits.

As to the OP, well yes, simply put, good thread I sadly agree. This is especially true for ethnics, as we have negative SMV in the eyes of foids. They would throw us like a disposable tissue, even more vehemently than with a a White man.

Also, it's not cucked if the escort is hot. I'm assuming some come from America where the escort is a fat ugly old whore. I'm in France it's the same garbage + non-white + racism. The good escorts (the only good escorts sadly) are in Eastern Europe, and in German FKKs (they import Slavic women basically).
please contiune making more wonderful threads to improve this community ! :feelsaww::feelsaww:

^ Also.

Actually I was suprised it wasn't in Must-Read. ResidentHell is a high quality poster, I read his analysis of Tesla vs Edison (a good example of how naivety and racist environment can ruin the potential of an intelligent man, peace be on him, I'm talking about Tesla).
chad gets young hot pussy even at 40 yet you need to pay for this
Given my fap patterns, I would want to fuck at minimum 4 out of 7 days, with some days fucking 7 out of 7 days, and not even too rarely coom 2-3 time one day while still cooming daily other days.

In no way shape or form could I ever escortmaxx myself into a cheaper arrangement than literally buying a wife overseas or actually ascending and getting married.

My sexual needs are heavy, and my balls scream to be drained frequently.

I firmly believe i'd be in jail if it wasn't for access to cooming materials.

Though with an escort I can fulfill my fantasies, like sitting on her checks after cumming inside of her and then making her clean my cock with her mouth of our juices and then as I begin to soften up a bit in her mouth I begin pissing down her throat until my balls and bladder are completely cleaned out by her at this stage.
No, fuck all that. Better to die a virgin than to give foid whores money.
Solid post gringo,gonna bookmark for later.
Also, there are many married men that have sexless marriages. Dead bedrooms is a thing. You aren't always guranteed to have sex with your wife, at least with an escort or prostitute, sex is certain/definite/guranteed. The issue is mostly just finance/money.

There are also married men that use escorts/prostitutes as well.

This is the curse that men have to deal with more than women. Men desire sex more than women (women with higher testosterone themselves desire sex more. Testosterone is the culprit... us men are a slave to our sex drives). Well, women can go on months without having sex (although they always have sex anyway).
A Summary of Divorce Statistics

If your future plan is to marry a woman, unless you want to have children, you might as well become an escortmaxxer instead
. Marriage is for the most part unrecommendable to zoomer & millenial men in the current state of western society. You have more to lose than you have to gain from living with a wife over the long term. Why is this the case? I’ll show you the stats:

The average length of a marriage prior to divorce is eight years. This means the lifespan of a marriage that will eventually end in divorce, is more or less than eight years. I’ll approximate the figure to 10 years. Of course, there may be divorcees whose marriages lasted more than ten years, but the majority of divorces happen within 10 years of marriage (U.S Census Bureau, 2021)

Most men (64%) and most women (52%) re-marry after divorce. Basically most divorcees have married to two or more different people in their lifetime. Moreover the vast majority of divorced couples (96%) re-marry to new people; only 6% of divorced couples re-marry each other (Love To Know)

It costs around $7,000 to process and complete a divorce. Any person who marries and later divorces, would lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process (Forbes Advisor, 2024)

More than half of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for first marriages is 50%, second marriages is 67% and third marriages is 73%. Basically the majority of all marriages end in divorce, but someone who marries a second or third time is more likely to divorce than someone who marries for the first time (Psychology Today, 2012)

The majority of consumer purchases are made by women. In other words women are BY FAR the largest spenders between the two sexes (Nielsen Company, 2020) Think about the implications of this for men who live with their wife or GF. If a man’s wife does the vast majority of spending in the household, who’s money is she likely to spend? Maybe she spends her own, but it wouldn’t be absurd to think she also spends out of her husband’s finance

Around 69% of divorces are initiated by the female spouse. Basically most divorces are initiated by the wife, and married women are 1.5x more likely than married men to initiate a divorce (Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, 2018)

Financial security (42%) is the leading factor for couples to start a marriage, followed by companionship (39%), “love” (36%), “formal act of making a commitment” (34%) and “to start a family” (34%). (Forbes Advisor, 2023). For almost half of all married couples, financial security was the most important factor that encouraged them to start a marriage. Based on what the statistics say, it basically means financial security matters more than love and companionship in respect of starting a marriage

“Lack of family support” (43%) is the leading factor for getting a divorce
(Forbes Advisor, 2023). Ideally “lack of family support” can apply to various circumstances. But “lack of family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue than a non-finance-related issue, because as we already know, “financial security” is the predominant factor that motivates couples to get married. So if one of the two spouses fails to provide “family support”, it is fair to assume that based on the leading factor for couples getting married, the failure to provide sufficient “family support” is more likely to be a finance-related issue



An Estimate for Consumer Spending Activity in Marriage with statistics for the Annual Income of Men and Women in the US

We also need to consider the possibility that a wife may spend her husband’s money over the course of their marriage. I can’t find any data on expenses made by married women using their husband’s finance, but I can make an estimate based on other available data:

For 2022, the average man’s salary in the US was around $62,000; the average woman’s salary in the US was around $52,000 (US Department of Labour, 2022). If we combine their salaries together, it adds to a combined total of $114,000. Also for 2021, the average annual expenditure for a family of two was around $76,000 (US Department of Labour, 2023). According to Nielsen Company, around 89% of women across the world claim to be the one responsible for “controlling or sharing daily shopping needs, household chores and food prep” compared to an average of 41% of men

Now if we extrapolate this statistic for western society (e.g., Europe, North America), we can conclude 89% of US women in a household that has at least two people (e.g., wife/husband, BF/GF) spend around a minimum $76,000 annually. This sum of money would be enough for the average couple in the US to fairly split their household expenditures based on the combined total of their own salaries: $76,000 is two-thirds of $114,000. So if we assume the average couple in the US would split their expenditures proportionately to the sum of their salaries, the annual household expenditure for a co-habitating couple would account for approx. $35,000 (= $52,000 * 2/3) out of the woman’s salary, and $41,000 (= $62,000 * 2/3) out of the man’s salary

Thus we can draw a conclusion that for any man who marries a woman, there’s also an 89% chance that he would allow his wife to spend two-thirds of his financial income (or an average of $41,000 a year), which would amount to around $205,000 in 5 years, and around $410,000 in 10 years

Basically if any random zoomer male were to get married, we can draw these estimations based on the provided stats:
- There’s at least a 50% chance he will receive a divorce. If he does receive a divorce, it would probably happen within 10 years of his marriage, and his wife is most likely the one who’ll initiate the divorce
- If he divorces, he will also lose more or less than $7,000 in the divorce process, and the most likely reason why he’ll receive a divorce is because of his “failure to provide family support” or “failing to commit”, which basically translates to not contributing enough money to household and family maintenance
- If he lives with his wife during the course of his marital relationship, there’s an 89% chance his wife will spend two-thirds of his money every year (on household and family maintenance, and miscellaneous items). If he’s the average adult male in the United States, this expenditure would be more or less than $41,000 a year, which translates to $205,000 in 5 years, $328,000 in 8 years, $410,000 in 10 years

Let’s reflect on these stats. The average man in the US would allow his wife to spend up to two-thirds of his income in the course of a marital relationship. There’s also a >50% chance that he will divorce. If he does divorce, it will probably happen within 10 years, and he will also lose money in the divorce process due to legal fees and redistribution of previously shared property. Also consider the stats for paternity fraud, which show 10% to 30% couples that have a paternity test receive a negative result

If you wish to marry a woman who’ll spend around 2/3 of your annual income every year, potentially cuck you in the process (>10% chance) and potentially divorce you afterwards (>50% chance), is marriage a worthwhile investment in western society? It depends on what you want out of it

Escorts are Generally Cheaper to Maintain than Wives

A wife may have the impression that her husband’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as his wife, e.g., “my husband believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the key reason that I am his wife”

An escort or sugar baby may have the impression that her client’s perceived entitlement to sex is based on her status as a professional sex provider, e.g., “my client believes he’s entitled to sex with me for the sole reason that I am a sex worker by profession and he has fulfilled the requirement that I set for my clients in order to allow them to have consensual sex with me, which is the requirement of a financial compensation”

Now let’s think for a minute: If you wanted to have sex with your “female partner”, would you rely more on a wife to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex, or would you rely more on an escort to make herself physically available to you within 24 hours of a request for sex?

In marriage there’s a potential risk that your wife could altogether discontinue to allow you to have sex with her for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., sex with husband is no longer fun, I’m seeing someone else who isn’t my husband), but in escortbuxxing this is a lesser risk. An escort can also reject a potential client for some reason that she may or may not say (e.g., some escorts reject black men), but escorts in general have lower genetic standards than ordinary “non-sex working” women in the sexual selection process. To put this simply, a “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to the average LTN / subhuman man who transfers the correct amount of money for the service, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman man who wants to marry her or become her “boyfriend”

A financially responsible escortbuxxer can easily spend no more than $20,000 a year if we assume he escortbuxes every week
. Based on estimated consumer spending in a two-person household, if a financially responsible escortbuxer were to escortbux every week for 8 – 10 years straight, he would spend $100,000 to $150,000 less than what he would have spent on a wife who married him and stayed with him for the same amount of time: Approx. $200k - $240k for weekly escortbux over 8-to-10-year period, compared to $300k - $400k for expenses made by wife using husband’s money over 8-to-10-year period

Basically we can estimate that escortmaxing is around $100,000 cheaper, or 30% cheaper in financial cost, than long-term marriage for the average man in the US. The monthly or annual expenses of the average adult male can be 30% less, if he were to simply escortbux once or twice a week instead of marry

If your main concern is financial security, I’d say marriage is not worth it. You can easily save more money by escortbuxxing instead of having a wife that lives with you in a shared house. Plus you can rely more on escorts to provide sex at a higher frequency than a wife, because escorts are sex providers by profession, and “wife” or “girlfriend” is not formally understood as a profession of sex work. A woman who provides sex by occupation is more reliable than a woman who does not provide sex by occupation

As for sexual services, escorts are formally paid for their services by direct financial transactio, but "wives" are paid indirectly and more implicitly (i.e., in the form of expenses made using the husband’s finances)

In essence it means an escort is less likely than a “wife” to object to a man’s perceived entitlement to sex, because escorts know that by profession, they are supposed to provide sex upon payment. Whereas “wives” and other “non-single women” do not have the same understanding of their own roles as “wives” or “girlfriends”. In the modern world, women have diverged from the belief that men should be entitled to sex with a woman on the sole basis that he’s in a relationship with that woman. People do not see “wife” or “girlfriend” as a formal profession. Thus they don’t interpret the role of “wife” or “girlfriend” to involve a sexual obligation to her “husband” or “boyfriend” --- A marriage can be sexless when the husband doesn’t want it to be sexless; a “BF/GF” relationship can be sexless when the “boyfriend” doesn’t want it to be sexless. But appointments with escorts who offer sex cannot be sexless if the client doesn’t want it to be sexless. In the world there are “sexless marriages” and "sexless relationships" where the husband / BF doesn’t want to be sexless, but there’s no such thing as a “sexless escort appointment” unless the client doesn’t want to have sex

Escorts have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provided sex when certain conditions are fulfilled (aka financial / economic compensation), because escorts know it’s a necessary part of their agreement to their profession as a provider of sex upon request. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do not have the foreknowledge that they are purposed to provide sex to their “husband” or “boyfriend”, because “wives” (and non-married women) no longer believe it is a necessary part of their agreement to the non-professional role of a “wife” or “girlfriend” to be a provider of sex to the “husband” or “boyfriend” upon demand.
Escorts who offer sexual services do not have the preconception they are not required to provide sex if the client wants it, because they know it will show their failure to commit to the requirements of their occupation. But “wives” and “girlfriends” do have the idea that they aren’t required to provide sex if the “husband” or “boyfriend” wants it, because they do not believe that sex with “husband” or “boyfriend” is the compulsory duty of a “wife” or “girlfriend”

There's a difference between their preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “sex workers” compared to preconceptions about the sexual obligations of “wives” or “girlfriends” - ESCORTS KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY KNOW it’s part of their agreement to their PROFESSION as a “sex provider”. WIVES and GFs DO NOT KNOW they are meant to provide sex because THEY DO NOT BELIEVE it’s part of their agreement to their NON-PROFESSIONAL ROLE of a “wife” or “girlfriend”. An escort is more likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the condition the arranged price for the sex service is paid, than a “non-escort” is likely to agree that a man is entitled to sex with her on the sole basis that she is his “wife” or “girlfriend”

escort who offers sex will provide sex on the condition that a financial compensation is made in advance, and with all due respect a wife is practically no different to an escort, because many women get married for the same reason that escorts sell sex (Remember: Financial security is the most common factor that motivates couples to get married). Although escorts sell sex for the same reason that many women get married - Escorts in general are less discriminative than ordinary women in the sexual selection process. A “sex worker” Stacy is more likely to provide sex to an ordinary escortbux LTN / subhuman male who sends her the correct amount of money, than a “non-sex worker” Stacy is likely to provide sex to an ordinary LTN / subhuman male who wants to be her husband or boyfriend

In the Modern World, Is Marriage Worth It for Young Men?

If your main concern is financial security, you’d easily have an overall better experience with escorts instead of a wife, because:

1. Escortmaxing is overall cheaper than marriage. You’ll almost surely save thousands in cash by slaying escorts instead of having a wife who lives with you and spends your money. Frequent sex with an escort can cost up to $2000 a month, or between 1/4 and 1/2 of your monthly income, compared to having a wife who’ll spend an average $3400 of your money each month, or 2/3 of your monthly income. Basically escorts are about 30% cheaper than wives,

2. You’ll have better prospects of frequent access to sex and ultimately avoid landing in a “sexless marriage”

3. In marriage your odds of divorce are more than 50%, and there’s a moderate to high risk of divorce rape or/and paternity fraud. In escortmaxxing there’s zero risk of paternity fraud or divorce rape

4. Escorts overall have lower standards than non-escorts in respect of genetic traits of men who may be sexually interested them. An escort is more likely than a non-escort to take on a LTN / subhuman male as a sex partner, as long as LTN / subhuman sends over the correct amount of money for the sex service. Escorts are less discriminatory to MTNs, LTNs and truecels, which also means you’ll have an easier time finding high SMV females (aka Stacylite or Stacy escorts) who would agree to sex in exchange for financial compensation
5. Many women get married for the same reason escorts sell sex. Financial security is the predominant factor that motivates almost half of all couples to start a marriage. Basically financial security is the primary factor that motivates both wives and escorts to have a sexual relation with men or live with men in the same house

Unless your fiancée or potential future wife is a wealthmaxxed millionaire who’ll allow you to have partial or total ownership of her assets upon finalization of marriage, you’re simply better off escortbuxing until further notice if your main concern is financial security

If what you want is “love and companionship” you may as well re-consider searching for a wife, because a wife who’d spend $100,000’s of your money over several years and probably leave or cuck you afterwards, she may not be the “loving wife” you are searching for. In the end, all you may have from a wife is the illusion of “love” as she drains your income and wealth over the course of several years. In practice this is more or less equivalent to a “paid-for GF experience” – A service normally provided by escorts and “sugar babies” who are all in all whores by profession. If you just want “companionship” and the illusion of “love”, an escort or sugar baby can provide you with a similar experience that you would otherwise have from a wife who’d probably divorce or have extramarital partners after years of draining your economic resources

If your main concern is companionship, I’d say marriage is not worth it. An escort who offers GFE can provide you with a congruent experience to having a wife, and weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly.
A wife is practically the equivalent of an escort – The only difference is the wife would probably be more expensive to maintain, and your prospects of frequent sex with an affordable escort would be higher than your prospects of frequent sex with a wife. As long as you have the money, you can pretty much pay a sex worker to larp as the equivalent of wife or GF

Then again there may be some escorts and sugar babies out there who would take advantage of emotionally vulnerable clients, and financially drain them more than a wife financially drains her husband. That’s why I said, “weekly escortbuxing can be more cost effective than long-term marriage if done responsibly”. Ultimately you can fulfil the same purpose by escortbuxing rather than long-term marriage if your main concern is companionship. But you have to be in the position where you can afford to do it weekly for multiple years, and you have to be sensible enough to not let your escorts get the better of your emotions while interacting with them

If your main concern is pursuit of love or pursuit of a faithful companion, then you can look back on the divorce stats I added to this post, and decide for yourself whether or not you’ll find “the woman who will be faithful to me for life and never leave me”
. Statistically speaking your chances of finding this woman is less than 50%. At least half of all men who are in pursuit of a loving, faithful, lifetime companion will not find one. If you plan to search for love or a faithful, lifetime companion, you'd be lucky if your search turns out a success

If your main concern is to have children, then I wouldn’t suggest that you shouldn’t get married, but I would say you should consider the potential threat associated with divorce rape and paternity fraud. As you might want to start a family, there’s still a risk of paternity fraud / divorce rape (e.g., losing custody of kids, being placed under the illusion you are the father of someone else's child). Preferably you do not want to lose custody of your children, cause in divorce process the court tends to favour the female divorcee in having custody of children. If you divorce she’s most likely to win custody of the children by court order. Plus you don’t want to be placed under the illusion you’re the biological father of children who actually came from the seed of another man who impregnated your wife while you weren’t around. Even if you slept with your wife around the same time she conceived, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she couldn’t have slept with another man around that same time. Besides the risk of divorce rape and paternity fraud, marrying under the main interest of having children is not a bad idea
If every ugly man were to just escortmaxx our society would not function as people would not have enough kids

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