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Why don't you hate Donald Trump?

Do you like Donald Trump?

  • Yes, I want to suck his cock

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • No, he's a normie sexhaving piece of shit

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
Because women/normies hate Trump.
I love him because he makes normalfags upset.

The entire feminist, degenerate, status quo hates him.

He pisses off SJWs and feminists, and appears to support us kikes. All I need, really.

Also, he's the fucking President, I don't want some dweeb to rule the country, I want a proper alpha Chad up there. Unlike most incels I don't really hate Chads, if I was born a Chad I would take every advantage of it.
Also, he's the fucking President, I don't want some dweeb to rule the country, I want a proper alpha Chad up there.

But is he an alpha Chad, though? First of all, how is he Chad? Maybe he was when he was younger (I can't tell) but now he's just a fat old man who's being made fun of by half the country (and half the world for anyone who cares). That's not how people react to Chad, that's how they'd treat an incel.

And two, how is he alpha? He acts like a thin skinned braggart with a tenuous grasp on reality. He spends his Saturday nights tweeting at Alec Baldwin clowning him on TV. Throwing hissy fits on social media is not alpha behavior.

The one good thing about Trump is that he pisses of the people that hate us, but if he weren't president Trump but a member on this forum, we'd be screaming to have him banned because we hate people like him.
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But is he an alpha Chad, though? First of all, how is he Chad? Maybe he was when he was younger (I can't tell) but now he's just a fat old man who's being made fun of by half the country (and half the world for anyone who cares). That's not how people react to Chad, that's how they'd treat an incel.

And two, how is he alpha? He acts like a thin skinned braggart with a tenuous grasp on reality. He spends his Saturday nights tweeting at Alec Baldwin clowning him on TV. Throwing hissy fits on social media is not alpha behavior.

The one good thing about Trump is that he pisses of the people that hate us, but if he weren't president Trump but a member on this forum, we'd be screaming to have him banned because we hate people like him.

Well no shit he's a fat old man, he's 71 years old! Fucking hell, I would LOVE to be a "fat old man" like him when I'm 71, and not a dessicated fossil that can barely move around. The fact alone that he withstood a Presidential campaign is a testament to the fact that he's still firing on all cylinders. That's some grueling shit. And considering shit he has had to deal with in Year 1, he's not looking any worse for the wear. Presidency is a hell of a stressful job, and Bathhouse Barry was already starting to look haggard by this time in his first term.

Besides that:

Has money? Check.
Has a Stacy wife? Check.
Fucked other Stacies (and unrepentanty so)? Check.
Has good-looking offspring? Check.
Says whatever the fuck he wants? Check.

Of course half the country is coping by making fun of him, because half the country is composed of cucks and feminists. He doesn't give a shit. And stoic behavior is overrated, especially in this day and age. "Stoic and classy" gets shouted down and get told to shut up and sit down by loudmouth cunts. These are the new rules: it used to be that you won by taking the high road, nowadays when they go low, you go lower and louder. "Stoic and classy" also won't cut it with the mudslimes, or Putin, or Xi (especially coming after the "classy" asskisser Bathhouse Barry). Like it or not, you need an angry loudmouth madman motherfucker on both domestic and foreign stages to suppress all the cunts that cropped up and got bold over the course of the last eight years.

He's not perfect, in fact he fucked up a lot of things early on, and sometimes (the above notwithtanding) I wish he'd STFU for five seconds sometimes and think about what he's about to say, but overall he's a big swinging dick, and that's exactly what is necessary after eight years of a closeted mudslime faggot.
I wish there was an option for both in the poll. I love how he triggers libtards
OP is virtue signalling his cuckdom

cope, even ethnic incels want you dead because you're white
We wish to be white, not that they be killed lol.
Trump is funny af, he acts like a typical amerifat.
Hes a great president for the USA, he represents the american ppl 100%.
I can't give too many fucks about who is the president where I don't live.
Tbh he's kinda dumb, but Hillary was a shitty choice too.

It's like having to choose between shooting yourself in the left or right foot.
At the end of the day it's all the same.
i don't hate him but he says a lot of dumb shit

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