Interest. Incels are a new thing, up until the rise of the incels as a group on the internet we mostly just knew of groups like females and minorities as the ones being oppressed or presented as victims(mgtow do no portray themselves as victims or something of the sort). Incels are somewhat like white people portraying themselves as a victim of racism, they're the opposition to the idea that only females can be victimized as presented by the media and by leftist parties. They pose a threat to the notion that all whamnez are strong queens but at the same time poor and miserable saints tortured by the evil male, in particular the white male.
Now that somebody is posing a threat to their monopoly on the victim market they don't like it, and it makes sense, it doesn't benefit them. Portraying women as creatures who are capable of doing wrong and improperly judging others is something that can't be allowed, which is why incels are a menace, not to society, but to those who benefit from their privilege as we see in life(double standards, hypocrisy and lies in family courts, rape allegations etc.).