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Why does soyciety think teenagers are ""kids""?



Nov 7, 2017
I saw an advertisement online about a campaign against "kid marriages" and such a marriage was defined if the bride is younger than 18, which makes no sense, because teenagers aren't prepubescent kids. Is it because everyone crying about it is 20+ and realizes they are way past their prime? That is the only logical answer to this sincere question. In the Grammy-winning wise words of Deftones' Elite: "When you're ripe, you'll bleed out of control."
Society has been long overdue for a reset: We're seeing the adverse effects of that.
Foids and helicopter parenting.

He is just 17? aww, dont let them play violent video games!
He is 18? send him to war!

Draft is very real in my country by the way, before any burgercels spit excuses.
Whenever an 18 year old guy is with a 17 year old girl everyones like "Why is this GROWN ASS MAN with an innocent little child??? what a nasty pedo!"
Whenever an 18 year old guy is with a 17 year old girl everyones like "Why is this GROWN ASS MAN with an innocent little child??? what a nasty pedo!"

17 year old and 11 months*
"13 is perfectly mature and totally not childish" :soy:
Blackpill Jesus has been taken down yesterday :cryfeels:

There was a video he uploaded on his channel were a foid couldn't remember her bodycount and said "i've been fucking and sucking since i was 14 so i kind of lost count you know"
Blackpill Jesus has been taken down yesterday :(

There was a video he uploaded on his channel were a foid couldn't remember her bodycount and said "i've been fucking and sucking since i was 14 so i kind of lost count you know"
Exactly. Only soycucks like Smitty and feminist whores aged 20+ will cry about this.
Back in the desert, there you can marry your inbred 13 year old cousin :feelskek: :feelskek:
@Edmund_Kemper This soyboy cumskin thinks teenagers are "kids" :lul: it's always cumskins doing this.
@Edmund_Kemper come help me :soy::soy::lul:
JFL, cumskin soyboys are so low IQ, they expose themselves easily. I'll be here when you get banned, little cumskin cuck.
JFL, cumskin soyboys are so low IQ, they expose themselves easily. I'll be here when you get banned, little cumskin cuck.
"Ban this guy he says mean things I dont want to hear" :soy: :soy: :soy: maybe you want to go back to reddit, you fucking stupid clown.
Is it because everyone crying about it is 20+ and realizes they are way past their prime? That is the only logical answer to this sincere question.

Teens are kids = cope for older people.
17 years old and 11 months and 29 days and 23 hours and 59 minutes* :feelskek:

Keep crying soyboy cumskin. :feelskek:

And soycucks like schmitty. :feelskek:
Keep dreaming about that white jb, ethnic"""""""""cel""""""""" :feelsYall:
Keep dreaming about that white jb, ethnic"""""""""cel""""""""" :feelsYall:
Keep projecting you schmitty soyboy, who says I want a white girl? :feelskek:
Keep dreaming about that white jb, ethnic"""""""""cel""""""""" :feelsYall:
When the fuck did he mention anything about white jbs? Why are you calling him a fakecel? Stop trolling him
When the fuck did he mention anything about white jbs? Why are you calling him a fakecel? Stop trolling him
If he calls that trolling, he needs to really step up his game. Even an actual kid could troll much better. :feelskek: Don't worry Colvinbro. He's just a soyboy cumskin after all.
If he calls that trolling, he needs to really step up his game. Even an actual kid could troll much better. :feelskek: Don't worry Colvinbro. He's just a soyboy cumskin after all.
Yeah tbh and he probably jacks off to blacked.com JFL
Keep projecting you schmitty soyboy, who says I want a white girl? :feelskek:
When the fuck did he mention anything about white jbs? Why are you calling him a fakecel? Stop trolling him
You are ethnic, all ethnic"cels" only lust after whites or white looking Asians.

If he calls that trolling, he needs to really step up his game. Even an actual kid could troll much better. :feelskek: Don't worry Colvinbro. He's just a soyboy cumskin after all.
Seriously, do even post anything outside your cumskin-currycel-jb shitpost circle? You are a fucking joke dude :feelswhat:
Yeah tbh and he probably jacks off to blacked.com JFL
:feelskek: I bet that soyboy believes the white race is dying, too. :lul:
You are ethnic, all ethnic"cels" only lust after whites or white looking Asians.

Seriously, do even post anything outside your cumskin-currycel-jb shitpost circle? You are a fucking joke dude :feelswhat:
What the fuck, your delusion is real. Keep coping on stormfront, soycuck. Not every curry is grooming your precious :soy: white girls. :feelskek:
You are ethnic, all ethnic"cels" only lust after whites or white looking Asians.
Not true. I've been rejected by foids of all races. Keep coping and larping though
"13 is perfectly mature and totally not childish" :soy:
It isn't. Females can be and should be bred once they are 2-3 years into puberty. Women are perpetual children anyways, so it doesn't matter. They become adults only at 50.
I used to consider them kids too but now I know they aren't
I’m 20 and most of my peers are just children in grown ass bodies. I’m starting to think that’s all any of us are :dafuckfeels:
It isn't. Females can be and should be bred once they are 2-3 years into puberty. Women are perpetual children anyways, so it doesn't matter. They become adults only at 50.
Thats around 15-16 though. 16 is the perfect cut off, I seriously dont know what retards here see in 13 or 14 year old holes, they wont bear you a strong son nor can they actually take care of it either. Its just a slippery slope to 12 year olds and below and thats just disgusting. But the jb morons here have no brain so they sperg out immediately if you even slightly imply a 13 year old is too young jfl

I’m 20 and most of my peers are just children in grown ass bodies. I’m starting to think that’s all any of us are :dafuckfeels:
Not true. I've been rejected by foids of all races. Keep coping and larping though
Stormfrontcucks need to rope ngl. It's not a coincide that alt-right cucks are the biggest soyboys.
To normies, anything under 18 is a toddler in diapers. That’s why they call u pedo if you like a 16 year old girl Jfl :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
I used to consider them kids too but now I know they aren't
Soyciety tricked you but glad you wisened up.
To normies, anything under 18 is a toddler in diapers. That’s why they call u pedo if you like a 16 year old girl Jfl :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman:
JFL at soyciety.
Thats around 15-16 though.
It depends on when she starts puberty, some can start as yuong as 6, while some don't start until 14. Same applies for boys. I have an 11 y/o male cousin who already mogs tf out of me even though hasn't even started puberty.

16 is the perfect cut off

How convient that you don't pick an age too contriversial to what the jews have taught you.

And no, you're wrong, it isnt the perfect cut off. see charts below.

I seriously dont know what retards here see in 13 or 14 year old holes

You tell me.


they wont bear you a strong son nor can they actually take care of it either.

Bearing a strong son depends on genes and body type. I have a 10 and 11 year old sister, yet the 11 year old is way more developed than the 10 year old, so much so that my mom says they look like they're almost 5 years apart in age.

As for taking care of the child, that depends on maturity, which varies from time and place.


Its just a slippery slope to 12 year olds and below and thats just disgusting.

Age doesn't matter. Biology does.

But the jb morons here have no brain so they sperg out immediately if you even slightly imply a 13 year old is too young jfl

Because you are being bluepilled and buying into (((feminist))) talking points. There's a reason they went for the AoC as one of the first things when feminism started. There's a reason they want to keep girls from getting married young, as this makes it harder for them to pair bond when older (a virgin 12 y/o will be easier to bond with than a virgin 16 y/o for example), and it enables them more time to groom these girls into growing into whores.

Prior to (((feminism))), the age of marriage was around 7-10 in both the USA and UK. When they were, as tradcucks would put it, white and traditional.

Because roasties who hit the wall want to call any man that isn’t in to them a pedo
It depends on when she starts puberty, some can start as yuong as 6, while some don't start until 14. Same applies for boys. I have an 11 y/o male cousin who already mogs tf out of me even though hasn't even started puberty.

How convient that you don't pick an age too contriversial to what the jews have taught you.

And no, you're wrong, it isnt the perfect cut off. see charts below.

You tell me.


Bearing a strong son depends on genes and body type. I have a 10 and 11 year old sister, yet the 11 year old is way more developed than the 10 year old, so much so that my mom says they look like they're almost 5 years apart in age.

As for taking care of the child, that depends on maturity, which varies from time and place.


Age doesn't matter. Biology does.

Because you are being bluepilled and buying into (((feminist))) talking points. There's a reason they went for the AoC as one of the first things when feminism started. There's a reason they want to keep girls from getting married young, as this makes it harder for them to pair bond when older (a virgin 12 y/o will be easier to bond with than a virgin 16 y/o for example), and it enables them more time to groom these girls into growing into whores.

Prior to (((feminism))), the age of marriage was around 7-10 in both the USA and UK. When they were, as tradcucks would put it, white and traditional.

Dude, he's a soyboy cumskin alt right cuck who thinks his precious :soy: white wahmen must be protected at all costs from us evil ethnics! :soy:
Oh no not these graphs again, "male ratings of female attractiveness and feminity" what does that even mean, who was the test group, where, what photos were used, how were the numbers calculated and what do they represent?
"Psychosocial maturation" doesnt mean anything on its own, nor do I see how its possible to deducted the "maturity" of a girl who lived 3000 B.C. Besides that I looked up Glutman and Hanson and they seem to be writing about social medical issues, hardly a topic that is strongly related to inceldom.
Marriage under Victorian law always implied sex, because that is what marriage entails; sex and having children. And before the idiot entitlement state marriage was the only thing that could ensure a girls financial well being, as such they would need to be married off or betrothed young, and as marriage is sex the AoC would need to be low for that to be legal. As the economic situation improved for a lot of people, including holes, this insurance was no longer necessary so the AoC went up to something less pragmatic and more "moral". Industrial people physically mistreated ugly people, made fun of autists and put them into torterous insane houses and displayed truecels in freakshows for their amusement, should we get that back as well because apparently something persisting at a point in time is virtue enough to make it objectively feasible.

You are making no logical point, just calling me bluepilled and presenting your laughable allegories. At the very least you could post the articles that contain these graphs, I have time to read them.
Japan is based saying when you're 13 you're able to have sex.
teenagers aren't kids. younger teens are adolescents, older teens are biologically adults (post-pubescent).

and jfl at this moralfag here
Oh no not these graphs again, "male ratings of female attractiveness and feminity" what does that even mean, who was the test group, where, what photos were used, how were the numbers calculated and what do they represent?
"Psychosocial maturation" doesnt mean anything on its own, nor do I see how its possible to deducted the "maturity" of a girl who lived 3000 B.C. Besides that I looked up Glutman and Hanson and they seem to be writing about social medical issues, hardly a topic that is strongly related to inceldom.
Marriage under Victorian law always implied sex, because that is what marriage entails; sex and having children. And before the idiot entitlement state marriage was the only thing that could ensure a girls financial well being, as such they would need to be married off or betrothed young, and as marriage is sex the AoC would need to be low for that to be legal. As the economic situation improved for a lot of people, including holes, this insurance was no longer necessary so the AoC went up to something less pragmatic and more "moral". Industrial people physically mistreated ugly people, made fun of autists and put them into torterous insane houses and displayed truecels in freakshows for their amusement, should we get that back as well because apparently something persisting at a point in time is virtue enough to make it objectively feasible.

You are making no logical point, just calling me bluepilled and presenting your laughable allegories. At the very least you could post the articles that contain these graphs, I have time to read them.
who was the test group? like 150 randomly selected presumably everyday men. where what photos? i think you know. how were the numbers calculated? ok shut up.

also, gluckman and hanson weren't writing about social medical issues, it's about age of menarche, which was very low in the paleolithic age, just like it's low today, and only was higher between the paleolithic and today because of agricultural influence
Oh no not these graphs again, "male ratings of female attractiveness and feminity" what does that even mean, who was the test group, where, what photos were used, how were the numbers calculated and what do they represent?

It means how horny they felt. Isn't that obvious enough?

Test group was normal healthy men, as it says right there.

Photos of girls of that age obviously.

Look up scientific blackpill on the incel wiki and take a read of the Age subsection on the page.

"Psychosocial maturation" doesnt mean anything on its own, nor do I see how its possible to deducted the "maturity" of a girl who lived 3000 B.C.

Psychosocial maturation is the ability to function normally and healthily in society.

By anaylzing historic patterns and norms. Duh. You're willingly making youself stupid to defend feminism.

Besides that I looked up Glutman and Hanson and they seem to be writing about social medical issues, hardly a topic that is strongly related to inceldom.
Marriage under Victorian law always implied sex, because that is what marriage entails; sex and having children. And before the idiot entitlement state marriage was the only thing that could ensure a girls financial well being, as such they would need to be married off or betrothed young, and as marriage is sex the AoC would need to be low for that to be legal. As the economic situation improved for a lot of people, including holes, this insurance was no longer necessary so the AoC went up to something less pragmatic and more "moral".

I don't care for economic factors that would lead to young marriages, I am simply concerned with the biological aspect here. The economic factor of the husband caring for his loli wife is a bonus.

Industrial people physically mistreated ugly people, made fun of autists and put them into torterous insane houses and displayed truecels in freakshows for their amusement, should we get that back as well because apparently something persisting at a point in time is virtue enough to make it objectively feasible.

I never said that just because something was happening at a certain point in time, that it is feasible again. I brought the UK/USA AOC up because I know you love your pure white Christian nation, and I'm showing you your pure whire Christian nation allowed loli wives.

This comparison doesn't even work as we know that jews are behind feminism, and feminism raised the AoC. What? It's just pure coincidence that every thing feminism brought for women (no fault divorce, careers, alimony, whoredom) is wrong, but by sheer luck the one thing that triggers your emotions happens to be the one thing they got right?

Also JFL at your "more moral" bullshit. Unless you believe in God, which most people don't, there is no such thing as morality, or rather objective morality, this is something atheist philosophers readily acknowledge. Funnily enough, the Abrahamic God allows for child marriage, whether one is a Jew, Muslim, or Christian.

And even more so, morality does not matter when securing your genetic lineage. So what, women get to secure their genes by going for Chad, but a male isn't allowed to garuntee his children are his by going for a loli wife? Besdies, we both know that females would gladly be willing to get deflowered by Chad husbands as soon as they bloom.

You are making no logical point, just calling me bluepilled and presenting your laughable allegories. At the very least you could post the articles that contain these graphs, I have time to read them.

Like I said, incel wiki, scientific blackpill page, age subsection. this is where I got the first chart from.
teenagers aren't kids. younger teens are adolescents, older teens are biologically adults (post-pubescent).

and jfl at this moralfag here

who was the test group? like 150 randomly selected presumably everyday men. where what photos? i think you know. how were the numbers calculated? ok shut up.

also, gluckman and hanson weren't writing about social medical issues, it's about age of menarche, which was very low in the paleolithic age, just like it's low today, and only was higher between the paleolithic and today because of agricultural influence
JFL, funniest part of all is he thinks we are stealing his precious :soy: white girls, the same ones that want him dead. He is a literal soyboy whiteknight cuck. Still, he won't get that pussy he craves so desperately. :feelskek:
JFL, funniest part of all is he thinks we are stealing his precious :soy: white girls, the same ones that want him dead. He is a literal soyboy whiteknight cuck. Still, he won't get that pussy he craves so desperately. :feelskek:
moralfagging should be banned on this forum. this is the only forum where people can discuss the blackpill without backlash
fun fact: most "child" marriages are 17 year olds, not 12 year olds, and most of the time they marry someone only a few years older, not some middle aged man

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