Humanity has always been savage and evil due to its selection of mates based on certain physical traits, you can see it even to this day, traits that are completely useless to humans in this day and age are still highly sough after, eugenics are the ideological manifestations of the hideous and ugly animalistic instincts embedded into humans, this being the reason to why the common young roastie would go for a tall, dark, handsome and athletic stoner that abuses her rather than a short, awkward, skinny mathematician who doesn't shit on her, this is universal and applies to everyone, this is human nature.
Reverse eugenics=utopia, no chads and stacies to shit on everyone and get away with it because of the way they look, with the decline of the chad and stacy populace, the standards of attractiveness will become much lower and more generous, lookism will die, this will inchallah happen someday, hundreds of years after we all die, people in the very distant future, because of the global population growth and with their newfound benevolent nature will look back and realize how unfair and cruel the past world was and be thankful that they live in solace and equality, everyone will almost look the same, everyone will be in the average range, no exceptionally attractive or ugly people to exist, incel genes need to be spread and intermingled with the normie and chad ones in order for this to happen so that physical differences become trivial and each individual's personality defines them.