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Why does society expect us to be happy?



Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?
Nov 15, 2017
As incels we all have experienced rejection, ridicule and bullying all throughout our lives. Yet it is expected from us to be happy, upbeat and with a positive bubbly personality lol.
Because it would mean that there is a rot at the core of society. Despite us having advanced from the time of primitive hominids, women still have outrageous amount of sex and choose their mates based on pure attraction and not on the immaterial like personality, humor, skills, etc.
Because they've never been in our shoes and think loneliness is not a big deal.
They want us to be brainless zombies that work for the system and never talk about our injustices.
Crustaciouse said:
They want us to be brainless zombies that work for the system and never talk about our injustices.
And it's beyond me how they expect us to be happy doing it.

In group therapy, there were a handful of workaholic types who could only talk about their shitty jobs and how badly they wanted to back to new shitty jobs. Every time they talked, I just wanted to die.
Because we aren't starving African children.
That's how low they put the threshold of happiness.
Jockcel said:
Because they've never been in our shoes and think loneliness is not a big deal.

This is the correct answer
Because of the just world fallacy. And the fact that femoids are rarely sad
People wish to ignore issues such as the lack of success ugly males experience in their life time. They expect the low lives to not only stay in their shit position, but to be content with it as well.
Because they feel bad if were not and theyre the cause.
Kointo said:
People wish to ignore issues such as the lack of success ugly males experience in their life time. They expect the low lives to not only stay in their shit position, but to be content with it as well.

Actually this is not because they wish to do so but simply because they barely acknowledge our existence and let us be to rot.
takurak said:
Actually this is not because they wish to do so but simply because they barely acknowledge our existence and let us be to rot.

But once an incel confronts society about his problems, he is expected to deal with it.
Kointo said:
But once an incel confronts society about his problems, he is expected to deal with it.

An incel confronting society about his problem will only land hate on the incel. 'You must be one of those nice guys' says the average neckbearded balding normie.
blackpill_incel said:
Because of the just world fallacy. And the fact that femoids are rarely sad
And when they are sad they have many friends and guys willing to cheer them up. this spoiled girl in my HS cried once when a guy couldnt hang out with her on the weekend, and she would miss out on sex. Half the guys in the grade asked her to hangout (she was 4/10 femoid). When a femoid's sad its usually for a not good reason.
thetruecelibate said:
And when they are sad they have many friends and guys willing to cheer them up.  this spoiled girl in my HS cried once when a guy couldnt hang out with her on the weekend, and she would miss out on sex. Half the guys in the grade asked her to hangout (she was 4/10 femoid). When a femoid's sad its usually for a not good reason.

This pisses me off so much.

Women just cannot understand how easy it is for them.
KyloRen said:
thetruecelibate said:
And when they are sad they have many friends and guys willing to cheer them up. this spoiled girl in my HS cried once when a guy couldnt hang out with her on the weekend, and she would miss out on sex. Half the guys in the grade asked her to hangout (she was 4/10 femoid). When a femoid's sad its usually for a not good reason.
This pisses me off so much.
Women just cannot understand how easy it is for them.
They never will. Lives keep getting easier for them, as time goes on, and worse for us.
They need their wage slaves.
They don't. They just say so because being a virgin is so alien to them that it must be our choice or our fault.
takurak said:
An incel confronting society about his problem will only land hate on the incel. 'You must be one of those nice guys' says the average neckbearded balding normie.

Nice guys? Is that intentional mislabeling?
Kointo said:
Nice guys? Is that intentional mislabeling?

Yes. Thats what the normies think. They think we are whiners who complain and act that we should be entitled to sex. They think we offer nothing and demand sex and in turn think of women as objects
takurak said:
Yes. Thats what the normies think. They think we are whiners who complain and act that we should be entitled to sex. They think we offer nothing and demand sex and in turn think of women as objects

Then what are we in reality? A lot of males need sex to sustain good mental health, so is it really ridiculous to label it as a mental need?
society doesn't expect anything
Kointo said:
Then what are we in reality? A lot of males need sex to sustain good mental health, so is it really ridiculous to label it as a mental need?

We are people who have been injusticed time and time again. And our needs because they require a female, while every single one of them is repulsed by us and the men are already getting sex and cucked enough to not understand leads to more bullying and injustice for us.

Fuck females but mostly fuck our own gender who are so cucked. They actually cope stronger than us, you can notice it through their social media or body language/social circle game/whatever.
takurak said:
They actually cope stronger than us, you can notice it through their social media or body language/social circle game/whatever.

Yes, they break off from sex completely in favor of social circles to cope. That is what you're saying?
Kointo said:
Yes, they break off from sex completely in favor of social circles to cope. That is what you're saying?

Yeah or theyll still have sex from time to time with some fucking person, believe me even ugly people do at times fuck attractive chicks and you can tell they will always remember it and brag about it because thats just how fucking loserish they are. These are the same people that are frat wannabes
takurak said:
Yeah or theyll still have sex from time to time with some fucking person, believe me even ugly people do at times fuck attractive chicks and you can tell they will always remember it and brag about it because thats just how fucking loserish they are. These are the same people that are frat wannabes

Yeah, makes sense.
KyloRen said:
Despite us having advanced from the time of primitive hominids
nice cope, we haven't evolved from shit, only a select few smart people in this world are driving the advacement while the just are just ignorant monkeys
Does society actually expects us to.be happy?

Why force us into prisons from an early age just so ww can be slaves later on. Do they really care about us?

Hmmm,sounds to me like society might be being a little dishonest here.
Chads and females believe they're happy because of hard work. Our existence show they are just lucky.
Incels in denial think they can be happy without a gf. We ruin this delusion.
Lmao because our ugly faces already upset them enough, so shut up take it in the butt(metaphorically) with a smile

The halo/failo effect is very real, and it is also truly depressing when you are on the failo end of it.
So you can float on, pay your taxes and fund kike expansionism. You can't do that if you're unhappy and decide to blow your (and other peoples') brains out.
St.Tropez said:
Does society actually expects us to.be happy?

Why force us into prisons from an early age just so ww can be slaves later on. Do they really care about us?

Hmmm,sounds to me like society might be being a little dishonest here.

What i mean is for example if you are under people they expect you to be social, happy and upbeat. Everyone who starts complaining is shunned and called entitled and whiney.
grayjedi90 said:
As incels we all have experienced rejection, ridicule and bullying all throughout our lives. Yet it is expected from us to be happy, upbeat and with a positive bubbly personality lol.

If you want to do anything as an incel you have to give it 120% of your emotional strength which has already been drained to nearly nothing from traumas and just the effort you need to put in to keep living as an incel
grayjedi90 said:
As incels we all have experienced rejection, ridicule and bullying all throughout our lives. Yet it is expected from us to be happy, upbeat and with a positive bubbly personality lol.
It kinda makes sense for them to want us to be a bunch of happy-go-lucky, bubbly faggots because it makes them feel guilty otherwise even though they don't care about us and they can't sort of save face when there's guilt involved, it's all about presentation and trying to prove us wrong while looking like the good paragons of morality, reason and rationale basically.
Because if we sui, they have to clean up our subhuman bodies.
Humans largely don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. This is evolutionary behaviour, once again. We’re the smartest monkeys... but we’re still just monkeys.
Kointo said:
People wish to ignore issues such as the lack of success ugly males experience in their life time. They expect the low lives to not only stay in their shit position, but to be content with it as well.
If you wanna keep people weak, in an environment where all people should have equal liberty from their problems/ humanitarianism... then you can keep the environment established still as humanitarian without contrasting it with your evasion when you just ignore acknowledging the problem. You can be pinned if you instill the issue and then ignore it. But if you distill the opportunity from every having the problem instilled then you can't be held accountable for not knowing better. Veneering innocence and ignorance. And most sufferers don't have the stress resilience/ pain threshold high enough to merit the effort to verbalize their problems/ psychsuade the other party into seeing it as profitable/ rational to help them with their problems.

All positivity is just negativity previously distilled. Negativity = default. Positivity is never a natural resource. Positivity is an element created only from the intercession of will and desire. Following a conception. Even trees have negative qualities, even if they are beautiful. Heavy, dangerous, you can die, and you won't climb to the top of them without risking your life. And water, you can drown. Even at a beautiful beach. The human race was pathetic and hideous in its infancy. Only through selective breeding and EUGENICS were humanity made happy from their own criteria of enjoyment.... by having BETTER GENES.

And with the non-judgmental bullshit humanitarian veneer society has, being PC/ Liberal... which got started from when the Jews decided to victim-exaggerate the lesser peoples like niggers/ asians/ gays/ etc. (who all do their own share of immoral-expense that outweigh their credit on the ledger of ethics) and then started to link victim-pity peer pressure as a gamechanger/ overriding factor in people's social status. People wouldn't risk social status for truths (given that they could even grasp them) that would point out how people are innately inequal and discriminating against eachother for being inequal. That wouldn't give off the mellow-minded/ chill-spirited vibe that gives you appreciation and joy for other people. People feared thinking differently than what was appropriate, and making points about how being judgmental is good/ reasonable for the human race and its genetic code. And hence here we are. We have to be ultra-humanitarian to white knight for the sake of social status... at the expense of genetics/ systematic organization in our society/ advacedness. Just so we can give ungrateful niggers their happiness. Pffffft. 

Victim-pity-linking people's social status as a great enough factor to determine their job/ social selection stock, supply, etc. changed everything. People are more humanitarian because they want maternal-minded white girl to like them and find him inspirational instead of helping little kunta in camaroon. 

Without a discerning/ judgmental society... that is more afraid of the consequences of delineating the virtues of being judgmental than being enthused to do so... then society will creep back into the dark ages. The ages where things were of naturally negative proportion. The universe inclines to negativity. Negaclivity. There is no positive proclivity/ posiclivity. All posiclivity is forces and compelled by notions. Notions that unangular featured niggers and all other kinds of scum don't have.
Happiness is a form of cope kind of a Pavlov reflex
Society is full of depressed people that cover their sadness with instagram photos and anti depressants
glock17 said:
Chads and females believe they're happy because of hard work. Our existence show they are just lucky.
Incels in denial think they can be happy without a gf. We ruin this delusion.
People always psychpresent themselves in a way that gives them the honest advantage. Especially if they're good looking. Because people innately don't give a shit to be honestly introspective unless there is a flaw that can impact their High-Thriving status-streak. That's the real reason chads are stupid and nerds are smart. Nerds were unlucky and had to exert more, via psychadjustment to cognicoordination. To find knowledge so as to squirm in scarcity for any advantage above the chads. Women are not cognicoordinated, and so can't be honest even if they wanted to be, they can't really glean general true reality. They pendulum their volitional effort around what gives them happiness in terms of the vibe of their life, not in terms of the constructional process towards a coordinated conceptuality of reality/ life. They're impulsive. And their impulses which society has been unable to overcede show their definite nature they wanna conceal.
Eugenicist said:
If you wanna keep people weak, in an environment where all people should have equal liberty from their problems/ humanitarianism... then you can keep the environment established still as humanitarian without contrasting it with your evasion when you just ignore acknowledging the problem. You can be pinned if you instill the issue and then ignore it. But if you distill the opportunity from every having the problem instilled then you can't be held accountable for not knowing better. Veneering innocence and ignorance. And most sufferers don't have the stress resilience/ pain threshold high enough to merit the effort to verbalize their problems/ psychsuade the other party into seeing it as profitable/ rational to help them with their problems.

All positivity is just negativity distilled. Negativity = default.Positivity is never a natural resource, it is one created from the intercession of will and desire. Following a conception. Even trees have negative qualities, even if they are beautiful. Heavy, dangerous, you can die, and you won't climb to the top of them without risking your life. And water, you can drown. Even at a beautiful beach. The human race was pathetic and hideous in its infancy. Only through selective breeding and EUGENICS were humanity made happy from their own criteria of enjoyment.... by having BETTER GENES.

And with the non-judgmental bullshit humanitarian veneer society has, being PC/ Liberal... which got started from when the Jews decided to victim-exaggerate the lesser peoples like niggers/ asians/ gays/ etc. (who all do their own share of immoral-expense that outweigh their credit on the ledger of ethics) and then started to link victim-pity peer pressure as a gamechanger/ overriding factor in people's social status. People wouldn't risk social status for truths (given that they could even grasp them) that would point out how people are innately inequal and discriminating against eachother for being inequal. That wouldn't give off the mellow-minded/ chill-spirited vibe that gives you appreciation and joy for other people. People feared thinking differently than what was appropriate, and making points about how being judgmental is good/ reasonable for the human race and its genetic code. And hence here we are. We have to be ultra-humanitarian to white knight for the sake of social status... at the expense of genetics/ systematic organization in our society/ advacedness. Just so we can give ungrateful niggers their happiness. Pffffft. 

Victim-pity-linking people's social status as a great enough factor to determine their job/ social selection stock, supply, etc. changed everything. People are more humanitarian because they want maternal-minded white girl to like them and find him inspirational instead of helping little kunta in camaroon. 

Without a discerning/ judgmental society... that is more afraid of the consequences of delineating the virtues of being judgmental than being enthused to do so... then society will creep back into the dark ages. The ages where things were of naturally negative proportion. The universe inclines to negativity. Negaclivity. There is no positive proclivity/ posiclivity. All posiclivity is forces and compelled by notions. Notions that unangular featured niggers and all other kinds of scum don't have.
Humanity has always been savage and evil due to its selection of mates based on certain physical traits, you can see it even to this day, traits that are completely useless to humans in this day and age are still highly sough after, eugenics are the ideological manifestations of the hideous and ugly animalistic instincts embedded into humans, this being the reason to why the common young roastie would go for a tall, dark, handsome and athletic stoner that abuses her rather than a short, awkward, skinny mathematician who doesn't shit on her, this is universal and applies to everyone, this is human nature.

Reverse eugenics=utopia, no chads and stacies to shit on everyone and get away with it because of the way they look, with the decline of the chad and stacy populace, the standards of attractiveness will become much lower and more generous, lookism will die, this will inchallah happen someday, hundreds of years after we all die, people in the very distant future, because of the global population growth and with their newfound benevolent nature will look back and realize how unfair and cruel the past world was and be thankful that they live in solace and equality, everyone will almost look the same, everyone will be in the average range, no exceptionally attractive or ugly people to exist, incel genes need to be spread and intermingled with the normie and chad ones in order for this to happen so that physical differences become trivial and each individual's personality defines them.
Juxtaposition6 said:
Humanity has always been savage and evil due to its selection of mates based on certain physical traits, you can see it even to this day, traits that are completely useless to humans in this day and age are still highly sough after, eugenics are the ideological manifestations of the hideous and ugly animalistic instincts embedded into humans, this being the reason to why the common young roastie would go for a tall, dark, handsome and athletic stoner that abuses her rather than a short, awkward, skinny mathematician who doesn't shit on her, this is universal and applies to everyone, this is human nature.

Reverse eugenics=utopia, no chads and stacies to shit on everyone and get away with it because of the way they look, with the decline of the chad and stacy populace, the standards of attractiveness will become much lower and more generous, lookism will die, this will inchallah happen someday, hundreds of years after we all die, people in the very distant future, because of the global population growth and with their newfound benevolent nature will look back and realize how unfair and cruel the past world was and be thankful that they live in solace and equality, everyone will almost look the same, everyone will be in the average range, no exceptionally attractive or ugly people to exist, incel genes need to be spread and intermingled with the normie and chad ones in order for this to happen so that physical differences become trivial and each individual's personality defines them.
Disagree because people want to be primescent. That's a part of the human psyche. They will find a way to make things unequal. Which should be the case, but in the inequalityclivity we should still be watchful to make it fun, and for no one to get bumped down so bad that they'll still live to infect life with their inferiority. I'm a nazi in some ways. I agree with the dark impulses of mankind, I just want the conflict to be even darker for everyone, and for life to be like augmented-reality. Like a video game where everyone has the bio-equippment to do amazing feats, and to have the geno-chemistry to embrace bare-bones reality and still strive to gain esteem amidst what little negatives are left. But, all people who don't have the geno-bio-equipment to be bad ass should be eradicated indeed. Relationality with high nega-disparity (negative differences)... will bring in more of what I hate.
Eugenicist said:
Disagree because people want to be primescent. That's a part of the human psyche. They will find a way to make things unequal. Which should be the case, but in the inequalityclivity we should still be watchful to make it fun, and for no one to get bumped down so bad that they'll still live to infect life with their inferiority. I'm a nazi in some ways. I agree with the dark impulses of mankind, I just want the conflict to be even darker for everyone, and for life to be like augmented-reality. Like a video game where everyone has the bio-equippment to do amazing feats, and to have the geno-chemistry to embrace bare-bones reality and still strive to gain esteem amidst what little negatives are left. But, all people who don't have the geno-bio-equipment to be bad ass should be eradicated indeed. Relationality with high nega-disparity (negative differences)... will bring in more of what I hate.
I disagree, while there is a small possibility for this to go wrong and things to be harsh and unequal once again, i believe that the human psyche can be changed after hundreds of years maybe even thousands, humans are highly adaptable creatures and it makes sense for their psyche to adapt aswell, no one would care about height if everyone was the same height, no one would care about frame if all are the same size, this physical adaption brings the change in the human psyche that makes it ignore physical traits because there will be none if everything is almost the same, creating in the process a utopia devoid of lookism and unfairness, this of course happens after years of change.
Juxtaposition6 said:
I disagree, while there is a small possibility for this to go wrong and things to be harsh and unequal once again, i believe that the human psyche can be changed after hundreds of years maybe even thousands, humans are highly adaptable creatures and it makes sense for their psyche to adapt aswell, no one would care about height if everyone was the same height, no one would care about frame if all are the same size, this physical adaption brings the change in the human psyche that makes it ignore physical traits because there will be none if everything is almost the same, creating in the process a utopia devoid of lookism and unfairness, this of course happens after years of change.
Sounds Boring and a pacification befitted for the weak. We need anger, aggression, drama in existence. Very communistic. Pain and suffering are a part of the lifestyle of someone such as I. We need to have trial and tribulation for an organism to grow. We may as well become machine-like and rewire the human psyche to be logical. We need to geno-reform the brain so that it doesn't need stimulation from relaton/ insecurity. 
Once we eugenically bring humanity back to perfection, vast majority of the population, and have people able to feel privileged enough to deal with the stress amidst the enjoyment/ pleasure of being perfect... we instill the virtue of keeping things perfect, and subhumanity/ inceldom will never catch up when it's been routed root and stem.
Because your feelings are an inconvenience to those who want to maintain the status quo. If society actually acknowledged what life is like for ugly men, society would be expected to do something about it, and too many vested interests DON'T want that -- gold diggers, settlers, PUA "gurus", feminists, etc. In short, society gaslights ugly men in order to protect it's own interests.
Eugenicist said:
Sounds Boring and a pacification befitted for the weak. We need anger, aggression, drama in existence. Very communistic. Pain and suffering are a part of the lifestyle of someone such as I. We need to have trial and tribulation for an organism to grow. We may as well become machine-like and rewire the human psyche to be logical. We need to geno-reform the brain so that it doesn't need stimulation from relaton/ insecurity. 
Once we eugenically bring humanity back to perfection, vast majority of the population, and have people able to feel privileged enough to deal with the stress amidst the enjoyment/ pleasure of being perfect... we instill the virtue of keeping things perfect, and subhumanity/ inceldom will never catch up when it's been routed root and stem.
We had enough pain and suffering for everyone through and through, pain that results from trivial physical differences is unnecessary just as much as the glorification of individuals based on said differences which, in this case, are considered positive traits allow these people live an easy life devoid of sadness while their opposite live a life filled with it.
If we manage to get rid of these physical distinctions, we can still have anger, aggression and drama in our existence, except it's evenly distributed between humans and unfair judgement based on the physical appearance of humans is history.
If we ever manage to rewire the human mind to think more logically and remove the stimulating need for relationships, sex and the insecurities following them, we can destroy lookism, such rewiring would require years and years of reversing the eugenic drive that makes humans seek out other humans based purely on the physical, this eugenic drive being the culmination of all our animal instincts which must be suppressed in order to progress towards a logical future were the carnal goes to die.
Cause Normans dunno what it's like to be Incel
They don't expect us to be happy. They just want to bully us and mock us until we confirm into their beta pussy worshipping society. U think incels who are currently white knighting are happy? fuck no. They're just as unhappy as us AND they work twice as hard
The great thing about ignoring suicidals and rejected peoples, or just blaming them for their poor stations, is that you can merrily whistle through the day without smelling the true stink. I wish I could do that.

Juxtaposition6 said:
We had enough pain and suffering for everyone through and through, pain that results from trivial physical differences is unnecessary just as much as the glorification of individuals based on said differences which, in this case, are considered positive traits allow these people live an easy life devoid of sadness while their opposite live a life filled with it.
If we manage to get rid of these physical distinctions, we can still have anger, aggression and drama in our existence, except it's evenly distributed between humans and unfair judgement based on the physical appearance of humans is history.
If we ever manage to rewire the human mind to think more logically and remove the stimulating need for relationships, sex and the insecurities following them, we can destroy lookism, such rewiring would require years and years of reversing the eugenic drive that makes humans seek out other humans based purely on the physical, this eugenic drive being the culmination of all our animal instincts which must be suppressed in order to progress towards a logical future were the carnal goes to die.
Yes. That is one path. I personally love the ability to black pill people though, with an impurely-essenced humanity. Especially in the future if my utopia of eugenics format comes to pass. I think mankind is honestly too prideful to let your theory happen, but mine may be slightly more likely but not by much. The liberal agenda is tight, and those of high appearance who want virtually NO competition are the ones advocating/ disseminating it. When the fads frown on the facts, you can't distill negativity. 
Yes. Anger/ Vexation/ Negative based emotions however are highly predicated on the darkness, and though are not mutually inclusive with body-properties... but these emotions are often wrought about because of them, perhaps more than any other cause in the world. Next to interrelational rejection. They go hand in hand really. Our emotions pendulum selfishly again. Our vexations are an umbrella of emotion and will indeed fall in line with the self-absorbed format of self-wellness/ self-criticism/ evaluation/ discernism. People need to derive gratification off relationality, and putting people through the primalescence of their properties. They want to encase people in the atmosphere where they are held captive and under submission. Humanity and its hierarchs geno-ingrainedly pollute the atmosphere with a benchmark of value by which anything below is worthy of criticism. That benchmark of value is the primal prodigy. Humor displays ironies that delineate the disparity between mankind's identity and that ideal. Which is why we find it funny. We laugh at all those who ARE NOT of the primal-prodigy, and our brain uses humor/ laughter to compartmentalize laughterworthy things with a sense of ease/ stability/ ridiculousness. Humor is just an example of the system of criticism by which man sets forth. 
In my opinion insecurity is good because it forces growth towards what mankinds finds Ideal. Depending on that ideal anyway, and the method by which someone acts upon insecurity. It works well with narcissists who have meticulous minds to psychlock with patient hatred. As I have.
Funny how our egos hold appearance in such priority. Our psychstanctities revolve around the utility and novelty of appearance because appearancei s the #1 indication of high status, on the primal plane. It's common knowledge that the primalscape is what exists within all the world. We know that negativity is distilled by physical forces that can reshape the conditions we subjectively identify as negative through the neurostructure of the human mind. You in having shit genes basically reflects your identity/ cosmic significance to that of a loser who couldn't distill the negatives enough to have regality/ glamor. Your achievements don't reflect on your body. 
And yeah, Asians suffer form this big time. Even their alphas are beta by our standards. It's why so many of them are insecure. They know they have low cosmic-significance, which is why they go to such lengths to try and impress whitey with materialistic gains. They come to America for Ego/ vanity, and stay in Asia (by choice) for companionship with their fellow-kin... which none of those ambitious yellow plateface cockroaches really want.

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