seems like every female has some type of rape/attempted rape(an ugly guy tried to talk to me) story
kind of odd how common it is, yet you never see it happening
Well, I have this suspicion that because it’s social suicide to challenge the claim, and women are rewarded socially for claiming that, most of them just make it up.
I ask them his name, when and where it happened. If she filed a police report at the time, etc. The basics that help seperate a credible claim from an obvious fabrication.
Three things can happen. Either she will explode and call you a victim blamer for asking for details, then block you. This virtually confirms she is a liar.
She will simply block you, this virtually confirms she is a liar.
The third option is that she tells you her story. When you get down to details, overwhelmingly what happened is that she had sex and didn’t enjoy it, and didn’t ever clearly tell the guy she wanted to stop. She just felt obligated to finish what they started. Usually she is still friends with her “rapist”, and he has no idea she is going around telling mutual friends he “raped” her.
It’s revolting. The reason real rape isn’t taken more seriously, is because for ever woman who has been a genuine victim of rape there are twenty making shit up for attention, or who are too stupid to even understand what rape is.