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Why Do You Give Up And LDAR Before Trying?



Dec 21, 2017
You teencels are ridiculous you are too young for LDAR you should consider yourself lucky that you realize that you're an incel already a lot of people didn't know they were incel until their mid 20's or later so be thankful for the incel community. Especially you white guys you didn't even try to go overseas yet but you claim you are a truecel no you're only a truecel if you look like Eggman or BlackOps2cel so stop complaining about your looks and realize you have it better than a lot of incels. LDAR is for people who have tried all options and still failed but you guys need to try other options such as surgeries or changing location.
A teencel can't just go to Asia unless they are bankrolled by mum and dad. You're looking at 3 or 4 years of college for the bachelor degree which is necessary for a work permit in most places. Then probably a year of wagecucking in the west to save funds unless the bank of mum and dad bails you out. So you're only escaping at 22 or 23, depending on whether your country has 3 year or 4 year degrees. By that point a lot of the damage has already been done.
I am a white teencel with an average face but I am way too depressed to actually live life
itsOVER said:
A teencel can't just go to Asia unless they are bankrolled by mum and dad. You're looking at 3 years of college the bachelor degree which is neccesary for a work permit in most places. Then probably a year of wagecucking in the west to save funds unless the bank of mum and dad bails you out. So you're only escaping at 22 or 23, depending on whether your country has 3 year or 4 year degrees. By that point a lot of the damage has already been done.
Damn not even an associate is enough?

Facade said:
I am a white teencel with an average face but I am way too depressed to actually live life

Life is hell, most teens on here seem to have ascended so theres still hope for you.
itsOVER said:
A teencel can't just go to Asia unless they are bankrolled by mum and dad. You're looking at 3 years of college the bachelor degree which is neccesary for a work permit in most places. Then probably a year of wagecucking in the west to save funds unless the bank of mum and dad bails you out. So you're only escaping at 22 or 23, depending on whether your country has 3 year or 4 year degrees. By that point a lot of the damage has already been done.
They are lucky I didn't know about any of this shit until 23 yrs old. Why do they need to get a bachelor degree they can make money online like me it's not that hard these white teens have it easy we shouldn't feel sorry for them.
theultimate341 said:
Damn not even an associate is enough?

Not really. To be fair it's not exactly hard to get a BA these days - but it IS time consuming, and will waste many of your youth years.

Associates is worthless for immigration. In Cambodia you can get a work permit without a degree (or just do tourist visa runs which no one cares about). You can also work online anywhere, but many places (for example Thailand) will stop issuing you endless tourist visas after a while. You can go to the Philippines, work online, and just extend your tourist visa pretty much forever.

However, no BA means ultimately you're ruling yourself out of everywhere but Cambodia and the Philippines. You'll also be paid less for not having one.
theultimate341 said:
Damn not even an associate is enough?

Life is hell, most teens on here seem to have ascended so theres still hope for you.

Idk what I should do anymore tbh. I am severely depressed and my delayed puberty makes this shit even worse
NeverSubmit said:
They are lucky I didn't know about any of this shit until 23 yrs old. Why do they need to get a bachelor degree they can make money online like me it's not that hard these white teens have it easy we shouldn't feel sorry for them.

Because you still need a visa to stay in your chosen country, and most places won't keep renewing your tourist visa forever. You're on a countdown clock from the moment you arrive unless you can get a proper work permit.
Facade said:
I am a white teencel with an average face but I am way too depressed to actually live life
You are typical ungrateful teen you don't realize how fortunate you are to know about the whole looks thing at least you didn't spend years on PUA only to find out it was a scam.

itsOVER said:
Because you still need a visa to stay in your chosen country, and most places won't keep renewing your tourist visa forever. You're on a countdown clock from the moment you arrive unless you can get a proper work permit.
They can be digital nomad go to different countries every few months
NeverSubmit said:
You are typical ungrateful teen you don't realize how fortunate you are to know about the whole looks thing at least you didn't spend years on PUA only to find out it was a scam.

I couldn't care less. I am severely mentally fucked and there is no hope.
Facade said:
I couldn't care less. I am severely mentally fucked and there is no hope.
That's what you deserve I hope you never escape inceldom and die of loneliness
NeverSubmit said:
You are typical ungrateful teen you don't realize how fortunate you are to know about the whole looks thing at least you didn't spend years on PUA only to find out it was a scam.

They can be digital nomad go to different countries every few months

Not really practical in the long term. It might be possible for a year or two but in the end you're just gonna get sick of moving each and every year.

Also most online stuff is ruined by pajeets willing to work for 3 bucks an hour. English teaching online is still legit, you can make about $20 an hour doing that...but it's not really as good or as stable as a proper job that you can get with a BA. In the end you're gonna have to bite the bullet and get one really.

Keep in mind the average teencel has no skills at all, so finding work online isn't gonna be all that easy.
Good thread.

I will stop LDARing next month and start wageslaving so i can start my project.
NeverSubmit said:
That's what you deserve I hope you never escape inceldom and die of loneliness

I hope I'll die now

Whatever I am happy for everyone and can't feel hate
NeverSubmit said:
They are lucky I didn't know about any of this shit until 23 yrs old. Why do they need to get a bachelor degree they can make money online like me it's not that hard these white teens have it easy we shouldn't feel sorry for them.

Do exactly what online lmao?

"Just become a professional programmer bro, even though that shit takes years to properly master"
VLÖ said:
Do exactly what online lmao?

"Just become a professional programmer bro, even though that shit takes years to properly master"

Yeah basically this.
Facade said:
I hope I'll die now

Whatever I am happy for everyone and can't feel hate
I hope so to that would be real justice you are no better than chad or stacy

VLÖ said:
Do exactly what online lmao?

"Just become a professional programmer bro, even though that shit takes years to properly master"
Do you have any money saved up?
NeverSubmit said:
I hope so to that would be real justice you are no better than chad or stacy

How exactly is a teenager who has never had a relationship or friends worse than a chad or stacy?

I am baffled by this, did teenage virgins kill your mother or something?
NeverSubmit said:
I hope so to that would be real justice you are no better than chad or stacy

Justice is a made up concept and really subjective.I never harmed anyone so I wouldn't consider myself a bad person(According to my moral standards)
VLÖ said:
How exactly is a teenager who has never had a relationship or friends worse than a chad or stacy?

I am baffled by this, did teenage virgins kill your mother or something?
He is teenage mentalcel he has admitted to never trying in addition to that he doesn't care about incels the same as chad or stacy he is ungrateful just like them
NeverSubmit said:
He is teenage mentalcel he has admitted to never trying in addition to that he doesn't care about incels the same as chad or stacy he is ungrateful just like them

Well yeah, teenage incels are usually still kinda on the edge side. This is hardly news. And honestly I can't blame them, If I could go back and tell myself "don't even embarrass yourself, what you're doing will never work" I would.

NeverSubmit said:
I hope so to that would be real justice you are no better than chad or stacy

Do you have any money saved up?

Not enough to move. I still need to pay for food, transport etc.
Facade said:
Idk what I should do anymore tbh. I am severely depressed and my delayed puberty makes this shit even worse

Enjoy ldaring my comrade, nothing can save you now. 
NeverSubmit said:
He is teenage mentalcel he has admitted to never trying in addition to that he doesn't care about incels the same as chad or stacy he is ungrateful just like them

Where did I say that I say don't care about incels? I was never rude to anyone here

theultimate341 said:
Enjoy ldaring my comrade, nothing can save you now. 

Yup I guess that's true. Oh man I miss spring where I can LDAR outside while listening to music
VLÖ said:
Well yeah, teenage incels are usually still kinda on the edge side. This is hardly news. And honestly I can't blame them, If I could go back and tell myself "don't even embarrass yourself, what you're doing will never work" I would.

Not enough to move. I still need to pay for food, transport etc.

Teenage incels are not even real incels they have not suffered the true pain of decades of loneliness. You can start a business with a few hundred online just google it it's not that hard I think most people can do it.
itsOVER said:
Not really. To be fair it's not exactly hard to get a BA these days - but it IS time consuming, and will waste many of your youth years.

Associates is worthless for immigration. In Cambodia you can get a work permit without a degree (or just do tourist visa runs which no one cares about). You can also work online anywhere, but many places (for example Thailand) will stop issuing you endless tourist visas after a while. You can go to the Philippines, work online, and just extend your tourist visa pretty much forever.

However, no BA means ultimately you're ruling yourself out of everywhere but Cambodia and the Philippines. You'll also be paid less for not having one.

So if i dont get my BA then i only have 2  options. Is there a possibility getting a lucky work permit?
theultimate341 said:
So if i dont get my BA then i only have 2  options. Is there a possibility getting a lucky work permit?

Mainly no, as the immigration requirements are set in stone. No BA = instant denial.

You can work online doing English teaching and move countries every 6 months-1 year like @NeverSubmit described, though you'll likely get tired of this quite quick and good luck settling down with a girl if you do that (which you will want to do eventually).

Honestly really you need the BA long term. You'll get paid more, more jobs open up, you can actually get a work permit and be legal. Just go to the shittest cheapest place possible as any BA will be enough.
Facade said:
Where did I say that I say don't care about incels? I was never rude to anyone here
You just said it dumbass
NeverSubmit said:
You just said it dumbass

Where? I wanted to say that I am happy for every incel here if something good happens to them and that I won't hate anyone here. (Even if you insult me or wish me death) Look at mutiple ascension or date threads. I always wished them good luck
I'm a legit 2/10, it's over.
NeverSubmit said:
Teenage incels are not even real incels they have not suffered the true pain of decades of loneliness. You can start a business with a few hundred online just google it it's not that hard I think most people can do it.

So any amount of pain is meaningless as log as there is something who is suffering more? There is probably a guy out there with thousands of rejections,Homeless and without a family
Facade said:
So any amount of pain is meaningless as log as there is something who is suffering more? There is probably a guy out there with thousands of rejections,Homeless and without a family
You teenage mentalcel fakecels are on here for sympathy when you are the least deserving of sympathy on this forum
NeverSubmit said:
You teenage mentalcel fakecels are on here for sympathy when you are the least deserving of sympathy on this forum

Then I don't deserve sympathy and I don't expect it.(Whatever I don't care about myself anyway and the only reason I'm alive right now is my family & my dog

My mental illness isn't a joke and I think everyone who really suffers deserves sympathy(This is why I always defend other mentalcels & teens ) There are probably guys out there who laugh at your problems but you should still be allowed to complain if your pain is real

Feel free to add me to your ignore list & block me. I am done with this thread
NeverSubmit said:
Teenage incels are not even real incels they have not suffered the true pain of decades of loneliness. You can start a business with a few hundred online just google it it's not that hard I think most people can do it.

You're forgetting that a business has to actually have something to sell.

I don't think you understand how businesses work, you need to have some product or service that others don't have or is inferior.

Anyone can start a business, but actually making that business profitable? Good luck buddy.
VLÖ said:
You're forgetting that a business has to actually have something to sell.

I don't think you understand how businesses work, you need to have some product or service that others don't have or is inferior.

Anyone can start a business, but actually making that business profitable? Good luck buddy.
I am making money brother why would I lie on a forum full of subhumans I actually have a business degree and I have made thousands online a lot more than these teenage mentalcels. I have been studying eCommerce for many years now. Designing a new product is one way to make money but also selling other people's product is the easier way to make money that's what I do.
Because these teencels still look ugly, some of them even play sports but it still doesn't get them females attraction.

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