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It's Over why do women scream so much



Dec 11, 2023
Seriously, why the fuck are women so loud all the time?. They walk into a room, they yell, scream and are hysterical. Even at work, it's peace and quiet until a foid enters the room and starts singing and screaming if they break a nail. They laugh out loud, cry in each others arms. They talk loudly on their phone's to their bestie. I cannot relate to a single woman, I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic. No one wants to hear your dumb arse making silly noises all the time. I'm very apathetic due to depression, so its unbearable for me to be around loud, self centred people :whatfeels: .
The same reason why babies scream and cry. It's evolutionary because if danger was around, women/children would have to scream to alert men and other members of the tribe that danger was around.
They know its their world and they can do what they want nowadays
I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic.
It's even worse when males, who are supposed to have some manners, act in the same way.
story time: a long time ago, back in 2010, i was a college student and i lived in a dormitory building where there were also roasties. The roasties were in a separate wing from the men and they were connected with a "common area" which is basically just a big room with a couple sofas in it.

i was close to the common area so the girls were about 40 or so feet from my door. I'm sitting in my room playing Cid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization on my PC and I hear one of the roasties crying. She's saying things like "stop this, why are you doing this to me, you're hurting me, etc" over and over again. It literally sounded like what i imagine rape would sound like.

For the first 15 minutes or so i ignore it. it's not my problem, probably somebody else will white-knight for her anyways, also i know i'm a low-T weak as fuck beta who will never win a fight with an alpha-chad-rapist.

But as it goes on i realize there's nobody else within earshot to help her. I remember the case of Kitty Genovese, a young woman who was famously murdered while dozens of people watched and nobody called the police because they all figured somebody else will. So I get up the courage and quietly sneak out of my room to get a look at the situation and.....

She's just sitting there on the sofa talking to somebody on her phone. In the fucking common area where she has no privacy. And she's saying all this ridiculous over-the-top bullshit like "stop it, you're hurting me" that makes it sound like she's being sexually brutalized against her will.

And that's when i learned a very valuable lesson, which is never go out of your way to help a stacy you don't have any obligations to. Luckily the game i was playing was a turn-based strategy game so my brief absence didn't impact the game, but if this had been something that actually matters like left 4 dead or counter strike i would've let my team down and lost a game because of this selfish attention-whore bitch.

TL;DR i hear stacy being raped, abandon video games to see if i can help, she's actually just talking on the phone and crying as loudly as possible about how the person she's talking to is "huuuuurting meeeee"
Feminism. They are stressed because they do the same things as men do like working to make a living. If only they stayed in the kitchen and took care of the home then they wouldn't be so moody and irrational.
Low-tech form of calling the cops.
It´s a mating call, to let other healthy males within their proximity know, that they are ready to breed
because they evolutionarily screamed for other men to help them cuz they are weak
And she's saying all this ridiculous over-the-top bullshit like "stop it, you're hurting me" that makes it sound like she's being sexually brutalized against her will.
I've witnessed this before. You'd think someone was skinning them alive the way they exclaim like fucking banshees. In reality they spilled a cup of water or heard "spicy" drama from one of their besties or some other innocuous bullshit. Best thing to do is not take it too seriously, because it most likely isn't anyways.
I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic.
I feel the same and i'm not even depressed like you, its just selfish behaviour.
story time: a long time ago, back in 2010, i was a college student and i lived in a dormitory building where there were also roasties. The roasties were in a separate wing from the men and they were connected with a "common area" which is basically just a big room with a couple sofas in it.

i was close to the common area so the girls were about 40 or so feet from my door. I'm sitting in my room playing Cid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization on my PC and I hear one of the roasties crying. She's saying things like "stop this, why are you doing this to me, you're hurting me, etc" over and over again. It literally sounded like what i imagine rape would sound like.

For the first 15 minutes or so i ignore it. it's not my problem, probably somebody else will white-knight for her anyways, also i know i'm a low-T weak as fuck beta who will never win a fight with an alpha-chad-rapist.

But as it goes on i realize there's nobody else within earshot to help her. I remember the case of Kitty Genovese, a young woman who was famously murdered while dozens of people watched and nobody called the police because they all figured somebody else will. So I get up the courage and quietly sneak out of my room to get a look at the situation and.....

She's just sitting there on the sofa talking to somebody on her phone. In the fucking common area where she has no privacy. And she's saying all this ridiculous over-the-top bullshit like "stop it, you're hurting me" that makes it sound like she's being sexually brutalized against her will.

And that's when i learned a very valuable lesson, which is never go out of your way to help a stacy you don't have any obligations to. Luckily the game i was playing was a turn-based strategy game so my brief absence didn't impact the game, but if this had been something that actually matters like left 4 dead or counter strike i would've let my team down and lost a game because of this selfish attention-whore bitch.

TL;DR i hear stacy being raped, abandon video games to see if i can help, she's actually just talking on the phone and crying as loudly as possible about how the person she's talking to is "huuuuurting meeeee"
Great story thanks for sharing, what a bitch.

I hate shit like this because foids act like they own the fucking world, like its their house to be loud in if they want, but its a public space, I guess foids own the world anyway.
And that's when i learned a very valuable lesson, which is never go out of your way to help a stacy you don't have any obligations to. Luckily the game i was playing was a turn-based strategy game so my brief absence didn't impact the game, but if this had been something that actually matters like left 4 dead or counter strike i would've let my team down and lost a game because of this selfish attention-whore bitch.
Women do shit like this all the time. They bait white knights into coming to rescue them from some imaginary or danger (completely manufactured by them). White knight ends up dead or compromised at best. Roastie walks away scot free.

Playing with the lives of men is just entertainment to women. It's no different from rich privileged people buying child prostitutes for entertainment.
also, they do it for attention
The same reason why babies scream and cry. It's evolutionary because if danger was around, women/children would have to scream to alert men and other members of the tribe that danger was around.
it’s a chad mating call, also being loud “signals status”
To compensate for their lack of brain
To show chads that they can be loud when fucked and generally to get attention
It's even worse when males, who are supposed to have some manners, act in the same way.
I'm doing it unconsciously. Yeah I agree it's attempt to gain attention from environment.

Then before sleep when I look back at my day I feel shame that I was loud.
Attention seeking
Attention seeking
the sound of a woman screaming just for the sake of look-at-me makes me want to end hER
I remember in school like when the lights would go out and youd always hear every girl in the fucking class scream like theyre about to be killed its the worst fucking sound of all time
the sound of a woman screaming just for the sake of look-at-me makes me want to end hER
I remember in school like when the lights would go out and youd always hear every girl in the fucking class scream like theyre about to be killed its the worst fucking sound of all time
True they are so insufferable
When they're together its hell on earth. They gossip, spiteful, laugh out loud, its horrible to be around as it further cements our status as losers amongst society
A woman who I work with shouted at me today for no reason. She was shouting at her kid, then she looked at me and said "DON'T YOU START AS WELL". I didn't even say a word or laugh, just a straight face yet she felt the need to take it out on me.

I had nothing to do with her argument with her son yet she felt the need to speak to me like that. How is that fair?
Seriously, why the fuck are women so loud all the time?. They walk into a room, they yell, scream and are hysterical. Even at work, it's peace and quiet until a foid enters the room and starts singing and screaming if they break a nail. They laugh out loud, cry in each others arms. They talk loudly on their phone's to their bestie. I cannot relate to a single woman, I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic. No one wants to hear your dumb arse making silly noises all the time. I'm very apathetic due to depression, so it’s unbearable for me to be around loud, self centred people :whatfeels: .

They are animals that would rather breed with other animals (and hybrid aliens) than us homo sapiens
Seriously, why the fuck are women so loud all the time?. They walk into a room, they yell, scream and are hysterical. Even at work, it's peace and quiet until a foid enters the room and starts singing and screaming if they break a nail. They laugh out loud, cry in each others arms. They talk loudly on their phone's to their bestie. I cannot relate to a single woman, I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic. No one wants to hear your dumb arse making silly noises all the time. I'm very apathetic due to depression, so its unbearable for me to be around loud, self centred people :whatfeels: .
they are hoping chad will hear them
I want to make women scream during sex with my penis.

But I'll never have (free non-escort) sex and I also have a 4inch penis

Only chad with his thundercock makes women scream with his thundercock
They laugh out loud, cry in each others arms. They talk loudly on their phone's to their bestie
Incels are stonewalled constantly so we learn that being quiet is the optimal social response because nobody gives a fuck. Loud foids like this and even loud men in general are loud because they've been accepted by their peers and have no reason to be quiet. For them, being fucking loud and obnoxious comes as normal as breathing because they've never had to think about their effect on the people around them. They are always accepted regardless of their behaviour due to one thing - their looks. :fuk:
cuz they want cocks shoved down their throats to stop them.
You could ask the same thing about children. It's just signaling that they want attention and protection.
Foidlets never grow up they see themselves as 13 forever.
Seriously, why the fuck are women so loud all the time?. They walk into a room, they yell, scream and are hysterical. Even at work, it's peace and quiet until a foid enters the room and starts singing and screaming if they break a nail. They laugh out loud, cry in each others arms. They talk loudly on their phone's to their bestie. I cannot relate to a single woman, I cannot stand loud, obnoxious people, it's fuckin rude and narcissistic. No one wants to hear your dumb arse making silly noises all the time. I'm very apathetic due to depression, so its unbearable for me to be around loud, self centred people :whatfeels: .
Don’t work with sheboons it’s pure screaming fuel, everyday im hearing hollering and tyrones schizo screaming while shaniquas are slapping their hands and talking nonsense, it’s pure torture if you don’t have wireless ear buds, luckily I block their shit but sometimes I have to listen just becuz i need to hear orders
To be obnoxious also they haven’t matured mentally
Because you're punch didn't paralyze their diaphragm.

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