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Serious Why Do Whites Choose To Sit Here And Rot When They Can Go To Asia?



Dec 21, 2017
For many of you white incels out there your inceldom is a choice not therefore you are not incels you are volcels. You guys just want to bang hot white blondes like Elliot Rodger just admit it. You may not want to go to Asia but that doesn't mean you're not a volcel. If that were the case we would have to consider all men who date women they are not attracted to because they don't have any options incels also. Even if you have no skills you can still go to Asia and they will hire you just because you're white. At least guys like @itsOVER actually took action and went to Asia to have access to women.
For many of you white incels out there your inceldom is a choice not therefore you are not incels you are volcels. You guys just want to bang hot white blondes like Elliot Rodger just admit it. You may not want to go to Asia but that doesn't mean you're not a volcel. If that were the case we would have to consider all men who date women they are not attracted to because they don't have any options incels also. Even if you have no skills you can still go to Asia and they will hire you just because you're white. At least guys like @itsOVER actually took action and went to Asia to have access to women.
This isnt even a mentalcel thing.
Knowing English already means you can be a teacher. If no positions, you can work min wage labor.

Even NEETbux or autismbux, if saved, are enough to fund one trip.
Im so sick of these stupid ass post.

Not everyone can afford to go to Asia. Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there. Not everyone wants to leave their homeland and go to an unfamiliar place just to get laid. Theres whitecels here who are in college. Does Chad have to go to Asia? Damn.
these posts are beyond fucking stupid.

you realize you can only get a 90 day tourist visa and for people in the USA, asia is minimum 18 to 25 hours away and a $1000 flight?
This isnt even a mentalcel thing.
Knowing English already means you can be a teacher. If no positions, you can work min wage labor.

Even NEETbux or autismbux, if saved, are enough to fund one trip.

like itsOver said, you need a degree in education, maybe a masters? and certifications or else you'd get to work at a shit tier english english
Im so sick of these stupid ass post.

Not everyone can afford to go to Asia. Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there. Not everyone wants to leave their homeland and go to an unfamiliar place just to get laid. Theres whitecels here who are in college. Does Chad have to go to Asia? Damn.

Volcel then. (Jk)
Im so sick of these stupid ass post.

Not everyone can afford to go to Asia. Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there. Not everyone wants to leave their homeland and go to an unfamiliar place just to get laid. Theres whitecels here who are in college. Does Chad have to go to Asia? Damn.
Not everyone wants to stick a dick in a hole. Not everyone wants to get laid. Theres whitecels here who wont study abroad in college.

What are they called?

Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there
most know English though
guys he figured us white incels out, we just want 10/10 hot white girls. what do we do now he exposed us????

Also lol @ thinking people can just moved to asian especially when your a poorcel.

OP delusional and projecting his race issues.
This isnt even a mentalcel thing.
Knowing English already means you can be a teacher. If no positions, you can work min wage labor.

Even NEETbux or autismbux, if saved, are enough to fund one trip.

knowing english qualifies you to be a teacher - I think you need to educate yourself bud.
Im so sick of these stupid ass post.

Not everyone can afford to go to Asia. Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there. Not everyone wants to leave their homeland and go to an unfamiliar place just to get laid. Theres whitecels here who are in college. Does Chad have to go to Asia? Damn.

You don't need to speak the language. No Chad doesn't have to go to Asia but you're not Chad so it's irrelevant.

What exactly do most of you have in your homelands? Hardly anyone here has a good job, and most don't have any sort of social circle either. Even if you did, if you don't sacrifice career or friendship for pussy then you are a volcel, as that's a CHOICE. By all means it's your life but you CHOOSE that fate.
Because they're all volcels, and they know it.
knowing english qualifies you to be a teacher - I think you need to educate yourself bud.

No, you need to educate yourself. English speaking + Bachelor degree (in any subject) + western passport = easy to find work teaching English across most of Asia.
knowing english qualifies you to be a teacher - I think you need to educate yourself bud.

It actually used to be this way in China, you could just go there on a vacation trip and get a job offered to teach English. Nowadays it's much more strict, and you need qualifications for it.
No, you need to educate yourself. English speaking + Bachelor degree (in any subject) + western passport = easy to find work teaching English across most of Asia.

Nope, I did research this. You need to be a native from the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa or Australia. If you are not a native from those countries, you can still, however, get a job if you look white. So if you're from Germany, you can still get a teaching job even if it's not your native language, even with a thick accent. Parents want their kids to learn English from somebody who looks like he speaks English. That's why Asians from the aforementioned 5 English speaking countries will 99% of the times get rejected for such a job. If you're an ethnic living in Germany hoping to teach in Asia, jfl!!!!!! It's over.
Nope, I did research this. You need to be a native from the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa or Australia. If you are not a native from those countries, you can still, however, get a job if you look white. So if you're from Germany, you can still get a teaching job even if it's not your native language, even with a thick accent. Parents want their kids to learn English from somebody who looks like he speaks English. That's why Asians from the aforementioned 5 English speaking countries will 99% of the times get rejected for such a job. If you're an ethnic living in Germany hoping to teach in Asia, jfl!!!!!! It's over.

Yes...western passport...Ok maybe I should have said NES passport but most western countries by population are English speaking tbh.

Being white helps too but isn't that implied in the thread title? Of course if you're a Syrian refugee who just got German citizenship and don't speak fluent English it's over for you...no one ever said otherwise.
Yes...western passport...Ok maybe I should have said NES passport but most western countries by population are English speaking tbh.

Being white helps too but isn't that implied in the thread title? Of course if you're a Syrian refugee who just got German citizenship and don't speak fluent English it's over for you...no one ever said otherwise.

I've studied this man, I wanted to teach English as well only to find out I would never be accepted due to two things: 1) not being a native from an English-speaking country and 2) for having brown skin.

You're right, it's implied in the title but I was focusing on your post specifically.
I've studied this man, I wanted to teach English as well only to find out I would never be accepted due to two things: 1) not being a native from an English-speaking country and 2) for having brown skin.

You're right, it's implied in the title but I was focusing on your post specifically.

Yep, it's over. You can get away with either not being white OR not having a NES passport, but not both. Since at that point they might as well just hire a native from their own country.

But for those who have the passport or are white skinned Asia can be a way out.
Yep, it's over. You can get away with either not being white OR not having a NES passport, but not both. Since at that point they might as well just hire a native from their own country.

But for those who have the passport or are white skinned Asia can be a way out.

Yep. Very true. Although I've heard of Indians with a thick accent landing a job, but I highly doubt it's true, probably hopefuel for non-NEScels such as myself.
Yep. Very true. Although I've heard of Indians with a thick accent landing a job, but I highly doubt it's true, probably hopefuel for non-NEScels such as myself.

The even then you're gonna need to be light skinned curry to get anywhere in Asia. Dark skinned curries don't fare well here either, or anywhere on the planet for that matter.

I recommend escortcelling or going ER.
The even then you're gonna need to be light skinned curry to get anywhere in Asia. Dark skinned curries don't fare well here either, or anywhere on the planet for that matter.

I recommend escortcelling or going ER.

Why don't you recommend going to Thailand and try there?
I hate stupid average white volcel fucks sitting here wasting their potential. if I had was them I would be fucking so many hot self hating ethnic girls like the girl in my pic. but instead you chose to waste your prime years larping as an incel here. makes my blood boil
Because I don't care about Asian women.
Well cos as you say, not white + the wrong passport = no hope of a job.

I didn't mean in the hopes of scoring a job, more like just finding a partner there.
Why spend all the hassle going to asia when you can just get a hooker locally
Fuck Asia, most places over there are SHITHOLES!!!!
Im so sick of these stupid ass post.

Not everyone can afford to go to Asia. Not everyone wants to learn a different fucking language just to fuck a girl and communicate with the people there. Not everyone wants to leave their homeland and go to an unfamiliar place just to get laid. Theres whitecels here who are in college. Does Chad have to go to Asia? Damn.

I don't like Asia in general.
Basement dweller who's never been to Asia detected.

Probably never been outside his own country either. American, right?
Yep, Im an American. Most of Asia is really shitty and poor,Besides westernised countys like South korea and Japan. We can't slay in SK or Japan. County's like Vietnam,Thailand and Burma all suck.
They're too busy planning out school shootings.

64Ggz s 200x150
I dont have the money here im working wage jobs. If you dont make money from home then well you're not going to get employed over seas. asians are racist with that shit and will always hire their own race 1st. relaly rightfully so because a foreigner isn't going to know the language or culture that well anyways
I've studied this man, I wanted to teach English as well only to find out I would never be accepted due to two things: 1) not being a native from an English-speaking country and 2) for having brown skin.

You're right, it's implied in the title but I was focusing on your post specifically.
what about curry in america?
Sex doesn't have the same motivating factor anymore. I don't care. I gave up and am now rotting.
Because chink foids are just for the money

And l am not spending a fortune to travel to some Thai whore that likes me just because she thinks i am rich cause i am white
there's no guarantee I'll be successful w/ women if I go to asia
Beause Some Of Us Lack Basic Social Skills, Or Are Poor, Or Both Like Me. And Please Dont Write Like This, It Hurts
these posts are beyond fucking stupid.

you realize you can only get a 90 day tourist visa and for people in the USA, asia is minimum 18 to 25 hours away and a $1000 flight?

ethnics dont get this privelege
Why don't asians go to Russia?

Different question, same answer

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