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Theory Why do white nationalists judge ethnics based on its poorest, least educated members?



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
Curries get stereotyped as being all streetshitters by literal slum dwellers, blacks and spics as violent crip and MS 13 gang members by hoodrats with 3rd grade reading levels, and Arabs as destructive locusts by fleeing rapefugees in failed states where half of men are unemployed, you never see a fair comparison of races adjusted by wealth and education.

Where are all the white nationalists that want to deport and sterilize wiggers that neglect even their own children to shoot up more heroin??! I just watched Hillbilly Elegy a few months ago, JD Vance’s interview, I Tonya; these supposedly Anglo Saxon hillbillies and trailer trash were acting the same as what white nationalists characterize all niggers and shitskins as and you can’t blame rap for this because they’ve been acting like this for centuries with cracker culture.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pls-Z0KOOgw

@Rapist @PLA1092 @Despicablecel
Because most indians are shit munchers
> Why do white nationalists

nigga most people think this way, even other indians
ethnic males are shitted on no matter how much they try
They're not stereotypes if the people that reinforce them are the majority. Wiggers on the other hand are a minority, and plus they're still white so it makes no sense for other whites to want to kick them out.
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They're not stereotypes if the people thay reinforce them are the majority. Wiggers on the other hand are a minority, and plus they're still white so it makes no sense for other whites to want to kick them out.
This. Plus – at least from what I’ve seen – eugenicist WNs do want wiggers weeded out of the gene pool
because "it's they culture" applies regardless of how much money they earn. you can't take the india out of an indian by throwing a billion dollars at him. and I say this as a brown person
They're not stereotypes if the people that reinforce them are the majority. Wiggers on the other hand are a minority, and plus they're still white so it makes no sense for other whites to want to kick them out.
I actually hate Wiggers & want to see them excluded from White communities & spaces.
This. Plus – at least from what I’ve seen – eugenicist WNs do want wiggers weeded out of the gene pool
I'd also like to eventually see Christcucks eventually kicked-out of White Nationalist spaces online. I love how we already have some groups set-up which are Agnostic and/or Pagan which discourage or even outright ban Christcucks.
I'd also like to eventually see Christcucks eventually kicked-out of White Nationalist spaces online. I love how we already have some groups set-up which are Agnostic and/or Pagan which discourage or even outright ban Christcucks.
That would be counterproductive if you ever want to see real change, since most WNs online appear to be Christian. Definitely should ban all the white-LARPing spic/MENA Christian trads from everything though
They're not stereotypes if the people that reinforce them are the majority. Wiggers on the other hand are a minority, and plus they're still white so it makes no sense for other whites to want to kick them out.
Lauren Boebert’s son is getting teen girls pregnant and robbing people, but she gets a pass by these types of people, it’s so infuriating, because if she was black they wouldn’t turn the cheek on her being a high school dropout cracker.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U4M5j1aqya0
Another shit-thread & weak argument which ofc has a tangent in it-why do Curries always do this? @wereq @ChudMasterofBation @Made in Heaven

But anyways, OP, the answer is simple.

Yes, there are high-IQ, productive, and decent curries, spics, blacks, and sands but the majority cause more crime on average, take a toll on the economy, and many other factors, we have data to support this:



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Also, average IQ+SAT scores when wealth is adjusted:

IQ comp


Of course decent, intelligent, and non-criminal Blacks, Spics, etc. exist. I've met a few irl & some online, but if we go by the law of averages here, most tend to be detrimental to society.
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Lauren Boebert’s son is getting teen girls pregnant and robbing people, but she gets a pass by these types of people, it’s so infuriating, because if she was black they wouldn’t turn the cheek on her being a high school dropout cracker.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U4M5j1aqya0

If she was Black they wouldn't care either, cause Blacks are protected in the media especially foids ofc.

And no, myself & other legitimate ones hate all politicians like this & consider them scum: I think you're confusing us with normie-NPC Whites & Boomers who like conservacucks.
>Hates White people
>Has a White person in avi
I don't hate white people as a whole. Only white racists like you who refuse to take any accountability
That would be counterproductive if you ever want to see real change, since most WNs online appear to be Christian. Definitely should ban all the white-LARPing spic/MENA Christian trads from everything though
Objectively speaking, Christianity is a non white religion, it is 100% against white nationalism, especially when so many of the church fathers who shaped the religion were arab or north african

that's why you see so many WN Christians coping how how "jeeszus was totally white guiz please believe me" and then they will post pictures of white arabs to try and argue that point.

Or they will say the middle east used to be white until arab BBC raped the white women and made everyone brown. And yes, they do actually say that.

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Objectively speaking, Christianity is a non white religion, it is 100% against white nationalism, especially when so many of the church fathers who shaped the religion were arab or north african

that's why you see so many WN Christians coping how how "jeeszus was totally white guiz please believe me" and then they will post pictures of white arabs to try and argue that point.
I’m aware of all this, but it’s still true that purging Christians from WN would mean purging most of their movement.
Or they will say the middle east used to be white until arab BBC raped the white women and made everyone brown. And yes, they do actually say that.

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I’ve seen this as well lmfao. They also use this to claim Sumer under the pretense that some people there had blue eyes and/or that PIE-associated haplogroups were present there. Idk why they feel the need to do the literal white version of we wuz when they already historymog every other race.

I wonder how such people would react to the fact that there’s R1b presence in Central Africa, or that Napoleon and H-man both had a Berber-associated haplogroup
I’m aware of all this, but it’s still true that purging Christians from WN would mean purging most of their movement.
WN has always had to contend with Christianity as a thorn on its side, this is just a fact. And i don't think they will ever get rid of it.

That's why arabs were given the white status,because they didn't want to say Jesus was non-white. And because of how long Christianity has been part of Europeans history, most view it as "the white man's religion", even though for the most part, it was spread across Europe by force and for many centuries most laypeople knew nothing about their own religion aside from what the church would tell them.

its also why they have often tried to use the bible to justify anti miscegenation laws being ordained by god, which is total horseshit of course
I’ve seen this as well lmfao. They also use this to claim Sumer under the pretense that some people there had blue eyes and/or that PIE-associated haplogroups were present there.

Marsh Arabs are considered by genealogical studies to be the descendants of Sumerians and many do have light hair and colored eyes, but then again, so do many other arabs.

78bc0a9f 8ded 4153 85b7 5e3d279989ed
31376ed4 85c1 4947 90c6 c1718aa9b1c1
26e2a8b0 bcd7 4ad2 a94e 677c29c8e73e
Bf10b3b9 b685 4200 b363 543797e369df
F32dac30 c142 4b8b 8104 4ae19cce3e08
61b78221 8c88 4a43 87d8 7e445e3894f6
E1aea592 c8cb 43e3 a925 f3943fb7226e
036d6723 9555 4254 98eb a3afdee37a3f

To be blunt, that talking point is very muttmerican. The idea that merely having blue eyes means theyre genetically european
Idk why they feel the need to do the literal white version of we wuz when they already historymog every other race.
They want everything to be white, even thr past, even if it wasn't. That's my guess anyways
I wonder how such people would react to the fact that there’s R1b presence in Central Africa, or that Napoleon and H-man both had a Berber-associated haplogroup
They usually will stop replying from my experience on /pol/. Haplogroups are very meaningless when determining autosomal dna
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I don't hate white people as a whole. Only white racists like you who refuse to take any accountability
Accountability for what?

And if you want to cry about "racism" go back to Reddit.
The west should be destroyed but not white people
Fair enough point.
Objectively speaking, Christianity is a non white religion
This. :yes:

And as I've said before, Hitler & many other National Socialists were quite Anti-Christian, there's various quotes & the such I can cite for this:

"The Führer is a man completely oriented towards antiquity. He hates Christianity because it has crippled all noble humanity. According to Schopenhauer, Christianity and syphilis have made mankind unhappy and unfree. What a difference between a benevolent and wise smiling Zeus and a painfully distorted crucified Christ. The view of God itself is also much more noble and human among the ancient peoples than in Christianity. What a difference between a gloomy cathedral and a bright, free ancient temple. He describes life in ancient Rome: clarity, grandeur, monumentality. The greatest republic in history. We would probably not be disappointed, he says, if we were suddenly transported to this ancient eternal city."
— Joseph Goebbels, Diary entry on 8 April 1941
[Bundesarchiv Koblenz, N 1118/13]

"The phenomenon of antiquity - the fall of the ancient world - was the mobilization of the mob under the slogan Christianity, although this term had as little to do with religion then as Marxist socialism has to do with solving the social question today. Judeo-Christianity did not understand antiquity: Antiquity strove for clarity, research was free. The concept of God was anchored in custom, but not bound. We don't even know if there was a specific idea about life after death. It was probably more the idea of the permanence of matter itself: eternal life is represented in the beings that live. These ideas must have been similar to those we find among the Japanese and Chinese at the time when the swastika appears among them."
Adolf Hitler, 17.2.1942, in Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier, ed. Henry Picker

"The goal is a unified humanity united in an all-encompassing Church led by the priests. The clearest expression of this comes in Pope Pius XI’s statement on 29 July 1938: “One forgets today that the human race is a single, large, and catholic race.” This religious doctrine did not come from the native religion of a race or of a racially pure people. It developed in the Orient during a period of racial chaos from the most varied cultures and found its final form under Byzantine influence."
-Heinrich Himmler, https://archive.org/details/SSHauptamtRassenpolitik95S.Scan/page/n5/mode/1up

, it is 100% against white nationalism, especially when so many of the church fathers who shaped the religion were arab or north african

that's why you see so many WN Christians coping how how "jeeszus was totally white guiz please believe me" and then they will post pictures of white arabs to try and argue that point.
Kek jfl.

I believe the current image most have of him, was conceived when a Pope bribed some artists to depict Jesus in his own sons image.
Or they will say the middle east used to be white until arab BBC raped the white women and made everyone brown. And yes, they do actually say that.
Persia was kind of a different story though, the Scythians(Western ones at least) were White/Whitish but eventually died off:

Kek saved, I'll look for some memes like this a few Pagan or Agnostic guys on twitter & elsewhere share.

As I said above, you would be surprised how many I've met who recognize the issues with Christianity & are Agnostic or Pagan.

About Paganism, I've kind of have a theory that a lot of it is just hyperbolic/metaphorical wording for the laws of nature, belief in just a greater power(agnosticism), whilst understanding the value of race/ethnicity in a society & revering old heroes.
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Accountability for what?

And if you want to cry about "racism" go back to Reddit.
If you weren't a disingenuous turd. You'd realize that ethnics are just safe guarding their interests in mind.

EVERY single first world nation had the exact same problems that they have now way before large scale immigration happened. Crime syndicates existed, gangs existed, pimps existed, murderers existed etc. etc. It is true that immigrants usually take these roles from the natives when they arrive, which is because they are even more willing to resort to extreme violence to claim their spot. Who can blame them tho? They come from severely shitty backgrounds so of course they are even more motivated to improve their situation by all means necessary.
WN has always had to contend with Christianity as a thorn on its side, this is just a fact. And i don't think they will ever get rid of it.
It has, and when you think about it the religion itself is not very compatible with any kind of Nationalism. Hence, why I have said in the past Abrahamic religions are sort of the "original" communism in the sense that it seeks to erase borders, identities, etc.

And it's not just me who notices:

"This castigation and alienation of Marxism from its own people, which contradicts all reason, finds an analogous example only in the earlier history of Christianity, which also placed itself outside the general community of interests as a state within the Roman state and thus became the cause of the strange collapse of a world [Roman] empire that could no longer counter the attack of technically and organizationally far inferior Germanic groups with the unified resistance of the entire state."

That's why arabs were given the white status,because they didn't want to say Jesus was non-white. And because of how long Christianity has been part of Europeans history, most view it as "the white man's religion", even though for the most part, it was spread across Europe by force and for many centuries most laypeople knew nothing about their own religion aside from what the church would tell them.

its also why they have often tried to use the bible to justify anti miscegenation laws being ordained by god, which is total horseshit of course
Some guy on Discord tried explaining it to me once, it made some sense, but I see the bigger picture of Christianity.
They want everything to be white, even thr past, even if it wasn't. That's my guess anyways
I think it's also them trying to find some allegory for the situation we're in.
I’ve seen this as well lmfao. They also use this to claim Sumer under the pretense that some people there had blue eyes and/or that PIE-associated haplogroups were present there. Idk why they feel the need to do the literal white version of we wuz when they already historymog every other race.
Like I said above, it's possibly them trying to find an allegory for what's going on with replacement and all.

I'll see what I can find that's many possible evidence that is sound in this regard, but so far what I have is this:

Photo 2024 05 06 12 23 59

Plus the fact that they have some Steppe/Yamnaya found within them, which some interpret being from the Elite-class whom they claimed were White.
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EVERY single first world nation had the exact same problems that they have now way before large scale immigration happened. Crime syndicates existed, gangs existed, pimps existed, murderers existed etc. etc.
This is such a dumb talking point. Of course crime will always exist. The point is that, had it not been for the native populations’ crime rates decreasing as they have over the years, you’d have seen crime rates skyrocket post-browning in places like Germany and Sweden. Just look at the per capita stats of who’s committing the most crime in these countries.
You'd realize that ethnics are just safe guarding their interests in mind.
The only ones with any remotely legitimate reason to be in the West are Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, and Palestinians, since they’ve had/been having their nations fucked over by Western intervention as recent as in the past 20 years. You as a curry don’t have such an excuse, living in white countries is not and never was an inalienable right
If you weren't a disingenuous turd. You'd realize that ethnics are just safe guarding their interests in mind.
If anyone is disingenuous, it's you.
EVERY single first world nation had the exact same problems that they have now way before large scale immigration happened. Crime syndicates existed, gangs existed, pimps existed, murderers existed etc. etc. It is true that immigrants usually take these roles from the natives when they arrive, which is because they are even more willing to resort to extreme violence to claim their spot. Who can blame them tho? They come from severely shitty backgrounds so of course they are even more motivated to improve their situation by all means necessary.
I've cited tons of sources proving how immigration & non-whites are detrimental to society:

Another shit-thread & weak argument which ofc has a tangent in it-why do Curries always do this? @wereq @ChudMasterofBation @Made in Heaven

But anyways, OP, the answer is simple.

Yes, there are high-IQ, productive, and decent curries, spics, blacks, and sands but the majority cause more crime on average, take a toll on the economy, and many other factors, we have data to support this:

View attachment 1197662

View attachment 1197664

View attachment 1197665

View attachment 1197666
View attachment 1197668
View attachment 1197669

View attachment 1197670

Also, average IQ+SAT scores when wealth is adjusted:

View attachment 1197671


Of course decent, intelligent, and non-criminal Blacks, Spics, etc. exist. I've met a few irl & some online, but if we go by the law of averages here, most tend to be detrimental to society.
This is such a dumb talking point. Of course crime will always exist. The point is that, had it not been for the native populations’ crime rates decreasing as they have over the years, you’d have seen crime rates skyrocket post-browning in places like Germany and Sweden. Just look at the per capita stats of who’s committing the most crime in these countries.

The only ones with any remotely legitimate reason to be in the West are Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, and Palestinians, since they’ve had/been having their nations fucked over by Western intervention as recent as in the past 20 years. You as a curry don’t have such an excuse, living in white countries is not and never was an inalienable right
This also.
This is such a dumb talking point. Of course crime will always exist. The point is that, had it not been for the native populations’ crime rates decreasing as they have over the years, you’d have seen crime rates skyrocket post-browning in places like Germany and Sweden. Just look at the per capita stats of who’s committing the most crime in these countries.
I explained this in the other points. It's immigrants that take up this role because they are desperate

As I said, crime and violence have always been there, no matter if immigrants were present or not. Here's some fun facts about your "peaceful white nations".

England has been systematically oppressing, killing and raping the Irish for thousands of years, fellow "white people". This situation has lead to many local wars, the most recent one ending only 30 years ago.
The United Kingdom has also been full of native crime gangs for hundreds of years, ever since it's society has been studied and recorded.
Denmark has one of the highest concentrations of native outlaw motorcycle club members in Europe and, along with the other Nordic nations, saw the emergence of a full scale war between these clubs.
Eastern Europe is a breeding ground for drug trade, human trafficking, corruption and arms smuggling and has also seen the Balkan war, a violent conflict between natives which lasted as long as the 2000s in certain areas.
Germany needs no explanation.
Italy gave birth to the most famous and feared mafia the world has ever seen.
Not to mentioned the thousands of wars that were fought on European soil between native people.

The only ones with any remotely legitimate reason to be in the West are Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, and Palestinians, since they’ve had/been having their nations fucked over by Western intervention as recent as in the past 20 years. You as a curry don’t have such an excuse, living in white countries is not and never was an inalienable right
The only reason I am in a white country because the british plundered south asia for more than 2 centuries. Anyone who wants to improve their QoL has to go to white countries.

The Indian subcontinent was peacefully ruled by empires who traded resources with European countries seamlessly, until Britain decided to exploit that agreement (decades of conquest places them at a technological advantage especially given how easy the South Asian climate is). Why should I thank "muh white saviors" for saving me from something they caused??
Coz those are the majority and i do agree that we should kill white trash too. I like gulf arabs and educated ethnics.
Curries get stereotyped as being all streetshitters by literal slum dwellers, blacks and spics as violent crip and MS 13 gang members by hoodrats with 3rd grade reading levels, and Arabs as destructive locusts by fleeing rapefugees in failed states where half of men are unemployed, you never see a fair comparison of races adjusted by wealth and education.

Where are all the white nationalists that want to deport and sterilize wiggers that neglect even their own children to shoot up more heroin??! I just watched Hillbilly Elegy a few months ago, JD Vance’s interview, I Tonya; these supposedly Anglo Saxon hillbillies and trailer trash were acting the same as what white nationalists characterize all niggers and shitskins as and you can’t blame rap for this because they’ve been acting like this for centuries with cracker culture.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pls-Z0KOOgw

@Rapist @PLA1092 @Despicablecel

Because the low IQ monkeys are visible. When have you ever seen a black billionare? Answer = never but they exist, just they stay low key . When have you ever seen a balck brain surgeon? Answer = never but they exist. The only reason you see Thomas Sowell is because of youtube otherwise you would never even know he exists.

. But low IQ trash behave like animals and thats the reason we hear of niggers on robbing sprees, savage latinos chopping of limbs, animal Arabs scavenging and begging for welfare from Euro cucks.
WN has always had to contend with Christianity as a thorn on its side, this is just a fact. And i don't think they will ever get rid of it.

That's why arabs were given the white status,because they didn't want to say Jesus was non-white. And because of how long Christianity has been part of Europeans history, most view it as "the white man's religion", even though for the most part, it was spread across Europe by force and for many centuries most laypeople knew nothing about their own religion aside from what the church would tell them.

its also why they have often tried to use the bible to justify anti miscegenation laws being ordained by god, which is total horseshit of course

Marsh Arabs are considered by genealogical studies to be the descendants of Sumerians and many do have light hair and colored eyes, but then again, so do many other arabs.

View attachment 1197675View attachment 1197676View attachment 1197677View attachment 1197678View attachment 1197679View attachment 1197680View attachment 1197681View attachment 1197682

To be blunt, that talking point is very muttmerican. The idea that merely having blue eyes means theyre genetically european

They want everything to be white, even thr past, even if it wasn't. That's my guess anyways

They usually will stop replying from my experience on /pol/. Haplogroups are very meaningless when determining autosomal dna
They are mixed race themselves lmao they have white blood look up indo european migration
I explained this in the other points. It's immigrants that take up this role because they are desperate
Lower-class whites are just as desperate. Genetic factors are responsible for why foreigners commit as much crime as they do. Just take a look at America: rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites.

As I said, crime and violence have always been there, no matter if immigrants were present or not. Here's some fun facts about your "peaceful white nations".
No one thinks otherwise. The point is the rates. Crime would be far less frequent if ethnics weren’t present.
The only reason I am in a white country because the british plundered south asia for more than 2 centuries. Anyone who wants to improve their QoL has to go to white countries.
Curries could also make good on their nationalistic sentiments and build up their own nations. None of them have the will, though, because they know it’d be too much of an uphill battle, if it’s possible at all.

As for South Asia being some paradise prior to British conquest, here’s what Babur, the second Timurid conqueror of North India and first emperor of the Mughal Empire, said about India:

I’ve a feeling you’re probably going to repeat the same excuse I’ve seen other curry nationalists make, that North India was in a destroyed state because of Timur’s invasion roughly a century prior. You need to remember that India at this moment in time was still plenty wealthy, wealthy enough to attract Babur and invaders like him. This is what they had to show for that wealth.
The Indian subcontinent was peacefully ruled by empires
Lol no. Study the Mughal Empire, the Delhi Sultanate, and similar empires of that era. In many ways, they were even more brutal than the British
Because most indians are shit munchers
Exactly! Almost all pajeets are extremely primitive, weak, poor, grotesque zombies with unrivaled thirst, hunger, and deprivation. Stereotypes are perpetuated and disseminated because they carry truth in them.
Why do you base white nationalist on their most retarded members?
Another shit-thread & weak argument which ofc has a tangent in it-why do Curries always do this? @wereq @ChudMasterofBation @Made in Heaven

But anyways, OP, the answer is simple.

Yes, there are high-IQ, productive, and decent curries, spics, blacks, and sands but the majority cause more crime on average, take a toll on the economy, and many other factors, we have data to support this:

View attachment 1197662

View attachment 1197664

View attachment 1197665

View attachment 1197666
View attachment 1197668
View attachment 1197669

View attachment 1197670

Also, average IQ+SAT scores when wealth is adjusted:

View attachment 1197671


Of course decent, intelligent, and non-criminal Blacks, Spics, etc. exist. I've met a few irl & some online, but if we go by the law of averages here, most tend to be detrimental to society.
Brutal devastation by data! :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Stereotypes exist because they are often correct.

Ofc, its only for masses of peoples, not individuals.

An individual can rise above his social norm.
> Why do white nationalists

nigga most people think this way, even other indians
White nationalism is a meme white people are already done for there is no hope at the end of this tunnel the only thing I hope for is an extreme bottleneck in and Only the strongest and most intelligent people will survive in terms of saving the white race I don't know there is probably more white people alive today than there ever was all together in the past but I'm not too sure about this all I know is multiculturalism is very dangerous for any future Society to survive and will lead to a socio ecological and economical collapse on top of the biological destruction it will promote
Every race has its trash, but because indians are everywhere they get mostly shit on. 1.5 billion curry nigger. Dayum bruh
They're not stereotypes if the people that reinforce them are the majority. Wiggers on the other hand are a minority, and plus they're still white so it makes no sense for other whites to want to kick them out.
Getting rid of wiggers would be a massive societal plus. Anyone who voluntarily acts like a nigger should be sent with them to Africa.
You as a curry don’t have such an excuse, living in white countries is not and never was an inalienable right
> A NRI nigger tells another NRI nigger that he doesn't have any excuse to live in the west while he himself lives there :feelsseriously:

Why do NRI fags always do this, you always hate newer generation of immigrants, as if your parents weren't once that
The only reason I am in a white country because the british plundered south asia for more than 2 centuries. Anyone who wants to improve their QoL has to go to white countries.
That's a good excuse during Independence time, not now. Today you Mallus migrate to literally everywhere because Kerala has an anti-business commie government
The Indian subcontinent was peacefully ruled by empires
That's not accurate, Cholas, Kakatiyas and even recently Marathas weren't exactly "peaceful". They ruthlessly killed and raped people after winning the wars
Curries could also make good on their nationalistic sentiments and build up their own nations. None of them have the will, though, because they know it’d be too much of an uphill battle, if it’s possible at all.
They already do, when British left India 80% of people were poor. Today less than 5% are poor in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Funniest thing is during independence and even till 70s UP FUCKING UP used to richer than all South Indian states
As for South Asia being some paradise prior to British conquest, here’s what Babur, the second Timurid conqueror of North India and first emperor of the Mughal Empire, said about India:

I’ve a feeling you’re probably going to repeat the same excuse I’ve seen other curry nationalists make, that North India was in a destroyed state because of Timur’s invasion roughly a century prior.
Of course. If you want to prove otherwise, show us Greek, Roman, Persian or even Chinese and SEA accounts of India. We were in contact with them for last 3000 years, read how they described us
You need to remember that India at this moment in time was still plenty wealthy, wealthy enough to attract Babur and invaders like him. This is what they had to show for that wealth.
Invaders didn't only come because it was wealthy but also because it was politically weak. And also Delhi Sultanate became rich because of the heavy taxes they exerted on peasants. Not really helping your point
Lol no. Study the Mughal Empire, the Delhi Sultanate, and similar empires of that era. In many ways, they were even more brutal than the British
Okay so does it justifies British? So because spics are less violent than niggers, would that excuse them?

Also how would you defend British in South India?
Exactly! Almost all pajeets are extremely primitive, weak, poor, grotesque zombies with unrivaled thirst, hunger, and deprivation. Stereotypes are perpetuated and disseminated because they carry truth in them.
Yes but not Tamils and Mallus.
Curries have the most potential for evil although I'm painting with a broad brush. Gypsies named after a certain Italian city are basically a caste of curries that were banished from South-East Asia and found refuge in Europe. They are the most vile pieces of shit on earth that make blacks and spics look like angels. Nigs are more prone to psychopathy and hive minded thinking (many still think OJ Simpson was innocent) owing to lower IQ and muslim rapugees of all sorts tend to have a shame based morality which is incompatible with European values but a lot of them have jobs and can do more than pay lip service to first world life when guided properly. I personally have never had any negative experiences with African niggers. My worst experiences are curry-gypsies followed by Middle-Easter rapugees.
White nationalism is a meme white people are already done for there is no hope at the end of this tunnel the only thing I hope for is an extreme bottleneck in and Only the strongest and most intelligent people will survive in terms of saving the white race I don't know there is probably more white people alive today than there ever was all together in the past but I'm not too sure about this all I know is multiculturalism is very dangerous for any future Society to survive and will lead to a socio ecological and economical collapse on top of the biological destruction it will promote
White people will be saved by artificial wombs in 20 years. Low fertility? Let's make a million new citizens per year.
Curries have the most potential for evil although I'm painting with a broad brush. Gypsies named after a certain Italian city are basically a caste of curries that were banished from South-East Asia and found refuge in Europe. They are the most vile pieces of shit on earth that make blacks and spics look like angels. Nigs are more prone to psychopathy and hive minded thinking (many still think OJ Simpson was innocent) owing to lower IQ and muslim rapugees of all sorts tend to have a shame based morality which is incompatible with European values but a lot of them have jobs and can do more than pay lip service to first world life when guided properly. I personally have never had any negative experiences with African niggers. My worst experiences are curry-gypsies followed by Middle-Easter rapugees.
I live in a village where half of the population are gypsy niggers. Fortunately they all live in their ghetto so it looks like they're only 20% of the pop. They breed like rats, it's impossible to see a gypsy foid without a kid in her arms.
Pretty sure evola addressed this point as he didn’t believe in a materialistic idea of racism but a spiritual type. He believed in an aristocratic soul.
They are mixed race themselves lmao they have white blood look up indo european migration
What are you talking about?
It has, and when you think about it the religion itself is not very compatible with any kind of Nationalism. Hence, why I have said in the past Abrahamic religions are sort of the "original" communism in the sense that it seeks to erase borders, identities, etc.
Yeah, to a degree, I don't deny that that is what religion does, it prioritizes the religion over any other ethnic identity, whether that is good or bad is beside the point.
Some guy on Discord tried explaining it to me once, it made some sense, but I see the bigger picture of Christianity.
what's the bigger picture?
I think it's also them trying to find some allegory for the situation we're in.
I think it's them just projecting onto the past, trying to imply the great replacement happened before in some other part of the world that also used to be white before brown people showed up.
Plus the fact that they have some Steppe/Yamnaya found within them, which some interpret being from the Elite-class whom they claimed were White.
Sharing ancestory is one thing, actually BEING european is another.
the current image most have of him, was conceived when a Pope bribed some artists to depict Jesus in his own sons image.
I hate american perception of jesus because they can't understand nuance. Either he is some blonde white guy or some brown yemeni. Like no, it's not that hard to understand he would have just look Med. Maybe he had colored eyes or lighter hair.
Persia was kind of a different story though, the Scythians(Western ones at least) were White/Whitish but eventually died off:
The 'whites' in persia unforuntely didn't do a good job increasing their numbers, they instead focused on spreading their language, hence why alot of persian-speakers historically were from non-persian ethnic groups.
Kek saved, I'll look for some memes like this a few Pagan or Agnostic guys on twitter & elsewhere share.
Share them here. I used to find these on /pol/ but I dont really go there anymore
As I said above, you would be surprised how many I've met who recognize the issues with Christianity & are Agnostic or Pagan.
Yep, because if a WN wants to call Christianity a white religion, they at the VERY least will need to start calling levantines white, since that's where the religion came from, which just opens a can of worms that can never be closed. That's why you see so many lunatic-tier theories by these types about how nordics used to live in the levant. It's deranged shit any basic google search of archeogenetics will immeditley disprove
I hate american perception of jesus because they can't understand nuance. Either he is some blonde white guy or some brown yemeni. Like no, it's not that hard to understand he would have just look Med. Maybe he had colored eyes or lighter hair.
I don't think he would have looked Med-proper as I define it(Continental South European Med) but probably more like a lighter-skinned Levantine.
The 'whites' in persia unforuntely didn't do a good job increasing their numbers, they instead focused on spreading their language, hence why alot of persian-speakers historically were from non-persian ethnic groups.
Same happened in India after the Aryan/Steppe invasion: They didn't increase their numbers & solidify their race-based caste-system in time, which led to them being mixed & diluted out of existence.

I think the same happened when Iberians colonized South & Central America, they didn't have substantial numbers to reproduce amongst themselves so they had to mix with natives, with their off-spring eventually mixing amongst themselves. The opposite happened in NA, since we had a substantial amount of foids to reproduce with & also had many natives die-off due to disease. Which now, gives us modern day LatAm.....

It reminds me of this quote:
Our grandfathers sired feeble children; theirs
Were weaker still — ourselves; and now our curse
Must be to breed even more degenerate heirs.
Odes, III, Horace

Ancient Greek quote describing what we now call "dysgenics"

I think this is the allegory people should be getting at here, not so much the "Egypt or Levant or whatever was once fully-white but became mixed" since it shows that the more of a minority we become, the more likely both the males & females of our race are to marry-out. I see it in my state which is mostly non-white now, with the usual WMAF or BMWF trope:
11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman
7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman

The Scythians also declined in part due to external conflict....sound familiar? I could make this a whole other thread.

@ChudMasterofBation @Uggo Mongo @Azaylias @Ron.Belgrade @KillNiggers @WorthlessSlavicShit
Share them here. I used to find these on /pol/ but I dont really go there anymore
I will take a look.
Yeah, to a degree, I don't deny that that is what religion does, it prioritizes the religion over any other ethnic identity, whether that is good or bad is beside the point.
Well clearly, it's bad from a standpoint of wanting to keep things homogenous.

I'm pretty sure part of the reason why N. Africa & the Gulf have some Black blood is due to Islam allowing for it, I think I saw something about it.
what's the bigger picture?
Well, I don't mean to upset any Christiancels here since I'm friends with quite a few, but basically this:
-Causing in-fighting between Europeans/Whites because one denomination differs from the other by 6%(Irish Protestants v. Irish Catholics, Serb-Croat divide is heavily influenced by the Catholic-Orthodox split, etc). There were also many mass-killings of French Huguenots & even amongst the last Baltic Pagan populations, simply for differences in religion.
-Creating a "guilt" or "slave" mentality.
-Since it prioritizes the religion over race, nation, ethnicity, etc. it leads to eventual open-borders, encouragement of miscegenation, etc.
I think it's them just projecting onto the past, trying to imply the great replacement happened before in some other part of the world that also used to be white before brown people showed up.
See a few lines above.
Sharing ancestory is one thing, actually BEING european is another.
I think what the point here is, that the more Steppe/Yamnaya & ANF/EEF ancestry a group has, the better off they will be.
Because they make up the majority
Because they make up the majority
Exceptions just prove the general rule.

There's some decent & high-IQ Spics & Nigs, I've met a few, but the majority are low-IQ, impulsive, and far more NT on average.
Exceptions just prove the general rule.

There's some decent & high-IQ Spics & Nigs, I've met a few, but the majority are low-IQ, impulsive, and far more NT on average.

"Muh, you cant generalise all like that" is a bluepilled normie statement

"Muh, you cant generalise all like that" is a bluepilled normie statement
Yeah exactly, "Leftists" pulling the "oh but some non-thug niggers exist!" is the same bluepilled thing normies say of "oh but bro I know a guy who's a manlet that slays"

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