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Blackpill Why do toilets lurk here?



May 14, 2023
It pisses me of If only these fish smelling cumbuckets could ignore us like they ignored us in real life why do you lurk here? do you get some kind of amusement? is it some kind of catharsis to watch the guys you rejected losing their minds and be suicidal I don't get it do you get off of it? we are not some zoo animals for your amusement and don't bring up how you are here because u are scared of incels killing you I have heard many many times cum guzzlers say how incels are weak who couldn't even rape a woman we all know it is guys in relationships who cause the most violence you are just too stupid to not figure it out for the first time in my life I am telling you toilets to stop lurking here and go back to being a cumbucket for chad in his harem I know you won't fuck me so go so you can stop lurking here you toilets are the reason for making more fakecels here
Infinite SMV they like watching us suffer, the same reason why some people like watching documentarys of poor fucks eating garbage to make themselfs feel better
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I want to light them in fire
Because toilets just cannot stand the fact that there would be anyone who criticizes/ hates them.
some are just collecting edgy posts and material to make a video about us, reddit post, demonize us.
yeah what pleasure do they get watching us suffer.
Infinite SMV they like watching us suffer same reason why some people like watching documentarys of poor fucks eating garbage to make themselfs feel better
if u need to watch sexless 'loser' men to feel better about yourself then :feelskek:
They have no life and are obsessed with us
they want to feel good about themselves
"hey i may be an ugly 5'3 fatass who can't get chad's dick but atleast im not an incel hah"
Do u watch documentarys of poor fucks eating garbage to feel better about urself
fuck no why would I? I feel genuine sympathy and sadness for them and I will help them in real life
some are just collecting edgy posts and material to make a video about us, reddit post, demonize us.
notice how they always use the worse posts to screenshot and post in reddit. There are a ton of high iq posts here, but they'd choose an extremely rare low iq post to post in their subredit and then say shit "like all incels think like this, thats why were single blah blah blah"
notice how they always use the worse posts to screenshot and post in reddit. There are a ton of high iq posts here, but they'd choose an extremely rare low iq post to post in their subredit and then say shit "like all incels think like this, thats why were single blah blah blah"
That's how propaganda works
notice how they always use the worse posts to screenshot and post in reddit. There are a ton of high iq posts here, but they'd choose an extremely rare low iq post to post in their subredit and then say shit "like all incels think like this, thats why were single blah blah blah"
that's how propaganda works, that's how you demonize your enemy.
I enjoy watching Kruger national park yt channel. I imagine it's something similar for holes.
we should start demonizing them too
honestly you don't even need to make up shit to demonize women, just educate men about female nature. Average men is disposable wage slave that keeps that system running, having no sex or rare sex (natural biological men for us) while women live a way better life, having simps who pay for them and do everything for them, they just can't lose.
It pisses me of If only these fish smelling cumbuckets could ignore us like they ignored us in real life why do you lurk here? do you get some kind of amusement? is it some kind of catharsis to watch the guys you rejected losing their minds and be suicidal I don't get it do you get off of it? we are not some zoo animals for your amusement and don't bring up how you are here because u are scared of incels killing you I have heard many many times cum guzzlers say how incels are weak who couldn't even rape a woman we all know it is guys in relationships who cause the most violence you are just too stupid to not figure it out for the first time in my life I am telling you toilets to stop lurking here and go back to being a cumbucket for chad in his harem I know you won't fuck me so go so you can stop lurking here you toilets are the reason for making more fakecels here
to tell other foids how men are all the same and violent. there are some men that are on incel.is and are ill in their heads. thats what they do. they talk about us and laugh about it like they do on some nerds. they love it to see people suffer. its like food for them
Probably all of what you said. Unfortunately there's no equivalent forum for men to go lurk where single women complain about ACTUAL loneliness (having no intimacy, no access to intimacy, nobody try to initiate contact with you), so them lurking here is just a net benefit to women as a whole.
Females have rape fantasy....and who talks about raping women openly on the internet? You do the math....

They want the BIC.
Because they know we expose their grift. They can't stand for that
Because toilets just cannot stand the fact that there would be anyone who criticizes/ hates them. I had a conversation with my old female boss. I said I'd never protect a woman and I laugh if she got beaten up and she wouldn't believe me. I have said this to other women too and they won't believe I don't care about them. They just think I will magically start caring.
It pisses me of If only these fish smelling cumbuckets could ignore us like they ignored us in real life why do you lurk here? do you get some kind of amusement? is it some kind of catharsis to watch the guys you rejected losing their minds and be suicidal I don't get it do you get off of it? we are not some zoo animals for your amusement and don't bring up how you are here because u are scared of incels killing you I have heard many many times cum guzzlers say how incels are weak who couldn't even rape a woman we all know it is guys in relationships who cause the most violence you are just too stupid to not figure it out for the first time in my life I am telling you toilets to stop lurking here and go back to being a cumbucket for chad in his harem I know you won't fuck me so go so you can stop lurking here you toilets are the reason for making more fakecels here
Because we have the guts to say what everyone else can't say they also like being degraded soon they'll have an incel fetish but that will only be for tall handsome white chads who act and speak like incels :feelshaha:
No offense, but why would you assume any foids would be on here in the first place vs. it just being trolls (incels in denial) from IncelTears? Just saying..
No offense, but why would you assume any foids would be on here in the first place vs. it just being trolls (incels in denial) from IncelTears? Just saying..
A few foids had been exposed in the past and even now there is one user where I strongly suspect they are a foid.
Lots of well established users on here are foids in disguise. Being an incel on this forum is the equivalent of being a lamb amongst a pack of wolves.
1.They hate not being included in everything and getting less attention
2. Enjoy reading about importance of their holes
3. Want to trigger on something because their lives are too easy and peaceful
4. Fantasize about shy, insecure chads here and look for orbiters
5. IT and their stupid articles and documentaries

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