I live in HK and all the noodlewhores I see around me are ugly af. They are short, dark, have squinty eyes, fat, and just unattractive in general. I go to other cities and Asian countries and although I see more beauties there compared to here, most girls are just unappealing. What makes some of you guys want to copulate or marry an Asian woman so much? I guess because I'm ethnic, I don't see in you guys' perspectives.
Different reasons:
- "Asian", as an umbrella term, is actually as useless as "Latina." There are all kinds of Asians, light-skinned East-Asian ones are only a tiny minority. Also, historically, Japan has been the only industrialized Asian country that was able to keep up with Western developments. The majority of Asia was and is shithole tier with dark-skinned people left and right. But the Western perception of "Asians" focuses heavily on the minority of light-skinned Asians - many of whom even underwent surgeries or dye their hair, etc.
- Asian women worship whiteness and white men. So it's obviously easier for white men to get them. And nice for a change given how insufferable other women are.
- Anime culture. Self-explaining.
- Yellow fever is not was widespread as white fever, though. Feminists exaggerate yellow fever. Asian feminists exaggerate yellow fever, so they can justify going after white dick and then whine about how Chad uses them etc. White feminists exaggerate yellow fever to scare white men away from Asian women, so they can have Chad for themselves.
- Lack of exposure to Asians. Both demonization and worship are often caused by lack of exposure. I once read interviews with some of these early Syrian refugees going to Europe, and one of them said that he had actually believed all Germans to be these philosopher types who read Nietzsche on the subway and listen to Beethoven on their way to work and are all artists and thinkers. And, of course, the reality was not as great. Same with Asians. I feel that if you grow up around actual Asians and have more actual exposure, you just Asian women as the normal people/women they are.
- Asian women favor white men, while white men do not necessarily discriminate against them. This seems to be the sum of all online dating data. Men of all races discriminate against black women, for instance, and given the choice they'd rather have a non-black than a black women. But while Asian women positively discriminate in favor of white men (given the choice they'd rather date a white than a non-white man) and white men NOT negatively discriminating against them (they are OK with Asians) you see these pairings more often.
Yes, and this, of course. This whole idea that only Western and/or white women are bad but that apart of Western women, everything is a-OK. This can almost become pseudo-religious when people start developing elaborate fantasies in which Asian countries (usually Japan or South-Korea - i.e. the most Western ones, lol...) are these total utopias.